Horse News

Nominations Allegedly Open for BLM Special Interest Board

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Historically Wild Horse Advocates have been Excluded

Skill Set required to serve on BLM Board

Apparently the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has indicated that it is requesting public nominations to fill three national Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board positions, which are set to expire on Jan. 8, 2012. Nominations are for a three-year term and are allegedly needed to represent three categories of interest: wild horse and burro advocacy, veterinary medicine (equine science), and general public interest (with special knowledge of wild horses and burros, wildlife, animal husbandry, or natural resource management).  To date, only dedicated special interest personnel have been selected all of which, obviously, do NOT have the best interest of the wild horses and burros in mind.

The Board is said to advise the BLM, an agency of the Interior Department, and the Forest Service, an agency of the USDA, on the management and protection of wild free-roaming horses and burros on public lands administered by those agencies.  But during recent years the only advice the board has appeared to give the BLM is how to manage  American’s national icons into extinction while displaying both disdain and contempt to the voting American public.  Said request for nominations appeared in Monday’s, August 8th, Federal Register.

The nine members on the Advisory Board represent a vast aray of special interests. Each member should have knowledge or special expertise that qualifies him or her to provide advice in one of the following categories: wild horse and burro advocacy, wild horse and burro research, veterinary medicine, natural resources management, humane advocacy, wildlife management, livestock management, general public interest, and public interest (with special knowledge of wild horses and burros). But instead the working board is currently made up of grazing, cattle and big game hunting representatives (ain’t a horse advocate in the whole lot).  Members should also have a demonstrated ability to analyze information, evaluate programs, identify problems, work collaboratively, and develop corrective actions but instead appear to only excel in pencil tapping, yawning and sarcasm.

In a perfect world an individual or organization can nominate one or more persons to serve on the Advisory Board; individuals can also nominate themselves (haha) but we self-actualized advocates know that anyone who cares for the well being of our wild horses or burros will clearly never serve. Board members serve three-year terms but if you really hate horses it can be extended, on a staggered-term basis, with one-third of the Board subject to appointment each year.

The Board meets at least two times a year in an effort to piss off and degrade the public. Members serve without direct, discoverable salary but are reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses according to government travel regulations.

The BLM is allegedly accepting nomination letters plus resumes that include the nominee’s name, address, profession, relevant biographical information, references, endorsements, and specific category of interest. Nominations should be sent by Sept. 22, 2011, to the National Wild Horse and Burro Program, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 20 M Street, S.E., Room 2134LM, Attn: Sharon Kipping, Washington, D.C. 20003. Information can be faxed to Kipping at 202/912-7182 or e-mailed to If you have questions you can call Kipping at 202/912-7263 and everyone can have a good laugh.

“Let the Games Begin!!!”

61 replies »

  1. I am quite new to The Horse’s Heart and live in New England, so please excuse my ignorance, but I wonder why advocates for wild horses and burros can’t agree on a few respected people with expertise and flood the BLM will nominations for the same candidates. Even if it didn’t work, it would be a positive step.


  2. We have Qualified Nominees right here, lets Nominate them for these positions, RT Fitch, Graig Downer, Louie Crockoft………….


      • If they dont have that position then they should have it, Lets make them have it, We all know there are two sides to every story, this way it is equal, that is the way to do it……………………. Our Mustangs need FREEDOM we OWE it to them, now Lets get it !!!!! All sides need to be equal then and only then will the Mustang be spoken for…………………I am all for abolishing what never worked and will never work, they could not speak the truth even if they tired they are a worn out Agency , who ;poccess no workable knowledge and it is time to remove them……………..And appoint the real people who know what they are doing…………………….and we have them all right here……………………..I am not savy on HMAs and the like, but i sure know what makes a healthy happy horse and the BLM is a total failure on every count they have no business managing anything the Breathes ,……. Therefore they must go…………And we must see to it…………………The proper authorities for doing this are also a fail, what the heck are we waiting for anyway???????? Are we going to wait till it is to late??? or are we going to take back our Mustangs after all it is not only are dime, but it is our responsibility as the owners to given them what they have earned time after time.,……Their FREEDOM>>>>>>………. We have here what is needed without a doubt !!!! The BLM must surrender what does not belong to them……………


  3. Arlene, I would love to particpate but I don’t know who these people are or what to say about them. I am totally new here. Could someone provide some information to include? Thanks.


  4. Hi That is a good idea of Ellen Goodman, Why not get one or more proper wild horse advocates selected, I would put Laura Leigh forward as a candidate but I would need more personal details than can be put on facebook about her, And I would quite rightly not expect her to put these details out there. But there must be people who know Laura personally who can make the nomination, the same obviously goes for other worthy nomination’s.


  5. Have we ever, seriously, had any good results come from the Advisory Board?.. Personally, I feel like it is a sham….that tries to give the appearance that they, BLM, care. They don’t seem to listen to viable solutions offered by intelligent advocates, and continue their path of destruction….. and fight us at every turn. I was only at one meeting, in Arlington, Va a couple of yrs ago…and it seemed pretty useless to me. Please enlighten me, it anyone knows otherwise. Thanks…


  6. I beg to differ here. My name is Tim Harvey and I am the Humane Advocate on the BLM Advisory Board. I am NOT affiliated with ANY special interest group! I am a horse advocate and have been for many years. My ONLY constituents are the horses themselves. Though I am not a part of any specific group, I have worked hard for many years to represent the best interest of the horse. I prefer the independence of not being affiliated with another’s agenda in order to have credibility with all. FYI, over a 12 year time frame I made many positive changes in the Chincoteague, Virginia, herd management practices and hope to do the same for the mustangs. I have personally rescued many horses from abusive and neglectful situations. Many of these horses have been BLM horses that were inappropriately adopted. I have adopted 4 BLM horse directly from the BLM since 2000 and 8 others that I took in from questionable circumstances.
    I made several motions to effect positive change at the last BLM Advisory meeting in Phoenix and am pushing for major reform in how the mustangs are managed. I have openly questioned the science BLM uses to establish AML and have submitted a proposal to repopulate zeroed out HMAs. I am baffled by why you and others who have NEVER talked to me about where I stand on this issue presume to categorize me as you have done in this post. Seems to me that if someone isn’t a member of your club, they are automatically a target for ridicule.
    I am a passionate horseman and I consider the horse my teacher. I believe that horses are a spiritual and sacred being that teach US how to be closer to our Creator. My teacher and mentor in my horsemanship Journey is Mark Rashid. My basic premise is to always consider the horse first. I work hard to apply these same principles of my craft to all aspects of Life.
    Sorry for the soapbox ramble, but I am tired of having things like this article emailed to me by friends who wonder why I do not respond and clarify things. My response has always been that I choose NOT to engage in what I consider a process that has negative overtones or energy. Usually, I would not engage in a negative discourse. But today, I evidently could not contain myself…


    • Thanks for the input, Tim…if you do as you say then you need more like minded souls on the board, agreed? No one, including yourself, can condone the actions of the BLM in regards to the mismanagement of our wild horses and burros. It is obvious that they are not listening to you, either!


    • …..”Seems to me that if someone isn’t a member of your club, they are automatically a target for ridicule.” Just for the record, Tim, I am not a “member of the club”….I am an impassioned horse lover, particularly impassioned about saving our wild horses from the destruction wreaked upon them by the BLM. Perhaps you can take this rage you just showed us here, defending yourself, and put it forth more aggressively to the Advisory Board. Thanks for trying…we need MUCH MORE than what is happening. We advocates do not look at this as a “CLUB”…we are trying to save what is left of our wild horses in America….we are serious, and we are dedicated, and we don’t do this as a hobby.


    • Kudos, Tim, for having the courage to finally step forward and speak up! I imagine you have been feeling like you’re between a rock and a hard place the last year or two! I have no idea if your participation in this discussion makes you and your job/position a “target” or not, but I’m impressed that you finally stepped into the spotlight here and gave us a new voice to work with. I am not making any assumptions at this point about your role in the horrendous actions of the BLM out in the field or the misinformation and stonewalling so many people have had in trying to get any true information or response from those BLM reps “at the top,” but it my fervent hope that by opening this door you are willing to put yourself on the line to answer our questions and possible help us be a part of the operation! Yes, many people here are frustrated, anger, sorrowful, and downright pissed off because we have been involved in this for the last few years! But all of us are intelligent, caring humans who are trying to save these horses from extinction (and the currently animals cruelty they are enduring!) along with helping our government put a lid on the needless expenditure of OUR tax money when we’re being told there is such a huge deficit problem in our government. We see this money being spent foolishly and unnecessarily! And we see our beloved horses maimed and killed in both their bodies and their spirits – FOR WHAT? Ranchers and their cattle? Big Oil Companies looking to put pipelines through that area or drill? NO ONE IS TALKING TO US till now! Please step up here and be a part of the change we all are striving for – especially being a horse advocate yourself! Together , WE CAN DO THIS! Blessed Be!


    • This is the first I have heard of anything you stand for, Tim. No disrespect intended, but you need to communicate with others that share your same concern for the horses and let us know if you are able to make any progress with enacting better standards within the WH&B program. How about a blog keeping us informed and any of your suggestions you are submitting on behalf of the mustangs and American people.


    • Mr. Harvey it is refreshing to read of passion for the horses, although it would have been real music to my ears to hear you say burro too. Do you realize how few of these remarkable animals are REALLY left?

      I believe a real break through would be to name an entirely new agency called the National Heritage Species Agency. Their mandate would be to protect our national heritage species, and make sure they are the principle users of HA’s. They would bring science up to date. Use science to accurately count our herds, and have the power of veto over decisions made by the BLM. This agency would prevail in all instances where our returned North American natives are concerned. Their power would prevail over Forest Service, BLM and NPS when our National Heritage Species is being targeted by any of these agencies.

      I applaud your stance Mr. Harvey. I was at the meeting, and I remember you. However, i also remember that the majority of the board was very negative toward protecting our wild herds from harm. I also am well aware that the employees of BLM come with all types of personalities. People are people. It is true that the focus must be on the policies, not the people implementing those policies. And, Mr. Harvey, you have to admit those policies stink. You must also admit that when the law is clearly on the side of the wild herds, the BLM consistently ignores it. We feel slapped in the face, and having received so many slaps the tendency is to slap back.

      It would be good to hear you speak up publicly at these meetings for our wild burros and horses. Use your voice to effect positive change and we will support you all the way


  7. I’m very grateful for all this input. I have read from many, many sources about shocking practices by employees of the BLM involving not only horses and burros but also buffalo and other wildlife, particularly the animals most iconic for the American heritage. I’ve very glad to know from Tim Harvey that there is at least one BLM member who actually cares about wild animals. Thaks for your input, Tim. Could you also tell us about other BLM members whom you respect and perhaps about those you find most offensive? I wonder too if you are aware of atrocious BLM practices in the west and the south, involving not only wild horses but also other animals? I think that the more you and other members of the BLM engage with the public, the more both us and the BLM will benefit. I expect you know that many members of both houses of the U.S. Congress are also quite bewildered by BLM practices and that bills have been presented and Congressional letters written to the BLM. Much more BLM transparency and openness would certainly clear the air for humans and maybe for some animals too.

    Also, I appreciate R. T. Fitch’s, Arlene’s, and Nigel’s contributions. Perhaps if we continue this dialogue a little longer, we can develop a way to compose a petiton to the BLM suggesting new candidates and thanking some members and in this way develop some more effective community action. Hope people will keep this discussion going.


    • Ellen…bless your heart for caring. But it is way past time for discussion. Action NOW is the ONLY thing that will save our wild horses from the cruelty and destruction of the BLM. Every minute, every day that passes by, more wild horses , including foals are killed at the hands of the BLM ……Report Released on Wild Horse Deaths during BLM Helicopter Stampede .


  8. I just received a letter back from my St Senator in response to my letter him about the wild horses. Also sent another email to FL congressman. Trying to do my share. From what the letter says, this is his reply. I guess we need to focus on getting the 111th Congress to come to an agreement on Senate companion bill S.1579. The 111th congress adjourned on Dec. 22, 2010 without coming to an agreement on HR 1080 (to Restore Our American Mustangs Act). This bill would improve the management and long-term health of wild, free-roaming horses and burros. So How Do We get them to get off the pot on this issue? I just saw some very disturbing videos on a gather this week, and it was not good. I urge everyone to please send letters or emails and keep these facts in mind. I posted a copy of this reply letter on my FB Wall for reference.


  9. I think that a great deal of the work that we do here is what you would call “troubleshooting”. Sometimes, when the anguish is overwhelming and tempers flare, the wrong people get caught in the crossfire. I think it would help to have the Advisory Board meeting return to the round table discussions that have been suggested. Apparently, that was done in the past. Does the BLM even listen to the Advisory Board members? Where does the power reside in that agency? WHO signs the orders for these round-ups? WHO?


  10. ok well some suggestion on who would be an appropriate advocate for the animals? i would not even know where to begin in nominating anyone but if we dont choose good people we are left with the silence of good people and the horses and burros pay for our silence.


  11. I nominate RT Fitch to be on the board. Obviously someone needs to be there that has an interest in the animals and the land they roam


  12. I would get on this board but live in FL. Need someone with knowledge of all issues involved. It would be a full time job, but the rewards would be worth it. Madeline Pickins is doing a lot with trying to save these horses, and may have more than we can handle with the Mustang Monument involvement. But I know there are more people like her out there so please, someone step up to the plate while the door is still open.


  13. Tim Harvey, thank you for coming out to the roundups at Twin Peaks for a week last year, but to my knowledge, NO OTHER BOARD MEMBER has even been to one day of a roundup, and nobody has been out one day this year, in the freezing cold or in the 94 degree heat. Maybe your group should put out a bulletin or newsletter or write an article once in awhile so that the public can see what the Advisory Board is doing.


    • Thanks Debbie, I enjoyed meeting you and Christi and the others that were there for Twin Peaks gather. I was there for over a week as well as at Conger, Confusion and Tuscarora. I toured several holding facilities as well. I made several trips out there last summer. I hope to be able to travel more but the BLM budget lately has not allowed me to do that. I get NO pay for my role on the Advisory Board but the BLM pays for my travel costs. I count on reports from concerned citizens to keep me in the loop. As an example, I recently got involved with the mess in Michigan with BLM horses that were in dire straights and needed to be re-homed. I spoke to the Sheriffs Dept, the DA and one of the investigating officers at length. They made sure that the horses were fed and watered and cared for properly and were eventually moved to a better home. Elyse let me know about that situation. I have no actual power. These kinds of interchanges are really so I can stay informed and try to influence future events to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. All we can do is advise.


      • What are your views on the new contractor Sun J and their pilots in the round ups? Do they concern you?


  14. I think it would be great to have RT and Craig Downer on the Advisory Board with Tim Harvey in between!!

    Thank you Tim for your great response!


  15. I am applying again and praying harder this time for the outcome I would like to see. I know that I would be an asset to the Board. I know that Tim Harvey is an asset to the Board. I know the task is difficult and have taken the time to stay appraised of many of the issues. Many of you out there already know of me. I have helped students in their “Quest” reports for schools, been to gathers, volunteer for the BLM, have two titled mustangs, spent two years working on behalf of and learning about the issues, and know a lot of the public and BLM individuals involved by first name. I have been rather quiet since last October, but I have still been busy and worked on behalf of the best interest for ALL factions involved on ALL sides of this issue. The most important of all of them are THE WILD HORSES AND BURROS – – I have never and will never loose sight of that important fact. I implore you, please help me in my quest to sit on this Board and represent our precious wild one’s. If you find it in your hearts to do so, send a letter of support on my behalf to: National Wild Horse and Burro Program, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 20 M Street, S.E., Room 2134LM, Attn: Sharon Kipping, Washington, D.C. 20003. OR, send a fax to Ms. Kipping at (202) 912-7182 or e-mail her at Thank you and God Bless you, each and every one – and God help our Wild Horses and Burros to survive mankind…
    Best Regards
    Chrystie Mort Davis


  16. Tim I am glad to see that you have come forward. But the fact remains in our
    hearts that the roundups are splitting family groups ups, maiming horses, killing and seperating family herds. As a horse owner for over 30 plus years, I am very familiar with the welfare of our horses. How is it possible as a Board member to watch these cruelties continue? I serve as a Director on 2 horse clubs and have been elected as a convention delegate to one of our clubs so I know that sometimes you are out voted or your concerns not noted. The fact remains that we are dealing with living, feeling and breathing individual. But procedures applied in these roundups and at the hottiest time of the year cause me a great deal of concern. An educated horse person would not think in their wildiest imagination to roundup and geld a bunch of stallions in the desert nor would that person consider spaying mares in the desert. Again, I do not consider this a private club by no means, but PEOPLE who care deeply about one our last living icons. Once these family groups and their genetics are gone, thats the END. There will not be another opportunity to watch them continue the family herds. It is the practices and the principles of some the people involved at the BLM that cause you to scratch your head and wonder what logic has been applied. I also wonder how those involved in these roundups sleep at night. You seem to be a very caring person so please enlighten us all. Do you support the means by which the BLM applies to manage the Wild Horses and Burros? WE need not only caring people on this board but, PEOPLE WHO WILL COME FORWARD whether it is in the best interest of this committee or not and SPEAK UP. However, if you have been timid about some of these issues perhaps its time to get people on this board that can support you. Sometimes standing alone is the hardiest thing to do, but I would rather go on record standing for my principle than sitting ideally by. Hopefully, we will be able to get people on this committee who will have our Wild Horses and Burros welfare first.


  17. Tim, thanks for telling us about yourself. I knew that you were an East Coaster and that you have attended at least one roundup, but I have not heard much about you other than that. So it is good to let us know about your involvement with the BLM horses that have been brought to the East and South for adoption and especially for those that did not work out.

    I live in the Southeast and volunteer with a multi-state equine rescue group that is mostly focused on the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of horses. My organization has thus far wanted to avoid political issues as it is difficult to in this economy to get all the resources together to do the regular work of horse rescues. So even though I am part of a rescue group and I am certain that many member share my opinions, I, too, speak from my own experience.

    I saw my first mustangs at a BLM adoption/auction event a week or two before I began volunteering. I was quickly struck by the percentage of mustangs we were trying to help. These were not the wild horses of Virginia and North Carolina, but the wild horses of Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming, etc. who had been rounded up and brought East for a few too many adoptions closely spaced together in time and geography. One on those mustangs and I have formed a strong bond, and it is because of her and some of the other mustangs that came through our rescue that I come here and to other sources for information about wild horses.

    I used to dream about borrowing a trailer and taking my friend back to the area where she was gathered so we could find her family and return her to them (sort of Free Willy her) and to the habitat for which she is more genetically adapted. I had her work with trainers, but began to feel that, at heart, she would always be wild, one that should never have been torn from her family and forced from the range.

    But after reading some newspaper articles while out West in December 2009, I became concerned about Secretary Salazar’s plans. One of the places that concern led me was here where I feel I have met an extraordinary number of truly committed, compassionate, and capable people who are deeply concerned about our wild horses and burros and the role our government is playing in their destruction.

    We have written, faxed, emailed, called the White House regarding this issue. No response….

    For perspective, as one of our research/writing projects I used to have my students choose an issue/problem and write a letter to the person who might be likely to handle the issue. Of the seventh and eighth graders I had do this over a couple of administrations, I would say that those who wrote the White House usually got a reply written on official White House paper by, most likely-a staffer, with the President’s signature most likely stamped. When I compare these responses to the silence wild horse advocates have received, it makes me think that precious administrations had more consideration for my 13 and 14 year old students than this administration has for the lives of our wild horses and burros and those of us who are trying to speak for them.

    I wish you much success. Perhaps the new director of the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program will be empowered to make change. Perhaps what you have already done on the board impart of why this person was chosen. I hope that you will soon be joined be citizens committed to preserving and protecting our wild horses. We will be watching with great interest.

    It is much easier to avoid negativity when you feel like you have a voice and have power to create positive change. You feel that you are in such a position. It is much more difficult when you see suffering, cruelty, death to these gentle animals whom I believe, as I believe you do, were created by God to be our companions and helpers. To see suffering and not be able to stop it…to know that the only people who have power to stop this suffering are the very ones inflicting it…and that they are supposed to be helping protect these special creatures from people just like themselves…


  18. Hope Ryden, Howard Bogguss, Mr. Finch, Lacy Dalton, Madeleine Pickens, Carole King, Robert Redford, Carole Crowe, Raul Grijalva, Don Hoglund, there are so many people qualified not to mention, Carol Walker, Any Herd Watcher/Blogger/Photographers out there, naturally either Mr./Mrs. Fitch, and a cast of hundreds. . . How about a wild horse or burro, themself? A sort of Mr. Ed (Or Mrs. Edwina) of the wild circuit.


  19. One more question for Tim: WIth less than 2000 wild burros left on HMAs in 10 western states, why do they continue to include them in the round ups?


  20. Real Hot Topic, but this is important issue. Lots of feedback. I am for whoever has the tenasity to stand up for these horses. So Far, I would have to say I nominate R. T. Fitch. He seems to be the most qualified person, besides Madeleine Pickens. He seems to up to date and where the problems are and keeps the public advised on what is Really going on. I say go for it Mr. Fitch.


  21. rom: Jon Marvel
    To: arleneorlando
    Sent: Thu, Aug 11, 2011 7:20 pm
    Subject: Western Watersheds Project Wins in Wyoming

    Online Messenger #209
    Western Watersheds Project succeeds for a second time at halting construction of fencing on BLM’s largest unfenced landscape in the lower 48 states
    ~ Jon Marvel
    Jon Marvel
    For a second time Western Watersheds Project just won an important stay of a Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposal to build fencing and livestock water developments on one of the lower 48 states’ largest unfenced landscapes, the Green Mountain Common Allotment in Wyoming.

    Green Mountain Common Allotment photo: © Jonathan Ratner, WWP 2010
    On August 10th, 2011 Administrative Law Judge Harvey C. Sweitzer ruled in favor of WWP’s petition for partial stay in the appeal of BLM’s decision to maintain status quo grazing management and construct 32 miles of fencing in the degraded 522,000 acre Green Mountain Common allotment.
    The Green Mountain Common allotment, one of the largest unfenced areas of BLM administered lands outside of Alaska, has been embroiled by controversy for decades due to severely degraded watershed conditions within the allotment and the repeated failures of the BLM to take the actions necessary for recovery.
    Read the OrderDownload the PDF

    Jon Marvel
    Executive Director

    Banner: Burrowing Owl. Copyright Ken Cole, WWP 2010
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    Wildlife vs FencingOver 1,000,000 (one million) miles of fences on pubic lands kill wildlife, inhibit wildlife movement, access to critical habitat and have otherwise fundamentally fragmented and altered the character of the American West.

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  22. Frankly, any issue, contractor, or topic regarding the wild one’s concerns me. Until I personally have the opportunity to see in action the issue/question at hand, I reserve my opinion, as I base my opinion on fact.


  23. A lot of people have made several excellent suggestions of people to recommend for the BLM Advisory Board. I wonder now if some people could suggest some language to use and information to include in recommending candidates?

    I especially appreciate the information given by Lethie, but, Lethie, I would like to look at what you posted on your facebook page but don’t know how to find it. And also, to Chrystie Mort Davis, could you too provide more information?
    I am hoping to submit a letter of email recommdation to the BLM tomorrow morning. I’d still appreciate information that I can incorporation in my letters.


  24. I think the foals that are being euthanized from being run too long, too hard and too far tell us everything we need to know about change in the WH&B program. They are getting worse, not better.


  25. Thank you for your request for more information. That is a challenging question to answer in limited space…I am not sure if you want more information on myself or the position. My resume includes 47 years of working with horses, equine science studies in college, gentling mustangs and boarding them for folks, I belong to the Cosumnes River Horseman’s Association, am an executive Board Member on the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council and the Logtown Fire Safe Council, am on the Board of Hartsong Ranch (a sanctuary for horses and other animals), have hauled mustangs to sanctuaries for folks, and have taken the time out of my life to get to know the major players in this issue, allbeit the most important are the horses and burros. I have been on the board of the American Mustang Foundation, and am proud to say that I have never solicited nor received funds from any organization on behalf of my efforts, as I have funded them all. I have attended National Board meetings, have attended RAC meetings, and the list goes on and on. I have many references and they are from folks that claim advocacy status, organizational status, rancher status, BLM employees, activists, and National Board member. I have worked in the state of California and Nevada and have educated myself on a multitude of issues regarding the management of the wild ones on the HA’s and HMA’s. The most important factor I need to express to you is that I truly believe there is a resolve possible, that is in the best interest of the wild ones, taking into consideration a collaberative planning effort and a round table mentality. I am on Facebook – feel free to check it out! Thank you for your interest and I hope I have helped answer your question.


  26. Thanks so much, Chrystie. What an impressive record! I’ll definitely look for you on facebook and recommend you, as well as others, to the BLM.


  27. Ellen, just put in Lethie Lanham. I have the letter posted on my FB page. Bill Nelson did provide me with information I had no knowledge of. So, we can now focus on following up on this issue. Hope you are able to read it ok. I also am trying to get ABC news show Night Line to do a human interest story on the Mustangs and also share with the public what is going on with the gathers, holding pens and slaughter of them. I haven’t heard back from them, so may I will do another letter to them. I think this would get the message out……………


  28. Yes, Laura, I am blessed to know you. It is still foaling season on the range and that knowledge is disheartening because I have seen what paces they are put through as well. You have a vast experience in first hand and on site knowledge of what happens. If you see fit – please send a letter of support on my behalf…as always – God bless you in your travels…


  29. Louie, there’s no need for much hurry. I just googled the BLM, and nominations are not due until Sept. 22. Below, I’ve pasted the entire description given by BLM so that we’ll know what we need to include in order to submit effective letters and nominations:

    Bureau of Land Management Nominations to Advisory Board informationThe Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is requesting public nominations to fill three national Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board positions, which are set to expire on Jan. 8, 2012. Nominations are for a three-year term and are needed to represent the following categories of interest: wild horse and burro advocacy, veterinary medicine (equine science), and general public interest (with special knowledge of wild horses and burros, wildlife, animal husbandry, or natural resource management).
    The Board advises the BLM, an agency of the Interior Department, and the Forest Service, an agency of the USDA, on the management and protection of wild free-roaming horses and burros on public lands administered by those agencies. The BLM announced its request for nominations in Monday’s (Aug. 8) Federal Register.
    The nine members on the Advisory Board represent a balance of interests. Each member has knowledge or special expertise that qualifies him or her to provide advice in one of the following categories: wild horse and burro advocacy, wild horse and burro research, veterinary medicine, natural resources management, humane advocacy, wildlife management, livestock management, general public interest, and public interest (with special knowledge of wild horses and burros). Members must also have a demonstrated ability to analyze information, evaluate programs, identify problems, work collaboratively, and develop corrective actions.
    Any individual or organization can nominate one or more persons to serve on the Advisory Board; individuals can also nominate themselves. In accordance with Section 7 of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, Federal and state government employees are not eligible to serve on the Board, whose members serve three-year terms, on a staggered-term basis, with one-third of the Board subject to appointment each year.
    The Board meets at least two times a year, and the BLM Director might call additional meetings when necessary. Members serve without salary, but are reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses according to government travel regulations.
    The BLM is accepting nomination letters plus resumes that include the nominee’s name, address, profession, relevant biographical information, references, endorsements, and specific category of interest. Nominations should be sent by Sept. 22, 2011, to the National Wild Horse and Burro Program, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 20 M Street, S.E., Room 2134LM, Attn: Sharon Kipping, Washington, D.C. 20003. Information can be faxed to Kipping at 202/912-7182 or e-mailed to If you have questions, please call Kipping at 202/912-7263.


  30. Ellen, I jumped ahead and was responding to your thoughts that there is a resolve possible. What I should have said was, we had better hurry before they are all gone”.


  31. Yes, R.T., that’s true. I just didn’t absorb it at first. Also, yes to you too, Louie. Again, I missed your point, which is certainly a good one and a heartache.


  32. Nominations Open for Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
    does not mean that an Advisory Member will ever manage to be an advocate for our wild horse and burros. The BLM will not change course. Louie is right, time is running out. The remaining herds need private sanctuary, the people have to acquire the land and the herds in order to protect them from capture, slaughter, extinction. That they are proposing a non-helicopter and alternate techiques capture of the Pryor herd in the near future is an indication they are formulating plans to blind-side the public and steal the horses when no one is aware. My comments will seem harsh to some.


  33. Another very good point, Elaine. It may seem harsh, but nowhere near as harsh as the probable future of the horses and burros. Do you think there’s a way that we could find people with land willing to give sanctuary to them and also get the BLM or some govt. body to go along?


    • Many sanctuaries are struggling now due to financial and land space issues. This activity requires large concerted efforts by various private agencies and people willing to help fund and acquire land. Absolutely no confidence the gov’t/BLM would consider such a proposition. We know where they stand. A good point of reference would be Madeleine Pickens and her struggles to get Mustang Monument as a wild horse sanctuary. There are limitations to what she can do. We have to spin our wheels all the time to get a track on how to save these horses. Educating the public would help but so far only limited media exposure has occurred. Mainstream America doesn’t know enough.


  34. We could all to Wash. DC and protest and maybe we could get some media coverage so we can get our point across to whoever can help solve this management issue. Would any of you be willing to take the time and cost to do a effort like this? Has anyone ever tried to this berfore? Is there anyone that will step up and coordiniate something like this? I’m just racking my brain to help figure it out. Somebody come up with something. I don’t know a lot about the wild horse issues or I would do it myself. I just recently found out about what is happening to them. I learned a lot from reading the book about Velma Johntson, “Wild Horse Annie” and The last of the Mustangs and her efforts to try and save these wild horses back in the 1950’s. She fought for 25 years single-handedly a cruel and lonely war against the greedy forces that were systematically removing the American mustangs from the most inhospitable of federal lands. Through her tireless efforts she was the difference in helping make the world a better place for these wonderful animals that are part of our Western heritage. If you haven’t read it, you should. Everybody is spinning wheels but we are not getting anywhere and time is running out for them. I just saw a video showing thousands of cattle being unloaded in WY where BLM has just done roundups there and removed the wild horses. Unless someone made this up, I can’t get my head around it.


  35. I have known about this Plight for 8 years, and nothing has changed for the Mustangs,you see the way i figure it , is the Government perpetrates and exploits them in 2 ways they round them up on our dime, then they secretly sell them to slaughter making even more money !!!! This is a conspiracy all because the Wild Mustangs is an easy target for them, by the time we get something done they will have made billions on them……………….. WE spin our wheels daily for them and nothing gets accomplished. they continue there quest……………. We cannot continue to do this , it has reached epic proportions, We must stop them…………….. like yesterday, the suffering of the Mustangs is horrible and no one can stop them, we must figure out a way NOW. I have even heard that they are breeding them for slaughter, I am horrified…. My God we need to do something fast, we cannot continue on talking and faxing ( I have worn out 4 fax machines, ) My phone has the Pres comment line on speed dial ( not even once have I received any answers from the WhiteHouse!!!!!………………….We are wasting precious Mustangs time , because no where in our Government is there any relief for the Mustang…………… The Mustangs ever so deserve their Freedom we must get it for them…………. WE OWE IT To THEM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WE MUST TAKE A COLLECTIVE STAND FOR THEM>>>>>>>>…………… I dont have all the answers, but they are here I just know it……………………………….


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