Horse News

Animal’s Angels Investigate Known Texas Horse Slaughter Buyer

Report Issued by Animal’s Angels

Gary Morris Horse Collecting Station, Muleshoe, TX

Animals’ Angels observed the collecting station of known slaughter buyer Garry Morris. There were approx. 40 horses in the pen area. One pen held a severely emaciated red roan Appaloosa, which was probably less than 3 years old. The horse, which was a BCS 1.5 on the Henneke chart, was obviously sick, since thick, purulent discharge was dripping from his mouth and nostrils. There also was discharge from the eyes and he had a dry cough, all symptoms of a severe strangles infection. The horse shared the same pen with numerous other horses, a few minis and an approx. 8 month old foal. Investigators never saw the horse move, he was standing very still with his head low.

After documenting his condition, investigators called local law enforcement, since it is a violation of Texas law to keep a horse in this condition without providing veterinary care. The first officer who arrived at the scene appeared cooperative, took pictures of the horse and called Morris. A woman answered and informed him that the horse was going to slaughter. The officer then left to present the information to his supervisor, Sheriff Wills.

When AA talked to the Sheriff shortly thereafter, he stated that he saw the horse and that it had food and water and that was all that was needed. He refused to take any further action.

Investigators returned to the premises early the next morning. Mr. Morris had moved the horse away from the road to a pen that was less visible. The horse was laying down now and coughing. Next to the pen area, investigators noticed piles of manure with partially decayed horse parts and bleached bones exposed.

Investigators then left and returned to the Sheriff’s office to try to convince the Sheriff to enforce the law and to obtain a copy of the police report. The Sheriff was extremely unfriendly and still refused to do anything.   The police report said nothing about the condition of the horse and none of the pictures the deputy took were included.

Investigators then contacted the County Judge, the local USDA office, animal control, and the Humane Society of West Texas and the Texas State Police. Nobody was willing to help the horse. At the end of the day, investigators had to leave to catch the plane back home.

When AA called the County Judge again, she informed them that she went to the Morris premises the same day the AA investigators had left and did not see the horse. She stated that the Sheriff assured her the situation “had been taken care off”.

The investigation proved again that there is a direct connection between horse slaughter and animal cruelty. It was also another sad example of law enforcement unwilling to do their job. Complaints about local officials, insufficient composting and DOT violations have been filed.

61 replies »

  1. This so called law enforcement officer is a disgrace to his uniform and to the US. God will be his judge. I have seen way too many LAZY police officers in the past 20 years. If you people don’t want to do your job, then find another line of work! Sad story.


    • Unfortunately, while we’re waiting for God to judge people for the abuses and neglect heaped on animals, and the derelict of duty of the people who are supposed to enforce animal welfare laws, many, many horses and other animals suffer in silence.



      • You’re so right. This is what gets to me about this fiction – and it’s in the GAO report too – that horses were better off when they were staying in the US for slaughter. I believe Texas is still in the US – it was when I lived there and saw for myself the conditions at Dallas Crown. USDA protection? Gimme a break!


  2. Horrific and inconceivable. The federal government needs to step in and force all states to improve their laws regarding animal cruelty and neglect, and they have to include horses. Here in New York, only food and water is required by law; shelter and veterinary care is not required, therefore, offenders cannot be prosecuted. We all must contact our state officials and demand they change the laws, it won’t happen without us.


  3. Absolutely, human scum and a disgrace to the human race….everyone that runs that place, drives by that place and lets that place operate and every vet within a hundred mile radius.


  4. I don’t know who is worse, the barbaric owner of this lot or the law enforcement and “humane” officials who refused to act. I think I would have to say law enforcement, since they didn’t enforce any laws and the humane officials since they ignored inhumane suffering. Perhaps a phone campaign to these offices might get their attention.


    • You know the worst thing is these people, have is the ordacity to kiss their Children at nite??????????????????????? They are a disgrace to humanity………………………………………….


    • Why stop aat the phone? Let’s get there emails and their superiors on the phone. This slaughterhouse guy must gave connections, lets hammer them until they yell “uncle”.


  5. Ah
    Seriously, even if it was going to slaughter – what possible excuse is there? No meat there and it’s sick. Why would even a slaughterhouse buyer want it? Is an animal in that shape even safe for human consumption? Just goes to show they are only after the money I guess.


    • This horse would not have lasted on a truck. AA said it didn’t move once while they were there. This would not have stopped them from loading it though.


  6. You know how to stop it>???????? For every sick , emaciated animal there at any given time , NO PAYCHECK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    • Well said Arlene. I am ovewhelmed with the cruelty of people who do this to these horses. I have to step away sometimes because it becomes overwhelmingly sad for me. God help these animals because goodness know that those people don’t!


  7. I’m sure AA has made the necessary calls, but what about the USDA and or the TX Dept of Ag. And yes, I realize that they are part of the problem, but they are higher up.

    What county is this hellhole in?…fire up the county supervisors lines.

    Here ya’ go:


    • There are no phone numbers, Where are the PHONE NUMBERS to call them????????????????????/ I see this alot , they never post phone numbers???? I wonder why !!!!!!


    • Thank you everyone for the comments. Animals Angels has contacted authorities in Texas and we are awaiting responses from them, if they are not planning on doing anything, I am sure that Animals Angels will start another email and call in campaign for this feedlot. The worst thing about this poor animal, it was in a pen with several minis, some roping steers and an 8 month of foal. Why would someone bother to breed and then dump the foal at auction for someone like Gary Morris to buy? I was sick when I saw this. The response from the sheriff, NOTHING!!!


      • savewildhorses…I don’t care how old they are. The treatment these animals receive is disgusting, but I get how beating up a young one to be butchered is even more troubling.

        And I’m not defending this piece of human trash, but do we know for sure that the foal/weanling is headed to the killchutes?


  8. Inhumane liars, our laws are supposed to protect the animals, if this sheriff refused to help this poor animal and expose all the others to the same fate then he needs to lose his job, he is no better than the BLM killers.


  9. Laws are made made by the People, If there are any officials not upholding the LAW, they need to be FIRED, and a capable person needs to take over, there are plenty of awesome people looking for work, who have the qualities needed for human action, what are they waiting for, if they dont do their jobs , they they need to go. They can all be replaced/..


  10. Thanks for the link Denise. I find that I am spending way too much time on the phone and emailing people who simply have decided not to read and/or follow the language of their job descriptions. That this horse was in a position to become part of the food chain and is standing in the same space with others destined to become food makes my stomach turn. Unfortunately, due to lawmakers who don’t get Ag out their pockets and step and vote the wishes of their constituents, this is an everyday occurrence.

    I’d like to put up a billboard in France and other horse eating countries of this horse titled “This is your Food, yum, yum”


  11. RT:


  12. This is absolutely DISGUSTING! What was on this animal that anyone could possible eat? Ewwww. This must be passed on to our Legislators, both state and federal. I plan on calling the Governor of Texas and those in the state and federal legislature. This week coming up all of the member of the House will be
    in their homes states and not in Washington. I am going to take the pictures and documents to them. Let them tell me slaughter should not be banned..My heart cries for these poor horses who I know were loved and cared for at one
    time. Each time I read and hear of this, I know this could be my Nicholas who was 1 day away from being sold to one of these Demons from Hell. These people are lower, than the lowest form of life. How do they even sleep at night or do they? How could anyone be married to man like that or be any relation to. They are definitely descendents of the devil himself. I guess I will be on the phone all day on Monday. God sped to the Animal Angels who go out to these places. Horse investigation is bad enough, but at least you have a possibility
    of taking the poor horses out of that environment. However, it seems that there is no help for these horses. I know their hearts ache each time they have to leave them behind. The sad thing about all of this is that the majority of Americans have no idea that this is going on right before their eyes. The best thing for that poor horse would have been to be killed by a bullet to end his misery if no one was going to be able to save…How in the HELL could anyone
    sell an 6 moth old cold to the “Killer Buyer” unless it was unknown to the owner which frequently happens. One of the investigators I worked with had a case in which the owner was selling the whole family down the river. When they did their investigation, they found the little cold could not stand due to a twisted leg. She refused to let the colt go and took possession. To make a long story
    short, the vet said put him down. But she did not want to put him down as it was
    Christmas time and so he received some extra time. We all prayed for this little
    palomino colt which looked pretty bleak. Its funny, but God has a way of taking this out of our hands. He also provides miracles too. Sally called him Dreamer so he would at least have a name. Sally called me crying Christmas day and I
    thought that he had died. But instead of dying he was standing squarely on his
    legs as if nothing happened. It definitely was a MIRACLE! She passed his story on to Breyer and they did a limited addition. Sally kept him and they both went on a 100 mile rd. and he lived his life out with her until he passed.
    It seems so beak all the time, but we should remember that there are some
    good outcomes.


  13. THis is disgusting. That noone carred about this horse is unforgiveable. And, he/she was only three years old. Each day I live I think how cruel the human being can be and killer buyers lead the pack. Evidently, all of the people in this horse’s investigation of the outside sources were being paid “cash” or they should be given the same treatment as that poor horse. I work fwith a sanctuary, as I have said before, and many years ago, she got a horse with food, etc coming out his nostrils, barely alive as he was so emaciated and even fell into a nearby structure. She put on video all that they did for this horse, including opening an area where pus and blood streamed out. She had the video to put on CD and the individual omitted much of the video so the cd would not show it. In the end of the cd, the very same horse, after she took care of it, fed it, was with it around the clock to ensure that it was looked after, was the most beautiful, filled out animal, running and playing in the coral pen. You would not know it was the same horse. It has been gone many years now having crossed the rainbow bridge, but shows that even in the worst state, a horse that is taken in a bad situation can be reversed and saved even someone has the “guts” and caring to attempt it. This woman that owns the santuary is a registered, former emergency and surgery room nurse, and even ran iV’s to the horses. Her vet told her it wouldn’t work, but she did it and in three days, the difference in the horse was a miracle. Someone should have taken this horse, maybe it couldn’t have been saved, but why let it suffer and die. And, that there was an eight month old foal in the area headed for slaughter is gross. These SOB’s that failed to do anything for the horse should all die a horrible death for their part in this. God Bless the horse. I hope he is in peace now, running and playing with God with only the love that should have had on this earth, as all the horses that should never have been in the slaughterhouses pens. WE MUST STOP THE BLM, CLOSE ALL THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES, AND ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL HORSES TO ENSURE THEY LIVE UNTIL GOD CALLS THEM HOME.


  14. Just sickens my heart and soul for these poor animals! I want to just live to see the day that ALL ANIMALS will have their day and “REAL LAWS,” will be in place to finally give them “RIGHTS!>” I also agree with you Arlene-where are the phone numbers to call?~


  15. I called Sheriff Wills office, and after some suspicious questioning by the dispatcher and others, was able to leave a voicemail message. I appraised the supervisor of the publicity going on regarding the Bailey County authorities failure to respond lawfully to this egregious situation, that the sick animal potential for entering the food supply is a well known problem that they are not addressing, and that their office and the other named offices are derelict in their enforcement of the law. Also, found and called the Dist Attorney’s office Katherine Gurley—left a message as above.
    I have been a long time member of Animals Angels—what horrific sites these poor women have to digest everyday would try the saints.


    • Thank you for supporting the work done by Animals Angels. It is difficult to fathom the inhumane treatment that the Angels see on a daily basis, but they are determined to make changes so that all slaughter animals are treated with compassion. I know that Sonja Meadows would tell you herself thank you, but she is out in the field on yet another investigation. Knowledge is power (we get the knowledge from Animals Angels) and we will have the power to make changes.


  16. Sorta of on the same subject–but cattle. Several years ago there was a slaughterhouse in CA that abused a down cow. Somehow it was caught on tape and we got to see this tape aired every night for the next three weeks. Investigators found a lot of old fines that were never paid. The SH closed during the investigation and clean up. And then it never opened again.

    People were sent to jail for several months for their actions.

    I guess I want to know why if USDA will prosecute for animal abuse in a cattle SH why won’t they when THEY KNOW the horses are being shipped for human consumption and they are VISIBLY ILL.

    I think some of these people who have these holding pens–they ought to have to serve time caring for these animals–with proper supervision there. They should see how these horses can’t breathe. Just how much money would this operator get for this horse if any? Why wouldn’t he sale the horse to someone who would kindly put the horse out of his misery if he was that far gone? Or at least get a vet to him for help…


    • This was an undercover HSUS investigation that documented the abuse and was able to shut them down based on their video.


    • Margret you are exactly right, all that is needed is a commonsense, I was under the impression every has it???? I guess not, the use of it needs to be enforced………………………..Why would anyone with any commonsense ever I mean ever let a horse get to this state???? This treatable, why is he not given the treatment he needs???????? where are all those vets who made bo coo bucks, do they ever give there time for the better good??????????????/ shouldnt it be requirement by all veterinary schools????????? Hey field work to learn is the best kind education!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111


  17. This horse could have gone to Jerry’s sanctuary had some law or humane official decided to act instead of look the other way and condone it. It could have had a chance. 3 years old.


    • Savewildhorses, a certain percentage of our fellow man , make me sick, to look away like that is unforgivable in any society the claims itself to be Humane…………….. These people need to be jailed and allowed time to think about why they are here in the first place, our horses need to account for why they are here????? By these same ;people…………………..


  18. This lack of willingness for law enforcement to remove abused Twin Peaks sale authority horses is going on today in Michigan. Even a month after the Sheriff Dept. and Animal Control became aware of this neglect and 16 counts of animal neglect filed against the abuser, all horses (with the exception of ones that have been recently acquired by the Michigan Horse Welfare Coalition) are STILL in the possession/control/”care” of the original abuser even though a permanent and safe home has been offered to them. In the meantime, some died and some are “missing”.
    “Mustangs are offered sanctuary, but are mired in red-tape”


  19. Ok ! here again commonsense must prevail, that red tape needs to be cut, we have lives at stake here……………………….. They are not inanimate objects………….


      • Dear Grandma Greg, Thank You , The BLM never experiences any red tape when they are going to conduct a round up even when you get them refunded, but theres always red tape when our horses are in dire need of help……….. and medical attention. something in that does not calculate at all……………………


      • How was she able to buy so many? BLM restricts adoptions to like 12 unless you can prove you have enough land.

        Sure would be nice of Bobby to override the State, collect the horses and send them to either Madeleine or to Dreamcatchers. Ya Think someone from BLM would care…


  20. Time and time again when doing investigations it is extremely difficult to get law enforcement to do anything. Hopefully one day animal cruelty laws will be enforced.


  21. Can’t someone offer to buy him? That would be the quickest way to get him out. Then he can either be treated aggressively or euthanized.

    Sometimes, if the authorities are taking too long, and the horse is in this much distress, it’s better to just get him out.


    • I’m sure some experienced rescuers reading this website will tell you that buying can become very difficult, especially if the S**T has hit the proverbial fan with reports, complaints and telephone calls. These cretins make the animal “disappear” and do a little grudge-screwing with the animal of interest to boot. These are some really sick, sick humans.

      I suspect that the tragic bag of bones equine has either died of starvation or been shot and buried by now…probably with the help of the sheriff, no less.

      AA are a collection of some very smart cookies and know the drill. I defer to them.


      • I don’t doubt in the least that what you suggest is what really did happen. The Good Ole Boy Brotherhood ya know.

        I was on a discussion board the other day posting about horse slaughter and someone posted that she didn’t think they treated cattle this way, in transport or at the plants. And she’s right. They certainly don’t, and if they tried they would get busted ASAP. I think because Americans don’t eat horses, they just don’t think about it. I know a lot of people don’t even know horse slaughter is still going on, and others don’t know it EVER existed. Same with the wild horses if you don’t live in the far West.

        Horse slaughter has always been “beyond the pale” somehow even when it was perfectly legal, no one ACTED like it was legal. They acted like criminals – they WERE criminals, but law enforcement seemed to look the other way because it was legal even if what they were actually DOING was not.

        I was living in Dallas when I got my first horse in 1977, when I was 33, and I didn’t know about Beltex and Dallas Crown even though they were each only about 30 miles away in opposite directions. As a horse owner though, I immediately started learning. I had never read anything about it in the news all those years, and I would certainly remember because I loved horses whether I could afford to own one or not. I just don’t UNDERSTAND! Everyone claims to LOVE horses, but none of these “horse lovers” pays any attention to this horrendous abuse.

        I just had to get that out. Thanks for listening.


  22. As you said: “Ya Think someone from BLM would care…” but they do not care at all. There is no maximum limit a person can buy that I am aware of – these are sale authority horses – not “adopted” horses – and as a matter of fact it is my understanding that the more you buy ($10 – $25 each) the cheaper the price and sometimes they even throw in free delivery. So the more we buy or adopt the more they don’t have to think about or pay for and they mark them down in their records as “sold” period … end of story as far as they are concerned … but please remember that these are your horses, from the very day they were born until the day they die … your horses and my horses not THEIR horses. BLM likes the theory “out of sight is out of mind” … long term holding or short term holding or adopted or sold or alive or dead … they (and obviously their contractors) don’t care about your horses – on the range or off. By the way, BLM is completely aware of these Michigan Mustangs who have been starved …. did you hear them step up to the plate and help? _ell no!
    If you are able to help them … contact the Michigan Horse Welfare Coalition (and no … I am not part of that organization – but am amazed at what they are doing to help these horses that belong to you and me).


  23. PS This sale authority was approved by our BLM after they did their investigation of the purchaser. Does that tell you anything? Sally Spencer investigated and approved my purchase of one horse … I wonder who approved and signed the bill of sale for these 29 horses? Any guess? And who “investigated” and signed the bill of sale for our almost 200 horses that were starved to death at the 3-strikes ranch a few years ago? Any guess?
    Here is what Sally Spencer said about that tragedy: “…The BLM has received complaints in the past about the ranch and has inspected Mr. Meduna’s facilities and animals and found no violations …”
    Sally Spencer
    Wild Horse & Burro Program
    And … by the way, the bill of sale contract from the BLM clearly states “Purchaser may be subject to criminal penalties …Purchaser agrees to provide humane care…” and yet the BLM knows about the abuse/starvation/neglect of our horses and does NOTHING.


  24. Now isnt that the biggest crock !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats why they are well known and CALLED THE Bureau of lies and mismanagement, bar none


  25. This type of negligence from law enforcement is inexcusable and sadly too common. I wonder if they’re ‘good’ church going folks too? *gags* The more I read this type of stuff the more my feelings of misanthropy towards the majority of my own species are magnified. This Garry Morris person belongs in a German WW II concentration camp so he can experience the same type of attention he is so wont to foist on the innocents. Disgusting would be an understatement. My frustration with humans like him and the local ‘Yahoos’ boils over into rage. It’s VERY difficult to not wish these types of people ill… *deep sigh*

    ~”You may talk about your religion as much as you like, but if it does not teach you to be kind and caring towards animals as well as humans, then it is nothing but a sham.” – Anna Sewell, author of Black Beauty~


  26. This horse issue is undoubtably the most passionate I have followed for around 10 years.To me it looks like to beat it one needs Obama to get off his skinny butt.
    If each poster wrote to Obama a simple 2 line letter saying.President Obama whoever is standing against you is the one we are voting for in the next presidents race as long as the BLM exists


  27. This horse issue is undoubtably the most passionate I have followed for around 10 years.To me it looks like to beat it one needs Obama to get off his skinny butt.
    If each poster wrote to Obama a simple 2 line letter saying.President Obama whoever is standing against you is the one we are voting for in the next presidents race as long as the BLM exists


  28. I’m sure I’m wrong, but I don’t think animals like cattle waiting to get shipped to slaughter are treated as badly as horses are!! How can they just be so casually tossed aside, once they’re “slaughter bound”, & not be given food, water, veterinary care, or humane euthanasia if they’re too sick to even send to slaughter?? I’ve read that slaughter facilities turn some horses away, they don’t even want them, what happens to those poor souls!!?? I consider myself a Christian, but people like that deserve to have a bullet right between their eyes!! I pray for forgiveness for thinking such bad thoughts, but I feel like “we” were all put here to save & protect God’s innocent creatures from those that would cause harm, like the ones mentioned, like the Sue Wallis’ of the world, & all others, including the BLM, that harm & abuse horses, burros, or any animal. All animals have the right to be treated humanely, no matter what their future is, they can not speak up for themselves, they can not defend themselves, it is up to us. Aren’t there any “animal cops” in Texas? Those people are abusing & neglecting these horses, they need to get the book thrown at them. I don’t get it, & probably never will. Our government, & those we trusted & put in office, including Obama, are so inept & such a joke, it is a disgrace to America, & all that America used to stand for.


    • You are so right. And no, they don’t treat cattle like they do horses. It makes no sense at all why they can get away with treating slaughter-bound horses like they were already dead.


  29. I read all these commits about how bad these buyers especially Gary Morris is. How he must be of the devil, and how God is going to judge him and all that kind of stuff when not a one of them who writes these commits know Gary Morris. Let me now make a commit. I know that horse in the picture look really ,really bad, and I to can tell he is sick, and I to fell sorry for him, and I to feel he would be better off put down .(Proably was) I know these so called investagators are just doing there job and going by what they see and understand there concern. If Gary Morris bought him do you really think he wants to see him sick and loose his money watching him die. (Wake Up People) I will tell you now what most if not all of you Do Not know. First Gary Morris bought or was given this horse and I asure you he proably had not had this horse but one or two days before the invesagators got there and seen it. There are hundreds of horses in peoples back yards and pastures today starveing to death because their owners can not afford to feed them and this is proably true about this horse in this picture. ( how about your horse) have you check on him lately. NO this horse has no meat for animals or people to eat, and is not in shape to go to slaughter.(Even you can see this) Let me say , Gary Morris fells for this animal (horse) just like you do he loves horses, and no it is not just greedy money thing to him but yes he has found a way to make a little money and I asure you it is a little. Gary Morris fells as most and all True Cowboys fell about horses. There is nothing unless its your dog that is a true friend like a good dependable horse is. Gary Morris buys horses that are wild and dangerous, old and wore out, crippled, horses no one else wants, to send to slaughter. (Why did you not buy them if you want to save them so bad?) Where would you put them? is your yard big enought to keep them? Will it hold the wild one or will you chase it all over your city or town? Gary Morris is doing a great HUMANE thing. NOW LET ME TELL YOU- If you would like a young colt 4 or 6 or 8 months old like the one in the pen with this horse why don’t you call Gary Morris he would proably GIVE you one or two. He can not send these young horses to slaughter. He sells them at the Livestock auction or gives the away. Gary buys horses gentle and sells to people for working horses or gives children all over the country horse to pleasure ride, rope off of barrell race a lots of things. He only send to slaughter horses people can not use . But these invesagators don’t tell you that they Just want to stop horses from going to Mexico for food . Why? We may see a day in the Great U.S.A. that we wish we had horses to eat. I know Gary Morris he is my friend and he is as good of Christian man I know. Gary Morris along with a many others have a Roping school every year thru Muleshoe Cowboy Fellowship Church right out at Garys place. Gary is a much greater man than most I am sure who write these commits and are guick to judge. Gary is doing a great Humane thing for the horse population and a great service in help feed the world. I also know Gary Morris works with Vets to take care of all the horses. How would you like to pay his vet bill? I bet most who write these commits don’t even know where a veterinarian is in there town is located or ever even been to one. I to am a Horse Lover. Said- F. Dewayne Gable


    • Oh give me a stinking lousy break. This man trades on horses that could be useful to a variety of people. Does he cry every time a horse gets a mis-aimed shot to the head and continues onto the slaughter line while still breathing and feeling excruciating pain. I gotta tell you the level of my anger to your bleeding for the good man Gary is over the top. If Gary was so concerned about the welfare of the horses why is he not rescuing instead of willfully participating in their agony. If he is so d(*&(() concerned about this absolutely disgustingly sick horse why does he have it in the pen with other animals? I could go on but your post is so over the top WRONG!!!! This is about the horses, let Gary ease his conscience with whatever higher being he feels in touch with but don’t try to pass it off here. Gary has a choice, these horses that he preys upon and betrays DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • And furthermore…….how dare you insinuate that the people on this blog don’t know about vets. I myself support not only my vet bills but the vet bills of several rescued animals taken off the feedlots like Gary runs. We don’t know about vets? Sister or Mister we know all too well about vets and vet bills. There is hardly a person on these blogs that hasn’t opened their wallets not only to their own horses, and yes we do own horses and know how to take care of them to the end of their NATURAL days and not send them to the fate epitomized by your good friend Gary, but to the horses that find themselves in dire and emergency straits. I personally am not responsible for reprehensible, immoral and unethical people that overbreed or send their companion to the likes of Gary and his ilk. It is the responsibility of the horse owner not to send their horse into the hands of Gary. I am also not responsible for rapists, murderers, con-men and the other bottom feeders of society. Don’t try to lessen Gary’s guilt by suggesting that I should come along and clean up the mess created by every sociopathic horse owner. YOU are NOT a horse lover, you are just another person who contributes to the torture of horses and tries to justify it by empty arguments. Enough of you, go away.


      • Do not stress or waste your time with this man, if his friend is a true Christian then he ought to practice what it teaches, He would know why the horses are here, they are a gift to us, to study and mirror all the horses attributes should be mans………Just exactly whom does he think he is talking to?????? We are here out of Love and Respect for the horse not to argue, stupid points that make to sense and have no validity Lets save all our strength for the Welfare of Horses , and not waste it ………….on people who could care less………………. and try to validate cruel and needless Slaughter of innocent animals ………………. It is cruelest form of Murder.


    • If you think this man, Gary, is a good Christian person acting on the best for America’s horses, you are so wrong. My family has saved horses too and NONE of them look like this. They are well taken care of and more money has been spent on vet bills around here than doctor bills for us humans. Don’t write to us and pre-judge us because we all think he is a slime ball. He is! If he cannot afford to have a vet help the horses he purchases, he should not buy them! They should have been left alone on the range in the first place. In the second place, NOBODY should get a horse unless they have the means to upkeep one. Don’t write things here you know NOTHING about. Folks who love horses, love one of God’s creations and you make it out to be a sin. We owe a debt of grattitude to the horse and you are a fool for falling for this man’s lies.


  30. Just disgusting – i cannot even imagine the pain of this poor animal!

    You go Morgan, and unfortunately as my sister keeps telling me (I now have
    5 rescues) that you cannot save them all but you can help try.


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