Horse News

BLM Denies Wild Horses are “Stampeded”

Story by Steven Long ~ Author/Publisher of Horseback Magazine

Running Horses until they Die is Not a Stampede in BLMese

BLM's Cattoor Chopper "NOT" stampeding wild horse family at Twin Peaks, Stampede ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – Officials of the federal Bureau of Land Management have become increasingly sensitive to the media’s frequent use of a common English word. Horseback Online and many other news sites have used the word “stampede” to describe what BLM bureaucrats in Washington routinely describe as a “gather.”

In a note to Horseback on the first Monday of the year, BLM’s chief Washington spokesman Tom Gorey said, “Wild horses and burros are not stampeded during gathers. Go observe one for yourself. Stampede is an anti-BLM propaganda term, pure and simple.”

Horseback responded.

“Tom, stampede is a word common to the English language. Your response drove me to my copy of the 2,129 page Webster’s Universal Dictionary,” said Horseback Magazine Editor Steven Long. “The definition I quote in the first reference is ‘A sudden headlong running away of a group of frightened animals, especially horses or cattle.’ That seems to fit perfectly what I have seen in every video of the BLM roundups. I don’t view it as a propaganda term whatsoever, and I’m certainly not anti-BLM as you well know. It is simply a term which best describes for my reader, in common language he will understand, what is going on. While I’m certain BLM would prefer me to call these things a gentle trot down the trail, that doesn’t seem to be fitting considering hundreds of horses have died in the process.

Horseback has also learned that controversial BLM chase contractors, Cattoor Livestock Roundups have been awarded a new five year contract.

“October 1, started a new contract for the wild horses roundups and CLR, and another company, Sun J, received the two awards for the next 5 years,” Sue Cattoor told Horseback Magazine last week. We asked Ms. Cattoor about the new firm.

“They are not based out of Nephi, but out of Vernal, Utah, and they are not related to us,” she said.

Asked if the BLM had used any new criteria in awarding the contracts to Cattoor in light of the unprecedented number of wild horse deaths in 2010, Gory said it was business as usual.

“The Cattoors have demonstrated an ability to conduct safe and humane roundups, so that’s why their contract was renewed,” Gorey said.

Today, CNN ran a story critical of BLM’s wild horse roundups showing a helicopter flipping a donkey with its skid. The news network didn’t identify the company chasing the burro.

Horseback asked Gorey if pilots actually touching animals with the skids of their helicopters was taken into consideration in awarding contracts.

“Regarding the new footage concerning the burro, I’m trying to get the specifics of where and when this happened,” Gorey said.

In earlier video shown on You Tube, a horse appeared to be flipped by another helicopter flying low, its skid apparently touching the animal. Again the company flying the helicopter in the chase wasn’t identified.

“Several weeks ago a piece of footage purporting to show a horse getting flipped over by a helicopter was shown on YouTube,” Gorey responded. “The footage, in point of fact, shows no such thing.”

Asked if in light of the overwhelming number of equine deaths caused by BLM in its 2010 “gather” schedule, BLM was considering ceasing helicopter roundups.

“No. Gathers are necessary to protect rangeland health,” he said.

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64 replies »

  1. I have always been interested in the usage of our English language starting with the “harvesting” (killing, hunting, slaughtering) of animals and now the BLM “gathers-gathering” of the wild horses.
    I harvest vegetables from my garden and I gather flowers, herbs and even eggs produced by chickens. If I were to chop off the chicken’s head I would be killing, butchering, slaughtering the chicken.

    BLM is stampeding, driving and rounding up horses–plain and simple use of the English language. More deception on the general public.


    • These are good analogies. Gathering is something rather peaceful and spiritual… a roundup is nothing like that. Violence comes of a stampede and this is what we see repeatedly; racing horses and foals straining to keep up. Horses injured from the terrain and the pressure from the noisy metal bird. Fear and adrenalin and death, too.

      The proof is in the videos and the animals who have died from the reckless aggression of the roundups. Stopping the use of helicopters is personal for me. They are used against our bison increasingly and our wolves. Once we stopped them and then they came back after the system was broken for the average American to fight against it. With the process broken we still try to fight this violence. Playing with words won’t stop us from seeing the truth. Every roundup is a stampede and it brings violence and death to peaceful animals. mar


  2. A renewal at a term of five years, for this kind of contract (afterall…Cook, Cattoor, etc AREN”T building B-1 Bombers) is outrageous contract mismanagement (again unchallenged by any one in the Executive/Legislative Branches)

    Which begs the next question: If BLM is competent at population counts (which they are documented not to be)…what the heck is CAttoor (et al) gonna’ be rounding up 18 months from now??????????????

    BTW (and this may seem to be a stupid question), exactly how many bovine, ovine operations utilize helo’s for roundups? Just curious.

    Good news about the CNN piece is that it does clearly document the restrictions and caprecious nature of the killers (gov and civilian).

    Who was the guy that they got to speak for the wild equines? I don’t recall his name being mentioned.


  3. There is a serious comprimise of ethics and competency among our Nation and especially those appointed or employed by our governments….it is disturbing the stupidity and our incompetence, especially when special interest is involved.


  4. I love the way ol Tom keeps inviting people to come out and watch the stampedes themselves. Love to do that Tom, but observers are held back 1/4 to 1/2 mile and visibility is usually through obstructions. This allows them to state that the horses are only run the last short distance. There should be 2 observation points. One out further at the beginning of “moving” the horses and another when they are coming in to the trap.


  5. I want to see one of those contracts. BLM can hire a helicopter to “gather” the horses as long as it is done using the humane procedures prescribed by the Secretary.



    • We are looking for these new contracts… and have 2009 contracts. I will look for the link as it was just out. The contracts do not have the protocols in them. These we have been trying to get and have been given everything but… Regardless of what a contract says, BLM is complicit and the contractors have not been sited for any abuses by BLM that I know of. BLM approves of the manner the roundups are carried out, hence new contracts signed. mar


  6. Can someone get a camera in the air to film these gathers from miles out? I understand the need to run the horses into the wings of the trap. At a trot they would have time to examine the strange contraption and make a choice to go elsewhere.

    These horses, even though they roam free, are not in condition to run for any distance. One may run another off, but that will rarely be a quarter mile run. I hear all the time that the horses are run for miles, but we need to get that evidence on tape.


    • If you would take the time to watch this past years video offerings from Laura Leigh and Elyse Gardner you will find several where the horses are coming from miles away and you can see the dust and then the horses and then the rough terrain and they are all running the entire time. There is proof and if you want more proof please support the field work being done so they can do it better next time around. If you want results get involved and don’t just talk about it. Laura is out there alone right now doing exactly this and she needs your support. Use what we already have to show what is going on… there will undoubtedly be more coming soon to a you tube near you!! mar


    • LOL, having been to ‘stampedes” and seen the aftermath, such as Owyhee-I prefer to use the term..Massacres..there are undocumented deaths by the BLM or their contractors..foals left behind alone, after these ‘gentle gatherings” there are deaths in fact not documented in the gather reports-excuse me-massacre reports until the knowledge was revealed by advocates and put out on the web by Fitch and horseback..there are undocumented deaths of horses pushed out of their range wandering around looking for food and water..these are all “stampede” related deaths..crippling injurys of the horses left behind that could not keep up..The BLM does not feel it is required to report or follow up on the consequences of their “gentle gathers”..1% does not in fact represent the true casualtys-All the aborted foals were not counted as ‘gather related”


  7. They search for words to make their killing sprees sound non evasive, non threatening, docile, but the truth always wins , they are stampeded there is no other word in the English language to describe their totally threatening, murdering, maiming totally unnecessary assault on Americas Icons, BLM you can fool some of the people some of the time , But ya cant fool all of the people all of the time, the lieing ,deceiving , tactics you are using to eradicate the American Wild Mustang will not be tolerated , the American people are being made aware of your foundation less assaults on their Wild Mustangs , and the ramifications of this about to backfire and eradicate the BLM…………………. Just keep talking and your own words will end your rein of terror on the American Wild Mustang……………..


  8. The BLM PR folks have obviously taken THE LONG COURSE in semantics.

    Back to Webster’s:

    Semantics –
    3. the relationship between signs and symbols, and the concepts, FEELINGS, etc. associated with them IN THE MINDS OF THEIR INTERPRETERS; notional meaning
    4. loosely, DELIBERATE DISTORTION OR TWISTING OF MEANING , as in some types of advertising, PROPAGANDA, etc.

    From Roget’s Thesaurus:

    Stampede –
    Noun: A charge of animals. Synonyms: Charge, chase, crash, dash, flight, fling, panic, rout, run, scattering, shot, smash, tear. The next three entrys are equally applicable.
    (MAJOR scary word for the BLM, especially now, since EVERY SINGLE ONE of these synonyms has been documented in multiple advocate videos.)

    Harvest –
    (Includes “cull” – NOT a good public image – and “gather” – SOOOO much better!)

    Gather –
    (There’s that nasty “cull” again! And “round up” – two words this time, but still not a good image. My particular favorite is “hang out”. Horse talk: “Yep, we’re just gonna hang out for a while. Wonder what’s happenin’ next?”)

    Maybe the BLM would prefer another synonym of “gather” – “congregate”. “2011 BLM Congregation Schedule”? Propagandize the general public with an image of the wild ones strolling calmly into church pews.

    Pews for the wild ones? NOT! Make mine PHEWS for the BLM. “Breathy forms of disgust” – like the sounds one emits at the odor of SKUNKS!!!


  9. Can anyone discuss, with citation the contract process for this travesty?

    Are the contracts available for public viewing?

    Are the contracts properly advertised for bid or we experiencing the corruption that is sole source?

    Can anyone address any of the questions I posed in my first post?….what are they intending on rounding up after 18 months…AIN’T NOTHIN’ LEFT!!!!!!! Who in the crud do they think they are fooling?


    • This may not be it but it is interesting and long, sorry… mar

      (MAP IT)
      Search Criteria Used (More)
      Federal Fiscal Year

      Level of Detail


      Contracts to Contractor(s) “cattoor”
      (FY 2000-2009)

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2009 3Q *

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      *Note: FY 2009 only includes data up through part of third quarter.

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2009: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $267,273

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2009:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $10,250
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $257,023
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2008

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2008: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,395,622

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2008:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $14,600
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $1,381,022
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2007

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2007: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,370,108

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2007:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $0
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $1,295,954
      Unknown $74,154

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2006

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)
      DAVE CATTOOR Cattoor Livestock; CATTOOR LIVESTOCK ROUNDUP INC $2,229,813

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2006: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $2,229,813

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2006:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $630,254
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $1,419,210
      Unknown $180,350

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2005

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)
      DAVE CATTOOR CATTOOR LIVESTOCK ROUNDUP INC; Cattoor Livestock $1,827,171

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2005: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,827,171

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2005:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $41,750
      Competition after exclusion of sources $0
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $1,785,421
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2004

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)
      DAVE CATTOOR CATTOOR LIVESTOCK ROUNDUP INC; Cattoor Livestock $1,262,113

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2004: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,262,113

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2004:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $100,696
      Competition after exclusion of sources $-801
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $1,162,218
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2003

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2003: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,437,203

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2003:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $1,437,203
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $0
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2002

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2002: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,932,000

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2002:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $1,932,000
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $0
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2001

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2001: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $1,629,000

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2001:

      Full and open competition $-4,000
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $1,633,000
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $0
      Unknown $0

      List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2000

      You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.
      Parent Company Name Contractor Name(s) Total Amount (for this search)

      Total parent companies for fiscal year 2000: 1

      Total funding (within this search) for the year: $980,000

      Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2000:

      Full and open competition $0
      Full and open competition, but only one bid $0
      Competition after exclusion of sources $980,000
      Follow-on contract $0
      Not available for competition $0
      Not competed $0
      Unknown $0

      (MAP IT)
      Search Criteria Used
      Federal Fiscal Year

      Parent or Contractor Name cattoor
      Sort By Parent Name
      Number of records Only the first 500 for each year
      Level of Detail



      This search was done on January 4, 2011.

      The contracts database is compiled from government data last released on 05/28/2009

      This search result was produced as a project of OMB Watch. The data was obtained from the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) – Next Generation and other federal government sources through Eagle Eye Publishers, Inc. Eagle Eye also provided identification of parent companies and other data improvements.



  10. You know what would be great some photos from Pam , of the Mustangs healthy out on the range, then some follow ups of photos of them in and at the BLM, a photo says a thousand words, Spectacular Plus for the Mustangs……………..Just show these Photos to the people no explanation needed…………………. Media Coverage !!! Long live Free the Great and Wonderful American Wild Mustangs …………………


  11. This cat and mouse game with BLM is fun at times. I prefer the predatory approach, like a tiger taking down a water buffalo. Like a momma bear protecting her cubs. I appreciate diplomacy though.


  12. 5 year no bid contract. Wonder if Dave and Sue are going to be the ones rounding up the last wild mustang. Wouldn’t that be an absolute sin?


  13. CNN: Battling over wild horse round-up on YouTube — narrator: “Here you are looking at steam rising from the backs of chased-down, exhausted horses.” Another speaker–“a true holocaust of the animal world.” Please don’t hand me a dictionary– hand me one of those “blast ’em-all to hell pointy things that kill dischargers”.


  14. Five years? At the rate they have been stampeding, terrorizing, killing, maiming, and taking the wild horses & burros off their rightful lands, during their “gathers”, especially over the last 2 years, I cannot imagine there will be any populations left, way before 5 years is up…So, I wonder, what has been designated on their agenda next, to be “gathered” to oblivion? As far as semantics go – well, PR tactics are created and utilized specifically to mislead, misrepresent, and fool the targeted audience, to promote the desired image. This is all affected for profit, greed, and guile….without conscience. There are a multitude of videos depicting the truth of the violent round-ups – capturing the reality of the terror, death, and torture the horses & burros suffer. It is not plausible that mere verbiage can obscure these vivid images. Greater wide spread, and mainstream, coverage is direly needed.


  15. Using the word “stampede” and stating it’s definition is just a manipulative ploy by the media to turn things on the BLM and horse managers. They know full well the connotation of the word beyond its definition. All the back and forth, manipulation of facts, and name calling make me so mad! What happened to be able to debate in a civil manner, each party bringing true facts to the table, rather than twisting and manipulating them to their agenda?


    • Jesse i suggest you go to the BLM website and post this question to them since you are so outraged..since you did not attend the WH and Burro meetings in Denver-you are completely unaware of the promises made and broken and the willingness of advocates who traveled from around the US on their own time to give positive input to that committe


    • Jessie, While you have been coming here acting the student we have discovered you are Pro-Slaughter and pro euthanasia;

      Jessie Walling
      “I don’t know anyone in person who was for the closing of all slaughterhouses that process horse meat in the United States. It has caused some serious side effects — too many horses, starving horses, abandoned horses. Maybe it should be considered re-opening some in the United States, (rather than hauling to Canada or Mexico where we have no control of humane methods) and making sure the methods more humane. This would help with some of the problems with domestic horses and give the government an option for euthanization of the thousands of feral horses that can’t be placed in homes.

      The reality is for both the wild horses and domestic horses that there are too many! I agree that the BLM is doing the best that they can given the cost and social restrictions of care and management for wild horses.

      Maybe someday we’ll have it all figured out so that it isn’t costing so much to manage them and there can still be free-roaming herds. But to make sure that happens, we need to manage populations now so that they don’t degrade rangelands so bad that it can’t sustain them or anything else.”
      about a month ago · Report

      This was at the BLM FB page and found by our friend Janet Fergusen. Thanks Janet for helping to ‘out’ this woman who would not admit to us where she was really coming from. Now we know what you smell like, Jessie; death. mar


      • Dear Mar, i just knew this person was up to something , I smelled a rat from the beginning with her !!!!!!


      • I know, Arlene. She was given a chance and used the situation and was never honest
        with us. Her mind is not open but rather made up all ready. We welcome anyone with an open mind and open heart. Some people think to respect science is not to have a heart but Aldo leopold and many others have shown us that is not the case at all. How can narrow minded people celebrate the wild horses the way we can? mar


      • No wonder people on the other side of the table turn a deaf ear on you all. You won. I’m out. I’ll work on helping the horses, wildlife, and the environment from my own end.


      • Jessie, does this mean you cannot own up to being pro-slaughter and, heaven forbid,
        pro-euthanasia? You have not seen much in the real world. But because of your little ruse here i think you need to do a few things, such as; visit a slaughter plant in Canada, visit several HMAs before they are rounded up and document the range and the horses, attend several roundups, if possible. Others may have more suggestions.


  16. After watching the new CNN video where the burro gets flipped, its intolerable to believe that this person can still be onboard, hired by the stewards of our wild horses This is disgusting animal abuse, pure torture and sick sport!
    I have only known of two roundup contractors onboard in the past year, being Catoor’s and Sun-Jay. The video footage Elyse has of the contractor skidding a horse, I believe that was Sun-Jay. And wasn’t that also the contractor for the incident with Blue Moon? It must be revealed who flipped that poor innocent burro! Kudo must know who shot the footage. Share the video far and wide. Truth be known.

    Deniz, regarding your question of who is the man speaking for the horses in the CNN video? Do you mean Kudo? Did they not post his name?


    • It is important to know who flipped that innocent awesome little burro, this is abuse of the worst kind, all the videos where this horse or burro should be complied into one video and shown on Television asking for a complete explanation…………. from the BLM………. THis is prove positive…………………………cruelty and abuse……………


    • Because BLM has put us in the Animal Rights category does not mean we fit! PETA is not out there at the roundups! laura is out there at the roundups…. We are the citizens concerned for the welfare of the wild horses and their lands and co-inhabitants. There was a time when you were owed a retraction for making mistakes. The horses are owed one and we are owed one. mar


  17. CNN video – Deaths have been more than 1% – and the “multiple use” is a misnomer, when it is repeated in that video that the horses must go….and where do they get 40,000? I thought it was more like 30,000, or less? And that poor burro – my disgust knows no bounds….


  18. Using the word “stampede”, and it’s definition, is, in fact, a true and accurate description of that which occurs during a helicopter round up. The comment above- “Using the word stampede and stating its definition is a manipulative ploy by the media against BLM…..” ,etc. is , itself, a “manipulate ploy”. They do understand the connotation , which is why Gorey was so intent upon stating , “Wild horses are not stampeded” . The reality is not good PR. Oh, hitting horses & burros with helicopter blades, shooting horses, breaking up families, horses breaking their necks against panels, and babies having their hooves sloughed off due to being run beyond their limits, and the violence inherent in round ups – certainly is not what one could call “civil.” -( synonym of which is “with benevolence.” ) But forget all ridiculous semantics – the reality is there for all eyes to see – a total disgrace.


  19. Gorey “invites” us to come and observe. So why has Laura Leigh been spending time and money trying to obtain that right? Why does the press not research these things before quoting lies?

    And what’s with the “no bid contract”? I work for a government agency and we can’t buy anything over a couple thousand without the bidding process.


    • Wikikeaks and the current state of the U.S. press show us we are losing the voices of people who do speak out about the unjustices in this country… Laura’s work and her 1st Amendment suit- need our understanding and support. We are not being understood! Those who control content from behind the editor’s desks seek to control what we know about what is going on in our own nation. mar


  20. That Burro had to have been seriously injured. Was there any follow up? The one picture showed a Baby with its Mother. What happened to to the Baby? STAMPEDE is not even a strong enough word.


    • I also am sure he was injured, when he got up he was stumbling !!!!! I hope someone did a follow up on him also !!!!!!!!!!! these blundering fools need to be stopped now ! This has been way out of hand for a long time ………………. Can Helicopters still fly with broken propellers ?


  21. I’ll ask the question again—Why can’t a composite video of all the abuses be made and show repeatedly on TV? Why don’t some of the celebs come forward with funds to do this plus law suits?


  22. Year after year this barbaric cruel process happens and our horses and burros lose life and limb. Foals are trampled to death, frightened and scared mares and stallions all in the , “flight and fright mode,” going in all directions, in a ,”STAMPEDE FORMATION.” Would love to have those people experience this in the same arena and then say oh no this is not a ,”STAMPEDE.”


  23. What an insult to our intelligence to be ‘invited’ to come and see for ourselves! He knows how restrictive and intimidating the BLM and the contractors are about allowing anyone to get close enough or to have good vantage points to document the methods they are using. They do not want to be documented because the know da** well the American public would be outraged. It is a sad commentary on most of the media that CNN seems to be the only network willing to try to inform the general public about what is going on.

    The Catoors of Nephi, UT, and Jody and John Holmes, owners of Sun J Livestock, Vernal, UT, conduct these horrendous and inhumane operations well out of sight and mind of most Americans and they like it that way. They have to be aware that if enough people learn about the way they operate, they would, at the least, be run out on town. That goes for anyone who would lower themselves to work for them too. Not because they are ashamed of the cruelty of their methods, they have no shame or they would not be doing what they are. It is all about money for them and they obviously do not care that they are participating in the BLM’s apparent aim to destroy these uniquely American symbols of freedom and history.

    The BLM has been allowed by congress to go completely out of control in their “management” of the wild horse and burro herds and they have turned the 1971 protections passed into law by congress upside down. Those faceless, unelected bureaucrats that are running this program apparently believe the herds and the ranges that were set aside for them to roam free on belong to the bureau rather than the American public. They also think they can lie to us about what they are doing and that we should believe them and just shut up and go back to sleep.

    Every BLM employee involved in his should be fired and whoever is granting these contracts-to-destroy without going through he standard prescribed bidding process should be prosecuted. The contracts themselves are immoral, possibly illegal, when the 1971 act is considered. But we know that isn’t going to happen due to civil service and union job protections and the fact such a prosecution would expose too many decades of dirty laundry on the part of some very high officials and the ‘good-ol-boy-system certainly is not going to let that happen to these little tin gods.

    I apologize for getting so long-winded but this is one of my hot buttons just as it is for most of us who are paying attention. One last point: Perhaps part of the reason they are so restrictive on who gets close to their gentle little gathering operations is that they are afraid. They know that a relatively few who are experts in the use of those “blast em all to hell pointy things” referred to by Ann L. above could, and maybe would, shut down their whole disgusting show. If that were to happen it would result in draconian measures to deal with such “domestic terrorists” but some perceptive people would wonder just who the real “terrorists” are in these opeations.


  24. A terrified burro is no match for a multi ton flying hunk of steel. . Shame on BLM and government for spending our tax dollars on cruely to creatures with whom we share our planet. . Thank you CNN


    • Dear Nancy, correct me if i am wrong , but i havent seen you on here before , If I am right, I welcome you here, If I am wrong I am still glad you are here !!!!The Best thing about Cnn and any other News media Reports is it get the word out !!!!!! This is Awesome !!!! The Public needs this info…………….. so they can process all info !!!!! and Inquire to get the truth about Our Iconic Wild Mustangs !!!!!



    Sunday, September 14, 2008
    Last Herd Standing
    While BLM is busy complaining how they don’t have any money and all eyes are poised on the 33k wild horses and burros whose lives are now in peril, it hasn’t stopped them from cranking out more management plans to haul more out in the future.

    The Las Vegas Field Office has issued a new Herd Management Area Plan (HMAP) for the Gold Butte Herd Management Area (HMA) and is currently accepting public comments until September 19, 2008. This plan will become the legal foundation of their authority for the next 10-20 years and can be downloaded by Clicking Here.


  26. Thursday, December 6, 2007
    Less Than 10%


    Wild burros were once considered both an icon and mascot of the American West.

    The Grand Canyon in Arizona use to proudly showcase a statue of “Brighty the Burro” at its entrance in honor of the burros historic role in both pioneering and building our Nation.

    Brighty, short for Bright Angel, was a real life wild burro who lived in the Canyon back at the turn of the 19th century and became the inspiration for the book Brighty: Of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry as well as the 1967 Walt Disney movie tribute of the same name.

    Today, Bright Angel’s memorial has been relegated to the scrap heap.


  27. I think Bright Angels memorial should be returned to its rightful, meaningful Place as was intended, and replacing it Should be the remnants a dismantled Betraying , Disgracing BLM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>along with its outdated Policies……


      • You know we dont give the Little burros enough attention that they surely deserve, but with me it is , hoping that along with the Horses they will also be returned to their well deserved freedom for all of the services they have also given freely …………….. When I saw the video of the Little burro get flipped by the Helicopter i was so saddened and horrified that this was done , it looked as if it was just for the sport of it, there wasnt anything else in sight , this is criminal to me ………All of this must be stopped …… I really dont know how these people sleep with themselves at nite ……….


      • Yep, last time I was at the North Rim in 1995, Brighty was there and was looking grand. it is a beautiful statue and would certainly go to a museum if not on display there. There is a plaque telling of the removal by cleveland amory’s group, of all the burros and horses… mar


  28. Deal is – he said “go and observe one for yourself.” Take him for his word. Find the silver lining – it is there. … now and be good no bombing or threatening violence. Maybe they’d feel better if you showed up in your own helicopter and buzzed them a few times kicking dust in their faces and beating them with percussive waves from the rotors. Nah, just show up with cameras and food, something hot to drink and tell them “Tom sent me.”


  29. Boo hoo, Tommy. Put your big boy pants on and take it like a man — we can use real language that really conveys the ugly reality your little band of cretins creates for the wild horses! No, we are not going to adopt your LYING language choices to smooth things out with the masses. We calls ’em likes we sees ’em! So there!


  30. All this horrible horrible crap from Abbey of the BLM and his horse eater-horse breeders..who just can NOT stop keeping stallions with their mares. Thank God horses only have one young a year or these horse breeders would be just like puppy mills with their 6 million pups each year. The large horse breeding ranches are not just ignorant by producing 100-200 quarterhorse foals every year…they are downright..stupid americans.

    No wonder Bob Abbey and the BLM kept cramming horses into the crappy, no shelter-over-crowded holding over 2010…so they could inflate the numbers.

    This past year you know what they are doing in Australia instead of setting up/building up more horse slaughter? It is Australia that owns the chinese/russian horsemeat market aswell, Wallis…think they want you butting-in with your business? nope.

    Anyways what australia does is not stampede, not rope, not cause road founder, they have expert traned shooters on helicoptors…if they feel the need to shapshooters are trained for a head and heart shot from helicoptors.

    I don’t like the idea of instant death for any wild animal..however an instant death on their home range, with no fear, no stampede….is a million times better than ANYTHING the BLM or the Cartoors do. just my opinion.

    I hate the horse eaters..what a bunch of jerks…they should stand under the 150 MPH helicoptor sand/rock blasting winds (FAA info) and see if they are even alive after an hour!!


  31. “…Tom Gorey said, “Wild horses and burros are not stampeded during gathers…” OMG give me a break, Tom!
    – My comment is not a new idea but want to say it again… is there someone who has the knowledge to splice together the numerous youtube clips of the burro and the many other sickening videos and make a new video showing over and over and over the abuse and injuries and inhumane treatment of our wild horses and burros during and after the stampedes? Witnesses have spent countless days getting this footage and although “we” have seen it … it needs to be combined into a single video and sent to Fitch etc. and put on youtube PLUS sent to every news room and news paper and government official we can find … LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL! I don’t know how to do this … do any of you? PS How about using the “death march” for background music.


    • I completely agree a spliced tape showing ALL the horrific things that have been documented would be a wonderful tool. There are several years worth on youtube. Isn’t there someone in our groups who has the tech skills to do this? One hurdle will be getting permission but it is a noble idea for a great way to really push the point to the masses, legislators, etc. If I could do it, I would volunteer… not my forte though….


    As previusly mentioned, our wild horses and burros are RUN at their top speed (including foals and elders), across rough terrain during all kinds of weather for many many many miles to the traps. This is unnatural and inhumane and abusive treatment. Here are a few facts about specifically bred and trained and conditioned horses who are run during horse “games”:
    POLO – 7 minutes:
    The game consists of six 7 minute chukkas, between or during which players change mounts. More than one pony per player is needed in order to allow tired mounts to be changed for fresh mounts between or even during chukkas.
    THOROUGHBRED RACING – 1.5 miles maximum:
    American Thoroughbred races are run at a wide variety of distances, most commonly from 5 to 12 furlongs (0.63 to 1.5 mi)
    ENDURANCE RIDING – not run the whole time plus vet checks:
    The ride is divided into sections and after each phase, horses are stopped for a veterinary inspection where they are checked for soundness and dehydration, with their pulse and respiration taken. To continue the ride, the horse must pass the examination.


  33. This is realized when you see after a stampede they are coral ed together the steam that pours off of there backs , proves our mustangs are run for hours without rest or most of the time fenced off from the of water, If Bob Abbey gave two shits about them would that lieing bastard allow this to happen, ??? Bob Abbey, the Blm , and Ken Salazar are all guilty of the most heinous lies, not a one of them see past their own greed and deception … Sorry thats how i see it………….. Ever since the BLM and Bob Abbey referred to The Wild Mustangs as rats with hooves, can you imagine that , you are being paid to protect them, and you spew out that ??????? The very idea of taking money for a job you talk about like that……… The Wild Mustangs feed him , put a roof over his head and he refers to them RATS WITH HOOVES……………


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