Wild Horses/Mustangs

Animal Welfare Groups Respond to Federal Ruling that Fails to Protect Colorado Wild Horse Herd

Joint Press Release from ASPCA, Habitat for Horses, the Cloud Foundation and the HfH Advisory Council

BLM Moves Forward to Zero Out Wild Horse Herd

NEW YORK—The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), along with Habitat for Horses, the Cloud Foundation, and Dr. Don and Toni Moore, today responded to a federal judge’s ruling that declined to issue an injunction preventing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from continuing its inhumane and illegal roundup of wild horses from Colorado’s North Piceance herd area. The case, brought against U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in New York, charged that the BLM’s ongoing treatment of America’s federally protected wild horse herds violates the National Environmental Protection Act, as well as the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

The BLM had dropped its immediate attempt to relocate the case from New York to Colorado or Washington D.C., making this the first case against the BLM to be heard in New York. “While we are disappointed by yesterday’s ruling, we are encouraged by the court’s acknowledgment that the removal of these iconic horses impacts all Americans,” said Matt Bershadker, senior vice president of ASPCA Anti-Cruelty. “The ASPCA is committed to protecting our nation’s wild horses.”

U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley acknowledged that the plaintiffs would undoubtedly suffer irreparable harm from the roundup of the wild horse herd. The court further acknowledged the permanent injury caused to Dr. Don Moore, a Colorado veterinarian who has personally known the Piceance-North Douglas Herd for decades. “Although we did not get the win that we were aiming for,” stated Jerry Finch, founder and president of Habitat for Horses, “we stood fast in a contested venue and got the court to agree to the damage done to American citizens when the BLM pulls our wild mustangs from their rightful land. That in its own right is huge.”

“I would be lying if I said that I am not disappointed,” said R.T. Fitch, volunteer executive director of the funding HfH Advisory Council, “but it’s not about me, you or anything else other than the horses. That’s where my feelings reside. It’s time for the American wild horse to catch a break, and we intend to see that promise through.”

More than 19 million acres originally designated for wild horses have been slowly whittled away for cattle grazing, making the horses both the victims and targets for removal. The use of helicopters to run the terrified horses over miles of scorching desert has resulted in serious injuries and several horse deaths throughout the summer, as well as one-half or more of the wild horse population languishing in long-term holding pens.

“The fight to save the last of the mustangs is just beginning,” said Ginger Kathrens, director of the Cloud Foundation. “We will continue to take our message to Congress, the courts and to an increasingly concerned public.”

50 replies »

  1. R.T. and all you wonderful organizations and people who are Warriors for OUR horses. Thank you so much. I know someone will come up with a course of action to finally get thru to our Government. Why can’t one of the “good” guys sneak in an amendment that would force the BLM to have to update its information each year. I think that would be cheaper than all the “gathers” Find out EXACTLY how fast the herds are multiplying. Not so much anymore I would guess.


  2. If the court agrees to the damage done… then WHY do the allow it ????????

    I have never seen such twisted minds like here.


    • This court ruling may be (in my non-legal-trained mind) a diamond-in-the-rough.

      This ruling states, Loud and Clear, that the BLM cannot nor does it not have the equids best interests as its ruling priority, since it must manage for multiple use.

      This is a Judge of the Court who has flat-out made it crystal clear that (to extrapolate)

      This is my “take away” on this ruling. . .

      I am not an overly optimistic person, but perhaps someone with a bull-dog mentality, a pit-bull jaw and a single-minded purpose, can drag this


      into the light of the general public and the American Government’s attention
      such as one might do by taking a
      2×4 and placing it, (legally, in proper legal-eeze) firmly and forcefully before a judge who will go ONE STEP FURTHER — PERHAPS will


  3. The government basically has “good faith immunity” extended to them and we need to overcome that. The ruling otherwise leaves me speechless.


    • Debra wrote: The government basically has “good faith immunity” extended to them and we need to overcome that…

      Anne’s comment: is “good faith immunity” where the Federal Gov. officials defend each other regardless if the rulings are just ?

      Judges must protect themselves from the long arm of the BLM too !

      to the judge; u probably made his descion before the hearings began ! because usu. public officials do not knit pick each other

      usu. if one public official says Nay; most public officials say nay;

      like copy cats they officials mimic each other and “mock us! Booo!


  4. Thank you for standing up, standing strong and vowing to continue on. You are not alone and more are coming. I am grateful for your actions and personal sacrifices. With each battle we gain vaulable insight and resolve is deepened. We are not going away We at Grass Roots Horse are with you and we are hanging tough as well.


  5. I am appalled that the horses did not win their rightful justice and that the law protecting them is being ignored.

    I’ve come to my own conclusion that not all is right in Denmark. Something stinks. A lot.


  6. I just read the end of the order doc in the last post, since there was a lot there. But I was a bit stunned the words ‘well considered decision of the BLM’ were used regarding the multi use needs of the public. HUH? I’ll go and read the rest of it when I have time, but somehow I doubt I’ll change my opinion that using terms like ‘well considered’ and BLM are oxymorons when used in the same sentence. And aren’t we the public too?


  7. I keep wondering what it’s going to take to right this wrong. We need to up the ante. Everything that wild horse advocates have done so far has failed to change the BLM policies. What is it going to take? And how can we organize to put together the resources to accomplish the win? I have been writing letters and making phone calls and attending events since 2003 and I’m not sure it’s made any difference.

    I feel ill and helpless every time I read another article about what the BLM is doing to the horses. Is this a situation that calls for civil disobedience? Or can we protect the horses working through proper channels?


  8. U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley acknowledged that the plaintiffs would undoubtedly suffer irreparable harm from the roundup of the wild horse herd.

    What the hell……what about the horses!!


  9. To zero out any herd is a serious denial of the longevity of those horses surviving in that area for hundreds of years. If the courts are not educated enough to understand ALL the implications this has then we need to get better acquainted with them ourselves. When the horses go more cattle or sheep may come. More ORV s also, despite the findings that they are extremely destructive to plants, trails and wildlife, especially endangered species.

    The courts are allowing wild horses to be removed and zeroed out of lands they have occupied since we were barely even colonies! This is a serious action and NO ONE is studying it as the range loses the horses that have kept it a functioning ecosystem!

    There are ways to save horses and I am asking all of us to become an active force to find ways to save the lives of the wild herds as they are under attack by BLM. We must stop the gender processing that renders our wild ones incapable of reproducing. This is part of the biggest lie; our wild horses are overpopulated! They are disappearing fast! Over 100 herds are gone and the lands they were on are now different than they were for up to 500 years! This is an extreme change and was done unwarrented to the lands and wild things that shared it with the horses!

    If BLM does not want our wild herds we Most Certainly DO! We want them legally. mar


  10. Thanks to everyone and good for the ASPCA. Sure hope they continue their support. So where’s the HSUS? How do we encourage them to saddle up and ride?

    When more cases are filed, “picking the right spots” will again be essential. This was a good spot and a well-presented case. Progress was made and we should be thankful for that. But as long as ANY judge has to base rulings on antiquated law and flawed procedures, that’s a core problem. Judges can issue opinions and warnings, but must base rulings on the law.

    The 1971 Act was vague and, in fact, never adhered to. If the program had been set up correctly at the beginning and the wild ones had been “managed” properly over time, this whole mess would have been avoided. The DOI/BLM has a history of ever-changing “policies” which have little basis in law or fact and loopholes big enough to literally drive a herd through. That’s the way they like it.

    Our bloated government is used to dealing with lawsuits and has VERY well-paid lawyers with staffers to do the research. We “pay the freight” – salaries, benefits, premier health care, retirement, etc. – for ALL these people, but, unfortunately, the underlings answer to the “engineers” of these out-of-control trains. Trains have whistles and I wish some folks at the DOI/BLM/WH&BP would step up and blow a few!


    • The BLM are blowing whistles..OF VICTORY.. proving to Joe Public once more…that they will win…even in the courts of law…


  11. It seems totally unfair that we the people get to pay so much money for things we don’t want! Most of us don’t want the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Most of us don’t agree with the way our Treasury Department sits in the lap of Wall Street, we don’t like our energy program, don’t agree with our foreign policy and we sure as hell don’t want our natural resources gutted and treated in such a profoundly callous way. This is our country. Our government agencies use our money and then keep us at arm’s length from witnessing what they are doing. They expect undying and dying loyalty from the citizens, and we have to sue them to get them to do the right thing and protect those things we hold dear. It is definitely time for a change! I pray for and thank God for these people who are fighting for our rights as Americans.


  12. The BLM are an instructed USA agency that can be akin to the CSI and FBI. They are their own law within themselves above courts and law makers.. The orders were issued clear and presice; and they will be carried out… Anilate the free mustangs.. No civilian will stop it; No lowly court judge; It’s all in the BLM’s hands what happens now…The mustangs are not the first animal sent to extinction by man; first by what we call modern man ; first on North American soil, in todays age by modern man can be written in historys page. It truely is a sad day for all those who raised their voices. Who stood up and took it to the courts of law and even there were not strong enough…. Beat the drums slowly….


  13. BTW, is there any point is asking who is compiling these statistics? and who is auditing the findings – such as an impartial witness? I didn’t think so.




  15. REAL REFORM has never come about from the top. The TRUE history of this country is about the PEOPLE. It is only when hard-headed, strong willed people stand together and refuse to budge that reform comes about–that is the ONLY way it has ever happened. History shows us pictures of generals and dignitaries—it is the PEOPLE who have made history.


  16. Look guys – Judge Pauley said it really plainly several times ……..EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO WATCH AND COMMENT ON BLM PLANS…….

    He left a trail of breadcrumbs – he did NOT like having to make this decision – but he (or his law clerk(s)) went to GREAT pains to list every relevant case law etc………he did the best he could.



    This one is DUE MONDAY! Right now in this fight, other than helping with legal costs this is the MOST important thing you can do – i.e. FLOOD THEM WITH YOUR OPINION! AND, scientific challenge is best i.e. count cattle the same way you count horses/burros, inventory them all the same way, use technology to monitor riparian areas (i.e. watering holes – they do it in Africa and making big $$$ on the internet – why ain’t we?). That is how to attack these EAs and EISs – they are counting cattle using the AUMs (and estimate used to pay for grazing fees NOT an actual estimate)……..any biologists out there. Tear them UP!! Their EAs are CRAP!
    OK – Rant over………panting.

    Hugs to RT and Terry, Jerry and the gang……..it ain’t over until WE SAY ITS OVER……..


    • Nell:

      You posted-“…He left a trail of breadcrumbs – he did NOT like having to make this decision – but he (or his law clerk(s)) went to GREAT pains to list every relevant case law etc………he did the best he could…”

      I believe the judge failed to cite the West Douglas case law, among other problems with his decision. There are also several cases that WWP has won against DOI/BLM he could have cited as many of the issues are similar. I understand they don’t all involve wild equines as a specific species, but they (WWP) certainly attack the screwed up NEPA, EAs and science issues, etc peddled by the BLM especially.


      • I was just reading about this on the WWP site. If they proved that the BLM’s science and environmental impact statements are faulty, why doesn’t that apply? Bad science is bad science, no matter who is bringing the accusation. If it’s bad for the WWP, how can it suddenly be fine for others? Doesn’t even make sense.

        I realize our courts are FAR too polluted with ridiculous twits and twats that make a normal person’s head spin – I know of an actual case where the defendant was acquitted of drowning another person because the prosecution didn’t specify that the victim was drowned in water – but still… If the science is bad, it’s bad, period. The Inspector General’s office has already totally invalidated the BLM’s science anyway. Does this not matter a jot? My GOD!

        As Laura Leigh once asked, “Where does common sense come in?” In our court system, nowhere, unfortunately.


  17. I went to Laura Allen’s Animal Law Coalition and read her synopsis…it’s is a very good read. Let me qualify that statement; she breaks down some of the key points and in the end, the reader walks away thinking that Judge Pauley made many contradictory statements in his ruling. I read it and just started shaking my head, furrowing my brow and grabbed three aspirin…some of the most skewed logic or lack thereof I have ever read.

    Just remember that the US courts justified and ruled in favor of slavery for a very long time. What I’m trying to say is that the courts don’t always “get it” morally or legally right. We can’t despair…the equines, wild and domestic need us.


  18. I’d like nothing better than to be able to take each and everyone of the good ol boys that are the powers that be that influenced the decison of the honorable (JOKE) US District Judge William H Pauley as well as the Judge himself to a gather from the beginning to the horrendous end. Up close and personal. I’d also like to have them work at a packing plant that processes horse meat and have them deal the death (or stunning blow more often), attend the auction that condemned them to death, and ride the last ride with them. Look in to their eyes and see their suffering. Then if they could look Me in the eye and tell me that their indifference is justified I would know that it is hopeless. That the very nature of a career politician is so corrupted by power and money and that HUGE character flaw is undeniably at the root of all their decisions. It has been so long since the government was truly by the people, for the people, if it ever was. It is and has been for so long by the powerful, for the powerful. Justice is blind they say. No truer words were ever spoken! Justice will not open her eyes long enough to see the truth of what she is doing!


    • Jan said “…I’d like nothing better than to be able to take each and everyone … to a gather from the beginning to the horrendous end. Up close and personal…”
      I have had similar thoughts many times. I have dreamed that our President and all governmental officials would tell their children bedtime stories about Honey Bandit and how own their lack of knowledge or caring caused this atrocity … and then hopefully how now they are working to better the world for the wild ones and for their own children. Just a dream.

      Before electronics, families and neighbors learned wisdom from each other. Now we can do both. Talk to people about what is happening … believe it or not most people have no idea what is going on with our land and animals in the hands of the government. Tell them about BLM selling our land to the energy hogs for $2 per acre and tell them about the hooves being literally run off the innocent colts … tell them about Honey Bandit being neglected to the verge of death. You will find that most people really do care. We can’t take everyone out to see the beautiful wild animals and we can’t force them to experience the suffering of the animals but we can educate people about these things and some people will see the light. Share your wisdom.


  19. My hope is that this step, though not as far reaching as hoped for, will be the tipping point in the big picture. Thank you R.T, Jerry, Cloud Foundation, Dr. Moore and ASPCH, and everyone else, who are persisting in these actions. I must believe every little step is a step closer to real impact for the lives of our iconic wild horses – and to freedom from the bullys and bottom feeders drunkened by power and greed who have no honest answers.

    Advocates, regardless of little diferences – be the wall of love and truth – that will be the miracle to return our wild horses to the land and family societies that they once knew –

    Moody Blues – Question:

    “Why do we never get an answer
    When we’re knocking at the door?
    With a thousand million questions
    About hate and death and war.

    It’s where we stop and look around us
    There is nothing that we need.
    In a world of persecution
    That is burning in it’s greed.

    Why do we never get an answer
    When we’re knocking at the door?
    Because the truth is hard to swallow
    That’s what the wall of love is for.

    It’s not the way that you say it
    When you do those things to me.
    It’s more the way that you mean it
    When you tell me what will be.

    And when you stop and think about it
    You won’t believe it’s true.
    That all the love you’ve been giving
    Has all been meant for you.

    I’m looking for someone to change my life.
    I’m looking for a miracle in my life.
    And if you could see what it’s done to me
    To lose the the love I knew
    Could safely lead me through.

    Between the silence of the mountains
    And the crashing of the sea
    There lies a land I once lived in
    And she’s waiting there for me.

    But in the grey of the morning
    My mind becomes confused
    Between the dead and the sleeping
    And the road that I must choose.

    I’m looking for someone to change my life.
    I’m looking for a miracle in my life.
    And if you could see what it’s done to me
    To lose the the love I knew
    Could safely lead me to
    The land that I once knew.
    To learn as we grow old
    The secrets of our souls.

    It’s not the way that you say it
    When you do those things to me.
    It’s more the way you really mean it
    When you tell me what will be.

    Why do we never get an answer
    When we’re knocking at the door?
    With a thousand million questions
    About hate and death and war.

    It’s where we stop and look around us
    There is nothing that we need.
    In a world of persecution
    That is burning in it’s greed.

    Why do we never get an answer
    When we’re knocking at the door?”


    • Roxy, The poem you put on here needs to reach the President, Vise President & any one else in the white House as well as Salazar. I love what you wrote & it HITS HOME!!!


      • Thanks, but the poem is the lyrics to the wonderful music by the Moody Blues – song titled Question (which you can hear on YouTubes in full). It seems to have been written for our wild horses and our war agianst BLM – just exchange the word Love with Home – parts seem from the wild horse point of view, parts from Advocates point of view – just so applicable…


  20. Everyone who is on Facebook–put this information out there—reach people and help them understand how important this issue is. Put the Pictures of OUR WILD MUSTANGS and OUR WILD BURROS out there so that people REALLY UNDERSTAND. They have to feel the connection and they need to realize that they have Power.


  21. The group has a big challenge to overcome that decision for sure.
    On what points of law is the court mistaken?
    The court addresses ecological balance . Isn’t this a mathematical equation? Until the wild horse inventory is compared with the inventory of other grazing/browsing wildlife/ livestock how can BLM or the court make a finding of balance? Isn’t it true that wild horse herds constitute less than one percent of grazing on the public domain…factor in that the horses are restricted to herd areas/herd management areas. What percentage of the range is allocated to wild horses and burros? Is that a balanced equation?
    If wild horses constitute the minority of grazing use then how can they contribute significant destruction of the public range? Conversely if other wildlife and livestock constitute the majority use of the public range including herd areas, then they are responsible for major degredation. Isn’t BLM neglegent by diminishing the use of critical habitat for OUR fast disappearing wild HERDS? Didn’t Congress mandate these ranges specifically for their conservation, preservation and maintenance?.
    Wouldn’t BLM be required to maximize BMP’s (best management practices) to minimize impact and rehabilitate range lands by removal of other migratory species and livestock?
    How does the limited habitat for wild horses (HMAs ) equate with any multiple use balance when other migratory wildlife is not restricted to Herd areas? Doesn’t managment for extinction violate the intent of the ESA?


  22. I haven’t heard or read, but has this new ruling & the entire story been picked up by major newspapers or magazines? More horse & non-horsey people need to know what is happening & what just took place.
    Great work to you all!! May the force be with you as the fight continues…


  23. All I can say, somebody brought the monies and the judge accepted. All his arguments sound to me as gibberish. Wild horses aren’t the majority of wild life and yet they are being the ones singled out to be eradicated. God did not mean for this to happen to these beautiful animals and we must carry on to see it to the bitter end. I know, God willing, we will win. And then, we can be the judges of the punishment for those that have decimated our beautiful horses and burrows. Maybe our decision will be to give the same punishment to those that handed down their decisions to the BLM, the BLM employees, and the helicopter company employees, from gather to the very end as they’re led down their final journey. As far as I’m concerned, this would still be too good for these horrible human beings. Did I say human beings. They are killers. Their punishment should be more, because of all the horses they have killed and the horses’s families they have destroyed. This only proves to me, where’s the justice. Our govenment is corrupt. Money buys and somewhere along the line, we better wake up and eradicate the government of its disgusting individuals, not only for the sake of the horses, but for us and a loving, and caring country. At present, this is not the land of the free, it is for only those that want to destroy.


  24. Mar – I agree with you that we should move to saving the herds. Please count me in for support. I definitely appreciate the ASPCA, HfH, Cloud Foundation and grassroots.horse tremendous effort and the sacrifices made. They have made great inroads and established precedent but the onslaught continues. It’s just another day in paradise for the BLM and Salazar. The Obama administration will declare yet another victory while the horses languish uncared for and crammed into prison pens. There are more round ups coming even into winter, just in time to ruin the holidays for everyone. It’s time to get unaltered family groups to sanctuaries and provide the support needed. The Cloud Foundation did this for the Forest Service horses, who needed resources for their move this month. I was not able to send them any because of the lawsuits. No, it’s time for another such victory-foals born in freedom which the BLM can NEVER harm. This would be a win-win and a better investment IMO than a road of hard knocks.


    • Tho’ we all want wild and free roaming horses and burros on their own land… we are being pushed to extremes By the extremes BLM is going to remove and process the wild herds. If there are alternatives we need to have them more than just scoped but find out how to implement this as a program and new management. The trouble with having to deal with a Rogue Agency is that they think nothing of making decisions which manipulate our and impede our progress. That was why they hired the PR firm.
      They have enjoyed hurting us because, at center, this agency is sadistic. Greed can do that. mar


  25. A bit off topic here. Elyse Gardner has new video up. It’s about 9 mins long. And VERY DISTURBING. The helicopter pilot continually harasses a “long” yearling for a good 5 mins trying to get him to head for the chute. The colt doesn’t want to go. He seems confused by what the pilot is asking for him to do.

    When colt does finally enter the chute the PILOT HITS THE COLT ON THE RIGHT HIP WITH HIS SKIDS! Sorry folks this one is for real. This is not make believe. You see the colt throw his head up, he gives a bit of a kick.

    Then some bozo comes out with one of those whipsticks and starts flailing that thing around spooking him into the corral.



  26. Margaret, this is not off topic: Here is another picture to send. The video is on youtube Elyse Gardner was there and shot the video.. TP – HELICOPTER PUSHES YEARLING is the name of the video.

    The poor little yearling was so frightened. The horse was just frozen and unable to fight or flight, all senses down. I noticed the horse was lame after the helicopter skids pushed the horse. It is disgusting! Show this to the Judge. Where is the Mother? This horse was so scared, you could have put a halter and lead rope around it and BLM chose to do this?


  27. Blaming the BLM for rounding up horses is like blaming the Army (our troops) for being in Afghanistan. We’ve all discussed who is driving this bus. MONEY. So where’s the money coming from….Cattleman’s Assoc., Elk Breeders, Oil and Natural Gas Companies. On “pubilic” land the horses pretty much take care of themselves. To round ’em up and warehouse them costs taxpayers a fortune. But the darned horses are “in the way” and THEY AREN’T MAKING ANYBODY MONEY. It’s getting harder and harder to “follow the money”. The following is from: Grazing is Razing: The Big, Bad Impact of Livestock on Public Lands :by steve casimiro on May 1, 2009

    If you’ve ever seen the trampling just a few cows can do to fragile cryptobiotic soil, a slow-growing, living desert crust, a new report on the impact of livestock grazing on public lands in the West will come as no surprise. According to a new study released today by WildEarth Guardians, across the Great Basin and beyond, wildlife is under threat by cattle and sheep farming, which have caused more destruction than mining and energy extraction and, despite grazing fees, cost the federal government millions annually.

    Here are some of the key findings of “Western Wildlife Under Hoof”.

    Nearly all of the West’s surface waters have been polluted by livestock waste, mostly in the form of giardia and bacteria.

    Over the last 1,000 years, livestock grazing has had a larger impact on Great Basin lands than any other agenct.

    99 percent of the West’s sagebrush steppe has been affected by grazing.

    Grazing has contributed to the demise of 22 percent of threatened and endangered species, compared to 12 percent for logging and 11 percent for mining.

    The U.S. Government spends $100 million annually in grazing subsidies.

    In 2004, it spent $144 million managing private grazing on public lands, but collected only $21 million in fees, for a loss of $123 million a year.

    The total cost to BLM and Forest Service (direct and indirect) could be $500 million to $1 billion a year.

    More than 71,000 predators were killed in 2007 by the Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services to protect livestock. Annual program cost is $5 million to $8 million.

    Think all this goes to feed the nation? The United States gets less than 3 percent of its American-grown beef from grazing on public lands. Florida raises more beef than Wyoming.

    Half of the grazing permit holders are hobbyists who do not rely on ranching for the livelihood.

    The 47-page report is a powerful indictment of the farce of public lands grazing and it well worth perusing (read it in PDF here). Unfortunately, it’s long on conclusions—a great start—but short on solutions, with just two pages and two suggestions devoted to stemming the damage. Certainly, increased protecting under the Endangered Species Act will help the trout, falcons, tortoises, prairie dogs, wolves, and other critters under threat. And the retirement of grazing permits has been a successful market-oriented solution. Both more analysis, costs, and an action plan are needed. When do permits retire and who buys them out (sometimes it’s the feds, sometimes its enviro groups)? What are the areas most in need of reclamation? “Western Wildlife Under Hoof” is a great start, but it’s just that—a start.


  28. I only wish the President’s children could read Maureen Harmony’s piece about “Banner”


    and watch this one young horse try to battle the BLM torture machine.
    I think the entire Elyse Gardner video incorporated into the article (with sound) should be mantatory watching for anyone involved in this atrocity.
    At the end…if you’re not crying for the horses…crying for our own American spirit…then may God have pity on your soul.


    • I’ll go out on a limb – this is not the first time this helicopter cowboy has done this – and is probably proud of himself/herself – thought it was fun.

      There is NO excuse for this!


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