Horse News

BLM Sold Out America and Condemns Wildlife to Death by Thirst

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

The Web of Lies Chokes the Credibility of the BLM

HOUSTON, (SFTHH) – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) tasked with protecting our public lands and wildlife has been doing exactly the opposite; they have been killing wild horses, deer and other species by selling off public water rights to private interests and allowing fences to be erected for private purposes so that the natural wildlife dies of thirst.

As reported by Steven Long, editor of Horseback Magazine in his most recent article, “Water on BLM Land Privately Owned Since 1916”, wild horse advocate Laura Leigh witnessed the Desert Ranch Reservoir located in the middle of a wild horse herd management area was fenced off.  Earlier in the week the BLM killed in excess of 20 wild horses during an ill conceived, mid-summer helicopter stampede in the Owyhee area.  Laura Leigh managed to obtain a TRO from a Federal Judge to delay the roundup in accordance with the rules of the BLM’s own handbook and to wait until the weather had cooled.  Federal BLM attorneys argued that it was an emergency that all of the horses were in danger of dying of thirst so the roundup must take place; the judge lifted his order but issued a statement that Leigh would be allowed to witness the BLM and their stampede contractor’s operations.  Both the contractor and BLM violated the judge’s order by moving the trap and staging area to a small private location within tens of thousands of public acres so that Leigh was not allowed access.

Tom Gorey, BLM Washington spokesperson, reported to Steven Long, regarding the fenced off water,

Desert Ranch Reservoir, and I can categorically state that the Bureau of Land Management has never owned the water rights to that reservoir, nor has any entity of the United States government. I used the water rights ownership database of the Nevada state government’s Division of Water Resources, which shows that the water right was filed in September 1905 and was certificated in December 1916. It was originally owned by John G. Taylor and has been passed from different “grantors” to different “grantees” down to the present day.”

This week, Investigative Reporter for Las Vegas’ Channel 8, George Knapp reported.

While we’ve been working on our latest stories, my photographer Matt Adams discovered an interesting feature on Google Earth. There’s an “I” for information feature and if you use it, it will allow you to identify some valuable info including:

a) all water sources in the Tuscarora HMA’s

b) all the cattle allotments

c) the division of public and private land. I don’t know if the same breakdown is available for all HMA’s but it is for these three.

I think it will make you sick when you study it. All of the water sources, or nearly all of them, have been made private. A rancher might have a tiny sliver of private land, surrounded by vast public acreage, but the small piece owned by the rancher is invariably the one with the water.

Nice job by the BLM protecting the public’s interests.

The BLM continually twists and bends the facts in an effort to convince the general public that they are acting in the best interests of the wild horses but as the facts mount up and the law suits gain in numbers it is obvious to the general populace that the BLM does not act in favor of anyone or anything other than the BLM and their private interest cronies.

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33 replies »

  1. I can’t think of the words to describe BLM, part of the problem is their spin doctors are good at putting out the right spin on everything, and those noknowledgeable about the TRUTH seem to buy into their spin. There’s commenters on here who believe BLM is doing what’s best for the horses. It’s really a sad time in this country. By the time people wake up, it’ll be too late, AMerica will be owned by big corporations, and all of the wild will be gone.


  2. Maybe it’s time wildlifers and horse people decided to actively pull together in the name of sanity and moral American stewardship of public lands, because nobody else, including any federal agency, ever will.


      • Once the ranchers see that the blm has figured out that they can make more money using the same land for energy corporations they could just be lobbying for our side too. We’ll see how long it takes them to wake up. My guess is blm will attack the smaller landholders first and then start carving up the big guys. WooooHooooo


      • Morgan, that is what I’ve been saying all along. And once the cattle are gone to make way for energy and mining, then the other wild animals will become pests too. For me, and I suspect for many thousands, once the wild horses are gone, so am I, I will not help cattle or the hunters fight BLM.


    • Rob’s comments about coming together compels me to share this…
      I certainly can’t speak for everyone here, but I know that I’ve been feeling alternately angry by WH&B mismanagement, energized by my fellow advocates, and sometimes scattered and powerless. I know the term “emotional roller coaster” is over-used, but that’s often how all of this effects me.
      One way that I’m grounding myself is in prayer and meditation — getting centered and directing my thoughts and my heart in a good way.
      On August 28 I’m doing a special prayer ceremony with friends and family, specifically for the safety and well-being of our wild horses and burros — for wisdom for our country’s leaders where these wild ones are concerned and for the clear-headed strength that all of us need as we move forward.
      I don’t know if anyone is interested in holding their own vigils and circles on Aug 28, but I thought I’d put out my intention and maybe — in your own ways — you’d lay your prayers beside mine on that day. Call it a day of prayer or a day of honoring the wild horses and burros. I think of it as good energy focused toward a positive outcome.
      Just a thought …


      • Nora, being that we are battling a very dark and deceitful beast the more positive Karma that you spread around, the better.

        It is always welcome.


  3. Perhaps its time to start removing fences around water on public lands? I see no difference between how the BLM operates and how the MMS operates.


  4. Nora: I would like to participate. Participated in a small ceremony on the solstice
    watched over by Olli, my BLM burro who left our herd and was with us gleaming in the moonlight!


    • Sounds like a few people are interested. Very cool!
      Louie — I didn’t know about the Tuesday night vigils. I’ll be part of that, too.
      So, I know what I’m doing on August 28. I’m in Georgia, and if people are willing to hold their own personal, small (or large) groups wherever they are, we can all connect our circles/vigils/prayer groups — or whatever you want to call them that works for you. 🙂 Even something as simple as lighting a candle in your house and offering up some good energy. It’s all positive.
      I know what you mean about our loved ones watching over us, Forest Horse. I’ve felt that from time to time myself.


      • I’m in Southern Cal and can organize some people here, either in one location or in their homes but I know they will be doing this. Also there is a great site which on Sept 17th @ 7pm in your time zone will have people around the world drumming for peace and goodwill on mankind. When people throughout the world drum at this time it keeps the intent going for 24 hours. Plus Carlisle Bergquist is a pretty great guy. If you don’t drum you could hum, sing, tap your foot, drum on your table anything just make a noise for one hour. I participated last year and will be doing so again


  5. On the Cloud Foudation website, we have been holding Tuesday night vigils, from 5:00 go 7:00. Let’s do the vigil, on an ongoing basis. There is tremendous power in collective conscience.


    • Groovy! (I take every opportunity I can to use that word 🙂 )
      I’ll be in a sweat lodge ceremony — maybe not familiar to some of you, but a strong part of my family’s tradition. It’s an all-day ceremony, so whenever people want to “chime in” with their own thoughts and prayers, that works.
      We all pray in different ways I think, so whatever seems fitting to you … go for it.
      Thanks for joining me on Aug. 28th. May all our prayers be answered in a good way.


  6. What the Bureau of Land Management has done, under the Department of the Interior, is indeed, unspeakable evil. There is no other word for it. No wonder they don’t like being questioned or documented.


  7. R.T., I think it is kind of an open fomat for the vigil. Someone suggested it months ago and that was the time that eveyone settled on. We could narrow it down to a little tighter time frame here, so that we all are on the same wave length at the same time. We all are anyway, but we can really crank it up, all at the same time.


  8. Light a candle–say a prayer– and keep up the good fight. Also print and mail the letter on the In Defense of Animals site–right away–deadline Aug.3. And follow their suggestion to e-mail your disappointment in the BLMs refusal to take e-mails/faxes. I e-mail contact the White House every day– under “subject” I click “help with a government agency”– that would be BLM. Perhaps when they’re done killing every horse in sight, they’ll start in on Portugese water dogs— that will positively get Obama’s attention. Those horses are fighting for their lives–but they are not fighting alone!


  9. Please, start refrencing the death totals as unknown, as many(number is still unknown) were euthanized in the desert where they stood, casualtys of heat exhaustion..not drought as stated by the BLM..there have been autopsies done that PROVE this and as of yet have not been released to the public..get an FOIA for these results..because it will NOT be posted..these horses would then have to be added to the “Gather Death Totals”..and a public..not internal investigation..would be called for and criminal charges brought. George Knapp, please tell this story!!!


    • I have not heard about the euthanized horses in the desert. How did you find out about it? I’d also like to know how many foals were left out there to perish alone.


      • The BLM stated in their own Press Releases that many horses appeared unable to make the stampede and they would be humanly euthanized on the range.


      • “Humanely euthanized on the range…” Being shot is a quick way to go, if the BLM employs people who can shoot straight. But to refer to it as humane euthanasia is a stretch. It would be more humane not to stampede them in the first place.
        I may have missed something … did the BLM decide to shoot horses before the round up even began or after the horses were weak and dehydrated from being chased for miles in the extreme heat?


      • As far as I know, that is the only informatin they have given – no follow up or report of how many, if any…

        They are just cruel to us also, just taunt us like the low life bully brats they are.


      • They need to report exactly how many horses they euthanized, the ages, conditions and reasons for such action.


  10. We are all actively doing all that we know to do, but sometimes, in those quiet moments, as Nora says, inspiration comes–something that you hadn’t even thought of before.


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