Equine Rescue

Video: A Christmas Wish of Good Cheer from China

Christmas Commentary by R.T. Fitch ~ President Wild Horse Freedom Federation

The Horses Thank All of You for Who and What You Are

Santa R.T. and Friend

For the safety and security of my wife, Terry, and our ranch I rarely divulge my location, travel plans or activities.  But being that it is Christmas I will open up and transparently report that I am not at home with Terry nor am I even in the United States of America on this Christmas Day.  I am on the other-side of the world with our sister nation, China, and sharing our Western Christmas traditions with our Chinese friends.

Every other Christmas I have been in another country sharing in either their cultural holiday heritage or our own.  Two years ago was Angola, two years before that was Nigeria and this year it is China and I feel blessed to not only being allowed to be an ambassador for our country but also for our morale beliefs and the standards on which our country was founded.  The plight of the American horse, both domestic and wild, is well known where I travel and not unlike the U.S., people are dumbfounded by the cruelty and total disregard for the law that runs rampant in a country that was founded on such high principles.

So being that today is Christmas, I would like to share with you a short slideshow of how I spent my Christmas Eve amongst a number of Chinese children who were introduced to our western culture of Christmas through the very hard work of a top shelf local staff with me only sitting in a chair and speaking stilted Chinese to the kids.  Not all of them cried, but many did and who could blame them, I scare myself when I look in the mirror every morning.

I sincerely hope that you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the warmth and comfort of your family while remembering that WE set the example and WE are the ones who are going to make a difference in this world.  The dark-side doesn’t have a clue.

May the Force of the Horse be with you this day and always.

 God Bless


20 replies »

  1. I love all those “peace on earth” signs the children are flashing. I see more wreaths of smiles than sobs, R.T. And do I detect a daub of rouge on Santa’s nose and cheeks? 🙂 Makes you look very Claus-able! 🙂

    Please give hugs to Rudolph and the other reindeer from us and our horses and burros!


  2. R.T. you are really are an international man of mystery! I can’t for the life of me figure out what you do for a living. But this night, you were bringing joy and goodwill to many beautiful children–bless you. Merry Christmas to you and your family and may the New Year bring all you wish for. xoxo


  3. RT and Terry thank you doesn’t even begin to express my joy coming here. Learning and conversing with folks. If it takes a community to raise a child then that same community is here to enlighten each of us in our own way.

    Merry Christmas to all. RT you look like you were having a blast wherever you were. Terry I hope all is well on the homefront. Please tell all the critters I wish them Merry Christmas. Harley that ole rascal–yup him too!


    • He (RT) is the perfection of the true Santa….as good expects in us all to make the WORLD a better place…find kindness and generosity the best we can as humans; warts and all.

      Evil lurks and spews about us; never let it go unanswered.

      And how will the killers and evil cruel tasks masters of all equines death spend their day? Plotting, scheming,lying, cheating and failing.

      We spend our day remembering and thanking our advocate members for their efforts….and remembering, always remembering our equines.

      We remember and fight for injustice everywhere for any living being in this world.

      Never give up!

      Blessed Christmas and keep the spirit lighted.


    • …might explain rosy cheeks and nose from a previous poster.

      But RT and companyare always straight about EVERYTHING…and passionate about the beauty in life about life, equines, good humans and doing the right thing.


  4. You said it perfectly:
    “WE are the ones who are going to make a difference in this world. The dark-side doesn’t have a clue…”


  5. Merry Christmas to our very special Santa and to Mrs. Claus, too! Thanks for all you do during the year to help our wild horses and burros. Louie, I was hoping Santa had some Wrangler Tea, too!


  6. R.T and Terry: May God’s blessings bring you all you work so hard for in saving our wild horses and burros and our domesticated horses in the upcoming year. That you would be elsewhere besides the family says loads about you and what a great ambassador you are for the U.S. and our equine family. May God’s light shine brightly on you and your family and all your equine family and may 2012 be what we all wish for – THE BEGINNING OF GOOD HAPPENINGS FOR OUR FOUR LEGGED EQUINES. May you have a safe trip home and a great home coming filled with all the Christmas spirit even if a little late. To all the above people posting comments, may the future be that we can all join hands and rejoice the the Voice of the Horse has won and all who hurt our animals will run in fear of God’s punishment.


  7. Rt thank you for the post. Change will only come through the children. It is great that you are able to visit other countries so that they can see there are compassionate and caring people in the US. The children are our future and we must not forget that. Thank you for all that you do. Have a very safe trip and wonderful christmas and New Year!


  8. To our precious and awesome Equines , May the New Year bring to each one of you the Peace and Freedom and Protection of the ROAM ACT !!!! for which you so Deserve !!!! We will be here for all of you !!!! working to ensure this for all of the Equines…………………….


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