Horse News

Where are the Men in Horsemen?

OpEd by R.T. Fitch ~ author/Pres of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Where did all the REAL men go?

"What do you mean, caring can be macho?"

There has been a nagging thought, just outside of my reach, that’s been chewing on me for the past decade or so.  Something that never comes up and bites me in the butt but rather circles about and lightly taps me on the shoulder now and then in an effort to confuse and distract me at the most inopportune times.

Jerry Finch, founder and president of Habitat for Horses, and I have brushed up against this topic over a beer or two but never managed to hammer it down.  I have lightly danced with the subject matter under the watchful eyes of several boss mares, as of late, but it really did not kick me between the eyes until I recently spent three days co-hosting the outstanding and successful International Equine Conference in Washington D.C..  Every thirty minutes myself and Vicki Tobin were before a jam-packed house of eager equine advocates and as my mouth worked with a mind of it’s own my brain was gazing out across the sea of enlighted faces and asking the profound question,

“Where the hell are all the men?”

Now granted, we had our regular noted stallions and renowned speakers, (John, Craig, Jeff, Rob, James, others and illustrious presenters) but where were the guys, the gender that prides itself on being rough, tuff and out front in any confrontational situation leading the defenseless females forward through the trail of life ensuring that the “fairer sex” is free of hassle and danger.  Boys, you ain’t there!

It actually dawned upon me, while introducing winning women of clarity, integrity and great courage, that my contemporary heroes are not testosterone ladened males of valor but instead intelligent, educated woman who have kahungas bigger than any contemporary dude that I currently know.  When did you guys loose your gonads?

I am thankful that the entire issue of horse training is turning over to the more compassionate, natural and gentling side of things but how about the equine advocacy, where are the guys?  Does it speak to a lack of compassion?  Is it a matter of image?  Does it all center around an antiquated concept of false machismo?  I don’t know but one thing is for certain, men are sorely lacking in positions of leadership within benevolent and humane organizations and that absence is shocking.

A recent article in CNN online cited that men have slipped backwards in earning, working and the morale thermometer of life as compared to women.

When I was in nursery school back in 1970, men earned 60% of all college degrees. In 1980, the figure fell to 50%, by 2006 it was 43%. Women now surpass men in college degrees by almost three to two. Women’s earnings grew 44% in real dollars from 1970 to 2007, compared with 6% growth for men.

In 1950, long before I was born, 5% of men at the prime working age were unemployed. As of last year, 20% were not working, the highest ever recorded. Men still maintain a majority of the highest paid and more “powerful” occupations, but women are catching up with them and rightfully so.

The diluted male sex hormone in men stretches far beyond their wallets. Men are currently more distant from family or their children then they have ever been. The out-of-wedlock birthrate is more than a disgusting 40% in America. In 1960, only 11% of children in the U.S. lived apart from their fathers. In 2010, that share had risen to 27%. Men are also less religious than ever before. According to Gallup polling, 39% of men reported attending church regularly in 2010, compared to 47% of women.

This decline in founding virtues — work, marriage, religion and disregard for community — has caught the eye of social commentators from all corners. In her seminal article, “The End of Men,” Hanna Rosin unearthed the unprecedented role reversal that is taking place today. “Man has been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of mankind. But for the first time in human history, that is changing—and with shocking speed,” writes Rosin. The changes in modern labor — from backs to brains — have catapulted women to the top of the work force, leaving men in their dust and this is glaringly obvious in the movement of equine advocacy.

Today, 18-to- 34-year-old men spend more time playing idiot video games a day than 12-to- 17-year-old boys. While women are graduating college, finding good jobs and doing something for the good of the world in-between, too many men are not going to work, not getting married, not raising families and sitting on their dead asses doing little or next to nothing to make this world a better place to live in.  And I am not even going to venture into the inane indulgence of grown men watching other grown men being paid millions of dollars to play with their balls.  That is what we did when we were little boys but many American males never matured and now sit in front of the TV watching “sports” while women, and a few enlightened males, spend their time trying to make a damn difference and progress humanity on an otherwise dying planet.

Sorry boys, you have pissed me off.  I am from the old school where you gained an education or skill, worked hard and took care of your family, whether immediate or extended, and protected your country but during these current pressing times, you boys have missed the mark.  Men are notably absent from anything that is good in this world and right in the middle of everything that is bad, like try our government for an example.  So man up little boys, it’s time for you to take that thumb out of your ass and grow a few for a change.

But in the meantime, while you infantile little children attempt to figure out how to get your testicles to grow myself and several other self-actualized males will be over in that large herd of boss mares, picking up a few skills, learning a tad more about life and trying, like them, to make a difference in this world and pass on some enlightenment to others that may be in need.  But don’t wait too long to mature, because we migrate and are about to take our herd to the next level, you wouldn’t want to miss out on that fun now would you?

So see ya around boys; either stand with us or eat our dust because we are going to make a difference either with you or without you, the choice is yours.  Our minds are already made up and the herd is on the move, giddy-up.

34 replies »

  1. I have seen to many enabling parent’s, especially the Mom’s, with their son’s, boy have I seen that. Their sons that are allowed to have their girlfriend’s move in, to their house so their sons have everything they want, rite there. Are they afraid of losing them . I know one thing, we are going to see a weak generation of men(?) and will they be able to stand tall, if need be to protect our country..Woman beware, you get what you get if you do not look past the looks and the sweet nothing’s, nothing


  2. PS, last winter I had experienced something ii had not for years…A young boy knocking on my door, asking if he could shovel my driveway. All I had was a water jug full of change but that is what he got, the entire water jug of changed, counted and bagged for him, $45.00…Would have given him $50, had I had it on me..there is a future take control and stand up kinda man….


  3. RT you have been reading my mine….myself and some others were discussing this exact subject this pass week….My question to them was where are all the real men??

    They could not answer me!!


  4. Hey R.T. I get what you are saying, but that are still plenty of us out here. In my neck of the woods, most of the males (you and old) are working hard every day, tipping their hats to lady’s, saying yes Mamn, and yes sir, and spending most of their time outdoors. I guess it depends on where you are, how you were raised and what you were taught. In my would it’s always been if you don’t work; you don’t eat. There are still plenty of us out here who hold to true Western Values. I rode with about 30 of them yesterday in Ranch Sorting. (Plenty a gals ridings as well). Be well R.T.


    • Not sure where YOU are Will, but bless YOU and the rest that are like you!!! Here in Colorado, there are more soft brained, worthless little morons who run around with their britches down to their knees and throwing gang signs and having to be “cool” being the wanna-be bad-ass who has no brain of their own to think with. They act by reacting to what their fellow idiots deem to be the “cool” thing to do and one of them is NOT being responsible for their actions!! The girls aren’t much better either with having to “prove” themselves in their clicks as well… It is a very sorry state that this nation is in and with what is allowed in the schools and by our government I don’t see any changes for the good of this nation, with individuals such as these as the future!!! They are all very happy letting others be the responsible ones while they play and act the fools…It is very worrisome to know that the folks of our generation are the ones responsible for these attitudes taking hold like this, and now what to do??? I was raised to be polite and NEVER speak until spoken to by an adult. To show respect where due and to mind my manners. I grew up carrying my share of the load in the family and was holding down a paying job at the age of 16. I didn’t touch what wasn’t mine, and nobody EVER thought that it would be alright to take ANYTHING without permission, just “because” –well, the door wasn’t locked, so I went in…WRONG!!! The keys were in the ignition, so I took the car…..WRONG!!!! It was left running…..SO WHAT!!!!! DON’T TOUCH WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!!! Plain and simple……….THOSE WERE the good old days….nobody had to worry about someone with the attitudes of today. If you worked for and bought something, it was YOURS, and if the guy next door wanted it, he went out and either got a job to buy it , or had the money then to go get it, but never worried about TAKING WHAT WASN’T THEIRS!!!! Thank God for the men like yourself and your friends and RT….There may still be a chance ………………


  5. Good one RT. My main comment is, I didn’t know you were in nursery school in 1970.

    About the men in “Horsemen” and the women too, in “Horsewomen,” let us say, especially after the IEC, we are working on this, especially in the professional horse community. It’s time for folks to “come out.”

    It goes along with Einstein saying — “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

    It’s time to say which side you are on, or fess up that you can’t, because you aren’t human enough.


  6. Angry men… men who haven’t got enough real manly stuff to do… who may attain leadership positions, but aren’t leaders….. who fly helicopters in a war against unarmed horses….. who are not accountable for what happens to the horses… who do not “get it”…who are in denial when “caught out” injuring a creature (horse,burro)…. I still say that BLM/DOI etc. (all of them) should be sent to Afghanistan…keep ’em busy,make us proud. Great article RT— you write the truth. Now to Right the Wrong.


  7. WOW !! You said it , R.T. My husband was reading this over my shoulder and he’s agrees 100 % too. It’s amazing to read the marriage announcements today and see all the girls with college degrees marrying guys without any higher education.
    BTW I admire all the men marching against Wall Street, etc. right now.


  8. In the wild horse world the stallion is a VERY important part of the family band … but the mare is still called the LEAD mare. LOL


  9. Will, Rob & RT (and et al)…

    It’s natural selection, fellas. Any male with cajones can be, well, a male, but it takes someone truly spectacular to be a Herd Alpha.

    Do you understand how unique you are? Maybe you feel outnumbered sometimes but in this herd you are indisputable leaders and that societal rarity – gentlemen. And I don’t know a mare among us who doesn’t appreciate you and we’ve all been privy to, at one time or another, your appreciation directed our way. We feel both protected by you and protective of you. You stand beside us, not above us, and we are pretty picky about the men we let in; we understand the level of personal commitment and maturity it takes and not every fella fits the bill.

    It’s not a question of weakness of your gender; it’s a testament to your strength. You may ask “Where the Hell are all the men?” But we know exactly where you are!


    • The horses have it right. The Lead Mare leads, the Stallion brings up the rear and take the predator on. Anything this old stud can do to help is a gift. God Bless all who help and God Bless, Keep and Protect our last remaining Wild Horses and Burros.


  10. We have a generation or two coming up who will be less educated than the average American in the past 100 years. That is scary for everyone. Women know they must work and struggle. The money gap was closing but now it has widened and we have lost the middle class anchor our nation was so grounded and strong with. Wars and starving children are problems I see women tackling not men. We must learn to make our way on our own if the boys want to play games and not participate in molding a balanced future here on earth.

    Cultures are needing to change the definitions of what a man is and can do so they will compliment the changes women are making. It would be great if all get it right one day!


    • We also have a generation or two coming up who will have less a connection to the natural world than probably any time in our history (or herstory) thanks to technology and the digital age. This frightens me more than anything.


      • That we have seen coming and actually has been here for a while. But yes, that too. In our lifetimes the family farms have diminished and the flight from the cities spread the suburbs. Kids do not have the freedom we had, not by a long shot, and it is a different freedom today than when we were young. Indoor activities have replaced play outdoors. Despite the computer bringing information I think curiosity needs nurturing. Why do we fight wars when we could be educating people to avoid them?


  11. Lisa, very eloquently stated about our “stallions.” We have QUALITY men, even if we don’t yet have quantity.


  12. Go to any meeting that has to do with any aspect of improving the lives of non-human animals and you can ask the same question. The only exception seems to be academia. The only male group i know of are the bikers against animal abuse.


  13. “She who rocks the cradle, rules the world”. Too many mamas “baby” their boys. My husband is a true advocate for equines. I know a few men who are too. Beware unmanly men, I am woman, hear me roar!


  14. As a retired police officer of more than 30 years, and having trained uder the demanding protocols of the RCMP Musical Ride, I am a horseman.
    I have witnessed the decline of male presence in many things – including the equine world. But we have to pause and consider; It’s law that a girl can join Boy Scouts but a boy cannot join Girl Guides. A girl can join a boys hockey team, but not the reverse. There are separate areas in every gym “for women only”, but none for men. There are no no exclusive men’s clubs, but still hundreds of exclusive women’s clubs. Maybe we’re just given up. I’m also a horseman, operate an Equine Rescue Center, certified in Equine Assisted Learning, and Equine First Aid and Large Animal Resuce. I’m also a guy and getting tired of being “labeled”


  15. thanks for this, R. T. over a week ago i met a 18 young man. what awesome young man! he truely gives hope for the future. he wants to learn, how to handle cattle and horses, HE LISTENS, HE WATCHES, HE IS LEARNING BY EXAMPLE! WOW. my hat is off to him.


  16. My first response is to question how the title relates to the essay. Is the Equine business, rescue in particular, being used as a stepping off point to look at the US in general? The metaphor of the herd would beg the question of just how many can be in charge?
    As we have become a country of laws and words, the role of the heart has been lessened. We have been taught how to argue both sides of a position with the goal of winning rather than being right. We have created an unbalanced view of logic without any grounding. That is thought of in some spiritual circles as being hyper male without the ability to truly feel and welcome which is seen as the balancing female aspect.
    We are not allowed to have heroes lest others feel belittled in comparison, so many like to pick and probe and look for ways to tear others down. You wonder why we get such a poor lot running for President……
    Where are the great role models? Look at TV to see what the big corporations who run them posit as men…..
    it would be helpful to read what RT, since this is the first introduction to him I have had, would write as his description of what a man should be. Surly we don’t want to go backwards in time.
    There is a lot written on the Male and Female archetypes whether one looks at Jesus and his mother or Mars and Venus or the Football player and the Cheerleader or Percival and Psyche.
    And that brings up an interesting point, where are the couples? Where are those combinations of real Men and real Women? Where and what are those exemplars? My dear Carolyn who posted this article wonders why all the self-help and spiritual leaders all appear to be single………


  17. R.T. thank you, for demonstrating not only what it means to be a gentleman, but also how a decent human being can inspire thousands of people with all of your effort and your writing…


  18. Will LeRoy, I’ll be darned, there you are…. You’d contacted me last December about helping the IR horse with diet, mineral and probiotics and asked that I call you on your work number you’d provided. I did try, I left a few messages and followed up with an email.. hope he’s doing well!

    Kim Sheppard


  19. Many have been sent into war. Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and now Afghanistan. There’s been a war for every generation and that has taken its toll on America’s men. Many boys have grown up without fathers. How else is a boy to learn how to be a man?


  20. Times have been changing. The family unit is declining as well as participation in any religions. People in some cases are living beyond their means and more children are left with baby sitters and child care facilities. The majority of families in certain areas of the country have had to have 2 parents working. I work in a community college setting and see the “mom” trying to do all of the guys business. The roles are changing and RT you are right men’s attitudes are changing. My friends and I often talk about what it would be like to have a woman president. As we all know, mares do not mess around, they get the job done and settle the disagreements. The world is a mess…The number of well rounded men has been declining for several years. I love all the comments. RT you are right, the number of men who are involved as advocates for anything has been steadily declining. I don’t see any guys who are truly interested in horses in my area. And those guys who are really interested and care about horses are already taken. They are in the minority.
    Women have become strong because they have had to be. Who needs a guy who doesn’t work and not one whose had to change roles in the family? True horsemen are in a very short supply. So with that in mind women became advocates for those things we really love – The Horses and Burros. To any moms out there with growing boys, guide them, but don’t take on their business. They then become dependent on the next gal that comes along. And that could be part of the social problem. Thanks for the post RT and all the horsemen who responded.


  21. When you look back through history, women have often been the activist/catalyst for movements…..Mother Jones, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Rachael Carson, Dian Fossey, Jane Godall….the list goes on and on. The hand that rocks the cradle sometimes rocks the establishment. Like they say, “if Mamma ain’t happy….”


  22. The pecking order in the human herd has become skewed, with many of the herd members left behind in wallowing in utter confusion and wondering what the hell to do next…. We need the boss mares to pull it all together.


  23. They are there – at least in my world. They may not be attending every function, but they are moving hay, carrying sound systems, listening to the rants when we come home, going to work same as me, helping with the chores because some rescue needs funds or some publication has come out that needs comments, or because the phone has rung for the umpteenth time. He smiles and steps around the piles of scientific and not so scientific paperwork on the floor, noticing which pile is a little bit higher. It is not always about face time.

    And I don’t know, but there is no one can sit a horse better than a man and there are plenty of them around still.


  24. Exactly..Dominate males are gone..ya there is a couple of us who still strut around the yard but only till the little woman calls…And I’m dead serious about this..I have been Married …yes to the same woman for 44 the last 10 things have switched slowly around..And I let it get that way thru my It can be her job attitude..She can pay the bills look after that household stuff I’m too busy for that stuff …now she has me under full control..But it’s good for her..she has all the stress of where is the bucks to come from…And I’m serious about that statement too..But that’s just part of a happy marriage She don’t look after any yard stuff like oil changes etc.. And that’s good for me too..But how it is for the younger generations of don’t even know they were supposed to be the leaders of mankind..It’s the way our daughters are raised to be..their own bosses..And that started from the mothers who had to change the image of women ..they never were meant to be kitchen help only..I love my wife very dearly..And we still stand side by side with all of life’s ups and downs..Yes Man has changed roles..lots of it for the better..And I am one of the few at my age of men that say go Girl..


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