Horse News

D.C. Rally for Horses Fires Up Capitol City

(The News As We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Truth Rang Loud and Clear in D.C. on Sunday

Pint-Sized Protester Lends Support ~ photo by R.T. Fitch

From across the United States and beyond, equine advocates converged on Washington D.C., Sunday Sept. 25th, to proclaim their support for equine protection at the “Unified Stand for Horses“.  Representatives from both sides of the Pro-Horse movement were present as Wild Horse and Anti-Slaughter advocates combined their efforts to tell not only the politicians who reside in D.C. but visitors from around the world the need to preserve our national heritage in the last remaining wild horses and the cruelty and danger of slaughtering American horses for human consumption.

The event was sponserd by Animal Resuce Unit (ARU) whose leadership, Brogan Horton and Cinimmon Gully, were on hand to host and encourage as speakers from across the movement shared insights and motivation with the event’s attendees.  Likewise groups from across the nation were present to lend their support America’s Wild Horse Advocates (AWHA) from Las Vegas were in attendance as was the Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) from Houston.

International visitors stopped by to talk and to listen with most departing with a renewed interest in not only the American horse and burros but the undercurrent of disruption and abuse that threatens their very existence.

Sister rallies where held a cross the U.S. in support of the D.C. effort.

5 replies »

  1. Surely all of these experts can find some answers . Good point Granny Gregg, I sure hope the powers that be will not only listen but act for the good of our horses.


  2. I wish I could have been there. I bet it was so inspiring. This is exactly what has been so needed. I would love to do a rally in Daley Plaza for the Wild Horses and Burros, but am not sure how to get it started. There are many people who were not able to make D.C. that live in the Chicagoland area and
    care deeply. No matter how they try to defend slaughter, there is no justification for it. Most of the people who defend slaughter do not have the welfare of the horse at hand, but how much blood money they can make. The
    idea that they are livestock like cattle astonishes me. Like I said to one spouting this, I rescued my horse and found out his father was many times over US and Canadian champion. This hardly sounds as if this horse was breed and raised for the slaughter pipeline. I truly believe the tide is changing. I believe our Legislators are taking a very good look at this and making some serious decisions. We cannot let our Wild Horses and Burros fall into extinction for they are the last living legend our country has. Thank you to all those who attended the rally. I would say for each person at the rally you there are probably 20 or more people supporting you back home. Let the power of the horse keep us united until they are free to roam on the soil which belongs to them and our US horses are free from being slaughtered any where in the World.


  3. Tell the one’s spouting the bs that horses are livestock for slaughter to read the Bible. As usual greed is the norm!! As Louie says GO TEAM!!


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