Horse News

Critical Week In Stopping the Flow of Cross Border Horse Slaughter

Information supplied by the ASPCA

You CAN Make a Difference

Photo courtesy of Brandi Turner ~ Animal's Angels

Introduced in June by Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1176) would prohibit the interstate/international transport and transfer of ownership of any equine intended for slaughter for human consumption. If passed, this bill will finally stop the flow of U.S. horses into Mexico and Canada, where they are processed for their meat and eaten overseas.

Our eyes and ears in Washington tell us that this is an important week for this issue in Congress, so we need your help today! We urge you to contact your U.S. senators as soon as possible to request that they sign on to cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.

What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online, where you can learn more about this bill, send a quick email to your senators, and find their contact information if you’d also like to call their offices.

Thank you for taking immediate action, fellow equine advocates!

16 replies »

  1. Before you go have your coffee, before you go to the store, and before you find another reason to procrastinate – please call and send your emails, letters.
    This is crucial – every voice counts. They do not have one, they need yours.


  2. I have already sent a message to Feinstein and Boxer. I am also going to try to call their office to ask them to do the right thing for these beautiful animals by passing this legislation. I will try to do all I can to let their offices know this must be passed for future generations to have these animals in their lives.


  3. Unfortunately MY senators will vote against this bill. No amount of counterpoints have swayed their opinion that this is dangerous precedent for livestock slaughter. My senators write me they will not support S. 1176 because it will cause greater suffering for horses.

    Greater than they suffer now? I think not. NOT if they step up and follow up with requirements for humane euthanization for those horses for which this is appropriate and provide monies to help rescues and sanctuaries purchase land (or what about some of those welfare leases for cattle being allotted to rescue organizations for a few years) to accommodate horses until such time as breeding production can be brought into line with the actual market, regulation of breeders, requiring horses owned for leisure/pleasure to be gelded towards ending backyard breeding and the many other ideas proposed towards ending production that has been out of control for many years. If they can give big oil producers billions in subsidies, they can set aside a few dozen millions to help horse rescues and sanctuaries, and even horse owners to be able to keep their horses until their economic situation improves.

    There are some BIG lobbies fighting S. 1176–the AQHA, American Horse Council, and the AVMA. They’re all “professionals” and supposedly know better than grassroots horse owners and enthusiasts and responsible breeders. They want an outlet for over production, not a real solution because that will involve regulation, monitoring and additional federal funds to ensure that horses are not being illicitly shipped across the borders.

    I would like nothing more than to see this passed–I’ve been raising my voice for 4 years. But I also know it will not be an easy transition unless everyone pitches in. Whether increasing donations to rescues, offering to foster for rescues or allowing them to use a portion of your acreage, being vigilant when you see an underweight horse and engaging an owner or the authorities as needed, and cross posting horses for adoption, to name a few things. S. 1176 will mean the end of transport to the horror of the slaughterhouses, but it does not mean the end of horrors for horses. That will take time.


    • Have you brought up the food safety issues with them?
      Toxicology Report:
      Horse Meat is Deadly To Humans:

      I’m sure you’ve already done this, but ask him to explain his reasoning that stopping the slaughter of a non-food animal that the FDA doesn’t regulate as a food animal could possibly have anything at all to do with the established slaughter of a traditional food animal. Ask for a reason – a reasonable reason.


      • Where you (and all anti equine HCHS advocates) can get them is that these animals (equines) are not bred and raised as a human food source FOR ANY HUMAN, ANYWHERE; nor do they follow the same guidelines that the Ag Hags trot out for exports of US beef, pork, poultry, lamb, fish or even our freakin’ veggies!

        And by all means…tell them that they are entitled to their opinion, but not to accommodating a handful of reckless breeders and equine industries that don’t possess the ethics to humanely euth (which would keep bucks in the US) OR peddling non-regulated meat sources for humans, particularly export.

        Have them answer those few questions!


  4. I had to go way back to the “Top Chef” debacle find this. It’s a comment to one of the articles which came in from the CHDC.

    B. Reimer:
    “I post this as a public service: I am a scientist at a food/environmental contract lab and it so happens that we test meat of various species for industrial contaminants. It also so happens that most of the horse meat that we test (from abattoirs across Canada) is highly contaminated with PCB and dioxins, so much so that it would be unwise to eat it. It is theorized that it is because of what they eat, and also they tend to be much older when slaughtered and thus have had more time to bioaccumulate contaminants. It is not a good idea to eat horse, especially old horse.”


  5. EXCELLENT!!!! Linda

    Proslaughter says..”gotta have a payout for dumping “old” equines! Priceless!!!

    S Korea and other import countries of US Meat (especially beef) REFUSE animals over a certain age. Wanna guess who is eating the unacceptable US export meat? That’s right…US/us.


  6. After the article John Holland produced this week with the link to the Irish Veterinary Journal linking even miniscule amounts of “bute” to the development of aplastic anemia in children ought to provoke some thought provoking questions:

    I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone who has ever spent time with a horse and viewed the horrible conditions that surround horses once they enter the slaughter chain, think that slaughter is in any way humane for horses. I don’t think horses want to starve, but I think most living creatures would prefer to die in the places that have always been their home or from an attack from a predator or being unable to eat due to illness or old age with the horses they have shared their homes with


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