Horse News

BLM Wild Horse Stampede Schedule for 2011

“Let the Cruelty Begin”

Documented inhumane contractors will be spending hundreds of thousands of your dollars to cruelly chase federally protected horses across our public lands.  Heat of the Summer, still into foaling season, the only thing left to do will be to count the bodies, just like last year…a broken system lumbering forward leaving only bones and broken families behind, it is a travesty.

31 replies »

  1. Keep calling, writing, emailing your representatives ~ keep sharing and posting. Educate the masses to STOP this inhumane practice against those who are supposed to be protected under the law…


  2. Back on my calling and writing schedule. BLM and Salazar ride again. We have so few lasting victories on the range. But that you, RT, for all you do to help the wild ones and those of us who constantly scream their names.


  3. I see Sun J has the majority of the contracts. They have proven themselves to be the most inept and inhumane yet. I’m sure they are already practicing how to circle the trucks to keep the observers from seeing the trap sites. If it is even possible we are going to have to put in an even more intensive effort with our legislators. Would be nice if we had a bill to support. I guess the House is sick of passing it and seeing it stall out in the Senate. This time around it would be very iffy to get it by the House. So no one said it was going to be easy.


    • I, for one, cannot bear to see what Sun J pilots do to week old foals and very pregnant mares ready to foal. My heart will not be able to bear it.


      • Dear savewildhorses I agree already my stomach is a wreck, Has making phone calls , faxes and calling has any of these ever worked to stop the Round ups??????? I f we allow these round ups to continue they will be the worst ever for our Mustangs. OMG……………. Now is there a real plan that would work to stop them………….


  4. WAIT WAIT WAIT! Why are the Cattoor’s doing a roundup during foaling season! They are slated to round up burros at the end of the May. Okay its past but isn’t this foaling season? BLM is VIOLATING their VERY OWN POLICY!

    And might I point out that one of the horses running in this years Triple Crown races was BORN ON JUNE 15! That means if he was born wild he couldn’t be run to death to Aug 1. I would say there goes BLM philosphy that foaling season ends cause they say it does.


  5. We all must get to calling all reps in our States , lets really givem hell…. We need to stop this insanity ! I am already feeling the horror of this useless tragedy , we can stop this , we must be diligent and keep calling , faxing , dont waste any precious time !!!!! Lets get this Stopped now…………………………


  6. I’d like to encourage as many advocates as possible to go to the roundups.
    We don’t know what happens when nobody is there to watch over our wild ones.
    The BLM let Sun J continue to use helicopter pilot Josh Hellyer of Sky Aviation, after Josh practically landed a helicopter on a horse’s back. It doesn’t seem like the BLM really cares about the safety of the horses. It does seem that the BLM’s current goal is to have NON-REPRODUCING HERDS.


  7. Look how few are to be released. They are literally being completely wiped out. Congress is doing nothing about this blatant lawlessness . It’s past time to raise hell.


  8. I am going to post this at Congress in Facebook! I really do hate these BLM people for what they do to the horses. In my opinion, there will be no wildlife left with these folks in control of the land.


  9. God Help our Wild Horses and Burros. These SOBs at the BLM and their Helicopter companies need to get what they are dishing out to our wild horses. I just hope they get it in the end because they are KILLERS. They deserve the harshest end that is available. What is our Congress for? I believe all they do is take our monies and pull a big check, but don’t give a da__ about the citizens views, or they would be stopping the BLM in their tracks, since the BLM is breaking all the rules of protecting our wild horses and burros. God, please end this.


  10. The word is ERADICATE. That appears to be the new policy on wild horses and burros at the BLM.
    ‘ To preserve and protect our natural lands” This is what the BLM was created to do and this is obviously not their mission ANYMORE!! It is a heinous crime against nature.


    • I favor the term massacre….either way, our so-called protected wild ones will be removed, sterilized, traumatized, segregated, covertly genocide (d), warehoused and demoralized to a terminal, mysterious disappearance of long-term holding.


  11. I am beyond disgust and contempt for Kenneth Salazar and the Bureau of Land Management. It is hard to even begin to understand why this continued cruelty and abuse toward our wild horses is allowed by the Judicial system, clearly allowed by Obama and his administration, and there must be some hidden agenda involved.
    There should be a thorough investigation of the true reason for the present and past killing, abuse, and violation of all ethics in chasing down and imprisoning these horses in pens. Is it because Kenneth Salazar and his friends and family are ranchers, or because of the lobbying in Congress by cattle owners who want the land for cattle?
    Is it due to collusion with people owning a contract to run a pipeline through land that was given to our horses? When Madelaine Pickens provided a safe place for the horses why did BLM refuse this sanctuary for the horses? Are these people just vile monsters who have some misguided insane need for power? They are employees of the government who are paid by us, the taxpayers. In my opinion everybody involved in this uncivilized cruelty should serve at least one year in prison for EVERY mare, stallion, foal and burro whose lives they have brutally caused. In my opinion they should be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.


    • Obama’s Justice Department has decided to indict John Edwards and spend millions on steroid abuse in sports. Not one Wall Street thief responsible for the misery and suffering of so many people globally has been brought up on charges by Obama’s justice department. So, that leads me to believe Mr. Yes We Can is just as corporate as the old boss. And he isn’t exactly Mr. Environment either. But I think the writing was on the wall when he appointed Salazar.


  12. HORSETRIPPING..From Laura’s blog..ART AND HORSES:

    This Bill has been put on the list for resurrection. It does not mean it has passed.
    Early next week will know for sure.
    NEVADANS CALL SANDOVAL… If the session needs to be extended to get through the list before it closes… Sandoval is the only one that can do it.


  13. “It’s past time to raise hell”, is right on track!! We need to take this issue to the streets, EVERY street in EVERY city or town, in EVERY state, RIGHT NOW!! This is OUR land, OUR wild horses & burros, OUR laws=OUR government, we MUST take them back, however we can. Nice doesn’t seem to cut it, writing, calling, e-mailing, etc., are getting nowhere real fast, although we should continue to bombard them with all we have!! We need to take a stand, be firm, & NOT back down! This is about “freedom”, period, the wild equines, and our own, we can NOT let “them” get away with this. Unfortunately, our government is NOT who to turn to, they will not stop until all the wild ones are either gone, or, until their numbers are too low to be viable, & then they’ll just die out! There are some good people in government, but they are the minority, WE are the ONLY ones who CAN change things! I’m ready to do battle in my state, are you?


    • I agree I am long past ready ………………..I feel there is only one way to handle this situation……………………….Egypt set the Bar………………….


  14. As you call the Congressmen to thank them for supporting the Moran ammendment, let them also know how outraged you are about the BLM ILLEGAL round-ups of AMERICAN’S Wild Horses and Burros. I am finding more support there than I had expected. RAMP IT UP, Annie’s Army.


  15. According to Carol Walker, wild horse expert photographer, very few foals on the range right now, meaning many, many heavily pregnant mares. Foals will be one week to one month old when the July round ups start. That is not including the mares that will not have foaled yet by the time the helicopters come buzzing down.

    This is not acceptable on any level. It is not necessary. It is not an emergency to get these horses off their lands by this time. We must stop the JULY & AUG round ups at the very least. We must return to reasonable and humane schedules for round ups. This cannot continue as is. It is a question of our humanity.


  16. Is there no end to the abuse that the BLM will do to these horses? When is enough enough? Calling the White House multiple times to leave a comment for the President. Cash in their pockets with blood on their hands. How can we stop this???


  17. There will be no horses left soon. You do not want to see week old foals being run by a sadistic helicopter pilot. Brand new lungs, hearts, legs and hooves can’t withstand this terrorizing. Run for miles, trying to keep up with their family, scared to death by the huge, loud monster chasing them for miles and miles. Or pregnant mares being prodded relentlessly by helicopter skids and blades inches above their heads, only to abort at full term in a hideous BLM pen hidden from view. We have to stop the July and August round ups. It is beyond inhumane. It cannot be allowed to happen. There is no reason on earth to round up during these months. There is no range emergency. It is insanity. It is cruelty. They are not stewards and guardians of these animals. They are the wild horses’ worst enemy. We need to get out in front of this, & not just react to the awful photos that are going to come.


    • You are SO right!! We do need to “do” something to stop them, more than just reacting. Phone calls are not enough, I don’t care how polite you want to be, or how well your comments are received.There has to be something we can do, this is getting worse than serious. Did Madeleine ever get all those letters personally delivered to President Obama, via her “Pony Express”?? What was the response, if any?? Funny, that just kind of disappeared. We need to form a human chain, one that can not be broken, to form a barrier between the wild horses & burros, & the BLM & their contractors!! If only there were more of us able to do something like this, of course there are probably a lot more of “them” than us. Will this crazed insanity & torture ever end??


  18. BTW, people, the BLM released its estimated numbers of wild horses in February, 2011 and the number shows no real change even though over 10,000 mustangs were removed last year. Did they find some lost herds or is the BLM pulling another fast one on us? We know they can’t count, do they think we can’t count, either?

    Here is the latest population estimates from the BLM’s quick facts page:

    Wild Horse and Burro Population

    The Bureau of Land Management estimates that approximately 38,500 wild horses and burros (about 33,000 horses and 5,500 burros) are roaming on BLM-managed rangelands in 10 Western states based on the latest data available, compiled as of February 28, 2011. Wild horses and burros have virtually no natural predators and their herd sizes can double about every four years. As a result, the agency must remove thousands of animals from the range each year to control herd sizes.


  19. Does anyone here ever expect the truth from the BLM????????? with the insurmountable odds of them ever telling the truth about anything…………………. This Country was not built on lies, it was built with the sweat of men and horses, we cannot ever let them take our Mustangs……………… Our promise to the Mustangs(a reality in the Roam Act of 1971) is to protect them for all they have done for us and will do in the future………… The BLM is making our promise look like a stupid jesture of lies……………………The BLM is not a horse protection agency there fore why in the heck do we allow them to continue with there eradication of Our Mustangs………………. In other words who in the Heck are they to dictate the destruction of our mustangs to which they have no claim??????? or ownership we own the Mustangs , we should decide who takes care of them…….. The whole sorry lot of mjurders should be fired by us………………..


  20. Does anyone here ever expect the truth from the BLM????????? with the insurmountable odds of them ever telling the truth about anything…………………. This Country was not built on lies, it was built with the sweat of men and horses, we cannot ever let them take our Mustangs……………… Our promise to the Mustangs(a reality in the Roam Act of 1971) is to protect them for all they have done for us and will do in the future………… The BLM is making our promise look like a stupid jesture of lies……………………The BLM is not a horse protection agency there fore why in the heck do we allow them to continue with there eradication of Our Mustangs………………. In other words who in the Heck are they to dictate the destruction of our mustangs to which they have no claim??????? or ownership we own the Mustangs , we should decide who takes care of them…….. The whole sorry lot of murders should be fired by us……………….. and imprisoned for there crimes…………………….


  21. WTH? So now they are going to zero out Piceance/East Douglas? Last year the EA to zero out West Douglas (which eventually one of the lawsuits stopped) touted how East Douglas was THE optimum habitat for wild horses and how BLM would be nurturing that herd. Freakin’ LIARS! So in one year, the East Douglas HMA went from optimal wild horse habitat to unsuitable/inhospitable? OMG, I will not write the thoughts I am having right now….. cannot stand for the outright sick underhanded LYING of these monsters at BLM.


    • We have an ongoing suit, with the Cloud Foundation, ASPCA, Front Range, HfF as plaintiff’s, in New York over the North Piceance stampede. They tried to zero them out last year and failed, we are appealing and attempting to head them off before they succeed, this year. You can read about it at our website,


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