Horse News

Breaking News: BLM Annouces that Lack of Funds Translates into No More Wild Horse Roundups for Fiscal Year 2011

Update from R.T. Fitch at BLM Advisory Board Meeting

BLM Waves White Flag on Destroying Additional Wild Horse Herds

photo by Terry Fitch

Today during opening remarks at the BLM Advisory Board Meeting high ranking agency officials revealed that due to current budget restraints the BLM has canceled all of the summer roundups for fiscal year 2011.

This announcement insures that that nearly 5,000 horses slated for removal and eventual obscurity will recieve a second lease on life as 18 HMAs will be saved from the brutal assault waged upon wild horses by BLM helicopter contractors.

Additional updates will be forth coming as they are made available.

122 replies »

  1. Beyond my joy for the wild ones….I can’t help but feel complete and utter joy to know that Sue and Dave C will have to find another job.


    • They’ve got plenty of millions from us to coast for a while. But, I too, am thrilled the convicted horse rustler will not be flying for a few months.


  2. Interesting. With the BLM, there doesn’t seem to be a middle road. It’s either all or nothing.

    I hope there are those who can check the ranges and report back on the health and welfare of those herds. I feel sure people will find a way to use this against the advocates if they possible can.


    • I do recommend to any of you who have a vacation this summer or have the ability to make a pilgrimage to a HMA nearest you or one you want to visit…. and GO see your
      wild horses this year. Quietly watch the animals you have chosen to fight for and realize we still must Change Everything…. so it will never be this way again. This is what we did because we made noise and told the truth!! Love it. mar


      • Mar that’s exactly why I went to the Pryor’s last summer. Before bad things happened to Cloud. I have to tell you–he grabbed my heart the first time I saw him and ripped it out. It’s his. I think of him often worrying about him in all this nasty brutal weather we’re having. I have to trust him and mother nature that all is well with him. Not easy when one is 2 1/2 days drive from him…

        But I hope like crazy that I’ll be able to go back this summer and see him again.

        I have a pic of him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. You know that wary look. As I stood there quietly and told him of my love for him, that I wouldn’t touch and how happy I was to meet him you could see his eye soften. He knew that I was a friend. Maybe a two legged and maybe someone he didn’t ever really wanna hang out with–but he knew I meant no harm.

        I’ve tried to explain it this way–horses are like dogs. A dog can tell a doggie lover from a non doggie person. Horses have that same instinct.

        But I totally agree with you. This is the summer to plan to go see all the horses you can. Now while BLM can’t do a thing.


  3. I’m sure I speak for us all when I say that is the BEST news I’ve heard in a long, long, time! I just can’t help but think of all the precious lives saved because of this. I’m gonna do the “Happy Dance”!! Thank you all so much!!


  4. As good as the news is, we need to know when the fisical year ends for the BLM. With the rest of the government, I believe it is only another month or so. R.T. says another 5000 horses get a second lease, and I remember something somewhere that this year (2011) the BLM was planning on removing about 11,000?

    At any rate, we know some will get to live longer on their homerange.


      • Off for now. If they do get the additional funding they requested then the roundups will be back on, right?


      • yes, I heard “Big Byrd” say that of this momment…but there was still a chance that the senate would put the money back in, she said this extension was good until March 18..I predict Reid will move heaven and earth to get it back in the budget..and then try to cut a deal with congress to leave it in by cutting poor peoples benifits


  5. It is great news, and I am thankful that their funds were cut…I do however not trust the BLM at all, they lie and are sneaky, I think that they may continue to roundup horses behind our backs and remove them from their own lands that belong to our Wild Mustangs…I would keep the pressure on them and not just walk away.
    BLM needs to be readjusted with new leaders….all that are there now need to go.


  6. I say, don’t believe it until we have proof…vor all we know they are out there right this minute conducting stealth roundups while all of us are in Phoenix at the meeting–just like they did last June during the Denver meeting and like they did in Dec ’09 at the Reno meeting. DO NOT RELAX ONE BIT!

    We know the BLM lies through their teeth–they think we advocates are naive and gullible. Again, don’t believe a thing they say (until there is concrete proof), and don’t let up on the fight…now’s the time to go in for the kill, if this is in fact true, which I pray it is…but I don’t believe it…

    (Spoken by someone formerly way too naive and way too gullible!)


    • I don’t believe it all. The BLM is going to lay off going after the horses?!! If the budget passes, and the BLM has less $$$, BLM would “go after” the horses & burros in other ways. The new innovative, BLM manipulative, cruel scenario? >>> They could play up any problems with the wild horses as due to lack of funds brought on by the “emotional, bleeding-heart” advocates who know nothing about wild horse mgt. Because of no money, the BLM just-cannot-help the horses and the advocates caused this. The horses are suffering and BLM cannot help at all, no $$$. And I would not be surprised if the BLM brings about devastation to the wild horses on the range and in holding. It is known that water and forage areas have been blocked off from the horses. The underlying message I heard from the Board yesterday was more wild horse elimination and cruelty. Increased and experimental, barbaric fertility control…even surgery on mares on the range. Vasectomies. Might not be vets available for horses, ’cause no $$. Massive, so-called loose “adoptions.” *Private, “benevolent” sanctuaries, where advocates will be shut out. Never mentioned M. Pickens! This speaks volumes. And mixed in w/all the above, ways to send to slaughter on the sly. This saga with the BLM/DOI is like reading, a *fictional, political, intrigue novel. With the horses being innocent players…victims, again. I hope I am wrong. But the BLM Board was just too accepting, complacent, hearing about reduced budget. They will not stop and neither will we.


      • I agree, to me, this is a BLM ploy to get the additional funding. I don’t believe that they will just go quietly away and stop all this.


  7. Nancy, is right. Don’t believe it until we see it. ALL roundups must be stopped- not just this summer’s. According to Cindy and Carla there are only 18,000 wild horses still free. Those in holding should go back to the HMA’s that have been zeroed out IMO. Give our wild horses and burros back their land. Onward !


  8. RT,

    While I’d rather these horses were managed on the ranges, this may not be good news. It is clear that the ranges may not have been monitored well. It could mean starvation and dehydration for horses left in overpopulated HMAs. Of course it could be a tactic to dodge budget cuts too.


    • Equinevet, thank you for bringing this up. I hope there’s something in the budget for emergencies. If there are wild horses and burros in REAL, provable trouble, I’d rather see them removed than left to suffer and die. Temper justice with mercy.


      • I’d sure like some evidence of which herds are at risk and I bet if you could ask them, they’d still rather take their chances with nature than with the Cattoors and Sun J.


    • Gee the first thing that came to mind was the Antelope Complex. Even before advocates got out of the way in came the cattle.

      Sorry equinevet it ain’t the horses its the cattle. It’s the selfish rancher who won’t share any resources no matter what the law says.


  9. Thank you RT, Terry, Simone, Madeleine and all of folks that work sooo very hard for this hard earned win! You guys are amazing! I know that the horses thank you as well. I know I do. Kudos to all of you that made this happen.


  10. Yes , we need to keep a close watchful eye on the BLM, they have lied before and they will lie again, now also what about Our Mustangs that are still imprisoned by the BLM ?????????? What can be done for them?????? We must also make sure those on the range, are getting a fair chance !!!!!!


  11. This IS wonderful news indeed! I will be calling my senators since they get the BLM budget next week, and up until now have turned a deaf ear in my state. Thank you for going to the source, RT and advocates, time and time again. I know I don’t belong there. Their brutality and arrogance make my blood boil. Keeping the vigil with you tonight. Cutting off the head of the snake, so true!


  12. All round-ups for fiscal year 2011 have been canceled due to lack of funding but…. if they get the funding from Congress, that will change.

    Let’s not forget when they went to Congress for emergency funding to care for the horses in holding and then used it on round-ups.


  13. OK – I am going to ask, and keep asking until I get an answer. The spokeswoman at this meeting talked about an alliance with the Humane Society of America. Was this a slip of the tongue, and she meant the HSUS, or this is some other group? I ain’t letting this one go, because I feel it could be important down the trail here.


    • You didn’t mis hear..the HSUS had a post up a while back that i posted to FB about..their “vision for managemnt for the wild horses” like they are taking charge over my dead body..they are in bed with the BLM


      • The reason I am being such a pest about this is there is a group called the American Human Association that was at the Summit of the Horse, and the group Humane Society of America looks dicey to me (check their webpage). AND, you would think that someone who was speaking to so many people would be precise in SAYING about WHAT GROUP IT IS THEY WERE PLANNING ON HAVING AN ALLIANCE WITH. I don’t have an issue with the HSUS, if that is who they plan on working with. But, it is bothersome if she couldnt’ even get THAT DETAIL RIGHT.


      • Yes, these are all different organizations with different agendas. Agree that one would think something as important as that would be stated correctly. BUT, this is the BLM and I always wonder about EVERYTHING they say – don’t trust them as far as I could throw Bobby – although I’d love to try to throw Bobby, into an open pit mine.


      • Well, HSUS is anti-horse slaughter and anti-wild horse round up. Guess that’s hard to support???


      • HSUS is an is they who are selling thru their license the PZP-22 to the those roundups are just like what we have been watching..all the horses have to be rounded up to PZP-22 the mares..they are -in fact- using pzp to zero out the herds..pure and simple..worse than that the utter social caos that is a biproduct and means sure but slow death for the wild horses..does not the HSUS everyday slaughter animals that are given over to their care..are we talking about the same organization??? It is the humane society who had the power to see to it the horses like ole sister were treated humanely or they could have complained about the aborting mares or the foals being born in pig sty feedlots..where were they..we hounded them to finally get them to go out to calico..they will not bite the hand that is feeding them..hundreds of thousands of dollars they stand to gain with this PZP drug deal..whose side are they on??? smell the roses


      • The HSUS is definitely in bed with the BLM–they sell them the PZP (has someone else mentioned this?) Big bucks from the pharmaceutical company to HSUS for this, so obviously, the HSUS wants the roundups to continue, despite their weak comments to the contrary. tey nave not stood up for the horses as they are being abused and mishandled during the roundups or in holding…I have lost all respect for them (HSUS)–they’re just another money grubbing Big Business, make no doubt about it.

        The NBC affiliate (WXIA) in Atlanta did an investigative report on the HSUS relatively recently…it was centered on money deals and how the money was not going to help the animals it was collected for…you can find it in the WXIA archives, I’m sure.


      • Dear Sandra, The BLM is diabolical they will stop at nothing unless we rid all of them and replace with a Agency that is for the Horses, they will cut off all their water supply and let them die on the range , this other news to me is good , but only instills that they have to make a big move and it will not be Mustang friendly, they are going to wine and cry to Congress for money for food for the Mustangs imprisoned, then they will again spend it on rounding them up, we need to push shove and demand that they release Our Mustangs back where they belong and remove the Bovine Land devastating foliage destroying eating machines……….. I think this is BIG>>>> Our Mustangs are not out of the woods by any means……………………….. The Mustangs in holding are in deep trouble now , what are they going to do with them ????????? I hope i am ever so wrong, but i am really afraid now for the Mustangs……………..


      • 100 per cent right Sandra, w. Pacelle is also a huge sell out ……………………..I met him here in Solon, Ohio at a meeting, they had a question and answer period on a microphone to all at the meeting at least 200 people when I got the Mic and ask about the Wild Mustangs he turned red as an apple and danced around the subject and cut me off, only to his dismay because all after me ask also, he was quite upset and said he only wanted to talk about chickens???????????


      • I have had mixed feelings about the HSUS since the Cloud/Pryor Mt. Roundup, Sept. 2009. Although I have always felt the HSUS has made the most major impact for the welfare of all animals, I am severely disappointed…shocked…with HSUS & wild horses/burros. HSUS is a *HUMANE Society. If anyone could have helped with the horrendous cruelty and abuse of the wild horses & burros, it is the top notch HSUS *LAWYERS! That and the support of Michael Vick…that remains mind-boggling. I still get donation packets from HSUS. Now I make a memo in them and send back: “With all respect, my donations presently go to the benefit of the wild horses & burros.” I have even called them. Got a secretary, knew na na. I do not feel guilty not donating to HSUS. They received much from me for many years. All said, I pray the HSUS & Wayne Pacelle has not “turned coat” and is going for the wrong kind of power and the almighty dollar.


      • We all need to find our inner killer instinct..we have the poisonous viper by the tail …make the kill or he will be back..It is congress who must hear our solutions..with BLM it goes in “one rear and out the other”


  14. OMG! Just walked in the door from work, thought I’d see if there was any good news at all from Phoenix and HALLELUJAH! We just have to make sure they don’t doubledown in FY2012. The horses finally got a break. Thank God.


  15. And to Sun J and the Cattoors-ha ha ha! Go find a real job with some societal value you taxpayer freeloaders.


  16. Louie Cocroft
    Mar 10, 2011 @ 19:46:54

    DON’T RELAX YOUR GUARD! I heard TWO more round-ups–one by Forest Service? One at the shuttle landing base in California (the burros are getting on the landing). They COULD be just herded back where they belong, I should think.
    It was stated that they could STILL hold another round-up IF requested by another agency or entity. Forest Service, Fish and Game are two that come to mind.



    Valerie Kennedy
    Mar 10, 2011 @ 19:47:05

    Interestingly, now that they are out of money and unable to achieve further doom and damage upon the wild horses and burros, they have been beneficent enough to allow three hours for public comments tomorrow. They are still playing their hand and now it is so they will appear to be reasonable. I will never forget the damage they have done to our wild horses. While they are down we need to tell them to put the horses back.



  18. well I one am grateful American, that they stop these round ups. Its a baby step, but at least someone in power is listening to our words and voices. As far as range management, why can’t we layoff Mr Abbey and use the $ we save from his salary, buy hay and place it out on these ranges? This is 2011, instead of hiring trucks to haul the horses away, hire them to bring in water and hay. Our government has human societies to care for the dogs and cats, why can’t we allocate funds to care for these horses? Let them live free. There are far too many homeless throw away domestic horses, we don’t need to take these creatures from nature and add to the homeless.


  19. They keep telling us euthanasia is off the table… will it stay there? If money becomes a problem in caring for the captives… we need to keep an eye out. There will be people in the field again soon. We need to do our homework now and show how few wild ones are left. How many mares will not be reproducing in the wild for the next 1 to 3 years?
    How do we make the cattle move back from the horse range and end the shrinking land issue?? And let’s get the most recently removed herds back home for Spring??? And why the heck not? mar


  20. This is good, BUT KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL FOLKS! If the BLMs funding comes through they will start right back to roundups. It is time for solutions, we must push the solutions!
    All we are asking for is fair and equitable allocations of land, forage and water and HUMANE TREATMENT. It’s not that complicated.
    I am presently breathing a sigh of relief for the wild families, who know nothing of this madness, that will not be harmed in the near future. Keep the heat on, the BLM must become, fair, transparent and accountable.


  21. PLEASE! Don’t let our guard down! We must keep an eye on these criminals and keep slamming Obama and all the politicians until they wish they’d never heard of wild horses or burros. I can’t believe that I actually feel relieved that the economy is so bad! It may be what helps to save OUR horses and burros!
    I’m so afraid to be happy and let my guard down. They think they are slick – just look at their history. I am so worried about what they’ve done at the long term holding pens on private property – how many have just disappeared – and where are the burros? I hope we get access soon….


  22. In the meantime, we don’t know WHAT they are doing at the Broken Arrow/Indian Lake/concentration camp as long as it is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. HOW is possible to know what has happened to the Horses there?


  23. When they are captured and then disappear into Gunnison Prison and Canon City prison–HOW is it possible to know the treatment and the fate of those animals?


  24. Did I hear that some members of the Senate voted against the House’s version od the budget because it did not cut enough spending? Indeed, if that is the case, then I think, we suggest not only defunding all roundups except for a true and verifiable emergency, but also insist that horses in holding be returned to the range. It is the fiscally and humaely responsible thing to do.

    Putting the horses back on the range will save millions of dollars of dollars. Having wild horses live as wild horses on fhe range with no roundups will save close to a million dollars. As for long term holding, it seems that there too, is an opportunity for saving. I do think that as many of the Antelope Mustangs should be returned ASAP.

    I am sorry about Mouse.


  25. Every hard-working advocate deserves a huge thank you for this breathing space for the wild ones! I can’t begin to express my gratitude to those who have been able to do so much more than write letter and make phone calls but all those letters and phone calls were vital too.

    And now, as so many have said, time to keep our guard up and double up on the efforts to build on this temporary success to make sure that the end result is freedom and health for the wild ones and the right of the public to observe them in their designated ranges.

    Bet the Cattoors and their co-horts are cussing all of us hysterical, over-emotional advocates right now. : ) Let’s keep it that way!


  26. R.T., Love the “laughing horse” pictured above.
    The news from today is really hopeful but we must not forget the old adage: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”, We can’t let our guard down no matter how good the news sounds. And as far as the HSUS goes, I agree that they try to come across as a watchdog for horses (animals) but they (W. Pacelle) have a track record of glossing over negligent activities. ie: Michael Vick.
    I would like to thank everyone rallying in Phoenix that are the voices for the wild horses and burros, for those of us that could only be there in spirit. Can’t wait to hear what goes on during Friday’s events.


  27. The advocates need to be on the alert.

    If the liars are claiming poor, watch out for the wild equines in holding (if they really are still there).

    This is far from over.

    I think the killers aren’t really poor; they are just running out of wild equines.


  28. We need to make sure the BLM doesn’t use their miles of barbed wire to fence the horses into to small a pasture to starve them to death.

    The BLM are also known to fence off water or shut access gates and horses die of thirst right outside the fencing.

    Everyone please note the condition of the horses on the ranges and note if they are suffering lack of enough grazing space or water.

    Keep an eye on the forrest service aswell…the blm may share forrest service federal funds to go after wild horses.


  29. We can’t trust Bob Abby , this may be a way to get funding ,He is crying they have no money. Barbara Boxer’s office says she thinks the BLM may need money. Give them money and they will have roundups. Fenisten and Boxer will both support Salazar in anything he wants. We all know what he wants. We need to do more for the Mustangs and Burros ,


  30. You had better believe it – if Harry Reid and others can find the $ they will – yesterdays proceedings were same old same old…..and didn’t I just love the inspector general’s report….talk about being shaded..pretty darn scary…and who on the board asked the question to the the AG rep about the ramifications of spaying mares on the range….this is beyond belief…

    Perhaps our horses will have a few months to enjoy their open space, but until the rules of the road and hats are changed there is nothing that will change.


  31. We have to be really vigilant that they will not come back in 2012 and say since they didn’t remove all the horses they needed to in 2011, the situation is so bad out there that they need to remove lots and lots more in 2012. This is what they will say. Brace yourselves.


    • I agree. That’s why we need to have documentation from the field. Support Herd Watch/Grass Roots Horse to get ‘er done!


  32. “Cancelled” in BLM speak means “delayed”.

    I did some more thinking about the BLM’s claim of being broke. You don’t just all of a sudden say “I’m broke”. A responsible person knows when the bank balance is falling long before it reaches zero. Their claim only proves more incompetence by an agency who cannot manage the simple task of balancing a checkbook. Congress owes it to the American taxpaying public to investigate the BLM’s obvious waste and misappropriation of our hard-earned funds, and the blatant and inhumane mismanagement of our wild mustangs and burros. Time to open those books and show where the money went. Only then will we truly know where our mustangs and burros really disappeared to.

    What Leslie said above “Keep the heat on, the BLM must become fair, transparent and accountable.”


  33. Saw RT in the clip Louie linked… and LL and others. Hope someone will get the press conference up. The GRH live feed has a comment bar beside it and Jessie has been commenting there… our favorite troll… she says the horses will be overpopulated in 4 years… guess the PZP-22 won’t work?! Over AML. mar


  34. Will someone PLEASE ask for more info on public/private partnerships? There must be some kind of BLM “vision” for them.

    My scenario would be a horse-savvy family rancher with a fairly large livestock allotment and water rights who wants to convert to wild horses. Manage them as he/she would cattle regarding rotation on the allotment and bring them back to pasture when required. The ranch would have to meet adoption standards. It would be best if they grew some hay, but there should also be a stipend from the BLM for feed, care, and training.

    Take delivery of horses with good adoption potential from holding (adoption potential DOESN’T depend on age!). Gentle the young ones and train the older ones for riding. Then make them available both at the ranch and through the BLM. Maybe even show them at Mustang Heritage Foundation events and win some prize money! Adoption fee goes back to the BLM, and profit to the rancher. As horses are adopted, take more from holding and work with them. I bet there are many “three strikes” and returned horses in LTH that would do well in the hands of the right person.

    And if allotments have had a fairly recent EA (5-10 years?), why go to the expense of a new study? A cow/calf pair = 1 horse. If you’re managing that horse as you would a cow or other livestock, why should it make a difference?


    • In my opinion, BLM is not humbled by what has happened to their budget… we will have to keep that going… but I think they will get worse… and leaving the horses in their power will never make the program workable… they are wrong for the task. I know people feel this. We need to move the wild ones to a sane and calm island of positive management practices. Trying to get one thing done by BLM that the advocacy backs has taken years… we need to be creating Success for the herds by leaving BLM. mar


      • Mar, leaving the BLM, and putting wild horse and burro management under another agency that would still be under the DOI? I don’t understand.


  35. YEAH !! A much deserved rest for the weary, both the intended victims, &, those that fight tirelessly on their behalf ! I hope this isn’t just a dream or illusion, or, worse, a trick. Whatever it is, we should be, &, are, grateful, but, NEVER let our guards down!!


    Now if they’d just turn the rest loose!
    Thank You Ever So Much For The Good News BUT…. Keep THE PRESSURE ON PEOPLE! We must not let them think we’er relaxing because of great news!




    • I watched and listened. Did anyone else catch Robin Lohnes, Chairwoman, BLM Advisory Board in the last 5 minutes this evening as they all were ending the 2-day meeting. The talk was going on and on as to where and when the next BLM Advisory Board meeting would be. WY seemed to be the best bet. It was suggested they meet on a quarterly basis. AND ROBIN LOHNES SAID, “WE NEED TO MEET BEFORE THE GATHERS BEGIN *THIS *SUMMER.” Like it was a done deal and no mention of funding. Was this a “slip,” I wonder? They were al very tired~


  38. Dear Sandra I have found my Killer instincts a few weeks back, NEVER BELIEVE THE BLM PACK OF LIEING MURDERS……….WHO WILL STOP AT NOTHING FOR MONEY !!!!!! Never will they have anything but death planned for our Mustangs, if our mustangs are to survive they need to be removed physically from the BLMS imprisonment……………. and they have admitted they are not a horse agency , so that being known admittance take them from them…….And have an agency headed by Graig Downer , RT Fitch Ginger Kathrines, and Paula Kar, and of course Miss Laura Leigh we want our mustangs protected these are the Experts to do it……………………….


  39. Today we were represented by the Most informative group of Advocates, who were extremely well prepared for the task, they made all of us ever so Proud, there presentations were well versed and factual, There were stars enighting within this group, I must pay homage to who was the Best MR> RT FITCH………..Although all were bright and wonderful…………………… We all can rest assured Our Mustangs would be so Proud also….. Bravo to all advocates at the Meeting…………………………………… I found myself cheering and clapping all over the place………………………………….I dont remember the Ladies name but she was the one who said we advocates are here on our own dime, we are not here for money , we are hear as Our Mustang Icons voices, wowowowo That ring loud and clear throughout the room……………….


  40. Amen to that..would have loved to hear RT and his lil ball of fire-terry singing their hearts out..amen to all our brothers and sisters!! I loved seeing everyone fired up to take on another year..this is what was missing last year when advocates decided to cancel the protest as a show of good faith…BLM broke the faith-not the advocates..


    • I seem to remember the Advocates did several things as a gesture of “good faith,” and what did they get for it? NOTHING from that Bunch of Liars and Murderers. I don’t think we’ll fall for THAT again. It’s the BLM’s turn to show some “good faith.” Although I don’t expect to see good faith come from people who don’t even know that that means.


  41. A HUGE Thank YOU to all the advocates at the BLM Advisory Board. Two days! And all those commenting were absolutely superb! Professional, informed, well-prepared, class, integrity…& more. The Best! xo


  42. We were WELL REPRESENTED in Phoenix! THANK YOU to everyone that made it there–your voices were LOUD and CLEAR. You thoughts and your words were clear, concise and RIGHT ON TARGET. You are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL!



    Under what power and authority did the BLM decide to circumvent a congressional law that put our wild horses in their care as trustees-to forge an agreement back in sept, to share authority and decision making with NFS and Fish and wonder we see those yahoo’s showing up at the WH&B meeting, they did not form a megaplex to help the woild horses, but to consolidate power to destroy them.It was someone from the F&G that suggested they run the beatty butte whs into sheldon so they could get rid of them without an EA and just send them to auction and slaughter.


    • And as I commented above, at the very end of the 2-day meeting, busy packing up their papers, BLM Chair, Robin Lohnes said, “WE NEED TO HAVE OUR NEXT MEETING BEFORE THE SUMMER GATHER.” That means, summer 2011! And after all the crap about no funds/no gathers. They were playing cat & mouse with us. I could tell at the outset of the 1st day of the meeting. “No money, no money…we can’t do this and that…no money…” Something did not sound nor look right. It appeared to be, a mocking of the advocates. The Board knew something we did not. And were enjoying the “game.”


      • That is the mentality of BLM… a twist to the blade. Nothing new. We do need to get Sun J out of the air and maybe out of their contract…

        Come and Work in the field this Spring with GRH and Herd Watch so we have evidence and documentation on the herds to be plundered. This is something anyone can help do for a few days to a few weeks. Contact Maureen at GRH. New projects are about to begin. You are Needed to help learn everything possible about the wild herds threatened by removal. Please consider a working vacation with your wild horses! mar


    • Sandra, it says the full Senate will vote on the 12 M by March 18. I don’t see where they have already voted on it. Have they ? Sure hope not.


      • I don’t think they have voted on it yet, but it’s just the fact that the 12M is already IN there and we have to convince them to REMOVE it.



        the senatate appropriations comittee had a hearing which you can watch on March 9-wed and put the 12 mill back will be voted on by the full senateby March 18..look at the senators on this committee, if they are from your state let them know what you think about their going against the taxpayers wishes, then let all the senators know we are watching, and why it is so important for the senate to show us they take this seriously and why it is such a huge and continuing long term problem..every horse gathered contributes to a life long fiscal commitment amounting to billions..when they have land to live on-wild and free without cost to the budget deficit, and there are millions of OTHER acres of public lands they can move their hordes of cattle to if they are addicted to them..but my suggestion is to start asking a fair return to the taxpayer for that grazing privelidge-ore in line what the rest of cattlemen pay..instead of welfare $1.35 subsidised grazing..49.00 a pair charges that reflect current rates


      • Sandra, No Senators from my state but I will call as a concerned taxpayer. I will call people I know who live in states the Senators are in to call-in. Question. I understand “welfare ranching” rates, but please explain “$49.00 a pair that reflect current rates.” Who pays this and where? TY


      • Private market rates fluctuate, I picked a number in the middle..Last year for instance while googling the soldier meadow ranch up for sale , I ran across a real estate site..brokerage owned ranch with allotments..allotment rights for sale(in Nevada) for $80 a pair per month,,,beef prices going up, stock numbers are down-the cost of feeding hay and grain way up..that means this year-cost for leased land for pairs in the private market will go up…1.35 a pair is insanely low


  44. For everyone who is so incensed by this turn of events – what were you expecting? The Board expressed caveats at every turn re: funding. The organizations that wanted to join the lawsuit on Salazar’s side (and others) are powerful, well-funded, have been heard, and will continue to put pressure on lawmakers.

    Yes, there was the predicatable yada-yada, but there were constructive ideas as well, particularly those put forward by Humane Advocacy Representative Tim Harvey, who seemed to be the only one willing to go out and get his boots dirty, and Public Interest Representative Janet Jankura (I think. Was she the woman in the red jacket with the horse head broach?), who kept insisting on transparency and stronger language than “consider” and “request” (which fell on deaf ears, but can still be emphasized in the comments due by the end of the month).

    I’m going to include this from Willis (posted on the Mustang Project Blog), because I think it makes a lot of sense. I hope he won’t mind, and I hope you don’t either.

    “One strategy to consider would be to try to convince Senators who oppose a total moratorium on roundups to consider placing limitations on appropriations so that BLM would be limited to gather operations for fertility control and for humane reasons during emergency conditions such as loss of habitat due to wide area wildlfires and/or rain failure.

    “A fall back if that idea doesn’t sell could be for Congress to not allow BLM to reduce the overall herd below present populations until the National Academy of Sciences releases its report. Our supporting arguments are that this is what the public wants and rounding up and holding horses indefinitely is prohibitively expensive.

    “The advocacy effort clearly needs voters to contact their Senators in support of maintaining horse populations on public lands and reducing the overall cost burden associated with the WHB program. Requiring BLM to invest in strategies alternative to accumulating more horses in long term holding is a significant first step.

    “We need to refine our arguments so that we create the greatest chances for success. Therefore our arguments need to make sense to lawmakers not intimately familiar with wild horse issues, but who are concerned about the costs and the direction in which this program is going.

    “We don’t have much time (Once again, the end of the month.) to get an effective play moving forward on this.”

    IMO, signing petitions doesn’t carry much weight unless the signatories number in the tens of thousands. Contacting your Senators and Representatives (The budget may go to another Continuing Resolution, but ultimately pass or fail in the House.) by fax, registered mail, and a personal visit (if possible) is the most effective.

    And take the time to comment on every part of the proposal. Constructively criticize what you don’t like, support what you do like, and give reasons for your support. Blanket statements filled with emotional reactions don’t influence government officials.


  45. I see on Madeleine’s site there was a “round table” meeting–everyone sitting in a circle. Wonder what was discussed there?


  46. I still think coming together – all groups – and hitting the budget for BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program can stop them. $67,486,000. MILLION every year plus increases of approximately $25 million each year average is insane. Take the big business out – drug sellers, contractors, and proposed slaughterers with one huge heavy step. If the profit is gone I truly believe they will have to stop. The timing on this couldn’t be better as they walk through the federal budgets right now. Later it may not be so easy. It’s all about the money for them. So if that is true…….its where it needs to be addressed. And even though this may sound silly – I’ve got my stick and orange baggie on the end of it to wave at those that would fund this kind of insanity!!


  47. Trusting the BLM is out of the Question, they have proved this time and time AGAIN, trusting them will only lead to the deaths of our Mustangs who are innocent have done nothing to recieve this treatment from the BLM, we need to remove them , i am not exactly sure how or when but I do know they must be remove from the BLM, the sooner the better, they need to be put back on their land , we need to start demanding that this is done , putting them back will make them Happy (the mustangs) is much cheaper then trusting the BLM to take care of them, What is happening to them in Gunison prision??????? We will never see them again, is what I think……………..The BLM is on a murder mission!!!!!!!! They have proven this also many times………………We need to demand to see the wild ones at Gunision, I pray they are still alive…………………………………. If they are not alive and well I rest my case…………………………The Mustangs belong to us, and I want to see them………………………………….I WANT EYE WITNESS TO SEE THEM !!!!!!!!!! mY INSTINCTS TELL ME THERE ARE NO WILD ONES AT GUNISON PRISION, We have every right to demand to see them………………..If they are not there I would call that proof positive and then they had better have some answers…………….Or they will have a lot of explaining to do………………This we shoulld demand right now……………………TO SEE OUR MUSTANGS AT GUNISION PRISION><<


  48. Maybe going after the prison authorities and the governor to point out these are the publics’ wild horses and we need to have access and the prison is the antithesis of a short term holding facility. No access is one thing; doubled no access is absurd. BLM security on these animals is way out of proportion to their needs. mar


  49. Off topic, but I just received this from the NRDC/Robert Redford opposing the Alton coal strip-mine – 10 miles from Utah’s Bryce Canyon. There’s a link to send a message to the governor.

    Another instance where it’s up to citizens to defend what they hold dear from government and corporate greed. Since they haven’t yet said where the coal would be used, China may be the destination.


  50. Remember the WH&BP Advisory Board’s (sort of) commitment to “increased transparency”? Well, this may put a cork in THAT bottle, especially when it comes to tracking down contracts and spending.

    From POGO:

    Will New Open Government Websites Be Budget Cut Victims?

    “Gone is the $34 million investment the Obama administration was planning to put into a fund that pays for initiatives such as, and (The one with the most up-to-date info.). That Electronic Government Fund has been whittled down to $2 million in the House budget and the proposed Senate budget.”

    Uncle Sam, Inc., says, “TRANSPARENCY? ACCOUNTABLITY? Sorry, citizens and taxpayers, we just can’t afford it.” We, the People, say, “The time for trusting the U.S. government is OVER. SHOW US THE FACTS and THE MONEY!”

    Maybe they could increase grazing fees to make up the difference!


  51. Can someone explain to me why it has been announced that two HMAs in Oregon will be rounded up this August? Three Finger and Jackie’s Butte. I understand that the supposed “no more roundups in FY 2011” was a diversionary tactic since they don’t normally roundup between March and August anyway (foal season) and that FY2011 ends September 30th … but why this August roundup? Perhaps I missed something? Easy to do with so much going on … but perhaps someone can help me to understand this outright contradiction by BLM? (PS outright contradictions by BLM do NOT surprise me) Thank you.


    • Dear Grandma Greg, That is why they call the the Bureau of Liars and Murders…………. They are incapable of telling any truths or real facts, they twist everything to benefit themselves no matter how ridiculous it sounds………….. Hummmmm maybe we should give them all a shot of Sodium penethol before they open their mouths……….. Then and only then will the real truth will come out ,


  52. Grandma Gregg, it wasn’t a contradiction. It was an outright lie and a trick to try to get the extra $12M from Congress. I would be surprised if the BLM ever told the truth.
    They keep using the same old pop. number of 36,000 wild horses no matter how many are removed and the public has no clue . The “new strategy” is just more of the same”managing for extinction” only removing a few less but using a lot more PZP. The eco-herds will be sterile too.
    Salazar and Abbey both should be fired for their all out war against our American wild horses and burros. It is a disgrace.


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