Horse News

Honey Bandit Wild Horse Story Makes a Difference in D.C.

Update from Honey Bandit and the Gang

Obama’s BLM Loses Millions Over Cruel Stampedes

The D.C. Patrol

We have great news here in Washington DC.  The U.S. House has approved an amendment on a voice vote that would cut $2 million dollars from the BLM.  According to Indiana Republican Dan Burton, his amendment is to send a signal to BLM that the American public wants more humane treatment for the Mustangs across the West.  This means that the additional $12 million dollars that have been requested would not be available to aid with the roundups.  So that is a whopping $14 million dollar savings.

According to Virginia Democrat, Jim Moran, the law that was passed 40 years ago was to protect the wild horses and today there are more than 40,000 in holding pens and and only 30,000 in the wild.  Advocates believe that there are even less than that still running free.

This is wonderful news for wild horses that are still free.  We still have a long way to go, but this was a huge step in the right direction.  In other news, BLM is working with the University of California Davis on a long term (possibly 7 year) contraceptive.  The University of Colorado is in competition with UC Davis to come up with the best formula for this birth control.  Just think, if we can stop the roundups for a time until the proper studies are done, and the birth control is successful, the way we manage our wild horses could be changed forever.

There wouldn’t be a need for round-ups if the reproduction was controlled.  Of course this would be based on accurate and independent studies having verified the true number of wild horses left in the wild.  But this was a good trip, and a very successful one.  We came to defund the round-ups, and as of today, we are half way there with the House having approved the defunding.

So write to your representatives, and let’s keep this ball rolling.   PTL that Honey Bandit’s plight did not go unnoticed.  Thank you for all your support.  It takes all of us and we need to keep up the momentum.  Videos of the actual roundups simply are what they are.  There is nothing but the truth, and it sends a very clear message.  You be the judge.  The video is on youtube and it was made by Ginger Kathrens for congress to encourage them to defund the round-ups.

Thank you for your help and continued support.  I cannot wait to wrap my arms around Honey Bandit’s neck when I get home tomorrow.  It has been hard being away from him, but my hubby was there to get him “unstuck” and watch over him and the rest of the family.  We still need your support and thank you with all our heart.  God Bless.

Honey Bandit & the Gang
530 339 1458

29 replies »

  1. What good news to have woken up to today! A huge thank you to all the many people who exposed the cruel round-ups and the big waste of taxpayers’ money! A special thank you is in order to Congressman Dan Burton, who spoke accurately and boldly! He makes me proud to be from the Midwest!


  2. Dan Burton is a very strong horse supporter. He assisted with the closing of the slaughter houses as well. He is the one government official I am proud of in this state. The rest are lack luster to be nice about it.
    The wiki link gives a nice listing of pro horse supporter congress people. They all need thank you letters from us. I’m sure the few thank yous they get about this will encourage them to fight even harder. As we all know people are inclined to complain more often than congratulate so let all give them “BRAVOS!!” too.



    Honey Bandit and the Gang, you are Heros to the Horses, and to Horse Lovers world wide, as well! We can all sleep a little easier knowing our message has been heard… and the wheels of justice are turning in a positive direction for our beloved Mustangs and Burros.

    What a victory! You ALL should be so very proud of yourselves. My hat is off to you, and I am bowing gratefully in your collective direction!

    One question – how does the 2 million being cut, translate to 14 million total?

    Thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart for all you have done, and continue to do, in the name or our precious Wild Ones.

    ~ Jan


  4. Jan,

    Well if the BLM’s budget is being defunded and cut by 2 million they will not get the requested additional 12 million..

    Stacey, thanks for the link, it’s a great resource

    God bless our wild ones…Yi Haw 🙂


    • Thanks, Donna. But I don’t see that long awaited word ‘defunded’ in the above story. Cutting 2 mil is wonderful, believe me I am thrilled with this news. And seeing that the additional 12mil requested by the BLM will not be available for the round ups is even more satisfying. Heaven knows, I’m not questioning the goal, or the sweet smell of victory here, but wondering how cutting 2 = 14 total. It’s the ‘process’ of the politics, I guess, that I don’t understand.


  5. I was humbled to be part of this ‘DC Patrol Team’– we took the message to Congress at just the perfect time. Mon-Wed we were in teams, taking a solid informative packet to legislative reps & Senators. Ginger Kathrens’ video message is so powerful. I watched the grimmacing faces of the Congressional staff as they viewed it–many told us they had not seen such disturbing ‘real’ video coverage of the round-ups. Palomino Armstrong told her personal story of Honey Bandit–the Unnecessary Tragedy caused by BLM round-ups. Several audibly gasped at the 8 x 10 photo of Honey Bandit we gave them. I was there 3 days with Palomino, and others have been able to continue all 5 days, meeting with our Congressmen and Congresswomen.
    Our message and our work paid off. We were targeting congress reps right up to the time they voted. More work is needed. Those offices on ‘the Hill’ need more phone calls, more emails, more voices of the American tax payers calling for changes. The congressional staff told us they ‘track, count, and list’ emails according to TOPIC OF CONCERN, so be specific in the top 1-2 lines of your message. We all can make a difference… one person at a time… and the most important one person is ME: I can choose to act or to wait for others to tell about they did. I am ‘one person’ who is choosing to act.


  6. Cheers for the D.C. Patrol! I am writing letters of thanks today!
    Now let’s get the 111 zeroed out herd areas re-established–and the 40,000 horses in holding returned to their homes, and no more gelding of stallions, and a more careful documentation of contraception issues, and no more round ups… am I moving too fast for you??…. Such wonderful news– one Honey Bandit step at a time!


  7. Thank-you all who went and stood up for Americas beloved wild horses and burros !
    Can send Congress/Senators/President LINKS INFO IN HERE:


  8. A seven year contraceptive sounds totally irresponsible. Selection is what is needed when herds need to have contraception. This moves us away from knowing and working with knowledge gotten in the field with our horses. Seven years. Under the tightest controls horses maybe could use this but it will be more than 7 years before they have it tested, I hope! You cannot Fast Track science and think it will work out.

    It is not necessary to use a seven year drug!! We need new management. Not BLM control! mar


  9. Working with Local people and the one year PZP applied by dart by certified field tech is all we need to be able to use on any of the herds. The idea that this 7 year BC is in the works means that under BLM all the mares would get this. That is enough to cause near extinction right there… 7 years and no foals… that is a dead herd. Zero it out. Easy. That is what I see… mar


  10. 7 years and no foals… that is a dead herd. Zero it out. Easy. That is what I see… mar

    Mar I agree 1000%. And I can’t imagine that anything that could last 7 years would not be strong enough to sterilize them completely. Horses are meant to have their folas early on.


    • This is what I was thinking about a 7 year shot. My first thought was “over-kill…” I’d like to know more about this drug, where it’s being tested, etc. Sounds a bit suspect to me…


  11. I can’t say enough wonderful things about what everyone has done to bring us to this point!!! BRAVO and YAY!!! for all the progress so far. But, I have to agree that the BLM’s long-term or maybe short-term goal still sounds like extinction to me. Seven years without foals? With the size of the herds they have left free at this point, harsh winters and predators could easily wipe out the ones that are left in much less than 7 years. We need to hold these people’s feet to the fire at every turn. They still have their agenda. Let’s never lose sight of that.


    • Patty, as you stated, I never lose site of the BLM agenda. Always in my mind, the BLM “Secret Documents,” obtained under the FOIA by the Conquistador Program. The plans to eliminate the wild horses were formulated in 2008. It appears the BLM is certainly moving forward with the plans for @ 3 years, with some interference from advocates and certain members of Congress. Euthanasia was paramount. Also, contraceptives of the mares. When a question arose if this all would alter the wild horse behavior, a BLM Advisory person said, “Do we care?” *And I wonder why these “Secret Document” plans, which ARE being carried out, are not brought up more in contesting the BLM’s devastation to the wild horses? To refresh memory, link to synopsis of BLM’s “Secret Documents”:


  12. So thankful for all the concerned ones and their efforts who helped make an impact for good. Altho it is progress, we still have a ways to go till true freedom and full protection is granted the wild horses, burros and others who are at the mercy of would-be profiteers. We continue the march for their freedom and safety.


  13. Don’t like a 7 year contraceptive. That doesn’t cut down on roundups- it wipes out all the horses. What a stupid yet deviously cleaver idea on Salazar’s part.

    We need the Senate to also vote yes on Moran’s Amendment #485 to the Continuing Resolution of HB1, to prevent the money from being used for the roundups. Remenber there are some Western Senators (Democrats & Republicans) who aren’t fond of mustangs.

    So start writing your Senators to support it!


  14. I agree wih Mar. A one year contraceptive is all that is needed. Herds need to be studied while this contraceptivemis in use.

    While nothing could be more logical than having than having the horses under the care of the BLM, in actually, those whoare supposed to be protecting wild horses are destroying them. What is worse, these people operate with impunity—at least for the time being.

    Ultimately, I think that a separate agency should be created to manage the wild horses and burros. Herd management areas should be wild horse preserves or sanctuaries.


  15. Tis better to uproot than to weed. We can then replant with the flower of love and reason.. I challange the notion that man is superior to the other animals and is therefore entitled to do whith them whatever he wants. Old Pony, on my, site, . has an observation here
    There is an ancient story that goes back to the time when man hunted us to eat.It It is said that man and all the other animals understood each other very well. They knew by reading body language and looking intio each others’ eyes just what was up and who wanted to eat who and this understanding was perfect.. But then when man started to raise animals for food he could not look into thier eyes because the animal would KNOW. Maybe it would run away.So man stopped communicating at any depth.
    They had to tell thier children something when the animals were killed, so they told them that animals were ” just ” dumb anyway and that it was ok to kill them. After all, man was the superior whatever and so it has been for thousands of years. Read the papers and then rethink how superior man really is. O.P.


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