Horse News

Cloud Foundation Releases Video of Obama’s BLM Attack on Wild Horses

Filmed by the Cloud Foundation ~ Narrated by Ginger Kathrens

51 replies »

  1. I could watch only a portion of this as it is so very heinous and so unlike any behavior that we would even come close to doing with our equines.
    And, I cannot say how very dissapoining the new administration has been. But this takes the cake. 2012 here I come. Leadership that is bought and paid for by big business read the cattle industry is not my choice.


    • I am afraid that the wild ones will not be around in 2012. We need this “animal friendly”administration to live up to Obama’s campaign promises, NOW!!

      And I, for one, will not rest until he does. I am tired of elected officials lying to us.


      • They all have been blowing smoke up our asses. I’m sickened by what they have allowed to be done to theses innocent horses. The cattleman be in pockets of congress and who ever else controls the votes in this country. Some votes where bought and payed for by special interests like the cattleman Association and others like them. I’m a shamed to by an American just for this very reason that we as a species can do this to another and get away with it.


      • You just took the words out my mouth RT! …..I escaped from a Communist country 30+ years ago for Freedom, and because they were always lying too……now this is a rude awakening to the same old “Nightmare”….Unbelievable! We’ll fight for the Mustangs and for “Our Freedom”……the horses are leading the way!


      • I knew this was going to be that way with him when he broke his promise about a shelter dog. Can he live witht the fact he;ll be the president responsible for the extinction of the mustang,nice thing for your children to be able to say about his time in office.

        “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.â€â€”Francis of Assisi

        “When a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into Heaven. At the head of that bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime. The animals, based on what they know of this person, decide which humans may cross the bridge and which are turned away.”


  2. There seems to be such a wide spread apathy among too many people. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say “there’s nothing we can do about it.” I can’t imagine looking back one day and the wild horses are gone. I don’t live in the States, but the heartbreak carries across borders. I really hope you manage to save them. What can we do against big business? And right now, politics is concerned with Egypt or your health reform. Seems everything is about money. For most people.


    • Jen, Your last statement that it’s about money for most people is inaccurate. There are only a few who act like that. Those few also seem to be above the law. I would have to say about 80% of the people here want this stopped but we are ignored. It’s shameful that our own government stands back while this is going on pretending it’s not happening. The horses and burros they swore to protect are fast becoming an endangered species. There are not enough left in the wild now to regenerate the genetics. This in itself will kill off every last one within a few more years. Thanks to Laura Liegh and several others, the video and pics taken have at least managed to find their way to main stream media. We will win this fight but the question is if we will soon enough to save the genetic lines. Personally, I am ashamed of my own government officials. With any luck two of our senators working on this problem will be able to persuade congress to put an end to these round ups and release the 48,000+ in holding, back into the wild where they belong.


  3. As a far away spectator in all of this I am truly truly saddened by this whole sorry mess, I feel so upset, distressed, and totally helpless to this cause, please those of you who can help, please keep fighting for these magnificent creatures, they deserve respect and humane treatment, keep the stories coming, as hard as it is to watch them I pray that someone somewhere who can make a difference will do, dear God how much longer will this be allowed to continue are we so hardened in our outlook on life that we don’t care anymore?


    • christy ~ please do! there’s petitions to sign and send…..the more signatures the better the chance of saving our horses!


      • Contact OSHA and send them the links to videos and tell them they must observe these people in the field to see what is going on!!

        sandra longley
        Feb 02, 2011 @ 15:06:48

        website for Nevada OSHA, has e-mail link for reporting..attach all the videos showing the individuals on the ground in proximaty to the helicopter such as the horse that was pushed thru the jute at the trap site, so it not only endangers the pilot but also the ground crew who are not suppose to be within 60 feet of the helicopter in the trap..we see that all the time..remember most of these hoses are around 15 hands or smaller as in the case of foals..15 hands is 60 †when that helcopter touches that animal or its skids are obsucured by that animal…that is how far it is off the ground..that puts it into perspective for the investigator looking at the picture or video


      • Christy , PLEASE get involved. Sign petitions, Write letters to your State Senator
        and State Rep, and The president of the USA. please it all helps


    • Christy, if you want to work on this cause, please let me know. I will add you to a Facbook page (group/room) that practically horse advocate in the country belong to, and you can choose your path from there. Hope you’ll join us. We need every good soldier that we can muster. Elaine Nash (


    • It’s going to take everyone getting active on this critical concern… Or it will forever be too late. What a crime, multiplied tens of thousands of times they have done! The world looks on and is appauled! The blood of the innocent ones will be on all our hands if we fail to act in their defense and bring the Holocaust to a screeching halt, AND see the perpatrators tried, convicted, and punished to the fullest extent of the law. (Okay, we all rather doubt that anyone will pay for their crimes. But we must try.)


  4. Just emailed the White House…Again…let’s keep doing it and calling and writing until they cannot ignore us. This is so heartbreaking and devastating for me to watch as a non-constituent…no vote, no clout…but I will do what I can…at least let them know the world is watching.




  6. I cannot even watch these anymore, my heart and stomach cannot bare it anymore …….. These so called people must be stopped NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>..


  7. Im sick and tired of seeing our nation’s wild horses rounded up and abused. Put them back. BLM stop abusing the Roam Act, giving the horses their home. You are not culling them, you are eliminating them. What a vile organization!!!! Im sick of the BLM and sick of this government!!


  8. Sun J paid $1.2 million dollars for the Antelope Valley Horror Show. Our taxdollars. We pay for this brutality and that is not ok.


  9. As long as we observe and do not act – this travesty will continue. This is cruelty. Learn the law and act. It is no longer about taking pictures – we have reams. We know it is going to happen. The only thing we can do is make them accountable. Don’t ask how. Figure it out. Peace.


  10. Obama is heartless and don’t give a rat’s ass about the the wild creatures of America.He is so busy building his own personal agenda with the corporate barons for 2012 that our cherished national treasures are least unimportant on this ‘poor excuse of a president’


  11. We do hold BLM accountable and there are strong groups of advocates working hard to get all this information to DC and to representatives in their states. Please keep writing and calling all the principal players; the White House, Bob Abbey and Salazar and your
    senators and congress people. Support efforts in the field and donate to those you can. We are not backing off let alone going away! mar


    • Dear Mar, I have been totally OUTRAGED by all current happenings with the BLM and totally MORONIC side kicks SUN J , these Pilots are Doing this for the Sport of it !!! They are cowardly Bastards to say the Least !!!!!I can tell and so can every American , This Video needs to get to Jane Valdaz Mitchell immediately and every other form of MEDI. We need to step this Up NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have become so in tune with this crap, I can almost feel their pain (mustangs) This cannot go on !!! any Longer………………………………………, THE MEDIA IS OUR ONLY CHANCE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!


  12. HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, ASPCA, IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS, ANIMAL WELFARE INSTITUTE, & more tell Obama/BLM to STOP CRUEL round ups now & PROTECT Wild Horses & Burros from the Corrupt, Cruel and Cowardly BLM.


  13. My stomach stays in knots all the time now…Simply so hard to read & watch videos of these roundups! It all started with the Bush Administration, George said “get rid of them” & from there on its has gotten worse & worse. Of course its because the West has so much land that the oil companies can destroy the entire West, BP’s also involved, they killed the Gulf, now on the verge of killing the west all the horses & burros……,The entire Obama Administration, BLM, Ken Salazar, Bob Abbey & all involved are a bunch of DIRTY, LOWLIFE, COLDBLOODED, SONS OF BITCHES. SHOULD ALL BE RUN OUT OF THE COUNTRY & BE REPLACED WITH PEOPLE THAT REALLY DO CARE!!!!! sURE OBAMA DAUGHTERS WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO WATCH A ROUNDUP NOR WOULD MICHELLE!


  14. Sorry to report i called all the people Mr. Gorey, Bob . Abbey, Dean Bolsted, all calls were met with road blocks, none of these people were to be found, the worst road block was encountered at Bob Abbeys number, he chooses to have a Person answering the phone direct you to another number, I sure this is because of his extreme unpopularity, person answering was rude and abrupt, left my phone number with all and ask for a call back !! Do I really think that any of these low life weasels will call back????????? NOT……………….. Calling these people will reap no benefits for Our Mustangs……………………………………………………………………They are all cowards who will not speak because they know that what they are doing is Criminal…………………………………. Meanwhile the Mustangs are still terrorized Daily……………………………………


    • Hi there Louie I call that number everyday its on speed dial…. and leave comments for our President, been doing that for years, they all know me there !!!!! They are all volunteers there ! they are all also sympathetic to Our Mustangs, there plight is not new to anyone there, i believe i have talked to all of them there, it has become my first order of business every morning……………………


  15. I spent a whole day trying to get any reps to go out to monitor the welfare of the horses, from all of the above “Animal Welfare Organizations! So far only Denise Bobol from IDA was the only one who went, and acted TRULY “IN DEFENSE OF THE MUSTANGS” Thank You Denise for having the courage and doing the right thing!


  16. Arlene, so you’re the one who has been calling the White House every day. They already know all about it when I call.


    • hehehehehehe Louie they even know me by voice!!! I call about 930am ….. i am sure thousands of people call there everyday! I wish it would do some good !!! Its a Great volunteer staff the are always very express their concern about the horses,always say to keep calling, and say they will give the message to the President…….


  17. I am a member of the Bad River Band of Ojibwe Indians. As a Native of this land of our I am disappointed in my President and all of Washington in general. The horses have been family to Native Americans since the beginning. For these souls to be treated this way is to dishonor my heritage and the heritage of a most beautiful creature. My grandfathers tell me we will win this fight. As for those who continue to torture and kill these beautiful horses someday you will die with dishonor and you will have to explain to my ancestors why you commited such crimes against what in the long run belonged to them. Horses are loving and have family groups, what would happen if this was happening to your family. Maybe you should talk to the Indians for they were the first Holocaust survivors and Mr. Obama, what about your ancestors, they were forced into slavery and slaughtered too. How can you let this happen to innocent free and doing absolutely nothing but being horses. Just leave them alone or face the consequences down the line. Why not show these videos to your children and explain to them why you have lied and continue to support BLM. Birds of a feather, I guess. LEAVE MY PEOPLES HORSES ALONE


    • Michelle, a few years ago I saw a documentary about Indians. The Chief made peace with the soldiers and many lives were saved. His son was sent to the Army camp for a while and the General asked what gift could he send the Chief for saving all those lives. When the boy returned he said my father will take a horse. The General could not send such a great man such a “puny gift”. It illustrated the symbolism of how the different culture’s felt about horses. Some things never change.


  18. Our Wild Mustangs are the single most beautiful innocent beings that America has to offer its citizens, the beauty , poise , pride nobleness , trust , courageous, their beauty is unsurpassed by any other animal, their willingness to give is a thing of wonder, once taught they never ever forget, they are our most beautiful gift , to terrorize them is a Outrage,the things they offer are astounding they can heal your soul, and your heart they can make the most troubled person smile again………. There just is no way we can ever let anyone abuse them, we gave them their freedom and land to roam free because we love and respect them for what they are and what they mean to each one of us, there is no way I repeat no way I will never let them down…………………………….. My voice , my heart and my soul belong with them, Their Freedom is a given and their Land belongs to them always………………….I will not ever compromise this………………..This I give freely to them …………………………………


  19. Michelle’s comments brought me to tears.

    I live on what once was Narragansett Indian land in Rhode Island.

    All our streets are named for the Indians and Chief’s who lived here.

    I have a strong bond with their spirits.

    I have never forgiven the white man for what he did to these wonderful people.

    May these horses be delivered from the hands of those who didn’t care into the hands of someone who will love and hold and provide.

    It is that prayer that needs to be answered.

    It is that miracle for which I am truly grateful.


  20. Each and every day their is a part of our natural living things are being destroyed ! One day we will cease to exist we will end up feeding off of other humans cause we think we have a plan.Well horses was our main source of transportation years ago and looks like they will return to that soon.You can to day feed a horse for less than gasoline or any source of fuel.I for one stand with wild horses they are awesome and are a benifit to the term freedom.One day those who have no idea about wild living things will reap what they soe,when some relly smart people stop allowing them from flying every where things will change


  21. Thank you so much for all you do for our horses! My heart is broken over what’s being done to them, and that Obama and his BLM condone this is unacceptable. We won’t be voting for him come 2012!


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