Horse News

Pine Nut Range Wild Horse Families Destroyed

By Robert Winkler

BLM Rips Nursing Foals from their Mares

PINE NUT RANGE, Nevada – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is breaking up natural horse family groups again, this time in the Dayton area of the Pine Nut Range of northwestern Nevada. More shamelessly they have removed foals from there dams and shipped of the young to a holding area called the Palomino Valley facility where they have been thrown in with the general population. This all done while they hoped we were watching football and eating turkey so no one might notice, except GrassRootsHorse’s Laura Leigh.

This herd has incredible community support and people willing to do whatever possible to keep these families intact. Even so it appears that the intention of the BLM was to remove all foals to keep the at the “appropriate management level” according to BLM.

Foals, many still nursing were ripped from their mothers, separated for over 24 hours and a deliberate attempt to keep this quiet, apparently using the holiday to distract citizens, while the foals slipped into the void.

This morning the BLM’s plan was to release all the mares and leave all 22 foals behind. Foals were transported from the Lohanton temporary holding area to Palomino Valley Center and added to the foal population there. After public outrage plans were changed and the wet mares have been transported to Palomino Valley to match up with their foals for release early next week. Alan Bitner of the Carson BLM expressed his concern along with many community members about this mornings plan. He seemed relieved as he informed the public that the foals would not be permanently removed from their mothers. The initial call to take the nursing foals from their mothers and release only the mares, came from Alan Shepard. This was confirmed at the site today.

Last night word came that there would be no roundup of wild horses today. BLM claimed it was a day for treating the horses with fertility drugs and the public was not allowed, since the horses were very skittish. The Pine Nut horses by all accounts are quite accustomed to people as they are very popular among the people who live nearby. BLM stated that Friday would be a release day for the 122 horses they captured yesterday. however, it is another BLM lie. Word came while I was on the phone with Laura that the BLM was releasing horses today! She rushed out to be there. She arrived along with other reporters with no sign yet of the BLM. She called back within a short time with very disturbing news. There are 22 foals that were captured that will not be released with their mares. The BLM states they “cannot match the foals to their mares” and are not even going to attempt it. The foals have already been shipped to Palomino Valley facility and have been added to the general population of foals already there.

This is an outrageous situation and please make calls to Mark Struble 775-885-6107 he is the person who has made this call and is responsible.

104 replies »

  1. THis is again a disgusting situation that seems to only get worse and worse for our wild horses. I hope all these people soon realize what they are doing before we don’t have our gorgeous wild horses on our ranges. These are disgusting people and my hope is that they come to their senses otherwise, we the U.S. citizens will have to boycott all attempts to hold BLM roundups anywhere in our native ranges, AND DEMAND THE RANCHERS REMOVE ALL CATTLE IMMEDIATELY NOW AND NEVER RETURN THEM. THis sounds to me to be the ultimate decision to stop these roundups before we have no way to stop any further lose of our wild horses.


    • Beautiful video again, you put out for the public, but, may i tell you, many times, as you speak, we cannot hear you! even with the volume up high. Is there some kind of problem. sorry, can,t Hear you talking…


    • I switched to the U tube edition and turned my computer “full up” I had no trouble hearing your gentle commentary then. So so sad. Will we hear more about the young foals.


  2. Time and time again, the Bureau gets caught with it’s hand in the cookie jar. Whether it’s in the past, with agents & their cohorts adopting Captives only to sell them to slaughter, losing over 600 from a Southern Nevada summer gather & the inability to account for their whereabouts or more recently, rounding up far more than the EA stipulated and now this?
    How can Advocates be wrong for distrusting anything that comes from the Bureau mouth? The Pine Nut was supposed to be unique in that the population had remained stable; the only reasons for this gather was to innoculate mares.
    I reiterate – these agents are accountable to no one, making up rules as they go along. And it appears any time Alan Sheperd is associated with Wild Equines, down-low dealings are sure to follow.

    As I understand it, this situation has been resolved. But it’s my personal feeling – it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


  3. “All management activities shall be at the minimal feasible level”

    Nothing minimal about this, other than the BLM’s attempt to abide by the 1971 Act. They certainly pick and choose which parts they will follow and which they will ignore.


  4. The ususal BS. BLM stinks to the heavens with their deceptive tactics. And Gorey who is in Washington keeps preaching they try to be humane…. yeah right.
    Send him a complaint. Let him know what you think of his welfare standards… sounding so nice, yet a complete lie. This email below I received after sending him an inquiry on animal welfare…. of course their PR head honcho is well trained on sending canned answers, yet when I sent back the link to the horrific violation of the helicopter touching a mustang, Tom Gorey had NO comment.
    Please let yourself be heard. This pencil pushers ought to know we will not shut up.

    To: TCourt5096@
    Sent: 11/16/2010 1:15:43 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
    Subj: Re: Policy on Humane Standards

    Dear Ms. Courtney:

    Thanks for your continued interest in the Wild Horse and Burro Program.
    An enhanced animal welfare program will definitely be part of our final
    strategy; in fact, the BLM is already piloting one element of our new
    Comprehensive Animal Welfare Program — the use of outside observers to
    monitor and report on gather activities.

    The BLM takes many precautions during gathers to ensure humane treatment
    of the horses and the safety of all involved in the gather operation.
    During the gather, horses are driven to temporary corrals that serve as
    a trap. The BLM recognizes the stress and potential danger to the
    horses inherent in a gather operation. Helicopter operators are
    experienced professionals who take reasonable measures to move the
    horses at an easy pace, maintaining pressure on the horses only as
    needed to keep them moving towards the trap.

    The mortality rate resulting from helicopter-driven gathers is less than
    one percent. In 2009, the number of gather-related fatalities out of
    more 7,500 horses gathered was only .51 percent. While we regret the
    loss of even one horse during our gather operations, this is a
    remarkable accomplishment, a tribute to the experienced, trained BLM
    staff and contractors who conduct the gather operations.

    Regarding the on-going Warm Springs gather in Oregon, please visit our
    website at for daily gather reports.

    Tom Gorey
    Senior Public Affairs Specialist
    Bureau of Land Management
    Washington, D.C.


    • …”An enhanced animal welfare program will definitely be part of our final

      Final strategy? That sound ominous.


      • It is ominous and has been and is going to go on that way until we end the push to destroy the wild herds. This is an urgent time; an emergency for the wild horses still vulnerable to BLM manipulation. We need a strong Holiday/Christmas Message for the administration. Like last year. See, we have not gone away! mar


  5. Steve —
    You have the full text of the e-mail sent to Ms. Court on 11/16.
    The BLM has no further comment to make regarding this exchange of e-mails.
    — Tom

    Steven Long
    11/19/2010 01:05
    PM cc
    Fwd: Re: Policy on Humane Standards

    Good afternoon Tom. Activist Monika Courtney forwarded this not to me
    that she sent to you. Please copy your answer to her for me. She
    raises very valid questions. I saw the video she is speaking of. Has
    BLM filed a complaint with the FAA on this person’s dangerous
    performance? will it?

    Steven Long, Editor
    Horseback Magazine

    Mr. Gorey: One viewer’s words:
    “GOOD GOD !!”

    This video footage ought to make the news and be shown to the
    American public !! Touchdown of a helicopter on a mustang !!!!!!!
    Are you aware of this ? Is this the welfare you proclaim ? Seems the
    reality is a very different picture !
    Watch the video above.

    And which observers are you talking about ?
    Tom says:
    “the BLM is already piloting one element of our new Comprehensive
    Animal Welfare Program — the use of outside observers to monitor and
    report on gather activities.”
    Which observers are these? And where are these observer’s reports?
    Who are they reporting to? And are these observers there daily
    during all gather operations?

    Tom says:

    “Regarding the on-going Warm Springs gather in Oregon, please visit
    our website at for daily gather reports.”
    Are these the “observer” reports? Because if they are they’re
    nothing more than numbers.
    The above video is evidence of BLM doing wrong. It’s time for a
    change. We the American public, are fed up with the PR gig of BLM,
    when the truth is nothing short from shocking abuse and unspeakable

    Monika Courtney, CO.


  6. The BLM is nothing but criminals using parts of the law which proves beneficial to them. They disgust me due to their shameless use of violence and insensitivity to purposely destroy these horses. Separating the mares from their foals is a sure way of eliminating the population once again. The BLM does this under the cloak of Thanksgiving Day where people are indeed thankful. Slimy crumbs of cowardice.


  7. I have read your articles and believed what was written. However this one is filled with misinformation! I know because I was one of the other reporters there and also an extremely active local advocate! I just don’t know where to begin. First of all BLM was first a the site quite early, it was only after an hour or two that I saw Laura. There was no confirmation that Alan Shepard was the bad guy, though personally I would suspect he was in on it. I say that because he publicly states in from of rolling cameras that foals can be separated from their mothers at 4 months and that that is often when they are weaned in the wild. He also stated that BLM does not need to change
    anything they are doing. I also observed him misleading people interviewing him in ways that could be classed as lies. That said, the foals were not thrown into the general population and most of the foals have been reunited with their mothers and BLM plans to release them in the Dayton area as soon as possible. Yes the families are broken up and I am one of the people who will be watching in the next weeks, months and years to evaluate what happened here. The initial outrage occurred within the BLM ranks and was communicated to the advocates by BLM staff. Further, these horses are very wild and not comfortable being around people – however loved they are! 112 horses were captured, not 122. And in spite of how wild the horses are someone representing the horses should always be allowed to observe freeze branding etc. I specifically requested this for myself but was told that the veterinarian in charge was frightened of them (and the horses from the Buckskin Range). Let’s see, message was provided saying that the horses were to be released by email to everyone who asked to be on the mailing list. There are a few more screw-ups and problems to be resolved, but I’m not sharing them with you – because now unfortunately you’ve lost your credibility!


    • Dorothy, thanks for filling us in on what you observed. Personally, I’m reserving judgement for the next couple of days, because I’m having difficulty following the various reports and timelines. Understanding what happened when is crucial before anyone gets in anyone else’s face.

      One thing that’s crossed my mind is that jumping to conclusions and going off half-cocked might impact the release of the horses, and I wouldn’t want to make things worse than they already are.

      It’s a shame that something with such promise of cooperation took this sad turn. I hope you’ll keep us updated on these and other wild horses in your area.


    • Oh please, your comment is full of misinformation ! On Thanksgiving Day BLM was not on the site “quite early” – get over your ego and do not concern yourself with “Laura” or any other advocate for that matter – insert any name here. ALL of the accounts, say Alan Bitner, came right out and said it was Alan Shepard, maybe you did not hear it. it does not mean it was not said, just that you did not hear it. Focus on what needs to be addressed, not add more smoke screen nonsense. This is not the first round up that has not had foals released with their mothers. Where are they ? That is the main issue that called many people to act on Thanksgiving, locally and nationally. You should be happy, the locals were supported by a larger group, for the welfare of the horses. Don’t be jealous of anyone getting “press”, the job got done. Look at the big picture, save wild horses. Please, do not be “one of the people who will be watching in the next weeks, months and years to evaluate what happened here.” Please, BE one of the people to demand change. NO horses should have been removed – it was illegal.
      Oh and be sure not to share the – “screw-ups and problems to be resolved, but I’m not sharing them with you – because now unfortunately you’ve lost your credibility!” that will surely help the horses. Take your marbles and go home ! If I sound angry, well I am. Petty does not serve the horses.



      • Facts need to be checked to prevent Cyber-hysteria because that ultimately doesn’t help the horses, the advocates or the movement. There are other ways to fundraise and there is a lot of donor money out there for necessary projects, legal action, etc.

        Saving the Wild Horses of America is just that ~ it’s not a celebrity contest for the choir.

        Let’s all work together.

        Thanks to Dorothy, Laura, Cat and everyone who has been out on the Pine Nuts range and at Palomino Valley to observe & advocate for our beloved wild horses.


      • Maureen, I do understand if you are “angry” we all are. However to engage in a “mudslinging” contest or unleash your anger on someone who is trying to bring the whole story into proper focus is not fair, and it is NOT the “big picture”! Furthermore it is extremely COUNTER PRODUCTIVE, where as the WELFARE of the Wild Horses are concerned! I hope you were not posting as a GRH rep?!


    • Dorothy, Thanks for reporting what really happened… happens to match what I have found out from independent sources. I agree, if someone calls themselves “journalist” they must report “truthfully” and OBJECTIVELY, even though it is hard, because of our love and compassion for the Wild Horses!


      • Dorothy came here and blew off her own steam and acted unprofessionally by saying she would withhold information because she perceived someone else was not accurate and therefore had lost credibility (that is a long jump to make from a BLM report with an inaccurate number). This was inexcusable, unprofessional and childish. That you have continued to bait Laura over this and have acted smugly here as if you have won something or have one upped her is also stupid, vapid and makes you look extremely unprofessional. You have a serious problem of your own in accepting the participation of others who have done extremely credible work. This makes your relentless attacks and implications look self serving and personal. I think I am right here. mar


  8. Unnecessary roundup i n the first place and so much anguish caused to the long suffering horses who know how to live in the wild and how to balance with all the other kinds, or species!


  9. ‘In 2009, the number of gather-related fatalities out of more 7,500 horses gathered was only .51 percent.’

    What? That’s considered an acceptable record? In what world? If United only succeeded in landing 49% of their flights safely, they would go out of business. If Chevrolet only succeeded in meeting 49% of their vehicle production, they would go belly up.

    We pay these morons salaries. I think 51% loss of ANY number of horses is considered unforgiveable and heads need to start rolling. This makes me sick. I want to pull a Ralph Waldo Emerson and cease paying any and all taxes until these stupid idiots start acting like adults and respecting their EMPLOYERS (U.S. Citizens) wishes.

    In a normal world, their asses would be so fired so quickly, their heads would spin. Talk about pork belly politics….


  10. I, along with 5 other sharp-eyed and experienced observers, was on the Pine Nut HMA on Thanksgiving afternoon and the following day. I just want to share a little story with you who could not be there: We saw three Pine Nut horses together that were very obviously so disoriented and upset that it brought tears to my eyes. One bay was out front that was extremely driven to go “directly” somewhere [of course trying to return to his/her former home area and former life and family members] with two others following but equally disturbed. The last dark horse in the group kept stopping and holding back and continually whinnying and looking back …and yet following the other two so as not to be left alone. No wonder these three were so disturbed … as we surmised when we saw them, the families had been separated; apparently with stallions let loose first without even the dry mares … let alone the wet mares and foals who had been taken away entirely. We only saw this group of three disoriented horses and two more groups of two at a distance further up the valley. We did not see the other released herd members but I surely believe they must have been equally upset after the roundup and disoriented from being moved away from their “home areas” and lost without their families that they were also “out searching” for their former lives and families that had been wrenched away from them. I might be a little sentimental about the horses and their families but what I say is the truth and what was done to them is NOT humane treatment of our treasured wild ones. I am again more than disgusted with the actions of our BLM public employees who are in charge of making these destructive decisions about my horses on my land. This roundup and PZP application and destruction of the family groups of the herd was totally unnecessary on a piece of healthy land that is legally and morally theirs to live on for their lifetime. As I was wisely reminded earlier today …”wild horses remind us to be strong in the face of adversity”.


    • Immediately after I made my first comment, I asked Terri to contact Willis for an update ASAP, because I was concerned about the direction this thread seemed to be heading. If this makes me a “bad advocate” in some people’s minds, so be it.


      • Linda, you did the right thing! I did “fact checking” with the BLM independently, and got the exact case sceenario described as Willis’s account. I feel by publishing “half truth” that causes “Cyber hysteria” does NOT serve our cause….it feeds into BLM theory; that “WH Advocates are a bunch of emotional, bleeding hearts”. Where as I do appreciate “Humane Observers ” on the ground, I feel we need more “Advocates” able, and willing to develope good rapport with the BLM. Whether we like it or not, the BLM is the almighty power at this time, and they hold the Wild Horses fate in their hand. Antagonizing them, beating up on them (verbally), never give them credit, even when they try to do the right thing, is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE! A true “ADVOCATE is PROACTIVE, is a DIPLOMATE, has PRACTICAL HORSE EXPERIENCE! An advocate such as I described, can literally SAVE some WH LIVES! (…by speaking up before a tragedy happens!)There seem to be a confusion regarding the two distinct roles; everybody that goes to the round ups and documents, or “rents and raves” after a bad thing happened calls themselves an “advocate”. By making this statement I do not intend to take away credit from anyone, who observes and documents, and reports……mind you the reports have to be accurate, without “drama” and fair, in order to serve the best interest of the Wild Horses! Linda if anyone calls you a “bad advocate”, now you have company:)


      • My saying this to Linda did not mean or imply that what Laura has said was wrong. In this case Willis is off the scene and his info is not about what happened on site. The mistake in numbers was from the source and not the fault of those reporting.

        Please understand that Laura’s accounting is not being questioned by me at all. I had meant to give Linda support. But from further discussion off blog I feel I need not have said anything as this has only lead others to look at this as support to Dorothy who, in my opinion, was off base in the first place.

        My apologies to Laura for adding any fuel to the fire that was about her credibility. I have no question in my mind about the accuracy of what she has reported. What Willis has to say, as he is not on the scene and has been behind closed doors, is another story. Laura was there. Laura, I am most sorry if I have offended you. mar


      • Tho’ Willis was not there, Anne Marie, what difference was there in Laura’s report from his??? BLM put out a number for horses that was not accurate. That is no reflection on anyone but them. You are screaming about accuracy and emotions in a very offensive way. It has no place here and I am very disappointed that you have brought this BS up again.

        Laura is “PROACTIVE, is a DIPLOMATE, has PRACTICAL HORSE EXPERIENCE! …… and can literally SAVE some WH LIVES!” She has been saving lives all along.

        The drama has come from people who have wanted to compete with and discredit a working advocate. You have caused the embarrassment here, no one else. You have not the decency to admit you are also causing the drama and the emotional BS. mar


      • I’m with mar- Does anyone think the advocates for DECADES have not or are not TRYING to work with the BLM? GRRRRRRRRRR


  11. Everytime I read a story like this, and there have been too many of late, it reminds me the old saying. That where there is stupidity, apathy and corruption within lower ranks of an organization, it goes up the chain of command. But, as well, the responsibility rolls up the chain of command. Considering the dime for all these useless individuals does ultimately come from us taxpayers, making us the ultimate boss and contract holders, we should have ultimate say. I feel there needs to be investigations that go up the chain of command and, truly, a roto-rooter of staff. Imagine the coinage we could save by going over contracts and elimating those abusing their positions. And, as for the corporate cattle barons, I am tired of paying for you to have your cattle on public lands. Eviction notices need to be issued. You know, at one time, monopolies use to be illegal. We need to go back to old laws. Too much corporate corrupted control on the public dime; and in the pockets and decisions of those on this public ladder. Investigate, eliminate and prosecute: three key words to solve this problem.


  12. Laura, I don’t know how you do it, but I can tell you one thing, we all appreciate how you constantly give it your all in keeping us informed. This is yet another horrible tragedy that appears to be totally unnecessary. The removal of the foals from the mares is cruel, inhumane and certainly should not be allowed to happen. This BS goes on and on and we can’t do anything about it?! Shame on us, the American people in allowing this injustice to prevail.


  13. How incredible to live in a time when we have both the technology and the motivation to keep people, our fellow advocates, concerned public and citizens updated in “real time” on important issues and happenings that are of importance to them. Yes it is an extra amount of work, sometimes on a holiday but what is the saying, “if you want it done give it to a busy person.” Wild horses don’t have the luxury of waiting until Thanksgiving dinner is finished. I am grateful to everyone who responded to the “real time” news and made calls and e-mails. I am especially grateful for anyone in my company who took time out from their holiday meal to offer a hand to fix a temperamental internet connection. That is community, that is grass roots action.


  14. Laura, Thank You to you and to all of the others who were there! This would have all gone down without anyone knowing if you had not been there. How you do it, none of us know–we are just grateful that you do. YOU are not the one who has to defend your credibility. YOU did not get paid to be there. Did BLM get paid overtime and Holiday pay for this fiasco?


    • Yes, Laura- Thank you from the whole of our hearts. I can not imagine the anguish you must feel on a daily basis. Even when you are not at a “gather” your mind’s eye must continually revisit the horrors and injustices you witness. God bless you and all the advocates for fighting a good fight. Our horses would be lost without you.
      (((HUGS))) from out here in cyber-land. I mean that- we all do.


  15. From Cloud’s blog:
    The 2011 BLM Budget has not been approved by Congress (BLM is requesting over $75 million!)– BLM budget request online here.
    Regardless BLM continues spending millions in taxpayer dollars on massive, unnecessary roundups — even targeting more herds for total elimination! BLM is requesting $42.5 million dollars to implement stage 1 of purchasing private lands in the East for the outrageous “Salazar Plan” and an additional $12 million for the wild horse and burro program to reduce the size of 5 herds.

    As of October 1 we are in fiscal year 2011 and as the Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate work on approving this year’s past due budget, they need to hear from you with a focused message:

    Let’s continue calling Appropriations Committee members. Express your OUTRAGE to them:


  16. Here are two Appropriations Committee members to call–let’s call one or two each day:
    House Appropriations Committee:

    Rep. Marcy Kaptur–Dem. Ohio
    (202) 225-4146 D.C. Office
    (800) 964-4699 Home Office (possibly for calls in state)
    (419) 259-7500 Home Office

    Rep. Frank Wolf–Rep. Virginia
    (202) 225-5136 D.C. Office
    (800) 850-3463 Home Office (for calls in state)
    (540) 667-0990 Home Office


    • Louie, you are on the RIGHT TRACK!! This is where we need to fight….NO $$$, no round ups! Thanks for the list me and my friends are right on it with calls!


    • Louie…thanks for the reminder. Important votes are coming up Re: continuing resolutions.

      Now let’s see if the “less government” feeding trough hogs of Congress will say…DOI/USDA….moratorium on roundups until we resolve (1) spending and, (2) what to do with roundup wild equines with 3d party validated science.

      BTW…no stop gap, extension or stimulus money to be used for rounding up more wild equines. Be careful though on the wording….they’ll find a way to starve and exterminate the ones in holding.

      Still think the corporate puppets are removing wild equines because of water issues and irreparable pollution.


  17. Honestly, does any person concerned about the wild equines think we would even be having this conversation if (and only IF) the wild equine killers (state AGs, DOI/ USDA) were: (1) forth coming, (2) transparent (we ain’t talking National Security here), (3) competent, (4) HONEST!!!!!!!!, (5) really concerned about wild equines and their realistic survivability, and ultimately (6) a demonstrated and 3d party documented history of protecting the wild equines….not butchering, torturing and murdering (not in that order)????????????

    Brutally separating mares and foals is SOP (standard operating proceedure) for these creeps! They have done it repeatedly, not to mention PZP utilization and roundups during sensitive seasons.

    Hang in there Laura. As to the contrary poster…seriously, thank you for your thoughts, but if BLM was honest and transparent in the first freaking place there would be no debate on this particular situation.




  19. There are other Appropriation Committee members and phone #s posted on this blog. It seemed the best way to keep a list was to put them on the Cloud Blog, under the original post–so it is easier to find. It could be done on R.T.s blog, as well. Looking for the best place to keep a log.


  20. Started this earlier and then got interrupted due to computer problems:

    Nov 08, 2010 @ 13:22:14

    Appropriations Commitee–let’s get started today. Review the points on Cloud Foundation memo and then call. BLM is asking for $75 million for their budget this year. Let committee members HEAR from all of us. Let them hear our ourtage. Here’s one set of phone #s—or you can call the White House switchboard:


    Davie Obey Chairman Wisconsin Dem. (202) 225-3365 D.C. office
    (715) 842-5606 Home office

    Jerry Lewis Ranking Member Rep. (202) 225-5861 D. C. office
    1-800-233-1700 Within California



    Rep. Steve Isreal Dem New York (202) 225-3335 D.C. Office
    (631) 951-2210 Home Office

    Rep. Tom Latham Rep Iowa (202) 225-5476 D.C. Office
    866) 428-5642 Toll Free (they don’t always work)
    (641) 357-5225 Home Office


  22. If bands can be kept together (like Cloud’s) why will they not do it? How much trouble can it really be? I can set up (or take down) my round pen panels by myself in a few minutes. Why not move the traps around? Why spend money transporting any animals to holding if they are going to be released? Why round them up at all? Why-Why-Why?????


  23. The Lies , betrayal and criminal activities. animal cruelty !!!!! at the BLM continue , where s the arrests at the BLM they are committing crimes all need to be arrested……


  24. This is yet another example of the BLM saying they are going to do XYZ and then don’t. Round-up after round-up, time and time again. The BLM needs to put on the brakes, get independent population counts instead of using old data, new range studies and then they’ll have the data and current information to justify round-ups. How can there be a 20% increase in population when the herds are down to nothing, family bands destroyed and birth control administered? The herds are being systematically wiped out and the advocates are quibbling over a population count that wasn’t accurate to begin with. Don’t you think it odd that the most controversial round-ups occur when Congress isn’t in session and during holidays when you can’t contact anyone to step in? Cloud, Calico and on and on.

    By the time the advocates stop sniping at each other or trying to take the spotlight away from others, the horses will be gone. And you can bet the BLM is basking in some of the comments on here. The big picture is either you support BLM destroying the herds or you don’t. It is happening folks with every round-up and you are wasting valuable time quibbling over how many horses were captured. This issue is they were captured. If the true number is 112, does that make the round-up more palatable? Do you think those 112 horses think it’s okay because it wasn’t 122? Quit questing every little detail that is of no consequence other than to make someone look bad. There is a way to correct information without purposely trying to discredit the person. We all make mistakes or pass on bad information given to us. Information is being passed on at the speed of light. If you take the time to verify with several sources, especially if one of the sources is the BLM, the round-up will be over before you get anything out to anyone.

    Look at the big picture and do something to get a moratorium on the round-ups before the horses are gone. Then, instead of discrediting information from advocates you can start fighting over the book rights for the new chapter in American History: When the Wild Mustangs Roamed the West….


    • You are so right. If those would who have personal issues or even accuracy issues could refrain from creating their own tempests and work off blog more to settle these things, we would be able to concentrate on what is happening and what we must do.
      Trying to cut down one of our strongest voices is self defeating. mar


    • Vicki, I agree, the most important thing is to SAVE the Wild Horses now!! I’ve done my part, and at my “own expense” I rescued 6 Mustangs…. though I ended up on disability, because I am an avid “Patient’s Advocate” I acted as a whistleblower” and I was “hung out dry” sort of speak, yet I did not turn my back on the horses. As you see I don’t have time to enjoy the limelight, or the “idol status” saving Mustangs is more important to me! And for this I’ll do anything, even “be nice to the BLM”!


  25. I would like to add that when people come here to take down an advocate they have some vendetta with it will continue to make them look bad for using this place as a platform. If the problems over accuracy were Real, then, these need to be discussed off blog. If you do not respect someone it needs to be your problem, not all of ours. One thing I know is Laura Leigh has not been doing any ambulance chasing after your writings or comments because she is not out to put you down in public or discredit You. You do that to yourself in the manner and words you use when you attack her out of hand. mar


  26. I for one am GLAD somebody is angry and emotional! I do idolize Laura AND all the others who are out there on the front lines. No disservice intended or perceived by any of these other advocates I dare say. I cannot be “there” so I am happy they are. We as a whole can not be blamed for being skeptical about the BLM says or does. Lie after lie, subterfuge and misdirection seem to be the norm. The BLM has proven they are sneaky, underhanded and ignorant. I wonder do the donations cover Laura’s emotional investment?????


    • I realize where you are coming from… and we all have to have anger and deep feelings to be doing this… apparently against all odds. I do not speak for Laura but the emotional cost she is paying is considerable, and unavoidable in this crisis. We know how it is for us who are not able to be there and we feel the drain and the disappointments. As I have said before it is mostly our passion that has brought us together and it may be our inspiration as well; for the wild ones.

      If anyone thinks Laura is making money and living on easy street they are misled and blind to boot! I would love to find a sponsor for her so Laura can live more like a normal person! mar


  27. Sitting here in my office (!) I am not feeling emotional or angry. Sorry. That is not happening, Anne-Marie. I do not know you but for the comments you have made that I have read. I have followed a thread through those comments that has been more and more pointed at Laura over and over again. Publicly snide. Childish and unnecessary. I do not even know your history with Laura. But you have put your emotional baggage up here to be seen by all. It has been obvious. Sorry you did not realize you were hanging out your dirty laundry in public??? Come on. You knew.

    I wish you would cease and desist from using the stupid term “cyber hysteria” as you are the only one doing that. I only ‘feel’ sad you have been so unheeding of your own voice and attitude and how you are actually being perceived by others.

    I do not idolize Laura and we are most blunt with each other and have been known to raise our voices to get our thoughts across to each other as we are friends. You do not know me or what I am about, apparently. I do not know you but for the stupid things you say. I have been on the road with Laura and stayed at my friend’s house also. Laura comes to my home and is welcome here anytime. Much you do not know… I have been a supporter of Laura Leigh’s and am proud to say that. She is on no pedestal in my eyes. She works her ass off and lives this campaign because it was what she had to give to it that has helped motivate her. She has given and continued to give and has only been able to survive and keep her work afloat because of donations from those of us who believe in her view and insight. It took forever to get her a vehicIe and I am relieved she has a 4×4 now. I do not envy her and I know how hard all of this has been because I have seen it with my own eyes. You are barking up the wrong tree here, Anne-Marie. I do not know anyone else who is doing what Laura is doing 24/7 and I hope you are not implying you are!

    Sorry but I have not given an “Angry Emotional Outburst” to you or anyone else for a very long time… You need some introspection, AM. mar


    • Sorry to butt in here. Really I am. I am new to this business and coming in thought we were all on the same page. Misunderstandings happen and while at the time positions are taken and fought for – in the end the only loser are the ones who sling the most mud. For in my opinion, their true colors have then been flown.

      I was going to go into how I have spent my last few months but suffice to say I am exhausted with all the informaton I have taken in to get up to speed. I read down to this point and just became very disappointed in this blog. I am surprised some posts have been deleted because they were inflammatory, but that these personal attacks and snide remarks have not been. Also the fact that some mention off blog convesations while opinions are exchanged – this all sounds sort of like high school to me. And I do have one very important question for you all who, as a last ditch effort, actually cast doubt on some participants’ character. What does this do for you? It is very unbecoming. A horsemen/horsewoman has to be perceptive, sensitive and ready to respond. Listen. And be considerate.

      If you find yourself in an adversary position – don’t engage. If you are challenged, the best way to meet that challenge is to explain, not shoot back. Be a good example. No one wants to see petty responses to reasonable questions. The questions had to do with accurate reporting. Personally, I was disappointed to learn it was not Mark Struble who was responsible for the foal separation and shipment because the initial report flat out said he was . The message I left for him must have taken a few layers of skin off! But he was kind enough to return my call and we actually had a good person to person conversation. I did apologize to him for reacting to information I took to be accurate, but my point had been made to him that I wanted those foals returned as did a few hundred other people.

      We are all in this to see change made. None of us need to be reminded how tragic the situations are from the horses’ and burros’ view. We know. We get it. We cry and our hearts break. What I need and sure others agree – is as accurate as possible reporting. I am committed to seeing change and will do everything in my power – to get the situation squared away. But when I tune in to what you have been doing and I get a negative, morose, woe is me report that also seems to misleading or worse witness character assassination – that is just a turn off. I need to see progress. This has been a long drawn out fight – surely all the work done is bringing about some change. Surely there is rason to celebate even the smallest advance in the consideration of the welfare of the horses. I share the lagging energy to react to “BLM busters” There is room to improve – lots of room sometimes. But it takes consistent persisitent encouragement, demanding, standing firm and standing for what is right. I know in their hearts, everyone gets it too. I will encourage all problem solving, I will welcome related stories of experiences out in the field, reporting of events as they unfold. I’m pretty active on my own as I am sure we all are. I am really only needing to read these blogs for more information. And I’d like to be able to depend on getting information I can use or confirms what I suspect. I don’t need to tune in for my drama, name calling, hair pulling fix. I gave that up. Sort of soap opera stuff. Don’t need it. I’ve started watching the PBS channel.

      I’m not sure what is going on between Dorothy and Laura – it appears there are some problems the two need to work on at their professional level. 🙂 And Anne-Marie is a straight shooting first generation American. She comes with rare appreciation of our free society. Not that I am inviting any comments, I’m not. She loves her horses and is an accomplished horsewoman as well. She has rescued wild horses and her main goal is to meet their needs out on the range or in captivity. While many may not understand her point of view, she doesn’t deserve to be attacked.

      But as intriguing as it all is … I want to know if anyone knows if the contractor has been fired or what the heck is going on over there in Carson City.


      • Quote from the facebook alert: “This is an outrageous situation and please make calls to Mark Struble 775-885-6107 he is the person who has made this call and is responsible.” If you need the entire alert to confirm this is from the alert I got, I’ll do that.

        What I said stands. I am not going to roll on innuendo – on my behalf or anyone else’s. If I misinterpreted this alert – I’ll take the next one with a grain of salt – maybe lots of people will. I appreciate what you are doing and I appreciate what everyone else is doing as well. But I don’t appreciate being manipulated or being sicked on someone without a stand up to test criteria. Even if it was a mistake, it deserves an explanation. And yes, you do owe that and it is a part of being at the forefront of this group, despite everyone else comforting you (and I am speaking to you Laura) and advising you to not communicate. I don’t know if anyone else is inetrested but I am – it would be nice to know what information was shared during your private interviews with Al Bitner and Mark Struble – that is why you are there I take it.

        We have got to celebrate the small victories and give credit where it is due. Take a breather for the moment. news of the cancelled Pilot Mountain was sort of disappointing that the horses are not rebounding as expected. Concerning – it could be a miscount or there may be a problem. This is where our “local advocates” come in.

        And I know I am probably going to get roasted here, but listen. One of the problems we face with the wranglers and cattle ranchers is their inability to give when we though tthey should. Let’s not go down that road.


      • excuse me, that man Mark S. is/was the contact in charge of the 3 round-ups, here is the info off the BLM website.

        note the contact name Mark Struble , Public Affairs Officer , 775-885-6107

        also note in the same info page ” Excess wild horses are scheduled to be transported to the Palomino Valley Wild Horse Adoption Facility, 23 miles north of Sparks, Nevada””

        He’is the contact,” Mark Struble , Public Affairs Officer , 775-885-6107″
        it was planned to send “excess horses” to PV…not yank the foals, starve them for 2 or 3 days and declaire all foals excess..but his name is there and he should accept the mistakes, not pass blaime to contractors or what-ever Bozo (s) chose to expose foals to that level of stress and disease exposure.


      • As it all worked out Mark Struble was one of the men who did step up and make some decisions and calls to correct the situation with the foals. Al Bitner too.


      • Perhaps Janet you are unaware of the long history of the the BLM going back on their word..It isn’t us against them..its them against the wild horses..we just happen to be standing in the breech to try and speak for them..I came to this with a blank slate looking to find answers..I was relieved of my innocence in a hurry with hours upon weeks of research..there is a long and short history of dirty deeds and manipulation by the BLM..threats against the horses as retaliation..the idea that I would EVER trust the BLM or believe them after what happened and what I saw at the Owyhee massacre-would defy inteligence and reason..why you think they would deserve “props” for not completely-screwing this up-puzzles me..If this is the first time you have got misleading info…consider yourself lucky..10 people can look at the same situation and see it different..thats life..happens every lives usually hang in the balance and it is critical to get information out immediately..those things are going to happen..get used to it.Time was of the essence..the mares had not shipped to PVC..they were set to be turned loose back into the HMA..Action was needed..the idea that the BLM would correct the mistake without a novel idea..The most important thing here is that the foal -1 were reunited and set 4 release..and a mistake was was NOT our mistake…case closed


  28. Lets get the enemy-BLM, their never ending cruelty to wild horses and corruption is only matched by our governments stupidity in not stopping them!


  29. This may be a stupid question, but how do we discuss things “off blog”? I understand how we do it theorhetically, but without specific email addresses or connections through Facebook, how do we share with a few advocates something we may not want seen by people who are not advocates?


  30. One thing is to use an email address other than your own personal one. Set up a Gmail account real quick and refer people there and you can exchange info. I think that the hosts have been able to help people exchange email addresses also. But RT is not there right now. mar


  31. You want to know what the Perks are for Laura? Hoping she will be able to pay her phone bill, her meds and her vehicle insurance among other things. It is not ‘a living’
    by anyones’ standards. You just have no idea! You keep pushing this idea and it is false to the core! mar


  32. OK Kids…lets take a Chill Pill!!!

    Passion YES, Flaming NO.

    Lets discuss but personal attacks will not be permitted as it makes us look like a bunch of raving, emotional lunatics to the enemy who SUBSCRIBES to this blog so everything you write is read by not only the BLM in D.C. but all the way down to the field offices. Freaking out in public plays right into their hands and because of that several previous comments have been removed as they were way too inflammatory.

    Let’s stay civil and think of the horses…would you consider raging at them, I think not.

    This is not about us, it is all about the horses and always has been. This is and always has been a gut wrenching and heart breaking activity of advocacy for the innocents who cannot speak for themselves. It is in their best interest to be the mouthpiece of sanity, fact and justice.

    Keep the faith…


    • Thank you Fitch.
      Ladies, please focus on the continued injustice forced upon our wild ones.
      Have you heard that the Pilot Mt. roundup has been stopped? This is very important:
      #1 Per BLM: “The contractor conducted an extensive aerial reconnaissance over much of the area today and is finding fewer wild horses than expected.”
      Per the original Q&A section of BLM they said there were 302 horses in addition to 104 Walker Lake horses at this roundup area … a total of 406 wild horses and they only found TEN before they called off the roundup due to lack of horses! Talk about an error in their census estimate! Now, BLM is saying that perhaps they miscounted? As I hope you know, the BLM census counts of the horses is a major cause of our horses/burros being rounded up (and PZPd) and treated inhumanely to start with. This is very very important as it shows the inaccuracy and incompetence of the BLM census. We need to ask for the BLM reports and census photos of their pre-gather data (or FOIA?) as is required by BLM regulations. It is documentation that their census counts are WRONG. Proving that they are wrong is a major major major point in stopping the roundups.
      #2 BLM gathered and then released an old mare all by herself! I just this past weekend witnessed two examples (4 horses) of animals on the Pine Nut HMA that were extremely traumatized by being rounded up and who then found themselves without their families … it was a very very very sad sight, I repeat, it was a very very very sad sight … and totally unnecessary… and now another inhumane and tragic experience for the old gal turned out without her family and without her life that she has always known … this makes me sick. Unless this old mare can reunite with other horses soon she will surely die a forlorn and lonely death…with a broken heart. How much sadder does it get?
      Please concentrate your time and energy for these animals … they need you… they are your horses and they need you NOW.

      Click to access Q&A%20for%20Pilot%20Mountain%20Wild%20Horse%20Gather%202010.pdf


    • Thank you RT! And you are right. Also Thank you for respecting and upholding the principle of “Free speech” at this site, so long as it is in a civil tone. FACTS are IMPORTANT! To serve the BEST INTEREST OF THE WILD HORSES!


  33. R.T. nailed the problem—D.C. The high paid heirarchy who make these decisions and sign the orders to round up our Wild Horses and Burros HAVE TIME TO SIT AND READ OUR COMMENTS?


  34. We are not all on the same page. It would be nice. My motivation was a character assassination of someone I work with and respect. You don’t need to ask for comments to get them. Some people here have come with immense egos and have been extremely uninterested in what people are doing to help. The blog here, and I say this with caution and respect for many as this is the main outlet for them, has not been a problem solving experience. It has been a place to learn many things and to hear what others have to say. I do not like what occurred today at all and it is seemingly counter productive. Yet, when some people continually talk of the faults of others on this public forum I feel they are grandstanding and attempting to wrest attention from worthy advocates. Or destroy their credibility? I saw that. They are showing their colors and maybe it is a warning that we should heed that anyone willing to attack another advocate for their hard work is being selfish and self serving. It does not belong on this public blog. There are many conversations off the blogs and much work that is not discussed. This is not where planning and projects actually happen. That is never an online, public experience. This is where the frustrations and the BS do come to the surface. It is also where we realize things about ourselves and about those around us. We do find our similarities and our differences. It is necessary to know where people stand. Much more than you may think it is. mar


  35. As I caught the first report coming out..I distintly remember the phase: the person to “contact” was Mark and gave his number..I recall nothing that said he was responsable. so where you heard that I have no idea.sorting out whio is responsable for the daily blunders at BLM, is a waste of time..Its an idiotic program run by some idiots and when the contractor screws up the BLM and some “OTHERS” think they should be held blameless..I would expect if you screwed up on your job you would be unemployed in a hurry as there are many qualified people standing in line to take your place..Is someone disputing the fact that they removed 22 babys and moved them to PV and put them in the general population of foals..obviously-never meaning to ever reunite them with their dams??Is THAT in dispute? Is it in dispute..that they in no way marked bands of horses with colors so that they could be reunited when they were released? Is there any dispute that there are now-large numbers of horses in groups competing for scarse food in the dead of winter…Is there any doubt this causes undo hardship to those horses..NOW -just exactly who is responsable for those acts???Laura Leigh or the BLM? Lets see a little more concern for the horses and less for the “group” you belong to.


    • Has anyone heard if the BLM returned the mares and foals to Pine Nut? My great concern is that they placed those animals in peril by putting them in corrals where known disease has existed. What a freaky mess up all on our “dime”.


      • That was one of my first concerns as well-doesn’t matter if it is 12 hours or 12 days..those holding facilities are cesspools of infection, and that jeopardises those foals most especially who are undergoing more stress from being weaned and seperated..The issue here that needs attention is why was the procedure NOT communicated to the contractor? and if it was..why was it not followed? A huge problem I see is that BLM has written into these protocols for the round ups a “hands off” policy and allows the contrator to make all decisions..However-that does not abdicate their ultimate responsability for what goes wrong..If the BLM does not want people climbing all over them for these mistakes-then they need to be more pro-active in the process of these roundups


  36. What’s the old saying….”When you can’t shoot down the message, shoot down the messenger?”

    BTW, that is a tactic utilized by the creatins in DC ALL THE TIME (on either side of an issue). We ought to rename the District of Columbia, District of Egomaniacs.


  37. Laura, the only things I care about from you are (1) your safety, health and, (2) information about what is going on out on the killing fields.

    You don’t need to qualify yourself to the likes of me and I wouldn’t waste very important time on certain humans…spend it on the wild equines (as you most certainly do). Thanks again


  38. can the BLM get any lower more cruel to horses and HUMANS, than this round-up?

    Holiday pay (paid by you, the taxpayer!) to round-up pine Nut horses in 6 degree weather on Thanksgiving!!

    No marking of family bands, no telling anyone..they most likely wanted noone to notice so they could ship off as many as they can to slaughter (under the table poaching the blm does as reported in the white paper)

    exposing STRESSED wild animals to diseases in their dirty filth covered trailers, (horses full of open fresh wounds) then horses exposed to their YEARS of lethat disease holding facilities with filthy 40 year old dirt corrals!!

    Can the BLM get any lower than this?? IMO the only thing lower is when their helicoptor shooter, shoots horses from the air and run them off the they did last year in front of the “campers” on the river.


  39. OMG !! I did not think i could be shocked at any behavior that came from the BLM, But again they have shocked and disgusted me !!!!! What I dont and will i ever understand is why ! why ! why! we cannot stop these Betraying Bastards from hell???????? They are blatantly CRIMINAL and no Judge will convict them !!!! nor will they stop them from this American Tragedy, As I live and breathe no matter what it takes we will stop this INSANITY! How much longer can we take this Murdering Crap from these Low Life Murdering son of a B t shes?????? I am to the point you must fight fire with fire !!!!! Please get the MEDIA involved here its IMPERATIVE. I cry myself to sleep at nite trying to think of a way to end the Rein of these Low Life Bastards…………….. Damn it this is America , there is a way to get rid of this SCUM they call the BLM>>>>>>> I am sorry people but they got to my last nerve with this……..


  40. Dear Laura Leigh, I admire you for all the self sacrifices you are making for the Wild Mustangs, and everyone here admires your stamina ….. You are made of the highest Quality, God will Bless You, Dont think for one minute he doesnt know what is going on , these are his Blessed creatures, he gave to them qualities some of us can only dream to possess , But Laura I believe he gave you and all here, the same qualities we will need to save them………………… I believe we will find the answers soon…………. And You and all here Will Lead the Way !!!!


  41. Laura….p.s.

    If your were not making a difference (in the right, ethical way) they (the killers and their short sighted supporters) wouldn’t pay attention to you.

    Consider it a left handed delivered compliment that you matter and are making a difference. To me and many here, you are a part of the true path. Yuttuhhey! The spirits of the earth and the heavens live with the honest and true. The Great Spirit may not always give us what we want; HE/SHE will always show us the way…no itinerarys, reststops or road maps provided.


  42. Laura,

    DOI (and other stampede perps) are always responsible…they lend the contracts and pay out our tax dollars for same.

    The discussion about who is responsible is MOOT (your favorite legal term BY NOW).

    THEY (THE CONTRACT ENTITIES) ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OF A WILD EQUINE OR WHATEVER IT’S DISPOSITION in the completion of a contract….the contractors are representatives of the entity they are acting in behalf of, and as such, the contracting authority is responsible for the results.

    Submit your reports to GH, etc and stop justifying yourself and actions in an apoligetic way here. You owe no apologies or excuses to make. It feeds the trolls.

    Be safe.


  43. Regarding Lightning the Palomino Stallion; I was asked to help saving him, by my long time friend Craig Downer. Craig is the titled owner of Lightning and the old companion mare, and he handled all donations associated with their rescue, through his Non-Profit. I volunteered my time and truck and trailer. I drove 1000 miles in two days, and ended up with $1000 dollar emergency expense at the last minute, which was covered by me. I posted updates with facts and photos on FB. Lightning is roaming free at the Wild Horse Sanctuary, in Shingle Town, Ca. on 5000 privately owned acres, where he is happy and safe! He has a new family, two mares. One of the mare is his old lead mare, was a gift from me to him. (….took me 3 mos of bitter fight and several phone calls to Washington, to get her out of Broken Arrow!) I also rescued 3 other Horses, one Calico gelding, Spirit, and two Tuscarora Stallions, father and son. I used my savings to accomplish this ($2500) Craig reimbursed me for the gas $250, because I had the unexpected $1000 emergency expense. As for the fencing; Craig graciously donated it to the Wild Horse Sanctuary, anyone welcome to verify this info with Diane, the Director of the Sanctuary. I have not been involved with any of the financial details regarding the rescue of Lightning and the old mare.


    • All this back and forth is not helping the horses..and seems pretty petty compared to what the horses are induring..lets argue about whether policys are helping or hurting the horses…I am sick to death of listening to the whiners who say the advocates are hurting the horses-we are not rounding them up- and breaking their knecks-or stressing them in the dead of winter-or driving them for miles with day old foals..we are turning our pockets inside out to save some of these family bands..not because we want attention..we want attention for the horses..and lets stick to that..If we do not agree with each other on what is best then we will probably continue to duke it be long as it is in the best interest of the wild horses


  44. For some reason, my reply posts are flipping and posting all over this thread (not in order of post or reply).

    Laura….don’t try to explain the lack of explanation from DOI/USDA or NV Ag. We get it; just keep watching and recording.


  45. Part of the problem here seems to be that the contractor did not change their protocols for a trap, treat and release. With a gather this small there is no reason why so many f/ups occurred and why family bands were not respected. There needs to be a different protocol for trap and release to minimize trauma and separation and the disbanding of wild horses. And who ok’d releasing an older mare all by herself when they could have released her with the treated mares? Can you imagine living your ENTIRE life with your family, then in old age find yourself all alone out there? But then again, this is what happens when you have no bid, for profit contractors with no public input or oversight.


  46. The BLM would be so happy and encouraged to To Hear of the disagreement, it would really please them, Laura Leigh and Anne Marie you both are treasured here and most treasured by The Wild Mustangs for which you both are dedicated, neither one of you need answer to any unfounded accusations dont forget all of us here are frustrated with these latest happenings during the Holiday weekend , all of our efforts should be directed at and to The Vicious BLM and their destruction not at each other !!!! Please forgive each other and use all the energy to Save The Wild Mustangs, together you two would be a force of which the BLM would would be brought to its Knees………..PLEASE FORGIVE EACH OTHER ! The Mustangs NEED both of YOU desperately !!!!!!!


    • Arlene Thank you for your kind words of reason. I am not one to hold grudges, however I keep my distance from “negative energies”. I have done my work saving the rarest bloodlines of the Wild Horses for over 28 yrs. I’ve done that quietly and behind the sceenes. I beleive in freedom of speech and difference of oppinion, yet still work for the cause. I am also a realist when it comes to assess the dire situation for our beloved Wild Horses. That’s all! thanks again, and no worries “…I personally do not have any reason at all to have a vendetta” against Laura, or anyone else. It is not my style!


  47. Enduring, policy, right, wrong, moral or ethical always comes back to the DOI/BLM headshed wild equine whackin’ brigade.

    Good post Sandra.


  48. Quote: This is an outrageous situation and please make calls to Mark Struble 775-885-6107 he is the person who has made this call and is responsible.

    From the post on Facebook. If I make a mistake I will own up to it. No one has to defend themselves. Explanations are ALWAYS accepted.


  49. Quote from FB alert that came out Thanksgiving Day. “This is an outrageous situation and please make calls to Mark Struble 775-885-6107 he is the person who has made this call and is responsible.” What I said stands.

    Defending your position is not required. Explanations are always nice when questions arise.

    I said to BLM – horsepeople listen. they hear every word you say. So make it mean something.


  50. What the BLM has done at Pine Ridge Range is unforgivable, they are a TOTAL Disgrace to America ……………………How can President Barack Obama ignore this any longer ???? Where is the Transparency he speaks off . certainly not At the BLM, this Agency continues to ignore Protocol, this was underhanded and a dirty rotten despicable action that should be punishable by immediate dismissal of all at the BLM> ! I believe now that President Barack Obama owes to the American People an explanation of why he allows this to continue……………………… and I phoned his comment line and told him so………..202-456-1111


  51. It is Love ,devotion and concern for the Wild Mustangs that brought us all together here to help them, let love, concern and devotion keeps us all together here for the Purpose we all Unite here for, Action, for our Beloved Mustangs, There are many diversions thrown in front of us to sway us, please they are what they are, do not for one moment let this or any other diversion keep us from all of our main goal what brought us all here together and that is Freedom for The Wild Mustangs……………………………..


  52. With any luck, the mares and foals should be headed out to the release sight just about now. Let’s put personal issues aside, and just think about and pray for them.


  53. I am very Happy that you are also here to help , please the very most important thing here is the Wild Mustangs, we would all love to be in the field with you guys , although I understand it is a very ruff life for both of you , but always remember anything the both of you do is so well appreciated by all here, we are all brought here for a very Special Cause that we plan on rectifying as soon as possible , it will take everyone of us to concentrate on only the Welfare of our Wild Mustangs , no time or effort can be wasted here……. We all need each other to get the Freedom back for the Mustangs there suffering makes me sick, and to think the BLM is getting away with this Atrocity is even more sickening, Bless both of you ladies for all you do, lets only help each other and the Great American Legendary Wild Mustang !!!! There Freedom is Our Freedom !!!!!!!


  54. As I see it and as I saw it.
    Re: Pine Nut Wild Horse Roundup, November 2010
    I agree that if it wasn’t for the public watching what was going on, that these foals would have been lost in the shuffle and not returned to their mares and their home HMA. I can’t thank all of you enough for watching and acting – great job you did! But there is more for us to know: these foals [and mares] that were taken to Palomino Valley Holding Facility (by “mistake”) were unnecessarily exposed to strangles at that holding facility – so although the end result of their release is good … I would like to have the person(s) responsible for this unnecessary “mistake” be aware that I am aware that #1 the removal of the foals from their families was not needed and jeopardized the animals without due cause. Please think these plans through before the fact – not afterwards. #2 Who was in charge that day and why didn’t they stop this unnecessary foal removal? Was this person onsite? Was this a BLM WH&B person or the contractor’s employees from Sun J? Why were these foals removed? #3 All of the animals from the Pine Nut should have been released at/near the same time and at/near their home area. This would allow the animals to reassemble in family groups, which is the way they were found and the way they should be and the way that would allow them to survive this harsh winter. One foal had to be left at PV but before the roundup it TOO had a mother and family … now it does not and it unnecessarily becomes just another statistic … another animal to be lost in the system of abused and harassed animals which must now live out it’s life “in the system”. I quote: “…However nobody marked the horses as they came in (applied paint marks to identify members of the same band) and the mares, studs and foals were sorted into separate pens…” Again I ask, who was in charge and why was this serious mistake made and by whom? If the mares were to be given PZP then why wasn’t this arranged to be done to the mares at the gather site and then released with the foals and stallions? #4 I was personally on the Pine Nut HMA on Thanksgiving afternoon and saw three VERY STRESSED horses (likely stallions) that were looking and calling for their families. Photos are available of this but the photos would not in any way describe the obvious unnecessary disruption and stress of these horses. The three stallions stayed together as they crossed the valley and the first stallion definitely had a purpose and destination in mind … his home and his family… and he kept on moving in a direct line toward that destination. The second horse (perhaps younger?) followed along because he was confused and didn’t know where to go but knew he needed to stay with the older/wiser horse that was in the lead. The third stallion in this group also followed because he didn’t want to be left alone and there were no other horses within binocular site … but he kept stopping and looking backwards and calling for his family and was obviously distressed that his whole life and family had been torn apart and he did not know if he would EVER find his family again. So… again I ask, why was this unnecessary extreme stress caused to these fine animals and who was in charge at that moment and who made the decision to unnecessarily divide these families and who decided to send the foals and later mares to PV to be unnecessarily exposed to strangles and who made the decision to not PZP (another subject for later) the mares on site and who made the decision to unnecessarily destroy these family bands? This should have been an easy gather and it was handled in the most unnecessarily inhumane way. Although many persons appear to have been part of fixing the numerous problems and I again sincerely thank you … we need to get to the bottom of this and ask just exactly who was in charge of this Pine Nut fiasco and allowed these easily preventable problems to happen in the first place and then be SURE that person is not “in charge” during any future actions involving the wild horses. How many times must I say “UNNECESARY”?


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