Horse News

Death of Silver King, NV Wild Stallion Embodies Inhumanity of Interior Dept. Wild Horse Program

Bulletin from CRWE Newswire

Caliente, NV, CRWE Newswire (October 6, 2010) — Today’s death of a mustang stallion at a U.S. Interior Department wild horse roundup is re-igniting controversy over the federal wild horse program, which has been harshly criticized, most recently by 54 members of Congress. Despite severe restrictions on the public’s ability to observe all aspects of the roundups, the death of the wild stallion was captured on video by wild horse advocates at the Silver King Herd Management Area in southeastern Nevada.

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is engaged in one of the largest removals of wild horses from Western public lands in recent history – with 12,000 being removed in Fiscal Year 2010. The Silver King roundup aims to capture – via helicopter stampede – over 500 mustangs from the vast 606,000 acre herd management area, leaving just 60-120 horses behind.

The sorrel stallion who died was stampeded early this morning at a full run by a helicopter into BLM’s trap pens. Observers videotaped as the stallion struggled valiantly for his family and freedom before collapsing and dying, with his mare and young foal looking on. His striking white mare was then loaded onto a trailer, leaving the small sorrel foal behind, alone in the trap, as the stallion’s body was covered by a tarp and dragged into the trailer.

“The BLM has gone to great lengths to prevent observers from documenting the trauma and suffering of the horses during the helicopter chase. We only captured this tragedy on film by chance,” said Suzanne Roy, Campaign Director of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, who attended the roundup today. “The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign is calling on the Interior Department to institute full transparency in all BLM wild horse and burro operations. We are also renewing the call to suspend the roundups, which are unnecessary and egregiously inhumane.”

Insight into the motivation behind the tight restrictions on public observation was provided by Lily Thomas, BLM wild horse and burro specialist, who stated on June 14, 2010:

“That’s been one of the problems we’ve had; there has been a lot of video out there and . . . working with wild horses is not a pretty sight. It’s caused us a really hard time in trying to explain what’s happening.”


69 replies »

  1. This is horrible. These people are NUTS. THey have no emphathy for these animals. To viciously trap this stallion to the point he struggles to hold his family together only to die at the hands of these horrible people, and then these idiots put his mare in a trailer with his body and leave the baby foal behind. DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY BRAINS. IT APPEARS THEY DO NOT. I HOPE THEY GET WHAT THEY JUSTLY DESERVE AND I KNOW GOD WILL SEE TO IT THAT THEY GET IT. I hope it comes soon.


  2. This is so wrong, so unnecessary, so tragic. It must be stopped. The BLM must be stopped. Damn anyone who participates in this murdering of our wild horses. They belong to the American public, not the damn BLM officials who do not appreciate them. We have to stop this from happening again. We have to stop this NOW.


  3. NO HORSES SHOULD BE GATHERED….But if this had been an “in-house” crew with the BLM this would not have happened. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes. Do not misunderstand me, I am unequivocally opposed to the roundups. The Cattoor’s are very dangerous people, their methods are devoid of any hint of humanity and they possess a palpable hatred for the mustangs. Until the BLM can be forced to cease and desist this insanity our best bet is to plea for in-house crew gathers. It’s the lesser of the evils. When the Moriah gather was taking place Rachel Hill and I were able to hear EVERY WORD the pilot said over the radio. We were able to see every single horse from the moment it was in sight until it was loaded into the trailer, there was a Vet looking at each horse. This is NOT what a Cattoor gather is like. Cattoor is paid “by the head” and it shows!! NOT ONE OUNCE of concern for the “stock” it is herding. There MUST be a way to ground their operation……


    • This was a discussion I had with Chris Hanefeld from the District Office for the Silver King roundup. He asked me why people thought BLM employees were monsters. Since this was my chance I told him, IMHO, that is was the Cattoors who had grossed people out because they more than live up to their reputation of wild horse killers and have the track record to prove it. I told him he should do what the Utah BLM did for the Moriah roundup in Nevada and their own Conger roundup. They did it themselves using a BLM helicopter and pilot. He knew all about this for Moriah, where Beth filmed and did a very fine web log of the Moriah crew’s work and the wild ones taken from military land along the Nevada/Utah border.,NV/Witness_to_the_Moriah_Herd.html
      This is Beth and Rachel’s photo record from the Moriah roundup. mar


      • I’ve talked with Chris also and found him to be “oily”, a good person to put in PR–know little do nothing.


  4. After watching the BLM spokeswoman, Lily Thomas, I finally understand why I am
    so upset about the wild horse gathers-she says it’s “complicated” and that “uneducated” people watching these videos is causing a lot of confusion!
    Yeah, right!


    • We know who the uneducated people are, and unfortunately, they are earning big salaries with big benefits paid for by you and me, to do things like this. This is absolutely gut wretching. I am sick.


  5. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS !!!!! I hope George will expose this travesty of these ignorant horse killers !!! ENOUGH !!! Letter to Feinstein, who still does not get it.

    Dear Dianne,

    After months of unspeakable tragedy quietly taking place in the Western US, crimes directed against mustangs, inflicted by rogue BLM, let me get to the point. I saw round ups, am in touch with those who are not hiding under the inefficient blanket of attempted diplomacy which leads nowhere but an ignorant standstill, which the mustangs simply cannot afford.
    We, the mustang advocates, have received the canned and repeated answers too long. We know all the fairy tales and what is really going on. What we need is someone of your caliber to make a stand and take action, not have your secretary send out a reply that serves no one. The stories of dehydration and starvation are getting old, when in fact all horses rounded up looked plump, healthy and in great body condition. Are the cattle at risk ???
    It is time this massacre inflicted on our wild horses and burros is put to a stop. The politicians have played the game long enough to ignore the real facts, the real truth and what is happening now. When does one of you have the courage to really stand out and leave a legacy by making a CHANGE ? To really pay attention and investigate the TRUTH ???
    If you think I am an extremist or have lost my mind, I have not. But I have seen what BLM is doing, and their current illegal crimes under the guise of “management”, when it all translates into corruption, big oil, big ag and lies, lies and more lies. We, the American people, are fed up with this. We have proposed pro-active partnerships, cooperative measures and expert ideas of accomplished scientists to MANAGE the herds to ensure their survival and appropriate range management, and we want transparency and a future for our wild horses. Investigations must be conducted by an independent body, not the BLM. The deceptive propaganda and incorrect reports within this agency have led to this unspeakable mess – and all internal inquiries within the agency are pointless. Did Ken Salazar respond to your letter of July 21, 2010 ? Where is his input ? Obviously BLM is not taking any steps to not repeat such tragedy – the secrecy and killings must stop !!
    All we get is evasive replies, lame politicians, and NO action, whilst the mustangs are brutally assaulted, cruelly injured or killed. Do you know the high fatality rates of all recent round ups ??? I personally will never ever forget the images of the shocking events in Montana, carried out by a corrupt agency BLM that needs to be dissolved or restructured immediately. To see why I am sending you this email, go check George Knapp’s investigative report. It’s not a Tom Clancy flick. It’s what the rogue BLM is doing under Ken Salazar, the covert operations of an agency gone amok.
    Monika Courtney, Colorado

    watch the commentary video upper right corner !!!


  6. From:
    Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 11:59 AM
    Subject: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

    Dear Ms.

    I received your letter expressing concern about the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) summer wild horse roundups and requesting a moratorium. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
    Under the authority of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, the BLM is to protect wild horses and burros, set appropriate management levels (AML), maintain current inventory counts, and remove “excess” animals to prevent overpopulation and rangeland damage.
    Like you, I am concerned that on July 10, 2010, twelve wild horses died from dehydration and subsequent water intoxication during a roundup of horses at Owyhee Horse Management Area in Elko County, Nevada. The BLM failed to take appropriate precautions and safety measures, and the horses were made to run eight miles in high temperatures despite a lack of water. As a result, the BLM suspended its roundup operations in the area and reviewed the situation. The BLM has since resumed the roundup, however, as an emergency rescue.
    It is critical that the BLM take the appropriate steps to ensure that this does not happen again. You may be interested to know that on July 21, 2010, I sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar requesting that BLM conduct an investigation of the roundup at Owyhee and implement appropriate safety measures before the next scheduled roundup in California. I have attached the letter for your review.
    As a horse enthusiast, I share your concern for the fate of our nation’s wild horse populations, and I believe it is critical to ensure that horses are able live out their natural lives while being treated humanely. If you should have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

    July 21, 2010
    The Honorable Ken Salazar
    Secretary of the Interior
    1849 C Street, North West
    Washington, DC 20240

    Dear Secretary Salazar:

    The Bureau of Land Management’s capability to properly manage wild horses has been called into question by the recent deaths of horses at the round up of horses at Owyhee Nevada. The Bureau clearly failed to adequately assess the risks associated with the roundup and implement appropriate precautions and safety measures. Please let me know what you intend to do to ensure that this does not happen again.
    Twelve horses died from dehydration and subsequent water intoxication after being rounded up by helicopters in high temperatures in Nevada. I understand that the water supplies on the range are nearly depleted, leaving the horses in danger of dying of thirst, and making an emergency roundup necessary to ensure their survival.
    Next month, a large roundup is planned at the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area in California. I ask that you provide specific information regarding:

    What is the state of water supply on the range right now, and what do you expect it to be at the time of the roundup?
    What measures will be taken to ensure that horses have sufficient water prior to the roundup to survive it?
    What veterinary care will be available to assess the horses as they come off the range?
    What measures will you take to ensure that the situation does not get this dire again?
    I know that you remain committed to the humane treatment of wild horses. This situation, however, is untenable. Horses cannot be left to die of thirst on the range, nor can they be subjected to the stress of a roundup when they are already weakened by dehydration. I encourage you to investigate what happened at Owyhee and implement safeguards to ensure it is not repeated. I look forward to your response.
    Sincerely yours,
    Dianne Feinstein
    United States Senator






      • SERIOUSLY? A THANK YOU LETTER? These round ups have been halted by a court order, right? SO? What’s to thank? “Thank you Senator Feinstein for making your government accountable? For standing by idly as horses are being rounded up despite a court order to halt them? For your words that are nothing but a bunch of hot air?” ohhhh kaaaayy


      • It’s not a great letter. In it she is clearly buying into the the lack of water at Owyhee which shows she is still buying the BLM line, which is what you get when you call her office. Only there they take the time to READ you a script. Next time I want a fairy tale read to me I’ll call my momma! And has there been any follow up on a response from Salazar? Is there a Congressional DEMAND for a response? She only recently stood up for the horses–election year and her good buddy is up for re-election–despite in the past having co-sponsored the horse bills. I heard on the news today that the committee that Obama put together to look in the BP situation has already come out and stated that the adminstration lied about the few thousand barrels of oil and that it should have been 2.6 million barrels a day from the start. So it’s my guess Obama will pin this on Salazar, make him the scapegoat for the rubber stamped anti-environmental policies of this business as usual administration, and fire him. But my guess he will put someone equally as noxious in his place–heck maybe he’ll give Bob Abbey a big promotion as he’s been doing such a good job of clearing the west of all those pesky horses.


    • We need to hit Dianne Feinstein HARD with the evidence of HoneyBandit who was hours from death as a result of the Twin Peaks mismanagement. If she is this concerned about Twin Peaks (or was) then she should be outraged that Bulls Lies and Menegele darned near starved HoneyBandit.

      Palomino has been nursing Bandit nonstop, barely sleeping, she use to get up every two hours to get him up to turn him over so he wouldn’t get hotspots. All Bulls Lies and Menegele did was own up to paying that first week of vet care (when Bandits’s ownership was in question) and send him a big container 2/3’s full of Foal-Lac. I know cause I saw that container.

      This brutality must stop. Michael Vick went to prison for two years for dogfighting. And these people are protected from some kind of government laws–so they can perpetuate there brutual methods on innocent animals.


    • Monika, You may want to share the Contempt of Court case against the BLM in regard to fictious Owyhee wild horse water emergency. It is sitting on Judge Hicks desk …….. more than enough evidence to show……the truth. If you need a copy it is on or I can send you a copy if you would like.


      • I’ve snail mailed her a number of docs from that case. And a rebuttal to her ignorance of the “set-up” that was Owyhee.


  7. This is horrible news. My heart goes out to everyone there and to the young foal left behind. I can’t even begin to imagine why such cruelty is perpetrated. But after speaking to a horse person from Colorado yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that there are people out there who for some God forsaken reason – hate them. But that aside, there is no room in our country for hate.

    These roundups must stop, the horses returned to their family groups, the individuals responsible for the cruelty identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and steps put into place for full disclosure of each animal confiscated from the ranges and where it is. We further must demand BLM stop trying to convince us they know what they are doing and show us. So far, they are doing a bad job of both.

    Oh God, please protect the horses until we can stop this madness.


  8. Why on earth are our Courts allowing this insanity! Animal abuse is punishable
    for all the rest of us. Why is this allowed!


  9. The Nuremberg Trials
    By Doug Linder (c) 2000
    “No trial provides a better basis for understanding the nature and causes of evil than do the Nuremberg trials from 1945 to 1949. Those who come to the trials expecting to find sadistic monsters are generally disappointed. What is shocking about Nuremberg is the ordinariness of the defendants”

    “ Like Eichmann, most Nuremberg defendants never aspired to be villains. Rather, they over-identified with an ideological cause and suffered from a lack of imagination or empathy”


  10. TO SENATOR DIANE FIENSTEIN, we met with you a few months D.C. i personally spoke with a fellow northshore woman from massachusetts that knew me and my equine rescue efforts and accomplishments.You are so wrong..Killing our natural inhabitants and our once great countries wildlife is totally and utterly distasteful and morally wrong.All for your greed and love of money holding SALAZARS hand.You should be ashamed of who you are at once were for animal rights like my dear friend Ted Kennedy whom is not here at present to watch this country go to the greedy money hungry horse killing MUSLIM backers.I know alot odf great people in CA.You will never get there vote.We are a christian country that wants to save the environment.How much BAG MONEY are you getting personally?ask your rep she knows of me and truly will remember me.STOP KILLING OUR AMERICAN MUSTANGS AND BURROS NOW.killing off our environment for the love of money and killing off all of the natural inhabitants is ethically incorrect.STOP KILLING OUR HORSES NOW.


  11. Now what happens to the baby? Will he be left to die? Most likely. The BLM are murders at the very least. When will this madness stop!!!!!


    • So, just who does a concerned American write to find out exactly what happened to this foal? Who is in charge of this round up?


      • Sadly, you will probably never be privileged to that information. His little life matters to humans, not the BLM….


  12. “….Insight into the motivation behind the tight restrictions on public observation was provided by Lily Thomas, BLM wild horse and burro specialist, who stated on June 14, 2010:

    “That’s been one of the problems we’ve had; there has been a lot of video out there and . . . working with wild horses is not a pretty sight. It’s caused us a really hard time in trying to explain what’s happening.”….”

    Well, Ms Thomas…I would say that the way YOU work with mustangs and burros is not a pretty sight and the essential problem. And if you are having a really hard time “explaining” I would suggest that your (BLM-Killer Kooks & Kattoors) behavior, thought processess and results brutalized on our American Icons speaks for itself and there really are no words to “explain” away the cruelty, stupidity, injury and death you have inflicted.

    Really, who is the incompetent here? And then to blame the wild equines as the problem, not the humans? Ms. Thomas, you are the ones that make this ugly and cruel….not the wild equines.


  13. How horrible!!!! What evered happened to the foal? What is to become of the white mare? Please don’t tell me that they are shipped off to a slaughter house!! This is an unspeakable crime against our wild mustangs and burros. I just don’t understand the brutality. This MUST BE STOPPPED!!!


  14. It’s a good thing Suzanne was there to catch this travesty on film. If it weren’t for the advocates with their videos and photographs, the BLM & their contractors would be getting away with murder. Oh, silly me, they already are AND it’s documented. Maybe with all of the footage and photos, someone with some authority will finally listen?


  15. Terrible. We know that many die though. Where is the vid so we can post it on news stories?

    Take a look at their pipe corrals with all the bent steel pipes and all the open slots where a leg can slide in and be snaped in an instant.

    The open slots on the BLM pipe corrals equal a death trap. These are wild animals the BLM shoves them into trailers the instant the helicoptor pushes them into the pens!

    Every bent steel pipe on their trailers and corrals = a broken bone and another suffering then dead wild horse.

    The BLM and their contractors seem to want the wild horses to get injuried and killed right after they collect the hundreds of dollars FEES for getting them into the corrals alive.

    Its a mess, a scam to steal millions of dollars in taxpayer money. America is in ruins because of these scammers.

    Obama its like treason the way YOUR people ruin America and scam all the taxpayer money into their own pockets.

    You HAVE to put a stop to them now!


  16. I pray someone with media clout or platform (Knapp, Jane Velez-Mitchell, 60 Min, etc)….broadcasts this! Please media…please!!!


  17. Lili there is a difference with working with wild horses, than stamepedeing them…How about we get your fat ass out there and run it off with a helicopter on top of you? How far do you think you would get, and when you fall down and are stampeded by the rest of the horses, we will throw a tarp over you and drag you onto a trailer, do you think your family would be concerned? The mare and foal this stallion left behind was his family…you and anyone else that is defending the BLM and all their cruel employees are all guilty of these crimes, eventually it will all catch up to all of you and I hope at that time justice is served, if indeed there is any Justice left in this country, at this point I doubt it…Shame on you for defending an outright kill of an innocent animal.


  18. Wow, according to Lily, the BLM is having a really hard time trying to explain to the American people what they are doing, as working with wild horses is not a pretty sight. Exactly, Lily. What you are doing is horrendous and there is no excuse or explanation. Bingo. Finally an honest answer from a BLM hack.


  19. Why is it , that we AMERICANS can come to aid of other countries and send them money, food, water, shelter, ETC but when it comes to OUR AMERICAN LEGENDS the MUSTANG that these GOVERMENT IDIOTS have to chase them and kill them and slaughter them and what ever else they are doing to them is just repulsive to me and so many others. These Mustangs are perfectly healthy . If they need water then the GOVT needs to supply them with it, if they need feed then supply them with it. The Govt is doing the same thing to these wild noble horses that they did to the INDIANS are we just going to let this continue?. BLM you SUCK!!!!
    I just pray that some change will come soon for these Mustangs everywhere and they will have freedom and life. Please stop the BARBARIC CAPTURES


  20. This has to be stopped! One can only wonder how many times this same scene has played out unwitnessed. Since I can’t seem to get an “audience” with Senator Durbin, I faxed a letter to his office today describing this scene and the attack by the Cattoor’s helicopter on a lawful citizen last month. I provided the summary from the PEER White Paper on BLM and asked that his office at least come up with a less dated and more honest position “piece,” and my hope that after the flurry of elections he become as engaged as 54 other members of Congress and step up to his former animal advocacy role.

    JFK said that what America had done to its native population was a “national disgrace.” So is this – the refusal to “share” public land whether BLM, Fish & Wildlife or Forest Service. This is costing tens of millions and it is heartbreaking


  21. The Bulls Lies and Menegele Agency wants a chance to explain why they are killing wild horses????? Heavens video doesn’t lie. You stampede horses, get the odometer from the helicopter (part of transparency), and when you see hot sweated horses running for their lives and then collapsing–the truth is right is there. They ran the feet off of the two youngsters at Calico and gave them absymal care if any. This is from their own website.

    I think in politics this woman would be called upon to “damage control”. Problem is Bulls Lies and Menegele can’t manage damage control. Slaughterczar said that wild horses don’t belong on the ranges. You can’t do damage control when the head of Menegele opens his mouth and inserts his hind end.

    Slaughterczar and his cohort Bob Abbey are both cattle. Range wars over land have existed for years. You can’t do damage control for this.

    Hopefully after Slaughterczar leaves Obama will grown cajones big enough to help our wild ones. And will either remove the WH&B program from Bulls Lies and Menegele or he appoint someone like Ginger or RT (as examples) who know about our horses and will work for their welfare.


  22. The news about this stallion who gave his life trying to free himself and his family is senseless, appauling and heartbreaking. Just another horrible act on the behalf of the BLM. Then to throw a tarp over him as though he never mattered at al, andl take the mare and leave the foal..
    What is wrong with these people? How can human beings, (and I use “human” very loosely” be so cruel?
    These beautiful wild mustangs belong to the land. They are a huge part of our heritage and should most certainly be left in peace. The BLM must be stopped.


  23. Previously mentioned, there is a copy of a letter to Ken Salazar with the prefix “Honorable”. That is the biggest contradiction I have ever heard. An honorable man would never allow such atrocities to continue after gaining knowledge of the events.


  24. I personally find their spokeswoman to appear very unsure and uncomfortable during her speech….could it be there might be a touch of shame here too?
    There should be.


    • I think some of it is that she was sort of like a wolf in a room full of pissed of coyotes. There were so many knowledgable people there that there’s no way she could have honestly thought that anyone would buy the nonsense she was claiming. Except maybe Slaughterhouse Sue. But she’s special because ole’ Sue doesn’t have see practices like roundups or horse slaughter to know that it’s okay and humane.


  25. “Video with no explanation” is a problem? Really?? We need someone to explain to us why these animals are being traumatized, injured and killed??? Get a brain Lili.


  26. The BLM is a sick, sick agency and Congress should quickly provide treatment to this agency in critical condition.


    • Yes, they are and their wild horse policy is a national disgrace. I have never, ever heard one BLM person talk about the beauty of the wild horses. Ever. This Lilli moron just talks about how ugly it is to stampede them to death and how it must be kept from prying and nosy taxpayers eyes.


  27. Just as an after thought…I have the “Planet Earth” videos…The lenses that they have can capture, with clairity, images at extreme distances. Since there is a “safety/far enough away so that you can’t see us” zone that seems to be beyond reach of any of the cameras thus far, how about if we try to contact them to help? I beleive that they have satelites too..


    • None of us has the kind of equipment the French had who did a lengthy piece on Twin Peaks and Pine Nut horses featuring Laura Leigh.

      Equipment like that can be rented. If anyone would like to donate rental equipment it would be highly appreciated. The lens makes all the difference. It would be worth the attempt to get into positions which would reveal the activity and not be within the working zone of the contractors. If you can help arrange and pay for this we can certainly get it done. All it takes is people getting together and doing it. Go for it….
      Contact Maureen at Grass Roots Horse. This is possible. mar


  28. This is so tragic, so sick, so senseless!! How did this get so out of control? Why are they so ruthless & unrelentless, so uncaring, unfeeling?? Will it ever end!!?? Our government & their BLM have absolutely NO regard or respect for other living creatures, like our beautiful wild horses, so why should they care about us & our demands & pleas?? If our Creator is looking down on us & watching all that is happening, surely He would be saddened, angered to tears, & shaking His head in shame & disbelief!!


  29. Gee, thanks for making remeber those two days of my life I’ll never get back. Lily was one of the people that could use a good bucket of water in her face because she needed to WAKE UP. The biggest joke was all the work the BLM put into trying to “improve their image”.

    I did what little I could to help with the 3 Strikes Rescue. There were a lot of wild horses there too, and while they weren’t on as many acres somehow, all but 1 horse made it off that hell hole safely. There were no broken necks. No broken legs. No horses drenched in sweat or dripping blood from injuries the rescuers caused. Hmmmm. How is amateurs, many of whom had little experience dealing with wild horses and a few of whom had no experience working with horses at all managed to safely remove over 200 horses. I guess it must be freak luck that I did not see a single one of those horses with large, bloody, gaping wounds that happened while they were being “rounded up”. I also saw videos that the enemy posted in Meduna’s defense and I didn’t see anything in those videos that I would deem to “not be a pretty sight”. And hey, guess what? There were foals being born at the fairgrounds. So there were births taking place when it happened.

    So how is it, exactly, that rank amateurs can safely remove horses – horses who actually *were* dehydrated and starving, I might add – with no casualties or injuries, and yet professionals who get paid to remove wild horses, people who receive millions in tax dollars per year can’t?

    The BLM has been giving cattle subsidized grazing rights for far too long because at this point all they’re doing is drowning in a flood of their own bullcrap.


  30. WHO CONTINUES TO FUND THIS NIGHTMARE???????!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to find the person(s) with their fingers on the wallet designated “BLM NIGHTMARE” and CLOSE THE WALLET!!!!!!!!!!

    It doesn’t do the horses any good for us to just keep sitting here in front of our computers and saying “STOP IT”!!!!!!!!!! Somebody, somewhere, with some clout, has to CARE!!!! Where and who is that person???? Why can’t we find them?????

    Dear God, please watch over our horses until we can find the right person to put an end to their suffering. This is an absolute NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!

    Has anyone contacted 60 minutes or any of those news people? Would it do any good, or would they just put their liberal “slant” on it and sweep it under the rug? I feel so helpless.


    • We the citizens of the United States fund this nightmare. Like so many other wonderful departments in the federal government, the American people have no say as to who is placed in charge of it or what decisions are made. At best we can call our senators and representatives (who in my experience ignore you) or attend meetings where the public advisory board doesn’t even bother to pretend like they give a crap what you opinion is. The president determines who is appointed to Department of the Interior and that person determines who heads up the Bureau of Land Management. And then all of the above pretty much do whatever the hell they want regardless of the WH&B Act actually says.

      Beauracracy in action.


      • BS!! WE THE PEOPLE own these horses, they belong to each and every one of us! WE THE PEOPLE control the Government. It states in the constitution that if we believe our government is corrupt, WE THE PEOPLE have the power to get rid of our government and start a new one. Abraham Lincoln said : We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

        The BLM is paid by our tax dollars, they work for US. Why should we stand by and allow them to round up OUR horses?


  31. Oh my Heavens they are rounding up these horses and being cruel running them to death and stampedes in small pens .. why was foal left behind and mare taken in trailer with dead stallion……..Were is the ASPCA in this matter horse are just as important as dogs and cats………………We have to get grammar schools and HIgh schools tollen the truth about their futre Mustangs being killed and rounded up no adoptions then end up in slaughter…………Were is the Goverment and their care…………….$$$$$$$$$$$$$ still on there hearts


  32. “The sorrel stallion who died was stampeded early this morning at a full run by a helicopter into BLM’s trap pens. Observers videotaped as the stallion struggled valiantly for his family and freedom before collapsing and dying, with his mare and young foal looking on. His striking white mare was then loaded onto a trailer, leaving the small sorrel foal behind, alone in the trap, as the stallion’s body was covered by a tarp and dragged into the trailer.” …
    When I read this paragraph, I literally wanted to vomit. This should be shared with every person in congress! These people are the most disgusting, vile people on the planet. And after the foal’s father dies, take his mother away and leave him alone. These people make me sick to my stomach. What a bunch of heartless bastards.


  33. OK Lili– the wild horse was stampeded into the pen and he broke his neck. That’s the explanation. And now it’s on video– and that’s the problem. That’s all the education/explanation I need. BLM/Cattoors/Lili — keep talkin’.

    Honest to God— there are no words for this horror………

    Barack Obama is sending out letters asking for $15 to keep the “change” going. I am not sending $15 to Pres. Obama — I will send my $ to grassrootshorse. The extermination of MY HORSES is not the “change” I want to support.


  34. Remember election is coming up go to the polls and vote everyone of those people associated with the present administration out of office show them the American people are not afraid to stand up for their rights. The Cattors more than likely have a lot of evidence against Salazar/Abby that could put them away because it seems to be the Cattors who are running the roundups. All of the BLM people connected to Washington are lying their heads off just like they did in the Gulf. It is not finished there only getting worse. WE MUST KEEP SENDING EVERY DAY E-MAILS, CALLS, ETC. TO THOSE IN WASHINGTON. This killing of our beautiful wild horses must come to a halt and the only way that can happen is to vote these hungry killing bastards out of office. If you were in the place of the horses what do you think would happen to you?


  35. Sicko’s, psychotic cruel bastards that only want power and domination over other living things . Animals don’t treat each other with such cruelty , in my opinion this demonic behavior of cruelty to animals makes them some sort of sub-species. A lower form of species that only satan could communicate with, the whole bunch of them from Government official’s, who allow it, to the lowly henchmen that carry out such disgusting rituals. They sicken me to the core and I pray this cruelty stops.


    • Laura just posted the link to BraveHeart’s death on her blog. It will bring you to tears and enrage you at the same time.


    • YouTube:
      Type in “Silver King Roundup: Braveheart’s body is dragged onto the trailer”
      Actually 4 videos of those tragic moments…


  36. imo alot of what the BLM “falsely misdiagnoses as “spinal injuries and broken necks are not always correct…for example; just a deficiency of Magnesium or Thiamine Vit. B1 can cause a mammal to fall; and the mammal looks just like it has an Injury

    but the mammal does not have an injury; the animal has nutritional deficiencies and my opinon is: The BLM destroys perfectly healthy Mustangs instead of treating them with simple Vitamins; which can be added to the water in a large corral; my gosh;

    20 lbs of Thiamine or Mageniusm Espoms Salts is only about $10!


  37. How’s this for talking out of both sides of your mouth!
    Per BLM (online reports 9/27 [I haven’t even checked the other days]) for Silver King roundup: “All horses in good shape” “No health issues” “Animal deaths zero” BUT NOTE VET REPORT SAYS 4 ANIMALS EUTHANIZED!!!
    Can I be reading this correctly?


    • That’s probably because the stallion was already in the corrals–the Killtoors were paid, and this is being considered a non gathered related death.

      Yup, Bulls Lies and Menegele spin on why and how they can kill and not be held accountable. Like that stallion would have run head first into that pipe corral fence out in the wild on his own. What’s wrong with this picture?

      Hay Slaughterczar now that you out of favor with the administration how about quitting while your ahead? Or maybe Obama growing some balls and firing his rear end? This isn’t about race its about the brutual mismanagement this agency perpetuates everyday. It’s about the lies they spin and the hoarding.

      And yes folks the Bulls Lies and Menegele operation is guilty of hoarding. When they say they can’t afford to feed the horses they already have in long term holding and yet go out and round up thousands more this is hoarding. And this isn’t a physical threat to your well being in your home–THIS IS OUTRIGHT THREAT TO THE HORSES LIVES!

      If a home can be condemned because of hoarding and the damage done why can’t we shut down the Menegele Agency for hoarding? Is there someone here who works in the field of hoarding and is willing to stand up to this agency gone wild?

      There is a reason why the long term holding facilities are closed to us. They don’t want us to know that they hired on more people like Meduna that they don’t bother double checking. And heaven forbid we find out who they are–because we could simply close the place down because of no feed, filth or other causes. They don’t want us knowing that they are paying off people like Meduna to kill our horses and relieve them of that responsibility.


      • Yes, there are a lot of reasons that the BLM long term holding facilities are closed to any public inspection and this video (which I am sure many have seen) shows one BIG reason.
        YouTube: (type in) “the Nebraska 200 – Mustangs Rescued from 3-Strikes Ranch”
        Have ANY of you seen any of these facilities?


      • I completely agree with the point, but for the sake of keeping facts straight for others who might be reading I figured I’d better point out that the BLM did not pay Meduna to take the horses. They were sale authority (3 Strikes) horses and so the BLM sold them and washed their hands of them. That’s why so many 3 Strikes horses go to slaughter. That’s also why the BLM only removed one filly and left the others still starving on the range. Only one horse out of the over 200 was adopted in the traditional way, and Meduna did not own the title to her as he did with the other horses. The BLM is still legally and financially responsible for the long-term horses and the people who keep those horses are paid for it. I don’t trust that there isn’t something foul going on behind those closed door, and I would be shocked if there weren’t people lining their pockets on both sides with that money, but I don’t know that you can really compare Meduna with the long-term horses. They are completely different scenarios.

        Also, (again, just so there’s no confusion) from :34 on, the pictures in that video come from the Bridgeport Fairgrounds or HfH. The fairgrounds was not the best location, certainly, and the people who owned it weren’t exactly thrilled with it being used for the operation. But anyone from the panhandle of Nebraska knows that there aren’t many options to house a ton of half-starved Mustangs. The locals were all really great about bringing water tanks, tires for hay, panels, keeping the arena and pens clean, etc.


  38. Did you all see how they let the woman take the heat? Where is the head honcho that probably signed most of orders to let the round-ups proceed?


  39. Posted this on BLM’s FB page. God…I really went off…damn them all.

    Yup…more proof the Human animal has to be in control of EVERYTHING! oops, did I just YELL? I am in my house by myself, so perhaps I did yell that, or maybe not….did any of you hear me? You can’t beat the truth into people regardless if …you use capital letters or not. I could scream it from the rooftops but it wouldn’t matter. The Human animal is starving all over the world, dying of diseases, no food, no water, no medical attention. When will they be culled so this extreme, EXTREME and relentless over population of Humans gets under control? Someone please tell me when.

    The foal Palomino Armstrong saved from death? The BLM expects us to believe they became emaciated almost to the point of no return in 1 night? Seriously? Do they really think we are that stupid?

    And the dipsh*t who tied their horse right next to the SMALL herd of 3 horses, which frightened/pissed the stallion off so much more that he was fatally injured? Who cares right? What’s another ex-wild horse in another holding pen, torn from their herd, to join the 30,000 + already in captivity. Who cares right? Just a horse. Just another animal on this planet filled with the most destructive/obscene/power hungry/greedy/murderous/foolish animal of all: HUMANS.

    Oooops, I guess I yelled AGAIN.


  40. Just too disgusting – my heart just breaks for these poor animals.
    Hopefully these idiots will lose their jobs in the next elections.

    Is there no humanity left in these “people”?


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