Horse News

Diary of a First Time Wild Horse Stampede Observer, Part One

Series by Lisa LeBlanc ~ SFTHH Chief Investigative Reporter

Twin Peaks BLM Helicopter Stampede Day 2, Thursday, August 12th:

Photo by Leslie Peeples

Arriving at the Litchfield Holding Facility at around 6:00 a.m., just before dawn, we were briefed by ‘Jeff’, a uniformed BLM representative on the rules of conduct. Most pointed: Disruptions or jeopardizing of safety would discontinue regular observation day. This was punctuated by 3 armed Law Enforcement officers; one, wore a Kevlar vest.Among the Observers were two political Activists, seeking to learn more on the issues of Wild Horses & Burros; a free-lance journalist and her partner; a graduate student, authoring a thesis based on a year of study in this HMA; an older gentleman who has lived the majority of his life in the area. And two additional representatives of the BLM.

A total of 11 Observers – and six non-civilians to attend us.

We were handed Wild Horse & Burro packets with some basic information. One rep took down our license plates; those were written on a sheet of paper handed to us. We were told to write our names and the names of our passengers on the sheet and to keep it on the dashboard at all times.

According to the “Know Before You Go” sheet from the packet, it was recommended to use the ‘facilities’ before we left as there would be none at the trap site, but before we would be allowed behind the Facility gate, we had to wait for the helicopter to take off. It left at approximately 6:30.

Two of the Law Enforcement officers were pointedly friendly; one was decidedly not.

The drive from the Facility to the Observation point was nearly an hour through sage & scrub and over sharp volcanic rock. The massive dust cloud stirred up by the convoy could probably be seen for miles before it arrived. We got a brief glimpse at the sorting pens, but only because the privately owned road had been watered down minutes before. Wild Horses, captured the day before, were being loaded for transport to the Facility.

We finally arrived at the staging area for Observers; we were greeted by still more BLM and Law Enforcement – far outnumbering Observers. We could hear the helicopter blades, carried on the chilly early morning breeze, thupping from somewhere off in the distance. This was no longer an event we had simply prepared for. This was actually happening now. Before we were allowed to watch, more briefing, with more pointed admonishments on the consequence of misbehavior. One Observer, the Thesis Author, was singled out by the female agent in charge of the briefing, for wearing a light gray hoodie over a grass-green t-shirt, colors considered potentially distracting to the roundup process. The pointed attention leveled at the Observer was uncomfortable to witness; the fact that the Rep herself was wearing a white polo – also considered a ‘distracting’ color – was not lost on the other Observers. Two young women with the Bureau’s Public Relations took pictures of all the Observers present.

We walked, finally, to the furthest point we were allowed – an area marked by pink plastic ribbon festooned around scrub brush, about a two-minute walk. As we walked over shards of shattered lava rock, I noticed the area was covered with piles of fresh Horse manure and hoof prints of all sizes, very distinct, not having been softened by the constant breeze on the desert floor. It was heartbreaking for me, knowing that in the previous 12 hours, this placed had hosted a herd of Wild Horses, unaware their freedom was nearly at an end, most likely forever. Perhaps the trap site was chosen for it’s proximity to where Horses gathered to socialize.

As we approached the Line, the helicopter was already pushing the first group of Horses down from the hill above the trap site, which may have been as much as a half-mile away from where we were allowed to watch. The mouth of the trap fell below the area; while we could see the helicopter pressuring the group of perhaps 30 Horses into the trap, we could not see them enter it. We could see wranglers, in white shirts and red shirts, and we could see whip sticks flapping occasionally. We could not hear them, the Horses; perhaps their desperate cries were also carried away on the desert breeze. Within a few minutes, it was over, and the helicopter flew off and away in another direction.

And with the foolish hope of a rookie Observer, I thought it was finished.

All Observers, whether in pairs, trios or small groups, were bracketed at all times by at least two BLM reps. Among those also observing were BLM officials from other branches, some from as far away as Sacramento; still others were from surrounding counties. Most were BLM Law Enforcement. There was another agent, shouldering a huge video camera who stated he was there to film a documentary for the Bureau.

Initial conversations with agents were tacit and chilly, and it was difficult to understand exactly what they had been prepared for. Occasionally an agent would step to a group of Observers and ask for an opinion or an assessment. Most were surprised at the articulate and thoughtful responses from Observers.

The Thesis Author in particular, would explain her research findings with a phenomenal combination of knowledge, simplicity and brevity the listener was helpless to ignore. Her final “We can do better” for the Wild Horses and their management would hang in the air like violet smoke, refusing to dissipate.

There were minor descents into the regrettable, verbal exchanges that were deliberately adversarial from both the Bureau and Observers but for the most part, all involved stayed en pointe – to observe, to gather and exchange information, and to learn.

But by the time the second round of Horses began their descent down this side of Five Springs Mountain, the enormity of this began to take hold. Taken from the Shinn Ranch area, twelve miles as the crow flies according to the Local Observer, 8 to 10 separate bands totaling over 100 Horses were pushed methodically & relentlessly toward their final destination.

Even the Local Observer, the older gentleman, whispered under his breath, “That’s too many.”

From our vantage point, about two miles away, we watched helplessly as a magnificent Blue Black became isolated from the others. He slowed, first to a trot, then to a walk, then to a complete stop. His legs buckled and I was certain he was going to go down. But he stayed up, made a few very slow circles, then made his way toward a gully lined with tall vegetation and where a creek flowed. I watched both ends of the gull, but I never saw him again. And we would not be allowed, on our own, to venture out to check either his condition or his location, perhaps the price to be paid for finding a dead foal on a previous expedition.

As the Horses were pushed further toward the trap, other Observers made their way back to the viewing area. I stayed behind, to record my notes on my Blue Black friend. One of the Political Activists stayed behind to prepare her video camera.

Minutes later, I looked up in time to see a small family – perhaps 5 or 6, a Black Bay, 4 or 5 Blue Blacks and a tiny Blue Black foal no more than 2 or 3 weeks old, trotting toward me, no more than 30 feet away. The Activist was walking toward the viewing area; I whispered to her loudly. She turned toward me, still not seeing them. I pointed at them; she pointed her camera. As they approached us, stupidly, I pointed up the road. They turned in that direction, trotting away from the helicopter and the trap. The Activist and I watched them as long as we could until they disappeared into the gully, then up the mountain beyond. We held each other and teared up, the way women do when witnessing a remarkable event. And it was the most joyful and gratifying moment of the day – an oath of silence between co-conspirators, two humans and a small band of Horses. We would never tell.

But because fair isn’t fair in the realm of the roundup, the joy did not last. An hour later, the helicopter had found them and, again, drove them down the side of the mountain.

I ranted and raved, concerned for the foal traveling over that great distance twice in one day, when I was firmly but quietly reminded by another Advocate there would be no reprieve – for any of them. And my anger would serve no useful purpose.

To their credit, this tiny family drove the helicopter hard, repeatedly testing the pilot’s skill. It took as long or longer to finally get them to the trap site. And it was there my courage failed; I could not bring myself to witness for them their final steps into that trap.

As of the second day, according to the BLM’s Daily Gather Report, there were no deaths directly attributed to the round up and few catastrophic injuries reported. Whether this will stay consistent for the duration of this roundup remains to be seen.

The battle to stop the roundups, to explore better, less costly and less destructive management methods is as far from over, perhaps further, than it’s ever been:

The Thesis Author and the Free-lance Journalist stood observing as another group of Horses were being fed into the trap, engaged in a quiet conversation, exchanging information and opinions. At a lull in the conversation, a female agent standing nearby declared firmly, “This is the only way we have of managing them.”

A glaring and lengthy silence fell over everyone present. And that declaration, too, refused to dissipate.

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64 replies »

  1. Heartbreaking, Lisa. I’m sure it was very difficult to be there, to have sent that band off only to see them captured after all. Thank you for witnessing, for being there so the BLM knows WE, the public, are NOT GOING TO GO AWAY! How disgusting of them to have one on one law enforcement on top of the observers – rude jerks. No matter what they do or what they think, we, the public, do not approve of this “management” and no matter how difficult or rude or domineering they try to be, we are not going to shut up and go away. Never, as long as they continue with this brutality and mindless violence on innocent animals that could be managed with science and humane treatment if they would just choose that.


  2. Well, guess that pretty well seals the deal for me..I am going in in full Camo-black under my eyes, combat boots and yeah a kevlar vest from the army surplus store, and any other garbage I can find there to pile on..and a can of bear spray! Don’t plan on going the day I do..cause there is gonna be a fuss-no doubt if some cow tells me I am not dressed appropriately for a stampede…should I wear my funeral clothes???


      • I heard today on the news that there is a lot of economic stimilus (spelling) money on the table for setting up solar power and wind power business. billions actually up for grabs. And the people who get this money must ‘break ground’ by next month or they won’t get the money.

        The checkerboard private land and the *big rush* to get rid of the horses. Could these all be stimilus money grabbers pushing to get their free money? if so the situtation is dire and nothing will stop the removing of horses on any grounds.

        I’m in a small city and had a new road in front of my house built with economic stimilus money. We didn’t need the road but it cost 4 million? The zoning board got some lawyer pro to show them how to get free millions and make it so. And they did too, got millions and did some roads and a new police buildings a big concert center. All from hiring the right lawyer who knew the tricks to get the free money.
        perhaps someone who loves wild horses wants to take a look at the govs economic stimilus money up for grabs and sets up a business on a bunch of acres that will also be wild horse friendly lands.


      • ‘breaking ground’ acording to the rules (from what I understand) just means dragging out some portable office building or placing out a test solar panel. Not much to insure a lot of ‘free money’


      • Laura — I think you may be on to something. Aside for the GAO pressure for the BLM to shape up, I haven’t been able to figure out what the huge rush is to get these horses off of public lands. Of course, BLM hasn’t really changed their spending habits on the horses, but may be getting new leases for land use that are more profitable than livestock leases. Could very well be stimulus money for energy interests.


      • You can’t just throw up a windmill or many of these energy projects..even tho they are being a silver bullet high speed train..It takes time to go thru the steps and get a rubberstamp at the end..test plots are set up to test for consistency of wind and volume ect over a period of time..BLM just expects that a certain percentage of these will be challenged in courtg and others will slip thru without the public being informed..Its a percentages game..A good point brought up during the radio interview yesterday..Is that the Wild Horses being federallly protected may very well be the reason they are beig removed enmasse and so fast..If their water sources become contaiminated by any of these mining and energy projects or pipelines…It can cause these projects to be shut down completely…all because they are federally protected by get rid of the horses and you get rid of a huge potential problem..then they can do anything they want to the land or us..because other than the Lahoathan trout..there are no endangered species out there..which is why they have refused to list the sage gouse as “endangered”…there will be a magnificent recovery of those trout..and they will be removed from that list and replaced by plastic fish that look like them…


    • I think any california citizen should forward this article along with(I hope she took pictures and made a recording) the armed personel and send it to your govenor, and elected government officials…start documenting this sort of thing and get it to the newspapers…people will be dumbstruck by the way citizens are being harrassed by the BLM..I hope you wrote down their names -because that is what I am going to do and write down their license #s and take their mug shot and then report any individual and file a complaint with the ACLU..RECORD IT


      • I agree 100%. What is so shocking to me, outside of the horrendous rush and size of the round up, is how the American people are being made to feel like common criminals, and a common criminal, Dave Cattoor, is making millions. Where does the BLM get off treating concerned American citizens like potential terrorists? And I have let Boxer, Feinstein and Schwarzenegger know it. 3 or more armed guards for each member of the public in attendance. Unbelievable.


      • To savewildhorses,

        The irony illuminated in your statement does not escape this wild horse and burro advocate!


    • Sandra,
      I’ve been referring to the round-ups as the Mustang or Wild Horse “Holocaust” for some time now after hearing someone else call it that. It’s the same thing the Nazi’s did to some of my relatives. They didn’t want them there or they wanted something they had (in the case of the Mustangs it’s the land) so they rounded them up and packed them off to the camps (Long-term Holding Facilities) to live or die. One was sometimes as bad as the other.
      You can see how they are very similar.


    • That is exactly what THEY want…so THEY can cancel observations
      Just writing what you did, is ammo for THEM
      YES this is AMERICA, YES we are suppose to have freedom of speech…
      Our Constitutional rights are being denied.
      When we make declarations that ultimately harm The Cause what have you achieved ?


  3. And where are those “heathens’ out there going to the bathroom??? do I have to watch where I step or bring a pooper scooper???


  4. I listened to the podcast today–saw it on your Facebook page. Thanks. It was an excellent interview and everyone made significant, cogent, and thought-provoking points.

    It would be so difficult to have to watch the horses suffering, bleeding, wounded, but not be allowed to help them. God bless the witnesses.


  5. Also, send all documentation to Senator Landrieu. Something is very wrong here. This nonsense of armed guards to keep watch on our own citizens needs to be brought to a screeching halt. There are citizens on the border who are frightened and need protection. Drug cartels are targeting local law enforcement. The BLM needs to be sent there. They are trained and ready. They need to be sent where they are needed. Let your senators and representatives know that. This agency is costing the taxpayers far too much money to stay where they are not needed.


  6. Thanks for witnessing and reporting, Lisa. Sounds like a lot of BLM mouthpieces standing around who don’t know how to DO anything – except call the Cattoors, get out the checkbook, hide behind security and spin. Their time could be better spent at the Mojave races as more than a few lives might be saved; however, once again they probably don’t know what to do there either. The roundups must be a kind of “anti-social” event for these purposeless government “servants.”


  7. All this security has me thinking … I wonder why it is that they think they need such a high ratio of law enforcement and/or BLM agents per observer. Why the overkill?
    Has the BLM been getting death threats or something? No one I’ve met on these blogs has expressed any violent tendencies, other than the occasional off color joke or vent.
    So, do you think this has to do with genuine concerns about violent threats or do you think it has more to do with trying to intimidate observers?
    Also, all of these cops and agents need to remember that they are servants of the public. They damn well BETTER be polite because we’re paying them.
    Lisa, you’re amazing! Great job reporting!


  8. unreal the BLM employee who told someone their color clothes would scare the horses and she herself was wearing white. I hope someone got them on tape with that.

    The BLM are so disconnected from reality.

    They sound like post office employees..those federal workers who hate their ‘customers’..hate their work and hate the ‘mail’ for making them work for a living. and go slower just to have control.


  9. It sounds like military clearance at a top secret facility of some sort.

    License plate numbers, info on the dash of your car, bullet proof vests.

    Stipulating what color clothing you may wear, checking credentials…

    They are aware of the magnitude of public opposition and the moral implications of what they are doing on every level of this whole operation. Are they fearing someone may go postal?

    Ironically, our fear is what are we going to do with a whole department which has gone postal and an administration that is bordering on a dictatorship and continuing to allow this criminal and covert behavior to remove and destroy our wildlife, and blatantly drive daggers in our spirits.

    No regard for anything except for destruction. No regard for life or of beauty, of law or heritage, no regard for humaneness or preservation, or of consideration or morality, of respectfulness or of trust.

    No bullet proof vest can protect us! Or the beautiful, innocent horses!

    Where are the Angels to help us combat all this darkness?!


    • They are waiting for someone to break down and start screaming and flailing.

      Be strong people, it must be very hard to take the pressure and wittness the horror.

      Can people call and report to the local humane officer and local SPCA and Local HSUS.

      I’m not saying anything will come of the reports..except can people do this. **make the reports anyway***


  10. In all seriousness, I will be making a call to the white house before I go to Twin Peaks, to relay my concerns for the safety of observers, with all the weapons present and the threatning behavior and forms of intimidation being used by a rogue government agencies..I have no knowledge of ANY prior instance of violence from observers to account for this reaction..In the aftermath of Calico..Dean Boldstead, compained to an advocate that he had been threatened and was scared for his life..the advocate put that out on a blog..we all rushed in to condemn that behavior..come to find out..some one had called him a worthless SOB for his lack of care provided to those horses..Really ..that is a death threat???..then i must be on the terror watch list..I told that advocate..don’t EVER do that again..give the full information of what was said and let us judge for ourselves the character of the statements.


  11. Yesterday, President Obama was in California campaigning-would have been decent of him to stop by and see how his constituents are doing out in the field


    • If Obama stops by he better not call ahead. Otherwise the contractor will be there days before ‘training’ the wild horses to walk slow and seperate themselves. And all the BLM will be in their suits and ties.


  12. I saw many signs of hay for sale both in Idaho and CA this weekend. Why not put the wild ones back out where they belong and try supplementing their feed with contractor bought hay?

    There is an HMA that is putting in guzzlers to try to save water for the horses. Even though I think its in the wrong place (at the bottom of the mountain) this could be life saving in the long run. Guzzlers well placed, supplemented hay. The horses have their freedom. And everybody is happy–I think.

    Wouldn’t it cost less to supplement hay,leave the wild ones free and put in guzzlers on each HMA?


    • Margaret – just so you know – these guys are not starving, they are not dying of thirst, they are healthy and in beautiful condition. They do not need human assistance.
      This roundup is being conducted because the assessment states they are overpopulated.
      Given the size of the area – about 35 miles wide and 50 miles long – that statement is hard to swallow.


      • Especially now that we know for CERTAIN they have no science to back it up. The Inspector General’s report said their “science program” was so dismal as to be nonexistent. Even Bob Abbey can’t spin his way out of that.


  13. Part of the armed security is to intimidate the observers, if possible. The camo gear is a good idea. Perhaps everyone should wear that to these events.


  14. Thank you for this report — and the details of your experience.

    Were you in earshot of the black horse that looked injured that went out of sight?

    Could it have been shot? In the past it has been documented the Bureau of Land Management shot (from helicopters) dozens of “difficult horses” that knew how to stay out of the traps.


  15. 1) Rent a car. Wear a wig and the clothing of the opposite sex. Wear bright pink and high heels. Feather boa. If you have a natural beard, just leave it alone.

    2) Place the names of those who are NOT with you on the paper along with the plate number.

    3) Place only the rental company as the driver’s name.


    After departing the rental company’s lot, replace the license plate with an old one with expired tags. Say, “this is my cousins ex-girlfriend’s uncle’s car who died 2 years ago. . .is something wrong? Oh, by the way, there are people dying on the border. They need your help. I just came from there. ”

    I promise to visit you in Leavenworth. Just kidding.

    Create a diversion. Throw up in the main office.

    Hire bodyguards to go with you. Your own security agents. No weapons, please.


    Hail to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Braver (than me)!!

    Pretent you are deaf.
    Pretend you are blind.
    Pretend you are in any way challenged. Pretend you do not speak the language.


    • Come On Janet! go with me..I can always use more devious input! Nurse Rachett will have me in a white strapless in seconds flat! LOL-I had thought of throwing in a wheelchair and get them for violating the disablilities act..I don’t think I can grow a beard, but there is a costume store in town..or I could just drive down the streets of Reno until i find a suitable outfit and confiscate it..I could look in the ‘drab” department of goodwill for a BLM look alike outfit..but i refuse to wear polyester.


    • I do not have to pretend that I am “in any way challenged.” It is obvious to the most casual observer! lol

      I feel a large group of tall women with long reddish blonde hair, cowgirl hats with a standard remark, “Oh, didn’t you get a copy of the judge’s ruling?” Might do wonders! Several hundred of them, “fanning out” to all roundup sites. . . you get the picture!

      (Similarity of the above to any real persons, living or dead, is not intended, and, as such, should be construed as a random coincidence.)


  16. LISA, did you get the name of the older gentleman who had observed the horses for a long time?

    I would have loved to have heard more of his stories also, including stories about their past, BLM interventions, etc., and other things he probably knows a lot about!

    Thank you for your article!


  17. So, yesterday, August 16, 2010, while 66 horses lost their freedom in the Twin Peaks HMA “terrorize, trap, transport and terminate” operation, President Obama and House Speaker Pelosi exchanged backslaps and “well done”‘s at a cocktail party and reception fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, hosted by John Wells (producer of television series “West Wing”) and his wife Marilyn at their $11 million mansion in Hancock Park, Los Angeles. Much laughter and applause ensued and a good time was had by all, according to a White House press release of the President’s remarks at the event he described as a “spectacular evening.”

    Picture a split frame with a scene of cocktails and laughter in glittering SoCal in one and the Twin Peaks HMA horses standing in pens, separated from family bands forever, in the NorCal desert in the other. And then listen to the President share his analogy of what he calls Republican obstruction. He says “I’ve used this analogy before. You had a group of folks who drove the economy, drove the country, drove our car into the ditch. And so Nancy and Chris and Barbara and Howard and me, we put on our boots and walked down into the ditch — it’s muddy, and hot, and dusty, and bugs everywhere — (laughter) — we’re pushing, and got our shoulders up, and we’re slipping and sliding and sweating, and the other side, the Republicans, they’re standing there with their Slurpees — (laughter) — watching us. “You’re not pushing fast enough!” (Laughter.) “That’s not how you do it! Do it this way!” And so every once in a while we’d offer, “Why don’t you guys come down here, help us push?” “No, no, no.””

    Ironic, isn’t it? Reality for the horses and advocates (muddy, hot, dusty, bugs everywhere) is a cute analogy about partisanship for our leadership.

    I am a lifelong (blue collar, Northeast) Democrat and a supporter of my California Senators for many years, continuing to the present. If this is what the party has become (has been for some time?), I no longer want any part of it. Mr. President and Speaker Pelosi, if you really want to get dusty, muddy, hot and buggy, get out to the desert with the horses and see what you’ve wrought.


    • In honor of the wild horse and burro Tuesday Vigils and all the Wild Horse and Burro Advocates:

      Oh Great Spirit, Strong to Save – A Wild Horse and Burro Hymn
      (Sing to the Tune of “Navy Hymn”)

      Oh! Great Spirit, Strong to save,

      Whose arm hath bound the amber waves,

      Who bid’st the mighty ranges’ sweet;

      Their own appointed laws to keep;

      O hear us as we vigil make

      To save the wild equids’ place!

      Creator! Whose voice the grasslands heard

      And brought to earth your wondrous herds,

      Who walkest on the darkening ground ,

      and bringeth all the stars around ;

      Oh hear us as we vigil make

      To save the wild equids’ place!

      Most Holy spirit! Who didst brood

      Upon the chaos dark and rude,

      Oh! bid this angry tumult cease,

      And give, for wild confusion, peace;

      Oh, hear us as we vigil make

      To save the wild equids’ place!
      O Wonder! Source of love and power!

      Our brethren shield in danger’s hour;

      From rock and tempest, fire and foe,

      Protect them wheresoe’er they go;

      Thus evermore run wild and free,

      Our equids through eternity!


  18. Lisa,
    I know for a fact that what you wirte is true. I am sorry that what you write is true. It should not be true. It is a discrace to you and I and all Americans that it is true… but it is true. I beg of you (and all who are listening) that you do not give up. I beg that you all spread the word that what is happening at Twin Peaks and on other wild horse lands and don’t forget for a minute that these are OUR lands too.
    Please continue your dedication and please send your very well written article to the associated press so that it can be heard thourghout the world and send it to all “local” California and Nevada media and send it to celebrities like Willie Nelson and Robert Redford and Sheryl Crow and Bo Derek. Send it EVERYWHERE you can think of … and those of us who know your article is true will also send it “everywhere” and to everyone we can think of. Until the true word is spread and the power of the truth becomes greater than the untruths being expressed by the BLM etc. ………until then … we will not win this battle or the war. Thank you so very much.
    Grandma Gregg


    • right on grandma! they are going to have to drag me off with the last load of wild horses that leave the land..and then i am going to spend the rest of my life seeing to it that those involved in this have repercussions for the rest of their lives-just like the wild horses!


      • That’s what I keep saying too, Sandra. They may get rid of the horses, but that will not make them safe from history. If their only judge turns out to be history, we owe it to the horses to MAKE sure History judges them as they deserve.

        I have already promised them THAT.


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