Horse News

Deadly Nevada Wild Horse Roundup Continues While Advocates Denied Access

(The News As We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Deadly BLM Roundup Update

Federal Court Appointed Witness to BLM's Bloody Roundup, artist Laura Leigh ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

HOUSTON – (SFTHH)  At 1900 hrs, US Central Time, we received a personal phone call from Artist and Wild Horse Advocate Laura Leigh that she and her undisclosed travel partners were safe and not in harm’s way.  Ms. Leigh disclosed that she had not been to the trap site, today, as her progress had been impeded by the local Sheriff’s Department and her name, despite the Federal Judge’s order, did not appear on the BLM’s approved attendee listing.

Ms. Leigh and company witnessed many trucks and trailers coming from the alleged trap site with the trailers full of horses.  Local contacts have estimated that approximately 150 horses have lost their wild lives since the judge lifted the injunction.

Of most importance, Ms. Leigh has stated that she and her companions have SEEN the water and have, likewise, seen that the watering holes, on public land, are fenced off from the wild horse’s access in direct conflict to what the BLM stated in court this week.

Laura will be back on the job, tomorrow morning, attempting to be the educated and impartial witness to the brutality, inconsistency and blatant cruelty that is the Obama administration’s  Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and their notorious stampede contractor Cattoor Livestock.

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91 replies »

  1. This is an OUTRAGE. These evil devils deserve the wrath of God on them. God help those horses and protect Laura and others trying to stand for them


  2. Bloody BLM and the Cattoors. Now we do not know the condition of the horses when they were loaded. This is very bad. We need to ask the Prison Vet how these horses are upon arriving in Central Utah. We need to know who he is. We do not want to pester him but ask for information that the warden will approve of releasing. mar


  3. Have been following this everyday. This is a joke. I’m surprised someone doesn’t do something to these heartless barbarians.. Keep trying….. there are lots of us rooting for u & of course, the frightened, innocent horses. Owned horses most of my life. An Animal Activist currently. Bless U (also former nurse)


  4. That is what the BLM does: jerk people around. Have their PR head honchos prepare deceit to deliver to the judges…
    Laura must present this judge some links to these current events. He mustn’t know the depth of corruption. The days where a federal judge’s orders are respected, seem to be over. Exposure, exposure.
    Now we reach a turning point where corruption has no boundaries.


  5. This is outrageous, in every way. I hope that Laura et al are in position to take photographs to document the barricaded water holes, and I hope that can raise enough money to get Laura back into court.


    • We had planed to appeal even before the the verdict was read. But, now I wonder if there aren’t some points to be pondered about what happened yesterday and today.

      The judge talks to the press, thus giving the BLM a running start so they can get most of the roundup done before Laura can even get there. What gives? Is that supposed to be okay?

      What about the BLM ignoring the judge and not permitting Laure to observe? Is THAT supposed to be okay-just overlook it?

      What about the judge “buying” the BLM’s story when drought was NEVER even mentioned in their original justification? Now, Laure and her companions have SEEN water and that it’s fenced off. Does this count for nothing?

      Just SO many things that make the whole deal seem bogus, or at the very least mishandled by the judge. He doesn’t want dead horses on this conscience? Well, guess what – HE KILLED THEM this morning!

      It seems to me that this entire thing should be up for some kind of review. This should NOT stand!


  6. BLM has done nothing but LIE to the American people, and to our judges evidently.
    Laura should have been there today, her rights disregarded.
    This crap hass got to stop, OBAMA , SALAZAR and ABBEY are all in bed together on this one, it tells you about the truth we get from our GOVT who is to serve the American People and protect our lands, sea life etc. Look at the GULF. The whole thing is a joke, a bunch of sick, dictitoral bastards.

    We continue to fight this, and bring this to light, we continue to fight for our “:protected” wild horses and quite frankly I’d like to take one of Cattoor’s helicopters, know how to fly it and round up the above plus the Cattoors and run them and their repsective familiies for 8 miles in 90 degree heat, rocky, horrid terrain, scare the crap out of them and let their feet fall off, and have some heat exhaustion, brain swelliing, broken bones, who knows what other fun they could experience. If they doesn’t get their attention, the stud chute will, or the diseases, or the depression or hot sun, if that doens’t do it, the slaughter house will.

    Enough is enough.
    Fight on.


    • Yeah lets name more names and maybe sooner or later these goons will pay, I would like to leave Obamas name out of this as he did sign the omnibus bill to not allow horse slaughter in the united states, I would have liked for him to have done more, that being said, I would like to, add a few more immediate names who are the real pains in the ass, not only salazar but this goons little “B” buddy, tom davis, who is responsible for shipping thousands and thousands, of wild horses to mexico and is probably doing this as we speak and certainly belongs in prison, the main lobbyist in this whole mess is charles stenholm an ex representative from texas and now the “go to guy on capitol hill for horsemeat” he should definitely be in jail, of course neil kornze the little puke should be fired, and last but not least sally jewell, the hag, I could comment on these peoples cruelty and kinky little ways, but we only know a small part of what is going on I’m sure it’s much sicker than we can imagine.


  7. Inconceivable!!!!! BLM believe me when I say that every day you make our resolve stronger to bring you to justice and to fight for our horses. We will be in your dreams and lives every moment until we have made you pay for your crimes!!! I can promise you, you WILL pay.


    • True Lori, This only makes us stronger! We rage, we cry, but we forge ahead with renewed energy!!
      ~*~ Amazing Grace ~*~


  8. What does it say that the BLM jerked around the issuance of a Federal JUDGE?

    That the BLM IS acting as it’s own republic, without recrimination, without restraint, and neither President Obama nor Secretary Salazar has either control over their own agency OR they, themselves have no respect for a Federal Judge’s decision.

    Why the mad rush? Why work SO hard to keep Laura from observing? It’s not just the Bureau flexing it’s ‘might’. This is the Bureau’s flagrant self-assurance that they are ABOVE the LAW, making them accountable to NO ONE.


  9. I wanted to add, this is a perfect example of our justice system at work, it protects the criminals in every way, it sickens me!


    • Ditto, Margaret, I feel the same. I just wish we all could do MORE than just talk, because no one is listening, except us !


  10. Well this is the stark LIE by the cartoors and the blm right here!
    “Of most importance, Ms. Leigh has stated that she and her companions have SEEN the water and have, likewise, seen that the watering holes, on public land, are fenced off from the wild horse’s access in direct conflict to what the BLM stated in court this week.””

    purjury is a crime., Can the lawyer submit the update and disreguard of the Judges ruling to the court?

    several trailers? how odd, the contractor has 2 big trailers-looks like the blm is quick-quick!! get the evidence that we harm wild horses away from americas view. Anyone get plate numbers on those trailers? be interesting to see what locals are in collusion with the blm.


  11. I’m happy that Laura is safe & ok, very sorry the BLM is not being fair to her, or to anyone else, especially, of course, the wild horses! This may sound silly & childish, but, even though I think cows are cute, especially little calves, since I no longer eat beef, I wish I could just go there, tear down all the fences surrounding the water, &, yes, either drive off, or shoot the damn cattle,for the sake of the horses!! Remember, it’s only a wish, but I wish it could come true. If the water is on “public lands”, HOW is it even legal to fence it off from the wild horses, & other wildlife?? How can “they” do this to helpless young foals, of all things!! I have nothing personal against cows, only against ALL the greedy ranchers/landowners, or, squatters, may they all rot in Hell!


  12. So who WAS on the approved attendee list? Friends of the BLM, I wager. This is such CRAP! 150 wild horses dead WHERE? On the range, along the path of the chase, in the traps? No way to get straight answers. ALL SPIN, ALL THE TIME!!!

    BLM – put an end to your blackout. The judge has ruled for First Amendment rights. If you need a copy of the Constitution, I’d be glad to send you one on my dime!


    • I think it was meant that their life in the wild was dead, not the actual horses. They’ve killed the beautiful wild – life and free spirit and are turning the horses into mindless feed lot cattle.


      • R.T., please remove my comment. As Barbara pointed out, I didn’t read carefully enough. Sorry.


  13. More of the same from BLM, yes they believe they ARE the Almighty and our govt. just goes along and lets them do as they damn well please. An entire herd decimated, at BLM’s whim, they really don’t care what a judge says, they are hellbent on the total destruction of the wild horses. lying through their teeth, all of them, and having a grand time showing who’s REALLY in charge.


  14. So the BLM has set up a catch-22 to get around the Judge’s order, maintaining that since the gather site is actually (and purposely) on private land, the landowner has a right to ban whoever he wants from going on the property.

    Someone in the know who calls him or herself “Phatkat,” and who has made a lot of derogatory comments about my last Tuscarora story, snidely said this:

    “OH yeah! By the way, good luck getting to the gather site. Even if the judge did lift the observation restrictions, the gathering site is on private land that is being patrolled by the Elko county sheriffs office.”

    Why are they fighting so hard to keep Laura out if there is nothing to hide?


    • Right! BLM claimed owner told them to keep “outsiders” away, but Laura saw what the owner really instructed, and it was only to allow veterinarians IN; said nothing about keeping ANYONE OUT.

      But, the judge will probably say this is just fine. Corrupt!


      • Plus, now we know there were two observers from AHPA – so BLM already allowed oberservers on private land – at the same time they were trying to say the land owner did not want them just ot keep out the Press and Laura and Elyse – how can they justify that?


  15. There’s a Mare

    There’s a mare flyin ‘cross the range
    Mane tangled in the wind
    That’s blowin ‘cross the vast Nevada steppe
    Her tail’s an endless banner
    A rifflin in the breeze
    And she’s far from being close to winded yet

    You won’t see words as she flies by
    Upon that silky tail
    But pictures painted in red filaree
    Of all the mares and their bands
    She’s running to protect with
    Des colores in her heart to keep them free

    Under the moon this desert night
    She’s circling with the herds
    No dallys taken nor none gave away
    Outrunning all the blind men
    With money in their eyes
    Giving peace to her remuda one more day

    So if you look in your calm heart
    Des colores you will see and
    If you find they seem to be the same
    Splash them on your wild flanks
    And wheel into that wind
    To follow the mare with the tangled mane

    Cause she can’t do it by herself
    It‘s never just been one
    To hold back the howling hounds of hell
    Make your peace and summon up
    The courage that is there
    For the mares and their herds I wish you well

    –Rob Pliskin
    July 17,2010


    • Awesome poem Rob ! My heart, as well as countless others, breaks for these magnificent wild horses. How can people single out & hate one beautiful creature so much that they would try so hard to exterminate it ?? I too, like to write poems & draw/paint, especially horses, I just hope & pray that won’t be our only memory of America’s wild horses, America’s wild spirits !


    • In my mind she’s a wise old bay mare, flying free. Not a captive to be passed over because some are too blind to see her true worth.


    • Sometimes I imagine that some of the advocates actually ARE spirits of earth, once departed as horses, returned as human — or part human. How else can you explain this?


  16. If the BLM truly cared (as they profess) about the health and well-being of the horses, the ones in “immediate” danger, why would they not take water TO the horses to prevent any further “deterioration? This is such blatant B*llsh*t! We the people get NO RESPECT from “our” government. AND the Obama administration wants us to SUPPORT HIM? GOD ALMIGHTY I PRAY YOU WILL SAVE US ALL!


    • They have reported that they have hauled in over 8,000 gallons of water – however, the horses are not drinking it.

      Anyone, why would this happen? What would cause dehydrated horese to NOT drink?

      They are, after all, drinking themselves to death in the holding pens.

      Oh, just a thought, maybe someone (wink, wink – you know who) took a bath in it ahead of time – I am getting sooo bad!


      • Roxy, like I posted elsewhere, do you REALLY believe BLM???? I don’t believe a word they say, they only know how to lie.


      • I do not believe ANYTHING any of the two faced SOBs say. Maybe they poisoned the water? Since the horses won’t drink it they have to resort to the old fashioned way of killing horses. Makes me think of those photos of Mustangs lying in the dirt with tires tied to their flailing dieing bodies. Makes me sick.


      • I remember that comment though. If the horses were dehydrated, why weren’t they drinking? That does NOT make any sense, and it needs to be investigated.

        What a total screwed-up mess.


      • Rox – I think I may have a ‘knowin’ about why they may not be drinkin’ the water (let’s pretend I’m believin’ the Bureau of Bullsh*t for the nonce…)

        If the water is trucked in, it’s probably not well or river water but municipal. Maybe hauled in big ol’ plastic or metal barrels. If so, it’s got so many strange chemicals, it probably doesn’t even smell like water to them.

        A very wise man recently reminded me – Horses can smell water from relatively great distances. There has to be other reasons why they’re away from traditional sources they’ve known all their lives. But if you’re a Wild Thing and your water is the Wine of the Land – nearly pure snowmelt or from an underground spring, filtered through rock and mineral, are you REALLY gonna sup on liquid putrid with chlorine & flouride & galvanized metal??

        Yeah – if yer desperate. And they might not have realized just how desperate things truly were.

        ‘Course, that’s just a theory.


    • There’s an old folk song that begins, “My horses ain’t hungry, they won’t eat your hay. . .”

      Obviously the horses would rather die than drink the BLM’s water offering.

      They are too afraid.


      • I brought my 2 new rescue horses home from the QT barn yesterday. They normally finish a whole bucket of water by the AM. Today only about half consumed- I’m sure its because the water is “different”. With time they will adapt… they key is to give them time.


  17. hey mrs Car. besides the cattle ranches fencing off water for the thousands of cattle. does your roundup inc company fence off water before a major roundup to make it easier to draw out/move all the wild horses in the area?

    knowing that elk and deer can jump fences and its easy to pull up that fence when the roundup is over. Is that the ‘secret’ reason why you all always hide your work?

    The wild horses themselves have been seen tapping at closed gates, they know what a gate is.? hmmmm and water, unfenced water my own Nevada born mustang has shown me how important ‘unfenced’ water is..


  18. Yes, the BLM, local yokels and sherriff succeeded in sanitizing this round-up as per instructions from the top. But the BLM already had their teat (since they are armchair ranchers) in the wringer. That’s why the GAO was there, checking up on them! (That had to really twist their knickers.) We are going to keep the pressure on with our support for Laura, funding the lawsuit and playing the “good game.” Anybody old enough to remember the federal judge who threw out all the charges filed against the Native Americans who “occupied” Wounded Knee? He was able to see the corruption of the tribal council, the goon squad and the FBI! The horses can win too if we get the right judge. Now’s the time we bunker down and fight with all we have. Dig deep for the appeal and pray for a judge who is intelligent enough to see through them! Best to Laura and horse warrior friends!


  19. Best of luck to Laura and all the watchers.

    What devastation BLM has brought to these proud creatures.

    Yet another trail of tears.


    • Ann, yes, trail of tears – always such an apt portrayal.

      Did you see the BLM guy say “horses do not belong on western public lands” – I took as meaning he supports Salazoo and they belong on the lush grasslands of the east and mid west.

      I said, so Indians do not belong on reservations – they belong on their indegenous home lands!

      I’m curious – back to horse DNA, is it specifically the area of the west, or the rocky mountian basin (do I even have that right?), or anywhere in North American that the horse originally roamed those several million years ago? Anyone know?


  20. Is there redress from the courts (don’t all fall on the ground laughing now) on the BLM ignoring the judges order and keeping Laura off the list? Seems there should be a contempt of court with fines and jail time. I would like an explanation of why these raids are held on private lands when there are thousands of thousands of acres of public land that the horses are already on? There can be no good reason except as a means to deny rights to the public.


      • This quote is from the BLM report today on the emergency roundup “BLM field staff and specialists reported on Friday, July 16 that the condition of the wild horses within the Owyhee Herd Management Area is critical and declining rapidly. For horses that are already down and unable to be trailed and are not responding to the helicopter, the BLM will attempt to humanely euthanize those animals, as recommended by the Review Team in their Interim Report to BLM Director Bob Abbey. ”

        To me this sounds more like a cover up to destroy horses that are downed during the round up and on the way to the catch pens.

        Also they said one foal was suffering from water starvation…. foals live on mare’s milk not water and mares will deplete their own bodies to take care of their babies. This is just another lie from the BLM. This whole business is shocking and horrid . In addition to the barbaric poor treatment of the horses, I’m shocked to the core that our government is so corrupt all the way down to the eradication of the wild horses. Is there nothing sacred? We are in BIG trouble in the U.S.


  21. BLM for sure thinks they are above the law. This time I felt assured the BLM had no choice, as the court, the LAW ordered observers. Fool.

    But I just knew that the water was fenced off. I have read much how this is purposely done so the horses do not get water. And as I said before, the BLM is known to not fill water tanks and/or turn spigots on for a flow of water to fill watering holes, tanks. BTW, yesterday I read there is a 20 mile fence in the Humboldt region. Whether this affects horses, I am not familiar with the area, etc.

    BLM, DOI, Abbey, SALAZAR are determined to eradicate the wild horses! Roundups…killing by neglect, abuse, cruelty. And yes, slaughter.

    Always in my mind are the “secret documents,” obtained by FOIA this year. Outlined in detail how the BLM was to get rid of the wild horses…and one way was euthanasia… the vets could get counseling. Most importantly, THE PUBLIC WAS NOT TO KNOW.

    And keep in mind, Salazar stated in 2004, when running for Colorado Senate, that *wild horses don’t belong on public lands. Reiterated by the BLM.

    My heart is beating so fast right now. Rage, betrayal, fear and tears for the horses…. I can only imagine what Laura Leigh has, is going through.

    Courage & Perseverance! WE WILL NOT STOP!

    The press media, TV, animal organizations (powerful HSUS) are sure to grab onto this.

    Hope, pray, the BLM has crossed the line this time for the courts and Washington, DC… to wake-up and finally have JUSTICE! End the corruption!


  22. Print this entire webpage, have thousands of copies made, and drop it from a light plane all over Bar Harbor Sunday morning.


  23. The Federal Judge has a choice at this point. He can flex his authority and save face, or allow himself to look like a fool.


    • This is reminiscent of the beginning of the roundups. Since it is already Saturday, she will have to wait at least for Monday to go back to court. I guess don’t trust any decision delivered on a Friday or before a holiday, since it can put the advocate at a total disadvantage.
      Wonder how long it takes to get her name on BLM’s list.
      Meanwhile, back at the ranch…


  24. Pingback: Anonymous
  25. Louie, a complaint should be filed with him and if he does nothing a complaint should be filed ON him. If he has backbone this breach of ethics should make him look more closely on this whole case. If I were the judge and heard of this coupled with Abbey’s attempted sneak attack I would be flaming mad and I would show folks that I and the law mean business.


  26. How do you go from 12 dead wild horses to 150? Did the BLM just kill 138 horses overnight so they could claim they died of dehydration because of Laura’s injunction? Can anyone verify this or examine the bodies? Is this retaliation for the lawsuit? Doesn’t the BLM have to comply with the judge’s ruling and allow observers? If the judge doesn’t enforce his ruling can he be investigated? Is this country completely lawless?


    • With so much “roundup” BULLSH*T and excuse/reason for same coming out of the mouths of DOI and contractors, the continuing equine massacres are hard to follow.

      I believe the reference to 150 dead and counting is via the Calico roundup/Fallon holding pens. Very hard to follow because the turds that are DOI et al keeping using different names and locations (to include private lands) to confuse the public and journalists.

      Tuscarora is actually 3 specfic roundups, starting with zeroing out the Owyhee herd.

      Can anyone answer this question: if the equines don’t have water (which is more BULLSH*T…but if there is one thing BLM/Cattoors know, it’s their BS), why are equines from Owyhee being shipped to central UTAH?…or is that an area in Nevada? The last thing one responsibly managing equines does is ship/transport stressed equines, especially so-called dehydrated equines. It’s a known fact that transporting equines actually can cause serious dehydration and must be carefully managed for that situation.

      Anyone know the answer to that? Has Laura seen cattle or sheep on the lands? If so, why aren’t they being permanently removed? Last I heard, DOI/USDA are suppose to manage all interests equally, not with prejudice (another possible suit venue, as far as I’m concerned).

      Hey Laura…sue ’em for that too.


    • The article probably means. . . 150 have been estimated to have lost their LIVES IN THE WILD, not their LIVES.



    • Well you all are just as bad buying into the hype and bull crap 150 horses HAVE NOT DIED. only the 14 orginally reported. and Oh btw, if you have proof that public HMA land access to water is being fenced off, where is the proof? Show a photo include latitude and longitude so it can be verified on google earth by normal folk. Bet you cant do that. Show us proof of 150 deaths.. Show proof that horses brought in 8 miles in 2 1/2 hours was a stampede. You play on peoples ignorance, you use words to incite with half truths and outright lies, You are no better then the people you speak against.


      • drgnldy333. If you read on or read the actual article in question you would find that the article was not clear on the 150, but that we “asked” about that and have since clarified the error.

        It is being reported that the proof of the fenced off water is being provided in court – we will have to wait and see after this court case has concluded.

        However, in the meantime, go to the BLM website and see the video and read the transcript of these 3 roundup areas. BLM itself shows video of fences and blames the horses for tearing down the fences that ultimately lead to cattle getting to protected wet lands and damaging the protected trout habitat. It takes about 3 readings of the transcript though to figure it out. Now, remember, this is BLM, NOT an advocate video!

        And speaking of latitude and longitude – excellent idea, would you please forward your request to BLM so that they can properly identify the locations of the photos they have on their website for these roundup areas. So why can’t BLM provide that info on Google Earth? Or better question why DOESN’T BLM provide that? They have resources to do that – we do not.

        Over 4 miles an hour is not a stroll. We know that the horses DO NOT hear the helicopter and just line up in formation to take the straightest line, calmly as possible – that is ludicrous. We have a wrangler who reports to us here that they run from the sound, zig zag and attempt to escape, and even once they are moving as a pack they still attempt to get away. We have all seen this videotaped. YOU show proof, provide video tape of the 8 mile trek and prove us wrong. We have asked for taping of these activities and none is ever provided – why not?

        Why bar the press and public from everything if there is nothing to hide? To keep people ignorant perhaps?

        I would rather ask questions about the 1/2 truths and lies presented to me, than have blind faith in the government, BLM or Cattoor – you tell me of these two which is the ignorant path?

        We are no better than the people we speak against? WE are not the ones removing 12,000 horses this year alone, at huge taxpayer cost, to add to the already 36,000 horses in holding, removed from over 19 million acres of land that was designated for their PRIMARY USE, taken away by the DOI government agencies and given to cattle grazing. Given to cattle grazing after it was reported that there is no forage or water – tell me again who is telling 1/2 truths and lies? Who is playing on peoples ignorance?

        I originally only wanted the 19 million acres returned to the wild horses, but then the United Organization for the Horse (UOH), Sue Wallis, who is touted on Sue Cattoors web site, wants to eat wild horses, and wants to add them to their horse slaughter campaign. Wants to feed tainted horse meat to school children and the infirmed of Wyoming as part of a government spending program. This is on THEIR websites, this is NOT advocate reporting, if it is 1/2 truth it is their doing.

        Since, I have found out that the public supports welfare ranching on approximately 350 million (350 or 250?) acres to the tune of over 1/2 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. CATO Institute calls this a failed socialist program – because even socialism implies some benefit to the payers – however, according to USDA most of this beef, some have reported as much as 80% is EXPORTED for profits and most of the 26,000 cattle welfare recipients are actually huge corporations. Profits and socialism – strange bed fellows don’t you agree? So, now I want them ALL OFF public lands.

        Look – cattle on public lands are only about 3% of all cattle grazed in the USA. Wild horses are only about .5% of all grazing animals on public lands. Yet, only the horses have been removed supposedly due to poor forage and replaced by cattle, reportedly fifty to one horese, all the way to one thousand to one in some areas. These are not advocate reports – these ARE BLM, USFS and USDA reports. Come on – YOU get real!

        I could go on, but if you really want to rise above 1/2 truths and lies you will read everything on the BLM web site, then read all the articles on this web site, The Cloud Foundation, American Herds, find George Knapps Stamped to Oblivion, find recent connections between BP and the wild horse removals, see the CATO Institute 1997 Policy Analysis on Welfare Ranching, and find this years report from the US DOI Attorney General about the long corruption thru out DOI and BLM and then decide WHO plays on peoples ignorance.


      • drgnldy333,

        Some more reports for you.

        1) The court was presented evidence yesterday, July 19 that water IS being fenced off from the horses. And that further the BLM continues to tromp on the Consitiutions First Amendment, after a federal court decreed they do otherwise a week ago. I ask you again, please tell me why the secrecy – why hold out full truths, let alone 1/2 truths?

        Documents filled July 19:

        2) From TheMustangProject, a coorperative group with BLM about water and the dying horses in this area is due to wells being turned off, wells that have supplied water to the horses for years and years, that they rely on:

        July 19 report from TheMustangProject:

        Rumor #2: Ranchers fenced off horses from water.
        … Since no cattle were turned out in the pastures, the stockmen didn’t operate the wells. … wells not being started up (is the) issue. My personal thought is that someone should have put two and two together on that one and made arrangements to acquire supplementary water.
        Using Star Ridge as an example, most water is accumulated in water catchments and is supplemented by a private well when cattle are out. The catchments have dried up since there has been almost no rainfall and of course with no cattle being run, nobody was providing supplementary water. The result was that the pasture went dry.
        Other notes.
        BLM reports having delivered 30,000 gallons of water so far. Some of the horses are drinking it. Some are not…

        3) It is also reported, though unconfimred at this time, that upon hearing of the BLM & Cattoor debacle some ranchers have opened their gates to the horses so they can water.

        Sue Cattoor keeps telling us how expert her people are – they have been doing flyovers of this area since May – why didn’t they notice this water issue over a month of flyovers? The picture taken July 12 of the dead horse is of a horse dead at least a week all ready for gods sake!!!!! Yet BLM only files for “emergency” status on July 14.

        Let me remind you – these dates and photos are hard FACTS, from BLMs web sites and documented court case material.

        And I had intended to ask you from your original post you say we are spreading half truths – please post exaclty what the full truths are to educate us. And you further say we are spreading lies – please post what exaclty what lies are that we are spreading an in which media outlets we are spreading them – which newspapers, which TV shows, which talk shows, etc. Once you have corrected us we can post retractions and your truths.


  27. I don’t know if I should email Bob Abbey ( directly now about this or if it will make things more difficult for Laura? What do you think?









  30. more horses dead!!!!!

    from the BLM website: this is the week’s update re: the Calico horses @ the Indian Lakes facility:

    Indian Lakes Weekly Update (July 10 thru July 15)

    Nearly all horses have gained weight and regained their health. Nursing mares and yearlings are on a high nutrition diet while all other horses in adequate body condition are on a maintenance diet. A few of the 2010 foals are noted with minimal levels of upper respiratory disease. They are being monitored and treated as necessary (see previous attached Upper Respiratory Veterinary Report). Gelding of the five years and older stallions continued this week. Three deaths occurred this week: a yearling gelding (#0852) that has been in the hospital pen receiving treatment for 3 months was euthanized due to chronic lameness with a stifle joint, a 25 yr old stallion (#1620) was euthanized due to old age and poor condition and a 3 yr old gelding (#1137) suffered a spinal neck injury while sorting and died on its’ own. Mares are still foaling, but births are fewer and intermittent. No miscarriages occurred.

    Facility Death: 3, Cumulative Death total: 107

    will this ever end??? this is just so unfair. ALL of it.


    • Oh my God, what is causing all these “spinal” injuries? Could it be the ridiculous feeders at Fallon or this “sorting” they are always doing? I am SO SICK of reading “died on its own”. This has got to STOP!


      • Cattle equipment, cattle management practices, over crowding, “processing”, stupdity and no incentive to keep them healthy and alive……


  31. How long is this going to go on no one listening to the voices of the people. The BLM needs to be stopped and the president and our elected officials are all hiding and not voicing their opinions.
    for the blm to take the horses while their is an injunction is against the law. Catoor should be put in jail with salazar


  32. The BLM is going out of their way to hold these round ups on private property to circumvent our 1st amendment rights. The first amendment does not stop on private property.


    • You may be right, but dead (shot by owner who posted “No Trespassing” signs, depending on local ordinanaces and laws, right? Going onto Private Property is not something the advocates should do, unless they have no care for their personal safety.


      • We are all protected on our private property. It is a crime to go on someones private property unless they allow it.

        Only law enforecement (and fire departments with cause) may enter private property and they have to have either a warrant or cause – and that cause is very restricted.


      • I realize that. But, the BLM is using the private property angle to shut down the first amendment. A good lawyer could easily pick this apart.


    • Actually our first amendment rights do stop on private property by another amendment of our right to privacy and all that on our private property.

      This is BLM shanagins. I do think however that the rule could apply that the private property person who allowed BLM to do this gather of publicaly owned horses might be a twist. We won’t know now until late tomorrow, possibly Tuesday. In the mean time, no obersvares until Laura gets back to court to gets yet another ruling about this private property mess.

      So I continue to envision the worse with no eveidence to contradict that.

      BLM and Cattoor employees (it wil do no good to talk to Sue or Abbey – they are jsut too far in) – try reading this and see what you think of yourselves:


    • If the Nevada laws are anything like New Mexico’s, the Livestock Board has the legal right and reponsibility to go onto any private lands where livestock abuse/neglect has been WITNESSED and reported by a citizen and make their findings/actions available to whomever lodged the complaint.

      “No Trespassing” signs don’t mean a damn thing. The inspectors are the “animal police” – badges, guns, warrants, etc. Additional complaints to local/regional/state animal control and welfare organizations help move the process along more quickly.

      In this case, I don’t know if the NLB would be willing (or able?) step on the toes of the BLM. The fact that the wild ones are nobody’s horses – essentially “wards” of the agency (am I correct on this?) – further complicates the situation.


      • Clarification – The inspector has to find cause for removal, petition a judge for a warrant, then go back and serve the abuser. Our hard-won relationship with local inspectors has streamlined the process somewhat, but a judge still has to sign the warrant. No warrant, no removal or rescue.


  33. The Obama administration is so disgusting. The administration allows the BLM to fence off the water and then lets the BLM scream, “horses are going to die from dehydration”. These horses have been on the range for many, many years and suddenly all the water dries up. The most disgusting administration ever, worse than Bush. I voted for Obama, but who would have thought that his agenda would be destroy the lands of America. We now have Florida destroyed and now we are losing the West completely. I hope the mosquito’s bite him and his family in Maine.

    Also, Nevada is screaming, we don’t have tourism and we are now broke. I would like to say, not everyone went to Nevada to gamble. My husband and I go to photograph wildlife and horses. We have cancelled our trip, because our friends told us they hiked and hiked and could not find horses. Well, Nevada you just lost $4,000.00 for our week in Nevada. Please multiple that by at least ten couples that I know of.

    I hope someone rounds up all the moose in Maine while Obama is visiting and replace them with cows.He should be denied any and all photographs of wildlife, just as he is doing the American people.

    I hate zoos and do not want to visit my wild mustang in a zoo. I am so angry over this.


    • I know, I keep writing to the tourism boards out west telling them that I come out west to see HORSES, NOT cows, i can see cows down the road, why would I pay a lot of money to see more. I want to see horses out on the wild lands; not in a oen somewhere;


    • It is not just the waterholes drying up. The springs and such are on private lands the horses fenced off onto dryer lands. Also the vet report on the BLM daily report says right in black and white, the following-‘the horses were blocked from the river’
      QUOTE from blm vet
      “”The history of this area is that water holes being used recently are drying up and horses
      were blocked from accessing a singular access point to a river that has historically been a watering point during dry conditions.””””


  34. So much for the ruling of a federal court meaning anything. What good is the ruling if no-one enforces it? Isn’t one reason for the federal court, not only to prosecute criminals but to balance the needs of the office of the President, Congress against the people and the constitution?


    • mark, according to, I think BLM website (so much news it is all spinning in my head) there is already an inspector from OIG on site, or at least was at one time.


  35. Problem is with OIG…depends on whether it is an agency or external review/inspection.

    In addittion, I’m all for IG reports and findings but what is the timeliness and sanction enforcement authority? GAO has done several on DOI, specifically MMS (new name that makes me throw up my liquid to try to post) with no resolve to enforce or fund by Congress.

    BS talks…money makes it happen….the executive branch doesn’t pay for what they spittle in the press.


  36. Why are “public” horses being penned on private land? Those horses do not belong to BLM — nor to the Cattoors, nor the owner of the private lands. These horses belong to the US taxpayer– and we want them on public lands with access to public water. So these people are rustlers– they are not moving the animals to greener pastures–but to private corrals–and then taking them away?? What if they were taking the cattle? Would the ranchers be out with guns? This whole thing is nutz–
    Write/call/email the President– tell him every wild horse is named “Bo”–his dog’s name– “13 horses named Bo died today at the hands of BLM”—maybe he will wake up. Fight on! Fight hard–


  37. Alright I’ve got a question.. Ever since I’ve heard about being able to adopt a wild horse, It’s been my heart. Not in anyway to hurt it, or break it, but to bond and let it keep the beautiful spirit that it has… Now many people have gotten these horses, and have stronger bonds with them, than domesticated ones… I love the wild horses. I love them being free.. able to roam and be as they are, without limits… But whats going to happen, if they aren’t controlled? and the populations get way too big? Then that’ll be an issue where there’ll be no other choice but to send them off to slaughter houses. Now I don’t know too much about what the blm does exactly..and if it is, in any way shape or form hurting the animals.. then that isn’t acceptable. I’m quite aware of how corrupt government is, and don’t for a minute doubt something shady is going on… I can see how the process is frightening for the animals, so there has to be a better way.
    Around here, people have to hunt to control the deer populations. I hated it because I don’t like seeing any animal get hurt. but You have to use your brain. If the deer populations got out of hand, they would be using up all the resources that other animals use for survival. Not to mention (unfortunately) the car accidents they cause. It’s life. It needs to be balanced. Yes, the horses are wild now, and I love that. but In all honesty, they are not natives. They aren’t like the deer or fox or raccoon that have always been here… So yes, there has to be some sort of regulation. There has to be a compromise…. where it isn’t endangering the animals, and yet, is making sure everything is controlled. I do not think it’s a bad idea, to let people who will take care of them, and be like a family to them, and NOT break their spirit, to be allowed that responsibility. IT KEEPS THEM FROM BEING DOG FOOD. Which yes, I do believe needs to be monitered So any mustang adopted will never get that fate.
    It’s also in a sense, like ferrel cats and dogs.. that are roaming the streets.. should they as well be allowed to do as they please? My heart says everything should be allowed that freedom, but my mind says otherwise. Most of them poor things are all euthanized. Something I NEVER want to happen to the mustangs… dogs off the street that are adopted into loving homes, appreciate it. They get love, affection, a family.. Granted they’d love to run free, we all do.. but I’d say having a loving family, that will protect you, and do it’s best to keep you happy… is a lot better than being put down.


    • Lea, the first thing I would like to clear up is that the native wild horse population is just that NATIVE–been here for thousands of years it was just reintroduced in mass via the Spanish. It is NOT a feral population, the feral or non-native population would be the cattle and sheep and even humans. We are not against all forms of range management. Read back on the blogs and see the blogs that RT lists on the side. You will be able to get a better grasp of the wonderful world of horse advocacy. What we are completely against is cruel BLM “gathers” of the wild horses based on non-scientific data and the constant lies and gamesmanship at the BLM. There is no scientific basis for any of the numbers the blm has set as appropriate management levels. The manner in which horses are handled has caused untold numbers of horse deaths usually in the most painful and prolonged methods you can imagine. Their insistence of operating outside the law and barring the public from observing should not be a part of the process of the American government. The blm has proven time and again they are more interested in big corporations and to heck with any living thing that stands in their way. In the Tuscarora raids they have proven they that do not even feel they have to obey the law and are not above intimidation of a female advocate out in the back part of nowhere. Big men huh? Sane, scientific management–yes, bullying and cruelty–NO.


    • Lea, good questions and I appreciate each of your points of view. I started this response before Morgan replied to you – which covers everything that needs to be said, but since mine was 90% done I’ll post it too:

      You ask – “But whats going to happen, if they aren’t controlled? and the populations get way too big?… It’s also in a sense, like ferrel cats and dogs.. that are roaming the streets.. should they as well be allowed to do as they please?” I do hope you will research enough to determine that the picture painted of wild horse advocates has been misconstrued – we are NOT, for the most part, “anti wild horse management” at all. I say for the most part, because as you read you will find that we do believe that given the appropriate management techniques the horses and natural predation will self manage. The problem is they have been so man handled by humans that we can’t really determine that at this time. In fact real scientific evidence is coming out that these roundups actually cause over breeding as the horse senses the threat to their natural survival instinct.

      You say “Now I don’t know too much about what the blm does exactly..and if it is, in any way shape or form hurting the animals.. then that isn’t acceptable. I’m quite aware of how corrupt government is, and don’t for a minute doubt something shady is going on… I can see how the process is frightening for the animals, so there has to be a better way.” Just a little research of the last two weeks of articles on this web site should, I think, provide enough evidence of BLM tactics – and then one has to put two and two together and see that their so called “management for the horses own good” is just as false as their testimony in Federal Court. But please read back, see the BLM Advisory Board meetings which are all posted on The Cloud Foundation and make your own determination. My determination is this DOI agency called BLM does not fall far from the same parent tree that has given us MMS. Google I teamChannel8 George Knapp and see all his investigative reports.

      You say “they are not natives” – already answered by Morgan. I would only add that Big Horned Sheep are also not native. However, there is an interesting course of events. Apparently, these sheep do have some survival problems on the North West American wilderness – and oddly, it is the wild horses that, by their own natural migration and eating habits, provide the actual conditions that keep these sheep alive, these sheep that hunters revere – which oddly again, hunting organizations are on the side of eradicating the wild horses. Sorry, I did not keep that link – perhaps someone here recalls that and will post it for you here.

      You say “There has to be a compromise” YES. That is all we ask for. A look at REAL science by real wilderness and wildlife ecologists and real humane options. This is the word we spread. If you agree, please go the The Cloud Foundation where they are laid out a campaign to pressure congress and Obama to stop this insanity. Pressure from the people does work – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

      You say “but I’d say having a loving family, that will protect you, and do it’s best to keep you happy…”. Fact – too many are not adopted to loving homes and the ordeal of capture and then “life in prison” without their families and social structure – where it becomes physically obvious that they are just depressed shells standing around waiting 5, 10, 20 years just to die. We all hope they will one day be put back on their home ranges. Especially since there was no real reason to have these 40,000 in holding in the first place other than to put more cattle on the range.

      Then there is the wild fire control benefits that horses provide, their ability to break through frozen water sources in winter so that other wild life can survive, their beautiful social structure which is a jewel to witness, their potential for tourism – no where on earth are there groups of such multicolored and multi patterned wild animals that roam and run together in their natural habitats, and on and on – so much to reserach – such a fascinating species.


      • Hey Roxy, thank you for coming on board with a more fleshed out reply. I was banging my reply in between bites of my sandwich on the company computer. So glad you decided to continue on and posted your reply also. Teamwork!!


  38. Thank you Morgan and Roxy! Hoping to hear back from Lea when she has had a chance to upgrade her education and learn exactly what the BLM is doing to our native horses. Godspeed!


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