Horse News

Horse-Eaters Continue to Spread Rumors and Lies

Vicki Tobin’s ongoing commentary on correcting the lies of Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis

Dissecting Disinformation

Wallis Statement | Ohio just caved to HSUS. Missouri is the next on the animal rights terrorism hit list. Missouri is still fighting.

(statement taken from the rogue UOH Facbook page)

The Pride of Wyoming - Slaughterhouse Sue

This is yet another attempt by Wallis to stereotype everyone that believes that animals should be treated humanely as animal terrorists. Since when does compassion for animals make you a terrorist? We are not rushing into feedlots and pulling out horses or livestock in the dead of night. We are not burning down auctions, feedlots or trucks. We are not threatening anyone’s lives. We are advocating for the welfare of animals through print and phone calls. Yes, we’ve had several peaceful rallies for the wild horses but that is far from destructive, violent protests. If anything, those that wish to harm animals are the individuals that start name calling and threatening us. One only has to read the comments on articles to see who is out of control and can’t have a civil conversation. One only has to read Sue Wallis’ comments.

And all it takes to set them off is to provide a fact.

BTW-don’t waste your time on viewing the video and giving them hits. It is one of the attacks against HSUS. It starts out with Your Freedom is Under Attack, followed by HSUS is working to abolish Agriculture in America. There are pictures of farmers and ranchers (of course, not factory farms) and how HSUS is deceiving Americans state by state by creating needless, burdensome regulations. And HSUS is doing it to deliberately endanger the future of American Agriculture.

The most egregious part is that the ad is paid for by Missourians for Animal Care!

We are so sorry Sue that you feel laws and regulations that require you to treat animals humanely are burdensome. We are so sorry that stopping cattle from being fork lifted or dragged is getting in your way. It’s just awful that you can’t shove two calves into the veal crates or that someone wants to stop you from letting downed animals suffer for hours. Why on earth waste pain meds when castrating animals? Do you think the constitution gives you the right to shove as many chickens as you want into a small cage? And shame on those Europeans for not wanting to eat drug laden horse meat!

It must be driving you crazy that the majority of Americans support treating animals humanely and passing laws so that the likes of you can be held accountable for their actions. Is that why you are so angry all the time and continue to spew radical propaganda, the very thing you accuse your opponents of doing? Are you hoping someone will believe you?

Or better yet, do you have visions of grandeur that your little animal hating organization will become as big as HSUS?

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17 replies »

  1. Oh Vicki, you hit it squarely on the head once again. Wallis’ position is so precarious that she has to combine it with so many lies and hysteria just to whip up her crowd. I’d tell her to look in the mirror but why hurt the poor little mirror.


  2. If there was ever a posterchild extolling the virtues of not eating meat, she’s the “man,” only supersized.


  3. Just so you all know, Humane Watch is a phony organization set up to discredit the Humane Society. It is set up by a man who makes his living creating websites and facebook groups to discredit whatever his corporate sponsors tell him too. They post stuff just like Sue Wallis talks about–against agriculture/farmers etc. Do not fall for them.


  4. Yes, Humane Watch is part of the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF). CCF is a front for the meat industry and is the org that gave HSUS an ultimatium of either donating 50% of their donations or they would continue to hound them. Feelings aside on HSUS, how HSUS spends their donations is between the donors and HSUS. No other organization has the right to tell another organization how to spend their funds. If a donor doesn’t like how their donations are being spent, they can stop donating. Nobody is forcing them and for CCF to dictate to HSUS how to spend funds is just ridiculous.

    This is coming from an organization that donated 96% of their tax deductible donations to Berman’s for profit PR firm to use against animal welfare. Why don’t they donate 50% of their donations to a rescue? They have raked in millions. HSUS has a link to a copy of CCFs tax filings on their site.


    • Rick Berman sets up phony websites that look legit for many corporate interests. They are meant to look official and confuse the public. His campaign against the HSUS is only one. I believe he even has one promoting transfats too. He’ll do anything. He has no scruples.


  5. I would NEVER want Sue Wallis to be “justified” in her accusations, or opinions, but, since her brain has obviously been destroyed, probably by consuming toxic horsemeat, maybe, we SHOULD rush in to all the feedlots & auctions to save the horses!! She is so incredibly stupid, how can anyone, including other horse & animal haters, even believe her & her outright lies, much less listen to her!!?? I also agree with the idea that a charity has the right to use & spend donations to their cause, as THEY see fit to do. That is a personal thing between the donors & their respective charity, &, no one else’s business.


  6. All I can is this…I guess I’m guilty of being an animal terrorist because last summer I dared to talk to a young moose. I kept telling her how pretty she was. When some guy on a motorcycle started revving his engine–I called to her that it was okay. That it wouldn’t hurt her. I know she was listening cause her ears kept flickering over at me.

    I’m hoping to go to Yellowstone this summer and I’ve been told where you can find more animals. I chose to go to this area vs Old Faithful. If this makes me an animal terrorist because I choose to spend my time with wild animals (and domestic)vs people–so be it.

    Animals are honest. They don’t lie. They don’t stab you in the back. And they forgive.

    I much prefer to spend my time watching animals than dealing with icky people.


  7. Hello, CJ. Imagine! A personal friend of Slaughterhouse Sure dropping by to post with us horse-hugging extremists! Aren’t you afraid of contamination, CJ?

    No, you will NEVER become so contaminated that you would be stricken with a humanitarian episode. I think you’ve been eating too many horses as well.

    Bye now.


  8. You knowledge of drugs, vaccines, and wormers is pretty shallow……not all horses have drugs in them……………Get in the real world. Have fun fighting your stupid cause. ALL ANIMALS have WELFARE, WELL BEING and to be fed and cared for properly…………they do not have RIGHTS.THEY ARE NOT HUMANS!


    • Mr/Ms/Caveperson CJ Stumpwood:

      Hmmm,,,nope! You can’t read a equine med package, tube or much more insert. Or is it that you don’t use them in the advancing 21st century? Lucky animals you own there chief!

      Hey, rocket scientist…if all animals have welfare, where do they sign up for it?…much more get it from the likes of you? Why are there pounds, rescues and courts of law spanking humans for not doing right by their “animals” (or kids or debts or..) for that matter?

      Or do you not read newspapers, books and capable of intelligent decision? I own animals, land, read and deal with whack ’em terriorists everyday. I know you have electricity or are you at the county library accessing the internet?

      Join civilization or are you too busy playing with explosives and guns in your hideaway?


    • CJ…how is the auctioning business, must be pretty slow these days as you slime your way around here using capitol letters to scream at people. Your ass is showing.

      Your welcome is worn out, for the sake of the good people who are related to you we have allowed you to have a voice, here, but it is now over. We have serious business to conduct and lives to be saved, we do NOT have time for the emotionally and intellectually impaired. Plus, insults grant you a one way ticket out of here.

      Hope you enjoy your life of drinking cheap beer while watching the bug zapper with your buddies….er, buddy?

      Get a life.



  9. CJ we use facts and have well researched documents. You must have had time on your hands today and decided to drop by and attempt to insult and spew hysteria. You are hysterically funny. Thanks for the good laugh.


  10. CJ, The Horse publication did a survey and 96% of owners had given their horses meds that are prohibited in food animals. A recent study in CA showed 99% of the horses had been given bute. A published scientific study reflected the tracked TBs reflected 100% had been given bute and sent to slaughter.

    I would find it strange that anyone would own a horse and not have wormed them. You would be hard pressed to find a horse in the US that hadn’t received bute. Do you think it is wise for investors to build a multimillion dollar plant and a multimillion dollar waste water treatment system that all been proven to NOT work for horses so they could slaughter a small number of horses that might qualify for slaughter? Although you say I haven’t made it out of the third grade, I think a first grader could figure out that the plant would be in a huge deficit from the moment they opened their doors.

    What tracking system are you proposing for horses NAIS or a Passport system similar to the EU? Without one, there is no way to remove horses that have received prohibited substances. If you can’t prove they’re drug free, you can’t slaughter them. Who is going to pay for a tracking system? Do you think horse owners are going to want a tracking system shoved down their throats so the irresponsible breeders that keep producing excess horses can cull their excess? You are aware that you are talking about only 2% of the horse population and that slaughter accounts for only 3 cents of every $100 dollars earned in the horse industry, aren’t you?

    Are you proposing that all horse owners fall into your way of thinking so that the owners of 2% of the horse population can continue their irresponsible behavior?


  11. Jeanine…beg to differ. If S was ill with a disease like that, she’d be under supervision better than illegal immigrants.

    I wish she did suffer from some medically attributable disease…..then she’d have an excuse for being so whacky and out of touch. She suffers from me first, I know best disease with a bit of a greenback payout (greed) malady.

    Good job Vicki…seems you caught some attention from the dark side. Thank you CJ. I needed the keyboard vent. Next time, why don’t you try to provide some content rather than so much baby spewtum.


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