Horse News

“Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Puts Wild Horses on the Menu

“In My Humble and POed Opinion” – R.T. Fitch ~  Author of  “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

During the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Workshop, held in Denver, CO this past week, there was a small pin point of light that broke out of the dark void and began to take shape and form.  In the Universe of the Wild Horse it appeared that an overtone of cooperation and understanding was beginning to develop between the BLM and Wild Horse Advocates.  It is hoped that the small star of cooperation will burst into a Super Nova of honesty, factuality and forward thinking.  Such a burst of brilliance would be a welcomed thing in the current cold, dark universe of Wild Horse Advocacy.

But as that warm twinkling light of hope was struggling to expand and grow there came a deafening, slimy sucking sound emanating from a huge black hole larger than most solar systems.  Something so mindless and empty that it sucks up not only physical matter but hopes, dreams and the very spirit of life itself; forever lost down into it’s dank, mindless abyss.  That horrible destructive force was none other than the Evil Princess of the Horse Eaters herself, renegade Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis.

As the equine advocates and the BLM struggled to understand each other’s viewpoints the whining drone from the bloody misfit could be heard speaking out of turn.  The facilitators and BLM committee members were patient and tolerant but you couldn’t help but see them whispering amongst themselves and taking notes as “Slaughterhouse” and her only associate Dave  “WhatsHisName”  (did I hear someone say “DOINK“?) continually were shut down and told to sit down and wait until their appropriate turns.  Either their personal hygiene was lacking with massive ear wax build-ups or they are truly so thick skulled that they just don’t get it.  They were the scourge of the gathering by demonstrating that between the two of them they didn’t have the courtesy or the common decency of a gnat.

In a room full of pro-horse people and government officials, struggling to be on the same page, how could anyone with half a brain be so insensitive as to talk about slaughtering our native wild horses for human consumption and propagate lies and untruths in a feeble attempt to substantiate such a sick and distorted stance?  It’s bad enough that the Representative of Repulsion shows her ample backside each time she issues a press release or makes a public statement but this time she documented her distorted and wretched views on video and tape.  There is no doubt that the Baroness of Blood just ain’t wrapped very tight.

“Slaughterhouse” and “WhatsHisName” have proven to be an embarrassment to the horse industry and to their local communities.  At this time the good folks of Wyoming are trying to distance themselves from Slaughterhouse as fast as they can as her political motives are in question and are surely driven by subversive greed and collusion.  The slaughter prevention advocates have always know this to be true but now the pro-wild horse folks have been given personal notice that wild horses are in Slaughterhouse’s sights and on her menu for Wyoming school children.  The perversion knows no bounds.

With any luck the disgusting sucking sound of Slaughterhouse Sue’s insatiable gut will be replaced with the click, click of the ballot box in Wyoming as there are no less than two potential candidates that want her seat, politically not that other thing.

The good people of Wyoming are ready for her to crawl back under that rock in Recluse,  decent horse owners around the globe are anxious to see the infamous horse eater disappear and above all; the spirit of freedom and grace that inhabits the souls of all horses, either wild or domestic, deserves a little peace and rest from the constant assault of one of the most despicable human beings that walks on the face of this earth.

Sue Wallis, go away……

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59 replies »

  1. Thank you R.T. You gave my morning a little grin time.
    I sincerely hope that the meeting did stir a little speck of light. It is so heartening to think about.


  2. Wet blanket here…DOI/BLM is pretending to play nice to buy time. They have no intention of changing until there are no wild equines left to round up. I really hate to say that, but it is the truth.

    Sue is the gift that keeps on giving…too bad she isn’t the one we need to change because she hasn’t succeeded at her slaughter dream to this point. Legislation? Yes. A real funded, break ground start to finish? Nope.

    Should we continue to encage? ABSOLUTELY, but I am not delusional.

    BTW…seems the PR firm might have had some influence as to whom to put in charge of MMS (off-shore counterpart of the on land BLM in DOI). Yes, Abbey was temporary but if any intelligent person keeps digging at the troubles of DOI, they would realize that Abbey is probably one of the last humans you want to put in charge of an underfire, controversial subagency of DOI. And it is not lost on me that this was done during the meetings in Denver.

    I look at the “changes” in Denver meetings and the announcement of a new MMS head as good news, bad news.


    • Look up Michasel Bromwich on Wikipedia, the new guy in charge of MMS. Then find the new guy in charge of the banking mess.

      These guys are HOUSE CLEANERS. I think there are a lot of twitching seats these days all over DOI and Wall Street. Both of these guys are highly successful, no holds barred bull dozer litigaters and moralists – anit corruption and their reputations depend on them continueing that stream. There is no other reason to bring them in other than what their specialties and reputations indicate – theymight give a nano second to self help, but “reorganization” is their primary game.

      I think there is hope – I can’t allow myself to think otherwise no matter how bleak.

      My Dad always told me that the only things that are unchangeable are taxes, death and that things are going to change.


  3. Thanks, R.T. Wy state Rep. Sue Wallis’ cruel vendetta against horses is disturbing. In a recent state law she pushed thru, she wanted slaughter to be a primary option for horses in the custody of the state livestock board; she didn’t even consider rescue or adoption. Only slaughter. Fortunately, as you point out, Wyoming residents including the pres of the livestock board are distancing themselves from her radical, unAmerican and inhumane attitude towards horses.

    Sue Wallis had another plan in that law of slaughtering horses and then feeding the poor and prisoners horsemeat and selling the rest. Even if commercial horse slaughter was legal in the US, which it is not, the FDA hopefully would not allow anyone to be fed horsemeat from American horses which are not tracked and notoriously full of drugs that are carcinogenic and cause aplastic anemia. Why would she want to give the poor and prisoners or anyone else cancer or aplastic anemia by feeding them horsemeat? A recent study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, Association of Phenylbutazone Usage With Horses Bought for Slaughter: A Public Health Risk, by Drs. Ann Marini and Nicholas Dodman, confirms the serious risk.

    But then this is the same state rep who tried to push thru a bill this year to suspend food safety laws in some situations. The legislature did not see it as promoting anything except illness and disease and rejected it.

    So now her plan is to feed wild horses to school children. What would she tell the children: We are serving for lunch America’s icon, animals that just days ago lived in bands or families and roamed free, treasured symbols of our American western heritage and our freedom?

    Come on, Wyoming, surely you have had enough. Regardless of whether Wallis is a paid shil for the slaughter industry, using her political seat to promote their interests, or simply hates horses, it’s time to replace her as state rep. Hasn’t she used her public position long enough in pursuit of her own personal agenda and interests?


  4. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to vomit or punch her in her fat face every time she opened her mouth. I don’t know if she wasn’t hugged enough as a child or what, but that woman is truly demented. Hopefully it’s not contagious. She brushed against my elbow once and I felt like I needed a decontamination shower.

    For anyone who missed the livefeed, here’s her comments on day 2. Anyone who thinks the BLM is doing a good job need only listen to her remarks.

    I love how she demands a new handout at the mere thought of all the welfare ranchers losing a few livestock units. And don’t get me started on her “package”. I was told by a wonderful woman named Monica that Slaughterhouse Sue has never even seen a horse slaughtered. My grandparents are nearing the end of their life and having some trouble getting around. I wonder if ole’ Sue would recomment I ship them off on a meat truck like she does to her own horses?


  5. Between SS and her “friend”, I doubt they have two brain cells to rub together. Maybe SS will fall in huge hole somewhere on her ranch and be lost forever.


  6. RT, you have a marvelous way of combining fact with humor. Thank you for keeping us all afloat during this very tempestuous time.

    Someone ought to put a saddle on Slaughterhouse Sue (if they could find one big enough) and ride her out of town. Feel free to wear spurs 😉


  7. I have to agree with Denise here, I think the BLM is pretending to agree with equine advocates so they can feel some relief and progress and therefore soften the anger of the advocates. Sue Wallis and whats his name were probably strategically placed in the room so that the focus could be taken off the BLM and make it seem like the BLM and equine advocates have a common enemy, furthering the pretend bond between BLM and the advocates. The advocates want a peaceful solution, we are not violent people but it is impossible to be diplomatic with ignorant, cruel and selfserving people. They are thinking, the natives are getting restless, and the tonic they are serving feeds equine advocates craving for a peaceful solution. In the meantime, as Denise pointed out, they are still rounding up horses and they will until there are no horses left. Do not be fooled, they are crafty and manipulative and not to be trusted.


    • Agree whole heartedly. This bunch is used to bobbing and weaving; it is the nature of a sociopathic enterprise to “read” the opposition and make subtle or gross changes in their behavior to evade consequence.

      “By their fruits you shall know them,” my Irish mother used to say.

      Check it:

      Is BLM rounding up the last of the herds? Yes.
      Are there horses left behind, do the numbers jive? No.
      Has BLM instituted real protections from slaughter? No, are you kidding? They’ve been busted for slaughtering and pocketing the proceeds.

      Are the Fallon horses still suffering and dying unnecessarily, without accepted standard of care? Without public access, given the history and animal cruelty complaints being investigated by the DA, the answer to that is a chilling, how can they not.

      IN OUR LIFETIME, we want to see America’s wild horses free from harassment, and healthy, genetically diverse wild herds living respectfully and freely on lands given to them by the American people.


      • exactly! The BLM are doing their same dance. No intention of stopping their train at all, they may not be able to stop. so many deals over the years with so many of their buddies.
        Obama has to stop it by tossing out the deadbeats and changing the rules to help save the last few wild horses (and their land!) before its to late. Let the Gulf mess be his wake-up call!!


  8. all hail to the weaver of words–great article. Even tho the picture was very small and I missed the name when I watched on Monday I could tell from the flies circling her it could only be Sue and that thing Dave


  9. And Sue Walis wants not to just relace (deregulate) food inspections, she wants to abolish it!

    This from Care2 petitionsite:

    “Each year, an estimated one in four Americans will get sick from tainted food and about 5,000 will die, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The U.S. House of Representatives passed strong, bipartisan food-safety reform legislation in July 2009. But the U.S. Senate still hasn’t acted. As we head into summer, one of the most dangerous times of the year for foodborne illness, experts are concerned that we’re not protected.”

    Kind of gives us an inkling of Sue carelss attitude about the chemicals in horse meat that she wants to market to children and the infirmed.

    I applaud all at the Denver meeting for your restraint, as Sue is still alive!


  10. Hopefully SS (wow, just noticing the initials of Slaughterhouse Sue) will be out of a job.

    I propose we dig deep and buy her a concilatory one way ticket to Begium or China where she is sure to find a good paying job to her liking. Or will she be to their liking, or would they send her back in a row boat?


  11. Wendy Malik mentioned horses today on The View. I know she meant wild horses, but not one else will. Many thinks to her though – fans will look her up and find out her support of the Wild Horses.

    Lets to to The View blog (if there is one) and thank her and insert “Wild” Horses in our comments and insert links to TCF, PBS Cloud, and here.


  12. In his speech last evening, President Obama said – among other things: And when Ken Salazar became my secretary of the Interior, one of his very first acts was to clean up the worst of the corruption at this agency. But it’s now clear that the problem there ran much deeper and the pace of reform was just too slow.

    And so Secretary Salazar and I are bringing in new leadership at the agency: Michael Bromwich, who was a tough federal prosecutor and inspector general. And his charge over the next few months is to build an organization that acts as the oil industry’s watchdog, not its partner.

    I don’t of course know how much Salazoo actually had to do with UNappointing his buddy, Donny, to head up the MMS, but no matter what, Donny is not gonna do it. I would love to know exactly why the change and why there seems to be so little press about it. We can always hope that he and Obama had a knock-down-drag-out over it.

    I guess that means we get Donny back at the BLM, but he wasn’t really leaving anyway. He was still going to head up the BLM, though how that was supposed to work is anyone’s guess.

    LOVED this post, R.T.!! It’s a classic, even for you!


    • Thanks Suzanne. I missed the speech, am very mad at myself – missed someting else somewhere along the line and don’t konw who Donny is – can you help me out, just his whole name I’ll do the rest.

      Lots on the poltical blog today about Salazar – he is not very populr anywhere. I took opportunity to mention BLM, Abbey, cattle, horses, etc.

      I see little mentions here and there of the engrained lack of ethics throughout DOI – people are beginning to realize the scope and mangnatude of the problem – as big as the oil spill, but over generations – gives hope. I try to interject the AGs testimony of the almost impossibility of the task and the realities.

      What does everybody think about Michael Bromwich? I’ll be researching him.


      • Found this aiticle – excerpt:

        “New York Times says June 15, 2010 WASHINGTON — Michael R. Bromwich, the Washington lawyer President Obama has picked to revamp the troubled Minerals Management Service, has limited experience with the oil and gas industry. But he has built a reputation as a seasoned investigator and independent watchdog who specializes in CLEANING HOUSE.”

        Hope he ventures beyond MMS!

        Also recommend Wikipedia and the specialties of his most recent job with Freid Frank who specializes, among other things, in Corporate Governance which includes corporate culture that includes “…regulators, and the community at large…” and Principal-Agent Problem. The latter dealing with “…the problem of potential moral hazard and conflict of interest…”

        Sounds promising. BLM, getting uncomfortable?


      • Well, Roxy, the reason you don’t know who Donny is is because I meant /b>
        as in Bob Abbey, head of the BLM. Did I mention how wrung out I feel? ;o)

        To get boldface type in front of the type you want to bold and type this to end the bolding.


      • Wow, Roxy, my second response was worse than the first! I really need to stop trying to type until I get some sleep! Anyway, I meant Bobby as in Bob Abbey.

        Okay, how do I get the HTML to show…. to bold, type these in front of what you want to bold to end the bolding.

        I hope this works this time!


  13. Thanks, RT. I’ll vote for anyone that runs against this crazy bimbo. Although there is a very strong former military guy running against her that more than deserves the job!!!


  14. RT, great post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    The photo does not do SS’s boombosity justice. A little Style Network and she might have a constituency. As it stands (or sags) now, she’s just another grifter hooking a free ride on the suffering of others.

    BOTTOM line ( so to speak) SS needs to be voted out, and Salazar needs to resign. The American people deserve better, and we’ve been waiting – way too politely – way too long.


  15. For all of you who are following this thread, we just added a video that was taken during one of the “Slaughterhouse” comments. Check the original article but be sure not to have any liquids in your mouth as this is a “Gag Alert” moment.

    P.S.: This clip was shot from “Slaughterhouse’s” best side!!


  16. Great post, RT. You did a strong job capturing the dark humor of the proceedings yesterday. Of course, none of it is the slightest bit funny, but it’s better to try to find some levity and steel yourself to fight another day than to slip into complete despair. As for Slaughterhouse Sue, I too hope she goes away and don’t care in the slightest how it happens. If there’s such a thing as karma, I can only hope I dodge the bullet with my name on it for all of the hateful things I’ve wished on her, good ol’ Dave D., and the “ag interests” that keep them in business.


  17. Great article RT! I agree with Roxy, a one way ticket to Belgium or China would be the way to go. Let’s hope she gets replaced “real” soon. We all hope you’re doing well RT and really appreciate your artful way of providing the facts with great humor.
    Keep doing what you’re doing and thank you!


  18. good article, hope they move away from her direction and not an inch closer to her ideas at all.
    It is unreal that anyone would have the balls to stand there and offer to parter with BLM to slaughter wild horses. What a freaking evil witch. Shes cares not at all that shes asking for a lifelong never ending battle against advocates. The BLM better stand up and get that word slaughter off the table NOW. What the heck is the matter with them? can’t they see what the American public wants?


  19. I thought that there get-together was s’posed to be an opportunity for the BLM & Advocates to work on a ‘new understanding’ (or some kinda crud like that). To acheive that goal, Our Side had to Behave, to conduct themselves according to the Rules of Ettiquette, to comport themselves in a polite & restrained manner, speak succinctly & articulately, and give it over to the Guy in the White Shirt.

    So I have to wonder, well, a FEW things:

    *Wasn’t ‘slaughter & euthanasia’ supposed to be ‘off the table’? (I have come to understand sue is unable to converse on any other subject; I find this a tad disturbing as, even though I am a fully committed Wild Equine Advocate, I can talk about a buncha other stuff AND dress appropriately for a Public event).
    *Did anyone else think she was a fella when she first lumbered out??
    *Are 30,000 Wild Equines (that’s the number for TODAY, I think) and 34,000(?) Captives REALLY competition for nearly 200,000 Quarter Horses? (please, if you know, clarify the term ‘competition’)
    *What was sue doing there in the first place? As an elected (really??!) representative of her state, I think her attendance & oratory on an issue pertinent to her state were inappropriate, AND I don’t like her not at all AND her presence was icky, can I get a Witness.

    Also, as spies are lurking everywhere, I think it’s important to note: whether sue consumes BBQ’d QH ‘on occasion’ or for three squares a day, someone should bring to her attention – it is helping her figure NOT AT ALL. If yer gonna wax all ‘good ‘n healthy’ about a particular delicacy, the least you could do is LOOK THE PART.

    I am 50 & my figure has gone the way of 75 cents-a-gallon At the Pump; I would not tout a message of ‘Eat Like I Do! It’s Good For You!’ unless I had the teeny waistline and bodacious booty to back it up. Also maybe a little lift on some of the pertinent parts.

    Now, I understand the preceding comments are somewhat immature in tone, maybe a little snarky, judgy, b*tchy & petty.

    Ask me if I care.


    • Lisa, Thank you. I’m laughing a good laugh thanks.

      I too have matured on the ample side, and have actually been taking some remarks about Sue’s body type a little personally, cause I resemble them remarks myself. But you have brought that around – and in a truly apprectiated manner.

      And I, for one, like the momentary immature, etc. sides.


  20. This is absolutely one of the best articles to come along in along time regarding the slaughter of our wild horses or any horses for that matter. thank you RT…..sometimes we need to laugh in the midst of all this BS.

    The commenting is great too. After viewing Ms. (which must stand for “miserable”) Slaughterhouse’s photo……I think she might want to keep a low profile. If this is what eating horse meat does for you… thanks!!! Actually….that might be great idea for a dark ad campaign

    Where’s the horse?
    (Pictue of Slaughterhouse inserted here)

    thanks for the laugh and the report. Hope to see more of this from you. you have a great sense of humor even in such a dark situation.

    Marti Oakley/PPJ Gazette


  21. I haven’t felt such angry frustration in my entire life.

    This monstrous ignorant, self-righteous whack of a fat, unattractive and slimy haired female horse vampire stood one foot from me. I was afraid to catch a disease.

    She is preaching to the choir… a song of the poor poor horses… suffering so terribly out there on the range at the cruel cruel hands of mother nature, a most cruel mistress.. it felt as if I just found myself in some religious fanatic cult looking to convince people to join. The head mistress of promoting cruelty, misery and horror was not the projected theme of mother nature… it was SUE herself, making yet a fool out of herself again. And Dave What’s his name… thinks people do not see the whole round ups, only the end, and therefore we got no clue.

    I remember running around breathless on top of Pryor Mt. with cameras in hand… to follow the horses frozen in fear.. and therefore seeing the WHOLE stretch – boy I am amazed that such driven, cult-like fanatics as these two have not been banned.


    • Exaclty. “The public won’t stand for them dieing naturally on the ragne” WHAT? Where is that blog of public opinion locate exactly? I mean, reallly, where is it? I don’t even see that perspective but occasionally on the PBS Nature blogs. But I’ve probably given her an idea now to run with. Well, I’d like to see that and see her get beat up there like so many alredy have been, because she will – as that is NOT public opinion at all.

      Maybe its on horse hater blogs, but wait, they are horse haters so why would they care? Certainly I can see this hooey probably on her blog, Cattoors blog, or cattle industry blogs. But, wait again, they don’t have any public blogs – scardy cats! Like those talking heads who screen all calls and when they get on Johny Carson get booed.

      Apparently most everyone, except Sue, and a few others, have watched a few nature programs, have taken biology with some nature studies in school, and actually paid attention. They understand nature and wildlife and accept it as a beautiful balance.

      Anyway, now I’m fearing for those llittle wild bunnies again.


    • Ok Monika, now you’ve got me going. I woke up this morning thinking about a religous cult pesona about BLM. Not kidding!

      In my dream I was speaking at the meeting. I was telling them that they praised “maintaining our management program” as if it were gospel. I told them that they were like a convention of southern Baptists praising the word of God. Except the difference being they care about and work to help and save their flock…Their flock. BLM and the board have had a complete disconnect with their cult and their flock. Simple as that. Now I have yet to watch either of this weeks events, so I may been speaking out of turn.


      • We are infiltrating their cult movement of ignorance, cruelty and the almighty dollar with our presence now, and the intelligence of some of our advocates bringing more brains than they anticipated on this topic. That is very powerful and if they will not hold promise of more transparency, we must protest again – from Coast to Coast.


  22. Just a thought–as Lisa pointed out, weren’t slaughter and euthanasia supposed to be “off the table”? Why then would the advisory board even allow anyone to bring if up? Is it possible that it was allowed in order to sidetrack the discussion and get everyone off of their necks. Sort of a decoy?


    • Maybe someone at the workshop could explain further, but it wasn’t that SS was allowed to speak slaughter via agenda…she just kept bringing it up in the comment allowed from the audience portion of the BLM “show”. She was told it wasn’t on the agenda and continued to bring it up during her allowed comment moment that was for discussing other agenda approved issues.



  23. Only 2 states have laws banning horse slaughter. Charlie Crist signed some bull shit law the other day! Horse slaughter is legal in all the other states. We need more Sue Wallis’s in the world……common sense poiticians that have solutions for real problems. I suppose you idiots on this post send money to Wayne Pacelle… there is a thief !!!!!!!!
    As for R T someone needs to take him out behind the barn and whip his stupid ass!!!!!!!


    • You can always tell a person willing to accept building a 10 trillion dollar deficit and calling it conservative politics, Just exactly what is the “real solution” for the “problem”? If slaughter was such a big money maker and problem solver then why was the U.S. down to only 3 plants in the first place and 1/2 of Canada’s are either in bankruptcy, getting ready to file or out of business altogether? The EU is now investigating the Mexican and south American plants as well so just what is your solution, its going to go the same direction as any other outdated industry. what’s your answer? or are you as most conservatives looking to your elected officials to tell you what is the “right” thing to do LOL.Maybe you can take me behind the barn to teach me a lesson, all 6’3″ 315lbs of me that is. or willyou wait for your politician to tell you how to do that as well? LOL


      • So, that only tells me that we had 47 states smart enough to not allow horse slaughter plants.

        Put all the love stuff aside for a moment, horse slaughter plants are horrible polluting smelly messes. Not some place that people want to live by or visit nearby. If enough was put into them to take care of the mess, there would be no profit. I would venture that cattle might even support and put forth that money to keep the farce going.

        The farce is on you Bill Hunter – you have been reeled in hook, line and sinker – SUCKER! Cattle want horses off Public Lands. One way to do that is promote slaughter. Once wild horses are gone, they will drop the rest of you pro horse slaughter bunch like a hot potatoe. Because, HELLO – horse meat competes with cattle meat!

        Jeff Hunter has pegged you right on – you got reeled into that deficit too didn’t you? Ever think about starting to think for yourself Mr. Hunter? I keep repeating this because it is so appropriate – my good Goldwater Republican mother is turning in her grave that other good Republicans got suckered in by a Cheney Bush scam.

        My success recipe – Take fairly equal amounts of left, and right, add a little Libertarian, a taste of all the “little ” groups, with a good sprinkling of dissidents – stir well – if one scoundrel tastes too strong add equal amounts of everything else until it all balances out – bake in a glass bowl in a glass front oven, because nothing good smelling comes from secrecy.


      • Jeff, my aplogies for missing your name – “Hudson” – I hope no one thinks your realted to Hunter now!


  24. I personally would like to suggest that “Bill” be sold at auction. We could chase him down with a helicopter or plane and run him til his boots come off. Then we could put him in a fetid holding pen, later load him onto a transport and haul him several hundreds of miles without food and water and sell him to a “killer buyer”. With any luck, Slaughterhouse Sue could win the bid and have him for supper.

    Marti Oakley


  25. I am disturbed that Wyoming legislators blindly follow the pro-slaughter mindset. I have written our legislators. All are against H.R. 503/S.727. I have written John Conyers, sponsor of H.R. 503/S.727, as well as the cosponsors. Some Wyomingites are uninformed. They are ignorant to the fact that there are other options to slaughter of wild and ‘unwanted’ horses. Wyoming legislators are puppets to animal agribusiness. Because I live here, I must tolerate these commerce driven ranchers, but horses are not cows. HELLO! I have spent a lot of time researching equine slaughter in order to give an ‘unemotional’ argument. Dr. Temple Grandin surveyed the Canadian plants and found huge violations. Presently, it looks like there will be a stay of execution on our horses, but we need to inform the public. Help! What else can I do to stop this foolishness?


  26. I personally feel, Slaiutherhouse Sue Wallis, should have been stopped at the door! However, I discovered a very interesting tid bit, of her Hypocrisy; as I was browsing in an antique store, I came across a horse photography book of David Stoecklein, there on the introduction, was a POEM, about all the Pretty Horses, by SLAUGHTERHOUSE SUE WALLIS herself. I’ll be damned, I thought, this can’t be true?? She writes poems about all the Pretty Horses, before she drives them unto Slaughter. I was so disgusted that I did NOT buy the book. I will be calling on Mr.Stocklein, I wonder if he is aware of the dark background of the “POET”, he have choosen, to introduce his art work on the beautiful horses!


    • I’m going dark on this one – not to sound entirely like a certain 1920’s German and burn them all, but lets find all those books, buy them, tear out the poem, then give them to schools!


  27. The new Atkins diet, Sue Wallis, take two helpings a day and try to find your appetite, don’t take more then two though as you will go terminally wacko! Remember to wash her down with a glass full of Rep. Butcher LOL


  28. Pro slaughter is for horses and not pigs too bad
    because Susan Walis would be the one chased off cliffs and maybe she would loose some of her fat ——
    she could feed an arrmy.


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