Equine Rescue

The Group that Cried Wolf

Exclusive SFTHH Commentary by Vicki Tobin ~ Vice President of the Equine Welfare Alliance

If there is one thing you learn as an equine welfare advocate, it is perseverance. You learn that change never happens overnight. You learn to accept change with little victories. You learn that weeks turn into months and months into years. You learn that for change to occur, you must stay steady on your path. You learn that you cannot do it alone and that you must work with and engage people that may have differing opinions on the road to a mutual goal. You learn which battles to fight and which battles will draw you closer to your goal.

Over the years, I have met remarkable individuals too numerous to name. Before the Pryor round-up, there were the advocates fighting slaughter and the advocates fighting for the protection of wild horses & burros. Two splintered groups with little knowledge of each other’s activities. Until Cloud.

The BLM really stepped in it with the round-up of the Pryor Herds. They had no idea they would awaken a sleeping giant. Not only was Cloud well known amongst the advocates but by people across America and the world that have never been around horses. Cloud did something we have been unable to do for years – unite the splintered groups. Little by little, all of our groups started working together.

Today, we are one voice and one group advocating for the horses & burros. Although there are many well versed, knowledgeable individuals on the respective issues, for the most part, I believe it would be a challenge for anyone to determine which groups the individuals came from. Cloud opened our eyes to the numerous ties and allowed us to see the same roads we are traveling that lead back to the cattle ranchers and special interest groups.

The many years of research and exposing the horse slaughter industry and the government’s plan to exterminate the wild horses have finally come full circle and are up front, in your face.

America’s dirty little secret wasn’t only horse slaughter, it was also the BLM round-ups. While we have had successes on the wild horse and burro issues, 2010 is proving to be a most devastating year for the horse slaughter industry.

We have often said that slaughter isn’t going to end by passing the perpetual pending federal legislation. I view the legislation as the final door that must be closed. We have learned that most legislators care little about the legislation in front of them if it doesn’t come with benefits for them. Slaughter is going to end by chipping away at the wall of lies.

We have learned that if you don’t have deep pockets like the beef industry, AQHA and farm bureaus [the big three], you can lobby until you drop and will get nowhere. We have learned that when the president says he will not allow lobbyists to run the country it is nothing more than a sound bite. The government should remove the dome on the capitol building and replace it with a cow. The farm bureau can insure it.

So what do you do? You work for years and years and keep chipping away at the wall of lies our opponents built. Little by little you expose the truth.

We proved that slaughter is not a necessary evil. It is only necessary to those that don’t want to be held accountable for their horses. We proved with confirmation from Temple Grandin and the USDA, that it is not the old, infirm and useless horses that are sent to slaughter. We proved the drug issue is real. We have proven tenfold the cruelty and abuse inherent with slaughter. We learned that with money, you can change nouns like slaughter or horse to monikers such as processing/harvesting and unwanted horse.

The wall started losing structural soundness when our opponents jumped the gun with their abandoned horse stories. They were ready to go to print the day the two plants in Texas shut down. It didn’t matter that the same number of horses were being slaughtered and the stories didn’t make sense. Jeff McMurray was primed and ready and let loose with the mother of all stories that started the tsunami. It was the story of the horses abandoned at the Kentucky strip mine. John Holland, with a small group, started investigating the articles and proved them all to be false.

Timing is everything but it wasn’t our time, yet. We still weren’t able to reach the masses with the truth because the media was still buying the lies from the big three. Investigation after investigation broke but the media was still printing the disinformation from the big three.

EWA issued their first press release on February 25, 2009. On October 28, we issued a press release with AHDF calling for a moratorium on wild horse and burro round-ups. After 8 months of trying to get the truth out, we finally broke free. Three weeks after the release was issued, John Holland received a call from an AP reporter and the tables started turning. One week later, we teamed up with The Cloud Foundation and the following month, issued the Joint Moratorium letter to the president.

When you are up against the big three, you better have your facts straight. Unlike the big three, we are all under a microscope. As a result, we are forced to research and make certain we have credible, verifiable data and information.

If we had said that closing the slaughter plants brought down the horse industry, we would have been laughed out of the country. The media would have researched the claim and discovered that horse slaughter represents only 3 cents on every $100 in the horse industry. But the big three pulled the wool over the media’s eyes and they bought it. The big three were able to get the media to repeat their ridiculous mantra of processing the unwanted horses to save the horse industry and explain away the numerous investigations as isolated incidents.

Our message has been the same for years – food safety and the abuse and cruelty inherent with horse slaughter. When you have the facts and the truth, you don’t have invent new lies and scare tactics every year. The lies and scare tactics have come back to haunt the slaughter proponents with a vengeance.

Thanks to the hard work of Drs. Marini, Dodman and Blondeau, we have a published scientific paper proving our drug warnings were not the rantings of emotional, tree hugging, radical vegan activists. Research in California of Thoroughbreds and a survey of horse owners in The Horse, have also confirmed this. This explains why our opponents ignore the food safety issue in their propaganda. They have known for years that the medications they give their horses are banned by the FDA and the EU. There is no argument to explain it away.

The investigations of what has been exposed in Canada, Mexico and South America are reminiscent of the FOIAs from the former US plants. The consumers of North American horse meat are outraged. The CHDC and Animals’ Angels investigations from 2010 have them reeling. No longer can they claim the abuse and cruelty are all isolated incidents.

In the face of all the damaging evidence, the AQHA came out bragging about spending $1M lobbying against legislation that would protect the breed they represent from a brutal end of life. The AVMA wrote another article repeating all the lies of the past. Not one figure quoted was accurate and to date, they have not responded to our May 17 letter.

Equine welfare advocates have accomplished more in the first 5 months of this year than in past years combined and we’ve done it without any funding – just the pennies in our pockets. We have proven, with hard evidence and scientific facts that our opponents have been lying and covering up the atrocities.

The unwanted horses must be processed to control the population and save the horse industry!

US horses are not food animals. Slaughter proponents can call them livestock, farm animals, domestic livestock – whatever they want – but they can’t change the fact that they are bred and raised for purposes other than food. Other than their size, they are no different than dogs in the functions they perform in our society. Both race, perform, serve law enforcement and are used for therapy, sport, work, service, pleasure and as companions. We don’t slaughter dogs for foreign markets when their work life has ended so why horses? The horse population is much easier to control than dogs. Horses are purposely bred and with rare exception, have one foal. Dogs have litters.

Since the majority of our opponents are in the Ag industry, many of us have often wondered if their involvement in trying to justify horse slaughter is nothing more than an attempt to take the focus away from the numerous investigations that have exposed what is occurring with food safety and cruelty with our acceptable food sources. They can’t keep their own backyards clean but want to take on a non-food animal that has no regulations.

There is no concern for the welfare of the horses or humans. Just slaughter. Doesn’t it make you wonder why they are fighting so hard for a few hundred dollars per horse? What else haven’t we uncovered?

Patience and perseverance. There is light at the end of the tunnel and this time, it’s not a train!

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29 replies »

  1. hope & pray that Cloud will continue forever to save the horses & burros .
    am really grateful that Cloud does exist & admire all their work .
    after this recent tragedy of increased abuse , a special monument museum needs to be granted , at least .
    prefer horses & animals any day .


  2. Thanks, Vicki. I hope that many will read your article and understand the cause for the horses and burros much better.


  3. Thanks Vicki excellent, excellent article. We sometimes forget to take a moment to see how far we have come because we are always looking ahead. What great people we all are. God bless us everyone.




  5. Anyone find Ms. Tobin’s title a little more than revealing and prophetic when debating the cruelty that is equine slaughter for meat to humans, abuse of our wild equines or otherwise?

    It’s not lost on me. The big three and the majority of anti-horse abuse wolves…..and bison, and coyotes (the 4 legged) and indigenous humans and the water and the ROW and the forests and the air and the grasses and the other native species and the……


  6. Agreed! I’ve been an anti-slaughter advocate for 30 years, and I became a wild horse advocate after Cloud and the can of worms I opened when I decided I needed to learn more. Vicki is right about the great uniting force Cloud and his herd have been.

    I’m AMAZED at the progress we’ve made against slaughter just recently after continuously banging our heads against the wall all these years. Sometimes, I wanted to quit but I just couldn’t. My friends horses had been stolen and slaughtered. That was TOO personal to ever quit on.

    Now, it’s the same for me with the wild ones. I’ve never seen a wild horse, but making friends with those of you who have known the horses for years, and the beautiful pictures were almost like getting to know the horses in person.

    Throw in my insane, lifelong love affair with horses, and I’m in another fight I can’t quit. I just hope and pray that we have the same success with the wild ones as we did with the “unwanted” ones.

    For the horses.


    • I’m just the opposite, and for sure not that even for 30 years, try maybe ½ that in months, about 15 months now. I started with Cloud and then an unexpected retirement, that otherwise I would not have time for this much. I even came into this thinking horse slaughter as a sad, but inevitable and unavoidable end for some, and certainly must be as humane as possible. We are, aren’t we, an evolved bunch? But, like most people I had no clue to the horrors or the nonsensical supply and demand side.

      Though, I guess I can make claim that I did have a wild horse as a child and that permeated my being well after leaving the farm. I have collected Breyers here and there forever.

      But, I’d like millions of people who don’t give a fig about horses today or the Public Lands to find out more. If they only care about their own pockets and the cost of cattle welfare ranching, that is good enough for me. That would certainly bring even more debate as their perspectives will be more diverse and their learning curve just beginning.

      But as R.T. used to have on this web site (can’t find it today) something like “hold on to your saddle the ride will be bumpy “!


  7. Vickie, you forgot, we are also “bunny huggers”.

    That had lain dormant in me for a while until the article about BLM to the rescue, saving the wild horses from droughts, Which in my weird mind equated to the question “when do the bunny roundups start?” And then whole thing about seasons, gee, who knew desserts were arid and that every summer is a drought in high desert country? All that silliness.

    But serioulsy, the only error I made there was about the itty bitty little helcopters with itty bitty little pilots conducting BLM bunny gathers. I had forgotten about remote control. BLM has adequate numbers of itty bitty little brains in full sized people to operate those.


  8. There is something much bigger here that we are all fighting for. Our compassion for the horses have drawn us into this–a cry for help–but there is something else that we all sense.


    • Thanks Louie. I have underlying questions, but I don’t even know what they are, I can’t get my finger on it. Does that make sense? I have posted some conjectures.

      In part I hope at least, that we can come see a snake as a snake, based on facts, all the facts, whether we like them or not, without division clouding the discussion about the snake. All snakes, whether red or blue or green eat rodents (most anyway), so that is good. Some snakes are poisonous, good for them, not for us. This divisiveness is boring and crazy, but it is so prevalent it is impossible to avoid it and it holds us back. I’m creating an UN party (as in undivided) just so I can say what needs to be said about whoever needs talking about, good and bad, and ask questions without fear of accusation of some partisan or religion agenda.

      I participate in a political blog too, mostly this is criticle of them, but we have wondered there too occasionally. Some statements from that blog: “you can have a few opinions about facts, cause opinions are like elbows and other body parts, we all have a few of some, but the facts remain facts, perhaps still uncovered”. “We all have lemons, we choose how sweet or sour”. “Take the ‘pi’ out of onions, cut it up and cry. Remove the first and last letters of truth and you have a rut”. I really don’t know the meaning of the ‘rut’ part.


  9. Louie, second blog I’ve agreed with you on this morning. I do keep getting that feeling that the other shoe is going to drop. I just don’t know what the other shoe is, the one that will tie all this madness together and not in a pretty way. Thats why I go on every site I can be it energy, recreation, development you name it. This darn full time employment really gets in the way though. Altho I’m happy I have a job nowadays.


  10. Excellent article!! I agree 100%; FACTS,UNITY and PERSEVERANCE that will save our wild ones and their domestic cousins, for the generations to come. Ginger Kathrens, is going down in history alongside “Wild Horse Annie”, due to her work, the moving ongoing documentary on the Magnificient Wild Stallion of the Rocky Mountains, CLOUD ! The true power lies, in Cloud capturing milions of children’s heart around the world. Let’s not forget, the Children are the future! Prejudice only exists in the adult world. The beauty is how cycles repeat; the children saved the Wild Horses in 1971, with the outpouring of their letters to congress……I am counting on them again. I do have a program where Children and youth ride my Mustangs in competitions. They create quite a stir with their wins, and they are also advocating for the Wild ones at every show or event ! My plan is to assemble 100-200 children of all ages and organize a massive rally, in front of the White House for the protection of our Last remaninig Wild Herds! Now this might move even the most stone hearted Senator?!


    • Ginger Kathrens and her whole staff are my heros! I would never have know all this insanity without her. Thanks Ginger!

      And thanks for PBS. Thanks Vickie, R.T., John Holland, Steve (opps mental lapse), Laura, Craig, can’t remember them all now – everyone here (Whether you put up with me all the time or not) you are all my heros!

      Group HUG!


  11. I agree with Anne-Marie, & everyone else that’s commented!! I believe that, perhaps, Cloud & Ginger Kathrens have been sent from Heaven, as messengers, to bring awareness to the people of the world, especially the children, of all the abuses & plight of horses, both wild & domestic. Horses are one of God’s most beautiful & amazing creatures, to be sure! It’s sort of like good vs. evil, or, the devil vs. God….maybe that’s why the horse-haters who want the wild ones gone, & others slaughtered, fight so hard to get their way?? Cloud is a kind of “spokeshorse” for his kind, without ever having to say a thing, & Ginger is his caretaker & advocate. They both will surely go down in history, & I pray that Cloud, his family, & all horses will survive this horrible assault on them by mankind!


  12. Wild horses and horses in general are amazing resilient creatures..they were wiped off the face of N. America once and came back, they have survived every attack of mankind and come back..Why they would ever chose to be our friend is beyond me, when it is we who need them not they other way around. Maybe that is why they continue to survive in the meagerest corners of the desert..they were born to outlive the human race and hopefully they will have the last laugh..


    • Ms Sandra Longley, you are Brilliant!

      “they have survived every attack of mankind and come back.”

      Perhaps that is the IT. The ultimate threat to a certain type of Macho? You know, the ones who must have control the land, the wilderness, the cows, the citizenry, the skies, the heavens, the universe. On and on.

      Yeh, maybe the insult of comparing them to cockroaches will come back to bite them in the ass. Ha Ha.

      Besides, saw a science show of what the world would be like without the coach roaches (I’m not saying wild horses are coach roaches). We really do not want to go there!


      • Hey Roxy – I saw a science program about cockroaches too, and I never would have thought of it until your post, but comparing them (you know who), to cockroaches makes perfect sense. A cockroach can live for over 30 days with his head completely cut off, and these guys have been running around for years without theirs!


  13. Perfectly stated Vicki! I don’t think anyone could sum up any better, the anger, frustration and the hope we all share in our battle for the horses And I used to think that the light at the end of the tunnel was what we were reaching for to represent victory and a chance for new life for the horses. But now I believe there is no end to the tunnel, although we’ll celebrate many victories on our way through. I think the light is merely a sort of beacon call sent from the horses as a reminder that they they’ll always need our voices to protect them from the greedy and evil. So I’m prepared to commit to a life-long journey through that tunnel, and there’s nothing I can think of that’s more important or something else that I’d rather do. Their lives are worth fighting for…and I’m so grateful and deeply honored to be able to stand beside you and so many others who have dedicated themselves to this battle because they know it’s the morally right thing to do.
    Thanks, Vicki.


    • Valerie,

      You are so right about this being a life-long committment.

      Evil never sleeps. Good and caring people must be ever vigilent whether it is genocide or equicide.


  14. Roxy, I think the important thing to go after, no matter what the topic , is TRUTH. That cuts to the core of a lot of issues.


    • Louie, you’ve come to the right person. I’ll ask questions until not only I turn blue in the face, but so will you all. I don’t mean to antagonize or be contakerous, but just get answers to questions. Yes truth, in my experience cannot be gained without some pain and uncomfortable conclusions. If we are not about truth and accuracy we are lost.

      Now, I’m all for good ole fashioned mud slinging at BLM or whoever, or matching the rediculous with the rediculous and sarcasm – good humor too. But it has to be based on truth.

      Anyway, thanks to Vicki for writing such a compelling article about our frustrations, angers, and need to always hold each other to the truth – even when it hurts a little.


  15. I think what all here and everywhere are sensing is a BIG SHOWDOWN. Right versus wrong–Good versus evil–however you want to put it. What we are fighting for is RIGHT.


    • I have felt a tipping point coming on for a while too. BLM talks about sustainabiltiy, they themselves are not sustainable at their current “program management philosophies”. Oh, that makes me choke – philosophies indeed!


  16. Thank you to the Quarter Horse News for publishing these important articles. I can only smile at the progress that is being made in ending slaughter premanently.

    Thank you to everyone who dedicates their lives to saving the lives of horses.


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