The Force of the Horse

Something Smells Rotten in Nevada and Goes by the Acronym of BLM

“In My Humble Opinion” by R.T. Fitch ~ author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Is there an odor circling about that just does not smell quite right?

You know what I mean; that ambient, just can’t quite put your finger on it smell of something that has gone very bad with a sickly sort of sweet odor trying to cover it up.  The smell that almost turns you stomach yet it’s masked just enough to keep you from retching.  That’s the feeling I get whenever I read a comment made from anyone affiliated with the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro program.

Perhaps my olfactory sensors are stymied from the years of smelling dump truck loads of bull crap coming from the BLM’s direction; but bull crap doesn’t smell this rotten nor sickly sweet.  Perhaps I am jaded but the new stench slimes its way down from the very top to the bottom; no one is telling the truth.

First we had the career cattleman from Colorado, Ken Salazar, Obama’s hand picked Secretary of the Interior tell us he was going to clear all those pesky wild horses off from their rightful public lands in the west and ship them out east to purchased or leased land where Americans could come and watch them all die off.  You see, when you castrate all the males and sterilize  all the females there’s really little hope of having a bunch of babies running around, that much I learned when I was 11 from Bertha Butts behind the Jungle Gym at Glendale Elementary; maybe Salazar never had such an enlightening conversation.

Next we have an accelerated and aggressive round-up schedule implemented that totally destroys and completely removes many herds with total estimates of ruined equine lives measuring into the thousands (in one herd alone).  Even the few horses in the world famous “Cloud Herd” are not safe and are tortured and harassed simply because the BLM “can”.

Follow that up with the BLM Advisory Board meeting, last December, where program director Don Glenn stood up in front of God and country (also a video camera) and promised that the BLM would be transparent and equine advocates (taxpayers, the one paying his cushy government salary) would be “allowed” to witness all round ups and at the same time he was speaking an undercover round up that was never publicized was taking place.  I mean it was going on while the words were falling out of his mouth and splatting on the floor before him.

Terrorized from the very beginning, the Horses of the Calico BLM Roundup - Photo by Kurt Golgart/Bureau of Land Management

Then the Calico Complex death stampede was planned and a suit was filed to stop it.  The BLM’s genius master plan was to conduct it in the dead of winter, when horses need to conserve their energy, at a time when many mares were pregnant and to make it worse, they were going to use asinine helicopters to terrify and stampede the poor horses across miles of volcanic rock and ice, at least one young horse was run until it’s poor hooves sloughed off.  The Federal Judge who sat on the case denied the suit but made comment to the fact that long term holding of horses by the BLM may very well be illegal and he strongly advised the BLM that moving forward with the winter round up would not be prudent.  The BLM  jumped right on it.  And in so doing over a hundred horses are now dead, dozens and dozens of foals were aborted and there are virtually NO horses in numbers left on the complex, virtually none while almost 2,000 languish in a concentration camp that is under investigation for animal cruelty.

Now Salazar’s henchmen Bob Abbey tries to spray room freshener on the entire smelly mess by saying that the BLM is taking the Wild Horse and Burro program in a new direction by seeking input from the American public.  Have you tried to use their electronic data base input tool for comment?  This ole cowboy has been riding a computer keyboard since the ole Commodore 64 was a hot item and I can’t get the blinking thing to work.  And if “input” means giving another stunted 2 minute speech before a finger tapping, eye rolling, day dreaming bunch of special interest Advisory Board members then no thank you.  I don’t need to travel half way across the country, on my dime, so that total strangers can tune me out; I have friends around these parts that will do that for free.

And isn’t it strange that Abbey’s sugary sweet overture comes just as the BLM announces that the public will now be banned from checking on the 1,800+ horses at the Broken Arrow concentration camp near Fallon, NV.  For crying out loud it has been the advocate visitors who, during their once a week 90 minute visits, have pointed out sick and injured animals that the only vet in attendance has not noticed all week.  Sort of smacks of retribution for the animal cruelty investigation, doesn’t it?

Calico Wild Horses, healthy upon capture - Photo by Laura Leigh

So now we have almost 2,000 horses, young males castrated, many foals dead, many more sick, all imprisoned while their giant natural home remains vacant EXCEPT for the privately owned cattle that are allowed to be there and destroy the public lands.  Anything wrong with this picture?

I’m not against proper (operative word) management using scientific processes with accurate numbers reviewed by qualified personnel.  Appropriate birth control could be a method but we have no way of knowing if that is even required because the BLM cannot add one plus one and come up with two…here’s what I mean:

In January and February the BLM posted numbers as they progressed with thier deadly Calico helicopter stampede, here is a sampling of their POSTED statistics from their own website; you can verify these numbers by clicking (HERE)

* 1/29, the Daily Gather Report (herein after known as the DGR) quoted 1518 Horses gathered & 1435 sent to Fallon. (a difference of 83)

1/30 shows 1534 gathered & 508 sent to Fallon (dif. 1026)

1/31 shows 669 gathered & 527 sent to Fallon. (dif. 142)

2/1 shows 751 gathered, 646 sent to Fallon. (dif. 105)

2/2 shows 878 gathered, 744 sent to Fallon. (dif. 134)

2/3 shows 892 gathered, 861 sent to Fallon (dif. 31)

2/4 shows 922 gathered, 914 sent to Fallon. (dif. 8 )

Now mind you, these are their daily computations, we are not even talking about the numbers that were quoted prior, the numbers they quoted after and the insane numbers that they are using now for alleged horses left alive in the wild.  It is all just way too outrageous.

Do you trust these people?  Want them managing your bank account and stock portfolio?  For a moment do you think that they are qualified to be making life and death decisions for the few remaining national icons that are left in the wild?  I would think not.

For just a week, I would love to have Salazar, Abbey or Glenn work on my staff where they would be actually held accountable for deliverables and I would like to see how long they would last.  Such gross negligence does not exist in the private sector, but in the government incompetence is rewarded by promotion.  It is essential that all government employees be elevated to their peak level of incompetence so that they can begin their sideways drift while awaiting to be cycled into yet another job where no one remembers what horrible performers they were at their last position.  It’s a self-perpetuating shell game and we get to pay for it.  Ain’t it great?

Currently there is a story floating about that there is a plan being put together to release the horses on a private resort in northern Nevada.  No comment on that in this article but although we would like to have the horses released from their restrictive concentration camp it is the general consensus that the horses should be released back onto their own land, the public land that was set aside for their use and not that of private cattle, pipelines, or geological extraction.

With that being said, I would like to levy two fair and straightforward requests to the BLM:

1.)    Keep the Broken Arrow facility’s current visitor schedule in place.  We are not even asking for fair access; just keep the same, stingy, unreasonable 1.5-2 hours a week open so that competent and compassionate eye balls can be laid up these publicly owned horses.

2.)    Assemble a gender balanced herd consisting of 25% of the current captives and release them, immediately, back onto the complex.  There are not 600 horses out there although the BLM will say so to cover for their gross error in managing numbers but independent observers have not seen anything remotely close to that number in the wild.  Hundreds of range destroying private cattle but few horses.  For the time being, at the very least, 25% should be set free.  Of course their bands and families have now all been destroyed but out of that 25% maybe a few viable groups will be able to reassemble and survive.  That is not too much to ask.

Way forward?

I would recommend that you write, and don’t write like me even though you are pissed (for good reason) and ask for the two, simple concessions listed above.  Be angry to your core, it will drive you to sit down and compose your note.  The anger will also flavor your letter with honest passion and caring but don’t let the ugly side bleed over into your text; the result will be the pushing of a delete key prior to your message being heard.  When you are finished you can then go outside and fix a fence, dig a ditch, muck the barn or pressure wash the fence.  Find a constructive way to vent off the legitimate frustration that all of us are feeling over this unwarranted situation.  Turn the anger to good, you’ll be better for it.

Be sure to address your emails to Gene Seidlitz of the Winnemucca district, he would have the final say over the Calico situation. His email is

Laura Leigh, Project Manager of Herd Watch, has an example of her letter on her blog (HERE) and on our blog you can visualize Craig Downer’s letter (HERE)

Be sure to copy the following personnel on your letter to Gene Seidlitz:

Bob Abbey –

Make sure that they ALL know that you want the facility left open and a token release of the horses back to their rightful environment.  If you have the time, please do it today as the clock is ticking for these horses and tomorrow may be the last time anyone ever has a chance to see these horses ever again.

Be the voice, send the message, pass the word that we need this broken agency to stop stealing our wild horses from our public lands.  It’s time to access, compute and approach this situation with a proper process and accurate numbers.  For the sake of all those that the BLM has caused to die, this has to be turned around…and it has to turn around, now!!!

*Statistics and research supplied by Lisa LeBlanc

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108 replies »

  1. Again RT, you get it oh so right, I will write today, i can’t believe all these horses are just going to vanish to us, their rightful guardians.


  2. R.T. , many thanks for this inspiration I’ll post it on the groups I belong to and send it to other advocates also.


  3. RT since the land use decisions these fools make can influence the economy they ARE managing your bank account and stock portfolio!


  4. LOVE this, R.T.– one of your best, and that’s saying a lot! Spreading it all over Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for all you do.


  5. RT, on target as always. I was polite in my email, but boy was it tough!!! I’m off to work on those fences now…


  6. Uh-oh…just got two emails bounced back as undeliverable (trust, but verify with Read Receipt). Seems the post master at BLM says they are not listed in the Domino Directory, whatever that means. The two emails were to Bob Abbey and Ron Wenkler. Anybody else have this happen? It appears the others may have gone through.


  7. You covered everything i have been thinking to a “T”..The only thing I have to the phrase the BLM put out in their statement “slaughter and death will be taken off the table in these negotiations” is meant to mislead the public..they are going to use this to say..this is our show of “good faith”…when in reality..congress took it off the table when they refused to let the BLM use tax payer dollars to conduct that extermination process..I want that point to be clarified and put into context before it becomes part of BLMs folklore..
    While advocates must go to show their “good faith” attempt and put their suggestions before the BLM in a public record..I would rather use my time to protest and boycott this sham.


    • That smell you are referring to..the rare combination of a ‘rat”, a skunk and a dead fish in the trunk…gives a whole new meaning to “junk in the trunk”


      • Come to think of reminds me alot of the technique used by die hard hunters..who douse themselves with female animal urine in order to make themselves more acceptable to the animals they are trying to sneal up on.. to kill..


  8. The BLM has resorted to begging to get individuals to go to this meeting who MAY be more sympathetic to their posistion…and while i believe that all perspectives need to be heard…don’t let yourself be used by the BLM to the detriment of the horses..BLM wants this to be about them..make it about the horses…these people have homes to go back to the horses do not…


      • Hope is a town in arkansaw…I just want this to be an online portal that we can listen to the ‘whole” thing/and or transcripts..given the statement by Abbey in reference to the conflict resolution..that roundups will continue thru-2011–despite this document…hope is a fleeting thing.


  9. Just checked Google on Domino Directory. It is a software of IBM that companies use. You cannot access their information without being a Company. There have been complaints about the ERROR in delivery since 1996.
    They have an Index of who is in the list. If anyone is a “Company” jump to it and add Bob and Ron. LOL


  10. Look at the photo of the Calico horses on this post….it’s all you will ever need to know how almighty wrong the roundups are….

    And how almight right it is to stand for the horses….


    • Senseless when you see those horses crowded shoulder to shoulder against acre upon acre of open land behind them.


  11. Laura’s comment demonstrates that we don’t need a ‘BP’ in the Great Basin to ruin range and kill horses because we already have the BLM. The government is already cozied up and doing the dirty work fine by themselves. Above-ground obviously saves the Ruby Pipeline tons of money and gets the job done faster. Kind of like not worrying about a blowout preventer or cementing a well properly! Oh, does it cause mayhem to indigenous species? We can just “remove” them….Let’s see….Bison….First Americans….Horses…. Who are we leaving out?


  12. So many issues, so little time to address them. One of the things I noticed was the BLM kept referring to a lack of science. What kind of science from what scientists will they accept and consider valid? My answer: none but their own. Congress certain shot down the report, with a long list of citations from recognized biologists and geneticists, that wild horses are native to North America, and, therefore, not “feral”.


  13. Thank you, R.T. for this blog. I urge everyone to share far and wide. I would also urge people to start considering civil disobedience. It worked for Gandhi. It worked for MLK who had people in the South boycott riding busses for over a year before the Jim Crow laws began to crumble. It worked for Cesar Chavez who led boycotts of grapes and led a march from the farm fields of John Steinbeck country all the way to Sacramento and who finally won rights for farm workers. I don’t know what form this would take. Perhaps still showing up at Fallon on Sundays at visiting time would be a good start. Or a Fallon vigil.

    Look at that photo RT posted and let it sink in. There are miles and miles and miles of open space surrounding those pathetic corrals that we are now blocked from visiting. Those lands and hills are now devoid of wild horses. For no good reason except they refuse to consider any other way. If you are against emptying out our west like the gulf is now being emptied of all life, all for corporate profit and share holder return, please get involved.

    And don’t forget to cc: Mr. New Direction, Bob Abbey, on all your emails: You might want to mention it is hard to forge a new direction until you admit how lost you really are.


    • The mental image of Abbey, setting out- dressed as Christopher Columbus to discover the ‘new world” is anything in your files RT to depict this one..perhaps photo shopping abbeys picture?


      • Maybe he should be towing 3 horses named the Nina, the pinta and the Santa Maria…well the story goes only 1 survived the trip..


    • Civil Disobedience is a wonderful tool. I vote YES to that policy one hundred percent. I am concerned that what we have been doing, is getting us where we are….


    • Savewildhorses, your comments have affected me greatly. My father, one of the wisest men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I would discuss the concept of Civil Disobedience at length when I was in college (a millennium ago) He supported the philosophy and actually taught me the way. I don’t have cause to use it much these days but you delivered it front and center again. Wikipedia 🙂 offered a lovely, succinct definition: It argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice.

      Governments overrule their consciences. Agents of injustice. Duty to avoid. Thank you for reminding me of this. Timely advice from you.


      • As I recall from my vietnam war protesting days…it was peace demonstrations and sit ins..followed by beatings and jail time for long as I have someone lined up to feed the stock…I am there…Its one thing to beat up a bunch of unruly kids..its another to commit “elder abuse”..LOL


  14. Right on RT. I just want to know how you do this day after day? And you hit the nail on the head every time. Way to go.

    Now about Gene Seidlietz–wasn’t he the rear end that said

    “We are the Bureau of Land Management. Not the Bureau of Wild Horses. Not the Bureau of Cattle. The Bureau of Land Management”.

    Not to rain on anyone’s parade but honestly do you really think you can change this man’s mind?

    Dean Bolstad when I met him in early Apr was I thought pretty nice. Granted I may not have liked his answers to my questions but I felt he was honest. And for that he got a lot of bonus points from me.


  15. Thank you for this article and the proper addresses! Will for sure email them asap!

    I found this org, that is doing oversite of the gulf and has uncovered other oil rigs leaking. They use arial shots that perhaps can be used to help get overview of the public lands and the blm hidden facilities.

    here’s their website, I think they may be very helpfull with the wild horse issues and the public lands issues.



    SkyTruth uses remote sensing and digital mapping to educate the public and policymakers about the environmental consequences of human activities, and to hold corporations and governments to higher standards of accountability around the globe. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


  17. Great find Laura, I went on and was just looking at the Green River Valley, WY area. I’ve been searching around on the site a bit just to see what they have.


  18. It took me FOREVER to write the letter and as RT suggested, I played nice. The deleted letters sure did feel good though. It occurred to me that I needed to specify NON-castrated males in the part where I was “suggesting” a gender balanced mix. Are there stallions left in the Holding pens from Hell?

    And, as always, thank you RT.


  19. R.T., again, so well presented and with such passion and truth!

    Who do we write to about the “outreach” not working?


  20. Speaking about Nevada, what do we think of the Sharon Angle GOP win?

    Is she a “shoot, babies (wolves that is), shoot” Palin tea bagger or what? She has been running for offices for a very long time, so her positions must be very well known in NV. However, since she has never won anything there no way to know her actual “actions”. Is she a member of any organiztions we should know about? So what do pro wild horse/anti horse slaughter Nevadans have to say about her?


    • she must have a campaign office set up in Nevada..and since nevada is the hotbed of activity..she must have a position on it can’t be the first time she is asked…e-mail or call her campaign office. If she has the support of might as well cross her off the list.


    • Hi, Roxy. When they announced her primary win this AM on CNN, they said she’s a “Teabagger” who will campaign for smaller government, including abolishing the EPA.

      When people talk about smaller government, I always ask them what they’re willing to give up – personally, for their family, for other people, for their community, for the country as a whole. Turns out, when you challenge them on specifics, it’s usually not much.

      I sure would like a flat tax … REAL campaign finance reform, eliminating the “pork barrel”, “no-bid” contracts, and “automatic renewals” … banning corporations from avoiding taxes by moving corporate headquarters to some phone booth in the Camen Islands … AND attaching unrelated legislation/funding/amendments (like Burns did) to ANY bill. Legislation should be voted up or down on its own merits.


      • Good points. Our nation needs to start with abolishing the “person” status of Corporations.

        And some, if not most of their tax breaks must be abolished “becasue they have all the risk” balony shuved down my throat all my life.

        What risk? Taxpayers end up holding the bag on almost every one of the failures of larger corporations. And smaller ones also, to some extent, they can just file bankrupcy and leave their creditors holding that bag, that just gets passed on to the consumer. What a mess. Enough already!


      • Yeh, that burns me too about what that “smaller government” would look like, exaclty, and getting a run around. Sort of like the anti wild horse bunch, when you ask them for proof of anything they never reply, or just return with more babble as if you never asked the question.

        I am tryng to recall a list of corporate “person” benefits, vs no responsibility. One was they don’t have to do jury duty, etc. Wish I could recall, it was very clever.


  21. Tried to contact Sharron Angle about her stance on BLM. Cannot find a phone # and her website is for donations only. Tried her FB site and someone there is complaining about lack of contact info also. If anyone has a # please let me know, I’d like to contact her. Of course everywhere I read it states that this is the fight that Harry Reid wanted. Be careful of what ya wish for Harry.


      • I remember reading a speech she gave months ago – when she was just beginning her run against Reid. I can’t remember her exact words, but I do remember my reaction: “OMG! Maybe it IS possible to have someone worse than Harry!”

        Some great posts here. I will now write my “nice” letter and then get back to working the BLM’s comment “Wizard.” I can do it, but to say it’s clumsy is quite an understatement. Also, once you start if you close the tab, window, whatever or close your browser – POOF! Everything’s gone and you have to start over. Whoever designed THIS monstrosity of a software program is the most diabolical person I’ve ever come in contact with. UGH!

        Love Y’all!


      • She’s not the chicken lady; the one who said to pay your doctor in chickens in lieu of health insurance. (not sure how the doctor then pays his employees. Eggs?) That nutjob lost. She is even worse. She wants to abolish social security, federal income tax, the dept of education, the dept of energy and alcohol. I can’t imagine she’d give a hoot about wild horses if she wants granny to starve and your children to remain illiterate, all while stone cold sober.


      • I started running searches on her and very quickly came to that conclusion. Was there no one that they could have put up to run against Reid that wasn’t a lunatic? Heck Whitman just proved if you can out spend your opponent with $81 million you can buy an election. It looks like we’re gonna be on our own again.


  22. We really need to make a public complaint about the “Wizard”, while at same time showing appreciation for the opportunity. I mean published, newpapers, and on as many blogs as possible. I am thiinking we need a way to ward of BLM attempts to say “we asked” and how they could “spin” that.


    • I tried going to their FB page to see if I could post a comment about the difficulty of commenting but couldn’t figure out how to post to their wall. I even hit “like” with much retching and still couldn’t post. I thought that would be one place to post a comment. I’ll keep checking around.


      • I went in again and ended up posting to a discussion board and then saving the whole page in case the comment goes missing. I’m going to post wherever I can.


  23. Source: The Cloud Foundation Press Release (about the UT meeting concerning the use of helicopters for roundups.)

    Those of you in the area, please attend. Those of you who cannot, and wish to participate, please see contact information below. We gently suggest that you keep your comments brief, stick to the facts, and be constructive, not confrontational, as this will best serve the issue and the horses.

    Contact Information:

    Bureau of Land Management
    Salt Lake City, UT
    District Manager: Glenn Carpenter
    Fax: (801) 977-4300

    Thank you everyone.

    Wild Horse and Burro Team



  24. Been emailing my little heart out. I’m with you Roxy, I am having the hardest time dealing with that comment site. Thankfully I’ve saved my comments because I got all tied up and had to jump out of it a couple of times. I think it was designed by the same people who make the more complex video games cuz I sure feel lost in a maze. I think I read somewhere where you can snail mail your comments also, I’m going to look into that as I just don’t have enough time to deal with this. I just wonder if I do snail mail if the comments will actually be counted as pertaining to this topic.


  25. I’ve got it
    GRUMPY OLD MEN (aka BLM) in a sequel to the film “They shoot horses don’t they?”


  26. We should suggest that it would have been a good idea to hold the helicopter meeting in conjunction with the Wild Horse and Burros Advisory Board meeting rather than holding two meetings at opposite ends of the map.


  27. Since so many advocates are having difficulty getting through on the BLM website, I suggest contacting someone (maybe several someones) at the The U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution. They contracted the study, and they should be informed the BLM system is not working/not user-friendly for the general public.

    I don’t know which people would be best to get in touch with, but here’s the directory:


    • Linda, excellent!

      Lets all bliltz them.

      We can give up some of our other calls and e-mails for one day?

      This is important! BLM will spin this badly on us if we can’t participate.


    • P.S. If you go to the ECR page on the report, you’ll find the following quote from George Bernard Shaw:

      “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

      I’d be hard pressed to find anything more appropriate.


    • After talking to some people this AM, BLM is aware of the problem with the comment site, and is working to fix it.


      • Jan, Thank you! See all, they did listen. We are just so accustomed to their usual bunkum (my new favorite word), so the jury is still out on this until all is said and done, but we need to keep an open mind.

        How do you get through to anyone? You have apparently made some good connections there. Excellent work!.

        I spent the better part of 2 months trying to communicate with BLM and got no where. And, unlike here (hee haa!), I was really respectful to them. Back then I did not know any better, was just asking them questions to gain knowledge, like I have done here – but unlike here, where you all are a wealth of information, sharing and forthright, ready to debate, I got either no reply, a nonsensical canned reply, or “we don’t have that information available”. What I hate worse than anything is the inability to debate! Ever been married to someone like that? EEE Gads! (just a little attempt at humor)


  28. I’ll definitely be send my opinion of their process to ECR–not that I ever expect life to be fair but this just ain’t right. I’ve never seen anything like this. You shouldn’t have to download an instruction manual to participate in a comment opportunity.


  29. I think the BLM are poisoning the horses and giving the mares drugs to make them abort like they do cows in a feed yard. Can we trust the BLM, no after all they are the government in sheep’s clothing.


    • They don’t have to give them any drugs to abort. Run any heavy pregnant mare with helicopters, get her good and dehydrated,runher right in a trailer tight packed with panicing horses, and stressed.!. She will miscarry. no drugs needed!


  30. Are going going to be there Laura? Are there any supporters in Utah who are able to attend the meeting? Might be a question of funds as well as communication.
    Wish there was a way to have planned ahead to raise funds for at least one or two supporter’s trip to Utah. It is really sad that a meeting concerning the safety of helicopters during gathers might take place without any defender of the wild horses.


    • It’s long over, now:

      Comment at the link.  

      Changes looming in wild horse program

      By Amy Joi O’Donoghue Deseret News Published: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 8:56 p.m. MDT


      SALT LAKE CITY — The head of Utah’s wild horse and burro program said Wednesday there is no doubt the repetitive, churning of helicopter blades used in “gathers” are traumatic to the animals. But Gus Warr also stressed using helicopters beats the old-time methods of the past. “Using saddle horses and roping and choking them down — well, this is the best alternative we’ve got given their sheer numbers,” he said. Warr was fielding questions at a hearing held as a part of a federal requirement and also to bolster an initiative announced last year by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. Warr said the initiative is aimed at developing a new comprehensive and long-term strategy for management of the country’s wild horse and burro population. The changes come in large measure due to the findings of a General Accountability Office report in 2008 that 70 percent of the agency’s wild horse and burro budget was spent to care for unadopted wild horses. That allocation — nearly $30 million — left less money to manage the wild horses and burros on the ranges of 10 western states, including Utah. The report stressed that under present budget demands the program if unchanged is unsustainable. The Utah wild horse and burro population numbers 2,700, and local BLM managers oversee the annual gathering of an estimated 400 horses to help control populations. Helicopters have been used as part of the program since the mid 1970s as well as motorized vehicles that carry out such functions as transporting horses to holding facilities, ferrying them to adoption events, and day-to-day tasks at holding pens. Herd areas targeted this year for population reductions include Winter Ridge in Uintah County, Confusion and Conger in Millard and Juab counties, Sulphur in Iron and Millard counties, North Hills in Iron and Washington counties and Chokecherry and Mt. Elinor in Beaver and Iron counties. While much of Utah’s rangeland may be wet because of the storms that have swept through the area in the past six weeks, the summer will bring drought conditions that compromise water and forage for the animals. “Gathers” are planned beginning in August. The BLM uses helicopters to facilitate moving the animals toward an holding pen from which they are then transferred for medical care and examined for adoptability. “Using helicopters and other advanced equipment is crucial in our efficiency and maintaining safety in wild horse management,” said Jared Redington, Salt Lake wild horse and burro facility manager. “We have found the use of helicopters is the most humane method in gathering horses from the open range and remote mountains where they live.” A Department of Interior report, however, acknowledges that over the years, public opposition has grown increasingly against gathers, the use of helicopters, the use of fertility control and overall handling and treatment of the animals. Although criticism in lawsuits have been directed at the BLM in several neighboring states, Warr said that has not been Utah’s experience. “We’ve not seen a lot of it in this state,” he said, pointing out the agency has a good relationship with a number of horse advocacy groups. As part of the anticipated overhaul of the wild horse program, Warr said a number of options are on the table for consideration. Such options include the creation of entirely non-reproducing herds, establishing BLM-operated public preserves, and emphasizing certain “treasured herds” as a way to boost tourism and enhance horse viewing opportunities. Two documents regarding changes to the wild horse program are out for public comment until Aug. 3. They can be found at The proposed changes are due to be presented to Congress by Oct. 1. e-mail:


  31. We need a real address to send real mail to. Sort of don’t trust emails all that much. They sometimes just disappear into cyber space. We need to send them certified letters so that there is proof that they received our responses.


    • In other documents I’ve sent to the BLM (comments on EAs, for example) there’s always been a postal delivery address and an option to hand-deliver. They should AT LEAST provide an address to send comments by regular mail. Otherwise, they’re not making the opportunity to submit available to all “stakeholders”. Some folks may not own or have access to computers, have trouble navigating their complicated system, or (like Louie) simply chose to send registered mail to get a signed confirmation.

      If they won’t accept registered mail (agencies sometimes cite “inadequate staffing”), I would think they’d be in violation of some part of the USPS Code. But then “them that rules makes the rules!”


    • Even though the rules say they are not supposed to delete any emails. I bet they delete thousands of emails they don’t like to read. Always ‘copy’ several people (their doi boss is a good one to copy) -so they have to follow the rules and can’t delete.


    • Complain to these, so they can fix the “Wizard” and provide a paper method –

      For the U.S. institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, Udall Foundation:

      U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution
      130 S. Scott Ave.
      Tucson, AZ 85701
      (520) 901-8501

      The entire directory is here:

      Kerns & West has several addresses around the country, at this site:

      Louie, let me know if you want these addresses printed here and I’ll do so.


  32. I wouldn’t spend one more minute of time registering complaints with BLM. I’d send them to the President and my elected representatives with a “cc” to Salazar/Secretary of Interior specifically complaining about:

    (1) Poor science and management
    (2) Improper execution of the 1971 Act (which (BTW) is very similar to the NEPA and waiver garbage that is the BP blowout)
    (3) Lack of transparency, science, dissent criticism of the current program being considered.
    (4) Extraction of all minerals and expediting of all of the wildlife that get in the way

    There is a glimmer of hope…Good Morning America had a kiron/crawl that said “Salazar in Hot Seat”. This was in conjunction with the Prez meeting with survivors of the rig dead.

    Anyone notice the very, very low profile of the meatman cometh and suck it up no matter the cost troll (aka Salazar). He’s got some very powerful people behind him…

    I think the Prez is afraid and/or beholden of those “powerful people”.

    But who am I. I guess I’m just another responsible equine, canine, feline, resource advocate that is more than dismayed at the lack of leadership of Obama. I blame the Prez, but think he gets a ton of help for the terminator/gate-keeper called Rahm Emmanuel.


    • Hi Denise, I feel your dismay! Sometimes I wake up and wish I were one of those that don’t give a hoot, this becomes so overwhelimg at times.

      But if you think things can’t get any worse, just waite for the BLM spin if we don’t participate in the Out Reach program!

      And, do we think they don’t have their own public advocay individuals or groups that will participate?

      We have to suck it up, take extra vitamins and caffiene, or whatever you did during final exams, because not only do we have to contend with and give our all to the Out Reach “Wizard” but we have to keep up as much of our other advocay as we can. Its is a push, but we have done it befor!


    • Thank you. I have not read it yet – just a quick glance through. Her presence in Denver will get a spotlight on the whole mess there. Bet there won’t be any uniformed armed guards or sleeping board members! But mayse some newbies will be drawn in and go on line to see previous board meetings.

      I am wondering why Kundrna and not Pickens for the western preserve????????


      • go figure..Kundnra gave all kinds of interviews leading up to the calico roundup..berating the wild horses destruction to soldiers meadows..the destuction of water holes ect..come to find out he is a real estate developer from calif..but he put on a big ole cowboy hat for the interview to talk cows and horses..honest to god -robert redford aught to make a movie out of this…a sequel to “The Misfits”


      • There is a WHOLE lot of merit in what Sandra is saying, here. I posted the video as it is with no comment but stay tuned for an upcoming article on this very topic.


      • Sandra, anyone with this info – We need to get links to Kundnras pre-Calico roundup statements on this blog please. Any links anyone has about his Real Estate dealings too. Just so we are well informed to either support him or not.

        I’m thinking so far his proposal sounds good.


      • I did some background work on him and the ranch at that time..The ranch was online listed for sale..He gave one interview to a local paper saying he had thousands of cattle and acres and wasn’t putting cows on the soldier allotment, but included in those” thousands of acres were the allotments and the soldiermeadows part of the calico HMA..He is a member of the Nortorious “Friends of Black Rock” (Gerlac) whpo want to see all the horses removed..and yet sponser the “burning man” celebration in that same area..and if you don’t know anything about the burning man it..Soldier ranch is run as a bed and breakfast, the owner has no love for the horses, but he is a business man..if he can get dollars from the BLM he will be all for it..we just don’t want another 3 strikes ranch debacle..which any of these preserves could turn into..return to freedom running it..sounds like a sound plan..but when i first heard of was supposed to be a place for the horses to go before being “returned to the calicos..I don’t hear that anymore..


  33. What got me was Senator Mary Laundieu saying Salazar shouldn’t be fired and what a good guy he is. BS! He has said wild horses don’t belong on public lands and is trying his best to make sure they aren’t. I wish he and his whole bunch were fired !


  34. Sandra and Laura, This is a good topic. I would like some input from Craig Downer if he is reading.

    According to BLM only 20% of pregnancies in the wild turn into live births. Is that true or close, or what is it?

    If that is true, are we we really losing an extreme number of foals to spontaneous abortions from the Calico range?

    Now, I am not arguing that the helicopter chase is a good thing in any way shape or form, winter, summer, anytime, just wanting to compare apples to apples. And they certainly are better off in their wild habitat no matter the number of spontaneous abortions there. Comparing apples to oranges though does us no good and may actually harm any valid positions. We have enough real provable evidence of stuff and enough other benefit of the doubt stuff, don’t need false comparisons.


  35. I posted this in groups this morning, an email from Union of Concerned Scientist regarding the lack of scientific integrity in this administration. Here is the link from 3/2009 where ‘Bama called for the govt to “restore scientific integrity in government decision making.” (Like science used to set ALMs and for range management in general) I love this quote from ‘Bama “Agencies make available to the public the scientific or technological findings or conclusions considered or relied upon in policy decisions;” I must have missed that notice from doi/blm.

    Here’s another link from UCS, regarding reforms that are still needed. I scrolled quickly thru their list and note that they mention endangered species and sage grouse. I’ve got to go back and read some more but fierce headache is keeping me from reading too much fine print tonite. From everything I can find to read ‘Bama talks alot about all this reform and none of the agencies listen. Hell I don’t even think he listens to himself. I’ll persue this angle more and see where it leads. Somewhere it might combine with something else to help things along.


    • Morgan, all, I gave Bush benefit of the doubt well into his second term, even though some evidence, REAL EVIDENCE, was coming out. I don’t know how a statement made today, that “Within 120 days, the Director of OSTP must develop a strategy” for somthing can be construed as some failure of Obama. I am not about cutting him any slack whatso ever, and he better pick it up, but if we are not careful we will have people in the White House next time that will shoot wild horses from the helicopters, perhaps that will be their solution to stop gather operations.

      DOI/BLM have entrenched corruption for many years, maybe forever, way befor Obama, back through Clinton and Carter too if your thinking I’m about being partisan, I am not. I’ve changed my registration a few times based on the scoundrels at the time on both sides. Find and read or listen to last weeks Attorney General testimony about DOI corrution and lack of ethics. Cheney/Bush not only did not make science available to us, or what was really going on inside DOI (MMS perfect example) but they actually had scientific documents tampered with, and we have heard that testimony on George Knapps investigation. Who in the Obama Administration is doing that? They appear to me to intend to make improvement, I’m giving them the same chance I gave Bush.


    • Positive change is slow to come and negative change is swift…Why is that?? Because positive change affects those without deep pockets and a lobbiest in washington..Negative changes benifits the few for financial gain..government is an institution that resists change as to who benifits..There is no doubt the President supports science, give it a chance to work its way into institutional thinking.


      • I know Pres. Obama says he uses science and he also says he uses experts to make his decisions.

        I believe him. The scarey thing is the “experts” wispering in his ear are wild horse haters like Salazar!!

        I hope the man is smart enough to understand the “good old boy” gang of oil and cattlemen that have been running the mustang show for over 40 years. Do NOT like This admin. at all and will lie to him so their plans for the public lands continue forever.

        For goodness sake Mr. Pres. please speak to some of these REAL wild horse experts!! salazar the King…has no clothes!!


  36. Roxy, thank you for the info–will get on it as soon as time allows. I received an email from BLM. When I replied, it didn’t go through.


  37. This from IDA–We’ve got some more writing to do

    Oppose The Roundup And Removal of 200 Wild Horses In
    Reveille Herd Management Area
    Comments Due June 25
    It’s business as usual at the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Once again the BLM allows great numbers of cattle to graze in another wild horse area. The Reveille livestock grazing allotment encompasses more than 650,000 acres (that’s 1,015 square miles.) Included in that vast allotment is the 105,500-acre Reveille wild horse Herd Management Area (HMA). The BLM only allows 80 to 138 wild horses in the 165-square-mile Reveille HMA, yet they allow 184 cattle to graze in this wild horse HMA. In addition thousands of cattle graze in the entire adjacent allotment. It’s unbelievable how the BLM rationalizes and continues to allocate more range resources to cattle than wild horses in wild horse areas.

    Please submit the form below to oppose the Tonopah Field Office proposal to capture and remove approximately 200 wild horses from the Reveille HMA located in western Nevada, a few hundred miles from Yosemite, California.

    Tell the BLM that they must reduce or eliminate cattle grazing in designated wild horse areas and stop wasting tax dollars removing wild horses from public lands. It’s time for the BLM to give wild horses and burros their fair share of our public lands.

    Public comments must be submitted by June 25, 2010.

    Please personalize the email message and share this action alert with your friends and family. Every voice raised in opposition helps. Thank you.


    • I ruly appreciate IDA for making it very easy to get comments out. You can sign up on their website to get updates weekly, lots of good information and of course, these handy comment links.


    • I wonder why the parks don’t have more concern over the horses removals. Don;t know about Yosemite, I will be looking that up – But Yellowstone advertises wild horses on their web page – you would think they would be more concened about the goings on at Pryor for example.

      A pretty black eye on them if they aren’t careful. They have probably bought into the BLM/Cattoor scheme.


      • I read an old NYTs news story the parks used to give 30 days for ranches to remove their livestock and then they would shoot all the wild horses to clear the parkland.


      • and that shooting all the wild horses was the park service AND the BLM. Could be some of those old blm employees are still federal employees today.


      • That is awful. Talk about close minded, unable to see a diamond in the rough. Yes, probably BLM/cattle mindless rhetoric – its like a tumor spread out all over the place.

        Maybe its all too close contact with that methane from the cow farts?


  38. There is an eye witness to where wild horses were in the 1800s. His paintings and hang in washhington dc, he painted the half spanish/half indians and he painted the wild horses. and he wrote lots of books!! This is what George Catlin said about the wild horses he saw.

    Catlin writes:

    The tract of country over which we passed, between the False Washita and the Red River facing the direction of the Rocky Mountains is stocked, not only with buffaloes, but with numerous bands of wild horses. In this herd we saw all the colors, nearly, that can be seen in a kennel of English hounds. Some were milk white, some jet black, others were sorrel, and bay, and cream color—many were of an iron grey; and others were pied, containing a variety of colors on the same animal. Their manes were very profuse, and hanging in the wildest confusion over their necks and faces – and their long tails swept the ground.


    • Laura, that is beautiful!

      Wow. That is exactly what my uncle described after his first wild horse round up experience in the late 50s. He was so awestruck! I remember little from that child hood time, but I remember his words like he said them yesterday. He later, during another round up, found a little foul with its dead mother. He brought the little guy to my Grandparents farm to one day be my horse. I remember that night also, as if it were yesterday. I remember thinking at the time he had brought me a big dog – was of course a baby wild horse, really tiny, maybe 3 – 3 1/2 feet tall. My uncle was a tall guy and could easily straddle the little guy – Topper I named him. Wow, again, what memories.

      What other wild mammal, other than feral cats and dog perhaps, travel together in such an array of color and pattern? Every time I see the pictures on the Cloud site of that herd running across the meadow it reminds me of taking many paint colors and just splashing them across a canvas. We need to play that up as it is every bit as strong as the impact of zebras or giraffes, etc., even more so because the horses are within the same herds and species together.

      Think about it, even in fish and birds, the colors are separated by the separate subspecies. Not even butterflies are a comparison to wild horses in this respect, they may fly around together, but they are still “separate” subspecies – but not our wild horses.


  39. “It is essential that all government employees be elevated to their peak level of incompetence so that they can begin their sideways drift while awaiting to be cycled into yet another job where no one remembers what horrible performers they were at their last position. It’s a self-perpetuating shell game and we get to pay for it. Ain’t it great?”

    I don’t like to think of myself as thin skinned, but maybe I am a little. And I hope this is taken in the spirit in which it is intended. But not all government agencies or employees are the same. Now I have been one of the most vocal and accusing about BLM employees owning up to BLMs rep, ethics and actions. And I hold fast to that and do not want anyone to let up one iota on BLM/DOI employees, or anyone that needs it. I have accepted that on in all my various careers myself, but that’s just my Asperger side, most people are not saddled (or granted, depending on your take) with that personality trait.

    But this I can tell you. I worked for a private contracted fire department for over 8 years. I left for 10 years to work for “government” building departments (municipal), then came back when that first city became municipal. In all positions I was in Fire Code plan review and I was stationed in the Building Officials department, you know the place you go for building permits, also part of the Planning departments (all aka “city hall”). Before that I worked for a fire sprinkler contractor, and before that I was in real estate. All of these have had their fair share of accurately portrayed scandals.

    The private sector job paid almost twice as much, I could have worked half as hard (but my bunch are construction and fire code “geeks” – what can I say), had almost 40% more vacation time, had expense accounts that my gov counter parts did not have, had a great retirement plan as an employee owned shareholder that the company matched all our shares that we paid for out of our pay checks (that later went down in flames in an Enron type scheme), but we were much chummier with the people we were supposed to regulate than my gov counter parts, so much so that I had to leave. The ethics were horrible, but they were the handed down ethics through generations of fire department culture, mostly from a particular city back east. Not making excuses for them, but just pointing out how things happen sometimes. Having said that, and putting their particular culture aside, they were and remain to me this day the greatest bunch of individuals, in the world, except for you all of course, that I will ever know. We were supposed to adhere to the Cities ethics standards during this whole time. And the ones that made the transition from private sector to municipal were, to some degree, those that had complained along with me in the first place. Or had silently always adhered to the city morals and ethics standards. The ones that did not were not hired on by the new Fire Chief. Others fell by the way side during that first 6 months, not all for that particular reason, but some.

    Now does all government sit on a pedestal and everyone is above board, well, heck NO. Neither do ALL private sector industries. And as we are seeing some are so entrenched in ethics issues, also passed down within a culture, that the Attorney General is overwhelmed. We see this most often closer to home within police communities – makes for great movies. But you know what, if New York City can clean up its police departments’ act to the degree they did, and that was monumental (and still not perfect) then so could DOI and BLM. But, another “you know what” that BLM should be take note of, unlike a police department, The WH$B program (and welfare ranching too) could be completely dismantled, the whole agency shut down and responsibilities that need to be abolished gone and others transferred to some other group or groups. The Feds are getting some practice at that right now with MMS and if we can get enough pressure on maybe they will just mow through the entire agency!

    One thing for sure that bureaucracies are good at is self preservation – this bunch going through MMS will be looking for fresh meat as soon as MMS is only half taken care of, that is another thing I know for sure, whether public or private sector.

    Saw a quote the other day something like this – “it is hard to get a man to see the benefit of change when his pay check depends on the status quo”.

    Another “booklet” by (thin skinned) me.

    By the way, R.T. another absolutely great op ed by you! Your talent is tremendous. I’m getting so tired though of repeating this “every time” – you need to do a thumbs up section! Or, and just kidding, throw us a bad one once in a while to keep us on our toes.


  40. There will be a public hearing in Nevada–mid to late June– on the use of helicopters. Need to find more info on this.


  41. fyi

    Nearly all horses have gained weight and regained their health. Nursing mares and yearlings are on a high nutrition diet while all other horses in adequate body condition are on a maintenance diet. Approximately 10 of the earliest born 2010 foals are noted with upper respiratory disease. They are being monitored and treated as necessary. (see attached Upper Respiratory Veterinary Report). Eighteen Calico geldings were transported to the Carson City Prison for gentling and training. They will be made available for adoption during the October 9, 2010 adoption event located at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center. Also, 25 Calico horses of adoptable age were transported to Great Falls, Montana, for a weekend adoption event that takes place on June 11-12, 2010. Mares are still foaling, but births are fewer and intermittent. No miscarriages occurred. One gelding (#1011) which underwent cryptorchid surgery several weeks earlier was euthanized due to poor body condition


  42. I am still fairly new to this… and still catching up… I only read a few of the responses here before sending this message to Mr. Seidlitz and the cc’s above — so it’s possible this came to a positive outcome after all? I will go back and read the rest, but I wanted to share my message. I think it’s good for them to hear from people who are just now finding out about their tactics… a fresh, honest reaction to their disgusting behavior.

    Here’s my letter:

    Dear Mr. Seidlitz,

    I have recently become aware of the alarming situation in regards to the remaining Calico Mountain herd. (And let me just say, this gather was a disgusting tragedy that should never be repeated, ever!). I fear this message may be too late as the information I found is already 4 months old. From what I understand, BLM is claiming 600 horses remain in the wild, but a fly over by Craig C. Downer in early May revealed less than 50 remain. At the same time, he counted 400 cattle. Please forgive my naivete’, but why are there cattle grazing on our public lands at all? This seems to be a blatant conflict of interests.

    I am also very concerned about the possibility that our public lands are
    being systematically “sold off” to the highest bidder for corporate profit. It seems to me that there is a no holds barred effort to completely decimate ALL wild horses, cattle will surely follow, and then the big corporate players will move in. What will be left for our children and their children?

    I respectfully suggest that the BLM should make some positive effort toward real transparency and stop this disgusting practice of rounding up wild horses by helicopter without regard to their well-being. And let’s not even mention the criminal record, freely available on the Internet, of at least one of those the BLM chooses to employ to carry out this madness. Again, please forgive my naivete’, but is this really the only contractor available to conduct such a task? It seems to me you could find more appropriate, less controversial means to accomplish this. Better yet, stop all gathering efforts completely until the many legitimate concerns of the public and several members of Congress are addressed. The public is watching and we are
    not happy!

    These “gathers” seem to be happening at breakneck speed, all the while 1,000’s and 1,000’s of horses are being warehoused in extreme conditions without shelter for long periods of time and at great expense to the American taxpayer. I am concerned that not all of these horses are properly accounted for and that many may be surreptitiously sent to slaughter in Canada and Mexico. This is another issue I have recently become aware of, and again, how has this very real concern been addressed by the BLM? It seems to me that this is on the BLM’s “Alternative Management Options” wish list too… to sell these horses “without limitation.” I think we all know what that means. And again, this information is freely available on the Internet.

    I respectfully request that a sincere effort be made to restore the Calico herd to a suitable level if that has not already happened. I would also like to caution all those copied here that while you may have been able to operate with complete and total impunity in the past without regard to law or common sense, without the slightest shred of basic human decency, as I mentioned before … the public is watching and WE ARE NOT HAPPY!!

    Kind regards,
    Lori Ann Siler


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