Horse Slaughter

Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallace Suffers Yet Another Bout of “Foot-in-Mouth” Disease

In my Humble Opinion” by R.T. Fitch – author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Wyoming Rep Suffers from Chronic “Veganphobia”

"Slaughterhouse" Sue and fellow horse-eater Dave Duquette lobbying for support at infamous kill auction - note crowd around table - Photo courtesy of "Slaughterhouse" Sue

Ole “Slaughterhouse” Sue just doesn’t know when to call it quits.  Wyoming State Rep. Sue Wallis, head “Horse-Eater” and cleaver sharpener, was recently interviewed by David Sparks, Ph.D. of about why she felt that her idea of opening a federally unlawful horse slaughter plant has met so much opposition. “DOINK”  In a halting, disjointed reply “Slaughterhouse”, once again, falls off the reality wagon with her pat comment,

“I think what we are seeing here is a quite successful campaign by the major animal rights activists who are working toward enforcing a vegan diet on the whole nation”.

Makes you wonder how much toxic horse meat the Representative has consumed, herself, doesn’t it?  Couple that with her lunatic statement that all these animal rights activists where lining their pockets by objecting to murdering horses and eating them for food.  Kind of shows you that Wallis has never donated a dollar to a non-profit, let alone organize and manage a legit one.  Obviously she hasn’t a clue that when you are an advocate for a humane cause that the money constantly flows OUT of your wallet and not INTO it for crying out loud.  Must be the mushrooms she grows out back.

Several months ago “Slaughterhouse” Sue and her misguided sidekick, Dave Duquette, publicly posted a listing of some of the greatest horsemen and entertainers in the free world and accused them of taking kickbacks from HSUS by opposing horse slaughter.  It was so insane that it was laughable and any grain of credibility that either of them might have had evaporated, permanently.  To this day I am surprised that at least one of those high profile celebrities didn’t sue the stretch pants right off from the slanderous Wyoming Representative.  In fact, maybe we should coach and encourage a few of these fine folks to do so.  We could call it the “Sue Sue” campaign.  Think I will order some bumper stickers straight away and start spreading them around.  How about it Willie, Pat and the others, we might even kick in a few bucks to help finance the ole “Sue Sue” campaign just so we don’t have to listen to her tripe anymore.

Back to the interview, Dr. Sparks goes on to list multiple responses/comments from his last article on “Slaughterhouse” and the tide ran 90% against her preposterous claims and morally objectionable concepts.  You can listen to the interview in it’s entirety by clicking (HERE)

And speaking of “Slaughterhouse” Sue, our good friend and subject matter expert (SME) on deranged elected public officials, Vicki Tobin from the Equine Welfare Alliance has added yet another chapter in her on going series debunking the bogus statements made by “Slaughterhouse” entitled:

“Dissecting Disinformation”

Wallis Statements | To use a horse for food would become a felony crime commensurate with aggravated assault and battery, arson, burglary, illegal drug sales, embezzlement, grand theft, tax evasion, treason, espionage, racketeering, robbery, murder, rape, kidnapping and fraud.

These bills represent an arrogant cultural bigotry that should never be contemplated in polite society, much less received a second’s consideration by any elected official. The United States slaughters and exports beef, pork, and chicken, all of which is killed humanely under regulated inspection, but horse meat-which is consumed by the majority of world cultures including our closest neighbors in Canada, Iceland, Mexico, and South America; which appears on the menus of the finest restaurants in Europe; and which is purveyed in grocery stores right alongside the other meats all over Asia and Polynesia-would be a felony for Americans.

This would represent the first time that the consumption of ANY domestic animal is prohibited in the United States. If it can be legally established that the regulated slaughter of horses is in and of itself inherently cruel and inhumane-then it is also true that the regulated slaughter of cows, pigs, and chickens is also cruel and inhumane. There is nothing that makes horses different than any other livestock animal. Thus the legal precedent would be set to make it a felony to consume the flesh of any animal.

Extracted from The Fundamental Truth of Animal Agriculture by Sue Wallis

The entire diatribe by Wallis goes back to the year 1215 but ends with commentary as if social mores from hundreds of years ago are applicable in today’s society. The last paragraph is another attempt by Wallis to try to confuse reality with emotional scare tactics.

The legislation does not prohibit an owner from “using” the horse for food for their own personal use. An owner can kill their horse and eat it. Why on earth pass a law that doesn’t carry consequences? Just because people ate horse meat hundreds of years ago or have been dumping their horses at slaughter doesn’t mean it is acceptable in today’s society. I challenge you find anyone that dumps their horse to say they are slaughtering the horse to provide food. They are dumping the horse to get rid of it. Period. They don’t care what happens after the horse leaves their hands.

Notice how she changes from livestock to domestic animals? Call them what you want, Sue – livestock, domestic animals, farm animals, etc. The different classification won’t make them food animals.

Wallis also employs scare tactics on the “changing other cultures” theme she continues repeating. What she totally ignores is that we are not trying to change anyone’s culture. Other countries are free to eat what they choose. What she fails to acknowledge that in OUR culture, we don’t eat our horses. That is not a slam on other cultures, but that is our culture and she should respect – not try to change – the culture of her own country. American horses do not belong on foreign menus. The beef, chicken and pig that are exported are also consumed by Americans and acceptable food sources in America. There is no other American animal that slaughtered and the entire product exported. In fact, there isn’t one business in the US that is foreign owned that exports their entire product. That is the fundamental truth, Sue.

Millions of Americans were free to use cell phones, anywhere and anytime but laws are being implemented restricting use. Drugs were not always illegal. People of all ages used to be able drink and smoke legally. Should we change our laws because “other” countries have no restrictions? Other countries prohibit the slaughter of cattle. Is Wallis proposing that we do the same so it is not perceived as an arrogant cultural bigotry?

As society changes, laws and regulations are implemented to reflected current day society. All walks of life are impacted by changing laws in one way or another. There will always be a segment of society that doesn’t want the laws changed because it requires change on their part. It causes them to change a lifestyle or way of doing business that has been commonplace to them for years. In the case of horse slaughter, it has been commonplace for owners of less than 2% of the horse population. It is high time the practice of the owners of 98% of the horse population is recognized. Why should owners of 2% of the population dictate norms? Why should owners of 2% of the population be allowed to put consumers at risk or horse owners at risk of having their horse stolen or bought under false pretenses and sent to slaughter? They suffer irreparable harm and far out-trump the owners of 2% wanting to send their horses to slaughter.

Wallis & her followers are among the small segment of society that doesn’t want change. It is quite evident they want to continue doing business as usual by constantly referring to society from hundreds of years ago. This is 2010. Horses serve many purposes in our country; none of them being a food animal. In our country, we do not slaughter non-food animals. Dog and Cat owners recognize this and are not trying to allow their slaughter for foreign markets. Each step taken toward the ending of horse slaughter is ignored. They’ve had years to prepare and have done nothing. Not one effort to make any adjustments or recognize today’s social mores and culture. When a small segment of today’s society is not willing to step up and take responsibility for their actions, the alternative is to pass legislation that will protect consumers and equines.

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10 replies »

  1. “There is nothing that makes horses different than any other livestock animal.”

    This quote just shows she has never read any of our history or has eaten so much horsemeat that her brain has cease to function.


  2. I’m not a veggie person and never will be. I eat beef, pork, chicken, and fish. I trust the cattle ranchers to raise healthy beef for my table. Maybe I shouldn’t……… I have placed S.S. in the group of stupid and irgnorant and refuse to give her any credit!


  3. Just an opinion, most livestock is NOT slaughtered humanely in this country, watch a video sometime, Sue; I don’t eat horsemeat, I am not a vegan, I still eat beef and pork and poultry, but I know where it comes from, how it’s raised and how it’s killed, that’s my choice,
    when someone makes broad generalities about things, they usually end up looking/sounding really stupid, Sue fits the bill, if she’d kept her mouth shut, her campaign may have gained support, but like most really stupid people, she had to keep on talking, so that those people who were still on the line about her and the validity of her claims, were forced by her blabber to conclude that she is just STUPID and her claims have absolutely NO merit, or base in reality.
    I would love to have a bumper sticker! I am sure she’s another one in shock over the fact that intelligent, questioning people have blown her cover wide open.


    • yes about slaughter animals and sure its best to not eat meat. However dealing with this sue wallis we must have a narrow focus.

      The slaughter of horses will not be accepted in America, period.


  4. If Sue and her cadre are TRULY interested in the welfare of U.S. horses, they should change their focus and dollars to support and expand humane euthanasia programs and rescues. Of course, there’s no profit in that, but there are plenty of tax write-offs.

    Has someone done the math on the number of equids sent to slaughter each year divided by the number processed each day by a typical plant? I don’t think that number would support as many facilities as are being proposed, especially after the first couple of years.

    I suppose commercial breeders who continue and expand their irresponsible practices (in violation of their own high-sounding, but unenforceable “Standards and Practices”) could make up the difference.

    I still think this is an end-around intended to eliminate the wild ones and permit raising horses specifically for slaughter in the U.S.


  5. Hey!
    Any of you guys have that pocket lining she’s talkin’ about? ‘Cause I’m finding activism to be a pretty piss-poor way of makin’ a living.
    I communicate with hundreds of ‘Advocates’ on a weekly basis and I’m just not seein’ the paycheck.

    I respect the efforts of our Vegan kin but they seem to be the only ones sue targets. She seems a little reticent about an actual face-to-face with the Omnivores among us. Her diatribes rarely encompass those who simply don’t WANT American Horses killed for the capricious whims of the irresponsible.

    But she does seem anti-Progressive & anti-American; she continually touts those cultural norms & traditions of OTHER countries, and harkens BACK to the days when Horse was an essential (but NOT preferred) staple of the American diet.

    If you ain’t eatin’ Horse, yer spittin’ on yer country.

    Ah, sue (chuckle). It amuses me no end when you have an epiphany, then give it voice. If the movement toward Horse slaughter is failing, you have only to listen to yourself to know why.


  6. In response to Jan, you are so right to say that MOST livestock is NOT humanely killed/slaughtered!! They are abused & mistreated before & during the “process”. And, no one has said a word about trying to force everyone to be a vegetarian or vegan, that is each person’s choice. I think this poor excuse for a woman, Sue Wallis, must have a taste for, & love of eating horses, & perhaps that’s why she’s trying so hard to have horse slaughter for human consumption, ok’d, brought back, legalized, or whatever she’s trying to do. She should just admit that fact & be honest, however immoral that is. She must also be very afraid of all those “horse/animal loving celebrity advocates”. There IS power in numbers!! Maybe Sue should move, & go live in one of those other countries that eat horses, INSTEAD of imposing HER views, opinions, & beliefs, on us, the MAJORITY of Americans!!


  7. I agree that ole Sue must have eaten too many toxic horses – was it the bute or the ivermectin I wonder – because she’s getting more ridiculous with every bite. You may have something there, Valerie. Maybe she’s HAS become addicted.

    Seriously, I have to wonder what the heck is going on in her mind! This woman must have the worst nightmares in history. And then she describes them to the press.

    There is an interesting piece that I stumbled onto the other day:

    It sounds far-fetched, but I’ve sometimes wondered is SHS wasn’t actually hoping to pull something like this off. Given that Sue herself is pretty “off”…


  8. This woman is only Sat. Night Live material in my book.

    She is really evil and I fear she is sitting in some closet somewhere plodding along with her plans for a rescue-slaughterhouse. So it will be close for the FRank Wallis organic horse ranch to ship their kill-horses to a 501c! slaughterhouse near her ranch.

    In her newsletter she had 3 talking points she wished all to use.

    one of her talking points was that scare tactics you write about. Tell everyone you meet, The Vegans are the ones who want to stop all meat industry and make all the ranches and meat in grocery stores, go out of business and turn all into Vegans.

    Of course we know this is a lie and drivel. This scare tactic WORKS. It scares ranches, it scares meat eaters, it get vegans to stop talking about the issue-This woman is KILLING HORSES!.. its a good tactic, please don’t let her catch you too! and please keep exposing this crazy woman untill she quits her idea of killing horses.


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