Horse News

BLM Clears Way for Utah-Nevada Pipeline

Opinion and Commentary by R.T. Fitch – author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

More Fuel on the Bloody Calico Roundup Fire

Controversy, rumors, lies and innuendo circle around the BLM’s deadly roundup of the native Wild Horses that once lived in the expansive Calico Mountain Complex in North West Nevada.

The BLM insisted that the horses would starve if left alone as they have lived for hundreds of years, they wouldn’t.

The BLM claimed that the native horses were damaging the land, they weren’t but the thousands of privately owned cattle that are allowed to graze there are destroying the ecosystem.

The BLM persisted and used dangerous helicopters to stampede the horses in the dead over winter over rocks and ice saying that it was safe, it was not as many died (and continue to do so).

The BLM still claims that there was no covert motive and it was all for the good of the horses; difficult to convince the 81 dead ones, 40 aborted foals and dozens of sick and dying horses of that.

But day after day, bit by bit, the story leaks out that there is a motive, that there is a reason and that the management of the BLM is so corrupt to the core that they no longer know what side of their mouths they are speaking out of.

Las Vegas’s Channel 8 George Knapp broke a story just several days ago where he has found evidence that the BLM made plans to remove the horses because they were in the way and a nuisance for the proposed “Ruby Pipeline” project.

And it doesn’t stop there; to add even more mystery to reasons behind why areas have been cleared of native horses this press release recently hit the internet:

An environmental study has set the stage for construction of a 399-mile pipeline to move gasoline from Utah refineries to the Las Vegas area.

The Bureau of Land Management says the pipeline from Woods Cross, Utah, to Apex, Nev., is needed to meet market demand for fuel in southern Utah and

Las Vegas, which get most of their fuel trucked in at higher prices.

The BLM issued the 882-page study on Friday. Anyone opposed to the project has 30 days to register a complaint with the agency.

The buried 12-inch pipeline will have a set of lateral extensions, one serving Salt Lake’s airport and the other Cedar City.”

The motives behind the all out attack on our native wild horses in Nevada are becoming more apparent by the second.

Piece by piece the puzzle is coming together and smack dab in the middle of it is the Obama Administration’s silence, cold shoulder and nose thumbed at the very public that voted it into office.  It is clear that the promise of change was a hollow, cruel, political tactic to garner votes with no true commitment to produce any promised deliverables.

Keep your eyes peeled, there is more to this story as the BLM spins it’s web of lies and deceit while the helpless wild horses are trapped as suffering pawns in this game of corruption and collusion.

We no longer care who wins or losses as the players deserve each other; our only hope and desire is that the public’s wild, native horses are left free to roam the public land that is rightfully theirs.  It’s as simple as that.

Stop the roundups, free the horses…the time to do so is NOW!

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58 replies »

  1. R.T. excellent article. Thank you for keeping this on the front burner of our fight.

    How many existing structures in Las Vegas could be fitted with solar panels for the cost of this pipeline? And let’s not allow ourselves to continue to be fooled that the energy companies need this to make money. Hogwash. They are not thinking out of the box. Go ahead and charge people the same, or even more, even own the solar panels and control the energy. Just stop this mess! It is not necessary, at least not to the extent planned. Is there not one left in Washington to even attempt to think these things through?

    And, yes I am very disappointed in Obama on many levels, but he is doing exactly what he promised as far as energy through and from public lands is concerned. This should not be a surprise. Do we want energy independence and clean energy or not? What is the solution? I almost faint to think what the “others” would be doing. The disappointment here for me is that other solutions are not being thought through and that this administration is carrying forward too much of what the Cheney/Bush admin. started. And that the Obama Administration, DOI and BLM tried to keep this a secret – that is a real travesty, that they continue to show their true colors as a deceitful bunch – on that I cannot agree more. The public can be very forgiving of lots of errors in judgment and common human failings, but lying and covering up is not one of them. Have they learned nothing from history?


    • Solar won’t be a major player until energy producers lock up the sun. They have everyone convinced individual “solar rooftops” are inefficent, but just wait until they control and lease the equipment. I bet they’ll change their tune. Allowing “off-the-grid” power is a threat to their monopoly.

      It’s the same with other forms of renwewable energy. Corporations must control them all! Just take your Soma and be happy.


    • The first nuclear plant may be in Green River, Utah. The Green runs into the Colorado River and that is where the pollution will go; downstream… There is time to stop this. mar


  2. Before long we will run out of oil, gas, coal, uranium and most other forms of energy except that which is generated without fire. In-fact energy in in its death throws now as we have reached “PEAK OIL” There is NO magic bullet that will save humanity from the inevitable wars and famine that is about to befall us as we run out of energy. The only possible solution is to look back 100 years to a time before oil. Horses played a pivotal role in mankind’s existence and survival. 100 years ago we had no oil and horses. Less then 100 years from now we will have no oil or horses. We must not allow the future of our country and our children be controlled by those who would eliminate our horses from our land for a few greedy corporations and one man. We must return every single mustang to freedom and hope they bred by the millions and displace all the capitalistic calamities that are destroying our land, air and water. Even global warming is a moot issue as we will run out of fossil fuels before the warming causes too much damage. The future of humanity depends on our wise use of what energy is left and horses once again will be needed to help us. Bet on it.


  3. What’s being done about the wildlife that will be “in the way”? For that matter, all those cattle “in the way”? I don’t think the horses and other wild animals will want to be anywhere near construction sites. Too much noise and confusion. Lord knows the horses have had enough of that. The cows are too dumb to know the difference.

    Once the pipeline is buried, the BLM/El Paso must consider even large animals passing over it must not be a threat. Otherwise, they would have removed every last one of them. Are any mitigations planned for wildlife? Will the BLM block their migration routes? Will cattle be allowed to be near or pass over the pipeline during and after construction?

    Will there be roadways and bridges over the pipeline? How long do you think the people and businesses of Salt Lake City would put up with taking the long way around to Pocatello – through Wyoming! Of course there will be mitigations, and those for people will be much more expensive and time consuming than any provided for animals.

    Lies, lies, and more damnable lies!

    P.S. I still want my trains back – bullet trains, monorails, maglevs – and streetcars, too. Our addiction to the internal combustion engine was cunningly engineered in the early 1900’s, and is being perpetuated today.


  4. My big bet for the Great Basin is still brine Lithium for battery-powered devices and vehicles. It’s just sitting there, leftover from the inland sea. You don’t even have to do much digging to get it. But you do need access to mega acres to make it profitable.


  5. The Ruby is being constructed to benefit 500,000 customers in Oregon; the construction of base camps and the Pipeline itself is purported to be a 3 year project, with the cost in the 10’s of millions.
    And will destroy or severely displace some of THE most pristine environments left in the Northern deserts – areas that may well have never seen human footprints.
    The desert is slow to repair – resources are sparse, so plants and animals are small or slow growing. The lives of Wild Equines, mule deer, pronghorn & Big Horn are blips on the screen when compared to sagebrush. On-the-desert research has shown, even when forage is completely protected from grazers, damage was ‘not significantly changed’ after 50 years.
    My first concern is the Wild Ones and the others they share the desert with. But does it rankle anyone else how cavalier the attitudes of those who see the Wide Open as worthless if it doesn’t have something built on it, buried in it or mined from it?
    Ms. Laura, you ISN’T nuts.
    Perhaps most aggravating, for me, is the idea of an industrial accident up there. Miles away from emergency services, millions of acres of arid plantlife over 7 states, devastated beyond repair for, perhaps, ever.
    But that’s ok. As long as them folks in Oregon get their gas, the government gets it’s contracts and the Pipeline owners get their profits, what’s a gas-fed, 7 state wildfire in the grand scheme of things?


    • I know I’ve posted this before, but not too long ago 12 innocent New Mexicans were killed when a pipeline spanning a small canyon exploded. These were families with children, just picnicing and swimming. The fact that it happened in a confined area with people living nearby was the only thing that prevented a wildfire.

      BTW: a 12″ diameter juniper cedar was a seedling when Coronado first explored the southwest, and, not counting blowing dust, it can take up to 1000 years to create 1″ of desert topsoil. Info courtesy of a botanist at our local college when I was working to stop developers “chaining” trees and leveling building sites to increase their sales potential.


  6. It’s the same fight that we’ve been fighting in the Artic National Wildlife. Looks like Obama is going to open up drilling in this pristine area, an area that will be devastated by any accidental leaks. There is no man made object that does not break down sooner or later esp in areas of severe weather–sooner or later there will be a leak. How soon will they discover it, how much territory and water contaminated–water that is scarce now. They had a leak in Alaska I don’t recall how many gallons leaked before they even discovered it. Altho it has been claimed that Ruby is not responsible for removal of horses is it some weird coincidence that if you follow the trail it cuts right thru some very prime wild horse country? Yes Lisa it rankles me big time to see that if it land doesn’t fuel capitalism its worthless. Once its gone it never comes back, wilderness=priceless


  7. Most everything that is being done in this country is energy-driven. The wars, the pollution, opening up wilderness areas, the destruction of over 500 of the Appalacian mountains for coal, (those mountains are gone forever) the wars, I read of a movie that details the “Peak Oil’ as a bell curve, and the world is now on the downslope. Even with eco cars, oil is used to manufacture the car parts,oil or coal or natural gas is a part of everything we do; and this administration is all about getting America’s energy exploited. So much for new, greener energy sources, every drop of oil will be scraped and drilled and processed from the earth before there is ever a real call for new energy resources. And only as was said before until the energy czars figure out how to corner the market on whatever we will need to bring that energy to the masses.
    Obama has changed nothing, he actually had a WORSE wildlife record than BUSH in his first year in office. What a betrayal to all Americans who believed his message and rejoiced in this dawning of a new way of doing business in AMerica,
    I shudder to think what the world will look like in 30-40 years, but unless there is change, it won’t be pretty. The horses and wildlife and all animals will suffer before our constant need for MORE; the ranchers out there should be working with us, because they will be the next to go.


    • I seem to remember that we have been TRYING to tell the ranchers this same thing for quite a while, but why would they listen to US – we’re NUTS, remember?

      This is one time I won’t enjoy getting to say, “I told you so.”


  8. Morgan & Linda;
    Don’t know why, but I keep hearing the lyrics to ‘Paint With All the Colors of the Wind’ (from Disney’s ‘Pocohontas’) blowin’ around in my tiny li’l noggin’:
    ‘Come roll in all the riches all around you and, for once,
    ‘How high does the Sycamore grow?
    If you cut it down, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW’.
    Stooopid li’l Emo Me. But there it is. Not everything should have ‘worth’ in the monetary sense.


  9. Too many times we measure success by the number and cost of our possessions, when it should be other things that matter,


  10. Just found this on the BLM/DOI website–
    They want to make sure the “public” gets a fair return from royalties from gas, minerals, etc from public lands. Well bless their “little” pea-picking hearts, looking out for all of us. Got to get them critters off the land to make us lots of cash. Guess that is how Obama figures he can get us out of debt?


      “The Administration is committed to ensuring that taxpayers receive a fair return from mineral production on their lands,” said BLM Director Bob Abbey. “This study will provide some common-sense grounds for comparison as we evaluate our royalty rates and our oil and gas fiscal policies in the context of global markets.”
      “The purpose of the study is to inform decisions about federal lease terms, such as a royalty, by consistently comparing the federal oil and gas fiscal systems with those of other countries. The study will explain the methods and appropriate uses of international comparisons, collect data and construct consistent comparisons, and apply that information to current issues about federal lease terms. Comparison of the U.S. government return with that of other countries may reveal the potential for greater revenues to the federal government.
      The study’s final report is expected to be completed nine months after the contract is awarded.”

      By all means let’s wait another 9 months for a study while tens of thousands of acres are used for ‘our benefit’


      • Ten-four that, Mar: the same year the GAO posted their 2008 reports on the BLM, one of the reports found little had been done to actively pursue royalites due the government (and by extension, the Taxpayers).
        I read somewheres in the vasty emptiness that is government reporting (note to Self: try and remember citations, willya??) that royalties from off-shore drilling and such are worth TRILLIONS, money that is supposed to go directly into US coffers.
        So 9 months for more ‘study’ one way or the other shouldn’t be a top priority or nuthin’.
        Too bad studies where the Wild Ones are concerned don’t take 9 months; THOSE seem pretty fast-tracked.


  11. My astonishment goes to all the environmental and wild life groups who have always made a clarion call about every move to alter natural systems in this country. Where are they?? Have they all got money? No. What are they afraid of?
    Working together we have saved much and prevented many destructive actions. Now the silence is deafening. mar


  12. This doesn’t make sense to me? Why would oil/BLM want to clear horses in the Calico’s approximately 100 NE of Reno which would make it approximately 850 miles too far north to Las Vegas for a pipeline? The geography doesn’t stand up… I would think if one were building a pipeline from Utah to Vegas would make a sharp left turn and head south around Ely or Jackpot NV?

    I think something else lies deeper with this one, unless there are plans for this pipeline to head into CA. However due to the Sierra NV mnt range it would be near impossible to get one through there.


    • At first glance I thought that the approval was for the Ruby Pipeline but it is not, that is why I put the info secondary to the Pipeline info. But it does help explain why they cleared so many horses further to the south. This is another, entirely different project and the first that I have heard of it.


    • Has any legal eagle published a synopsis of this 882-page BLM mumbo-jumbo, or do I have to wade through the whole thing? I prefer to comment point-by-point, but in this case it will be nearly impossible.


  13. Yes, Virginia, it really is about as cynical as it can get….

    Which is why WE can choose to be as proactive as we can get. It’s why and joining Herd Watch are important to us.

    Look: Wild horses are the USDI-BLM’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Bush, Cheney, et al dreamed up the nightmare of WMD so they could invade Iraq, wreck it, rebuild it, $pend lot$ of money in the process and help their friend$ make lot$, sending other Americans to die in Iraq and killing Iraqis to do it.

    Today, this very day, Salazar, Abbey, et al dream up the “Wild Horse Problem” with arbitrary AMLs and other spin tools, so they can invade our Interior West, wreck it, rebuild it, $pend lot$ of money in the process and help their friend$ make lot$, while they send American Wild Horses to die in roundups and kill more in captivity to do it.

    But we have a resounding and patriotic tool in this contest to champion the wild horse on its native and historic range: The Truth. That’s where Herd Watch comes in. Even though the items below might already be part of the plan, here is my 2 cents this morning for Herd Watch:

    1. When HW focuses on the next herd(s) in the roundup schedule, comment process, etc. ASK SPECIFIC KINDS OF QUESTIONS EVERY SINGLE TIME, AND KEEP ASKING UNTIL THERE IS AN ANSWER. EVEN IF THE ANSWER IS “WE’LL GET BACK TO YOU,” IT SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT THE BLM’S PROCESS — IT IS THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH CAN THEN BE TOLD BY US. Horse related questions can be directed towards the scientific rationale BLM is using to schedule the roundup. THIS RATIONALE MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT, AND VERIFIABLE. We already can come up with a good set of questions regarding the horses and BLM myths, and HOLD THEM TO THE ANSWERS!

    2. There is another set which OUGHT TO BE ASKED BY US AND ANSWERED BY THE BLM FOR EVERY ROUNDUP. Here is one example:
    Is the roundup in question scheduled to reduce grazing pressure on the range, balance use of water resources, or reduce other impacts to the land by removing wild horses? Yes or no?
    Are reductions in livestock AUMs in the roundup areas planned to also help protect the range, or are increases in livestock AUMs being planned, or will they stay the same?


    What I am talking about here is, the Strategy of Truth.

    3. Similar sets of questions can be developed regarding resource extraction claims, pipeline plans, etc.

    4. This aspect of the Watch can be implemented from home, through email and telephone contacts with the BLM. How great it would be to have on-site data on true range condition, health of the herd, etc., by visitation, good data gathering methods, etc. But if this is beyond the scope of Herd Watch, we MUST have a set of questions ready to keep BLM transparent, and PERSIST in asking for answers.

    5. Why this will work: Any answer, including NO answer, no returned call, no returned email, IS A REPORT ON THE TRUTH! BLM doesn’t get back to you — it is silence from an agency of American taxpayers. It’s just The Truth! YES, NO, WE DON’T KNOW, I’LL GET BACK TO YOU ON THAT, or NO RETURNED CALL OR EMAIL all say how the BLM is conducting business. And that’s all we have to do — expose it to the light of day. If they don’t get back to you on whether livestock AUMs will also be reduced, you can choose to ask more questions publicly to the BLM and the American People through mainstream media, blogs, etc.:

    Why isn’t the BLM answering this question?
    What is behind the BLM not answering this question?
    Does the BLM know the answer to this question?
    Shouldn’t the BLM know the answer to this question?
    It’s been ___ days and the BLM has not answered this question. They know exactly how many horses they want to round up, bu they don’t know the answer to this question. Why?

    Thanks for reading everyone. All we have to do is ask the right questions, and let the world know the answers. The Truth will take care of the rest.

    And yes, I did volunteer for Herd Watch to do my part. I have volunteered for the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program for 12 years. Now I can volunteer for Herd Watch too, for the horses, and for The Truth.

    Because The Truth Will Set Them Free.

    Rob Pliskin


    • I wish we could vote – I’d give you a big thumbs up on this one! Well said!!!!

      I signed up for HerdWatch, have not filled out the info form yet. Wondering what I might be able to contribute. I certainly can keep track of calls and outcomes. This info can be used in so many graphic ways.


  14. Roxy :What is Soma and where do I get it?

    “Soma” is from Aldous Huxley’s 1932 book “Brave New World” – his vision for control of future society. Soma induces forgetfulness, and provides a continual “holiday” from the woes of the world. Take your soma and you just plain don’t care about the injustices and horrors happening around you.


    • terryD – well said. At least one of them would be gunning down wild horses from those helicopters! In my opinion we are losing some perspective, with I fear dangerous consequences. Using public lands for energy consumption is unavoidable as we all sit at our computers in our electrified homes or business, that we drive to and from in our gas powered vehicles, eating foods and wearing cloths imported from all over the world, as our sons and daughters continue to die for oil, etc, etc. What should not be unavoidable is how they go about it and that other alternatives be utilized. What should not be happening at all is the attempted cover up surrounding these pipelines!

      Many are way ahead of me on this road of living a life aimed at sustainability, but society is still a long way from even finding the road. And the horses may be gone by the time they find it.


      • We are not promoting the entrepreneurial base in this country and creating jobs through the promotion of sustainable energy. Historically we can take this bull by the horns and create a new energy base. The irony for the West is we can use solar and wind very well for our lower rural populations and even bring it into town through coops and bring our dependency on foreign energy sources way down, but we are sitting on so many resources that those blind with greed and the status quo will disrupt, further pollute and mangle our heritage to get at them.

        Think globally but Live sustainably… and support the air car; mar


  15. You’re right Mar. Remember the gas lines of the 70’s and after that what was done to remove us from overdependence on foreign fuel and non-renewable fuels? NADA. There is one mentallity–if you can’t slice a mountain top off to get it, if you can’t dig or drill and tear up environments to get it it don’t exist. We have some of the smartest minds in the world but you can’t work on solutions if your hands and mind are tied. Easier to move people and animals around like chess players and leave destruction in the wake. The wild horses & burros to me, besides their freedom and beauty, are a warning of what is to come. Much like the frogs, they are a barometer of the what man does to the environment–no horses, well that means,toxins, destruction, poisoning of waterways where no tourist would see (no reason to go out there, no animals to enjoy) no way to know until it comes to a municipal water district near you. Hope the cattlemen all enjoy that cancer that’s coming their way when the horses are removed to make room for the fall.


    • Yes Morgan, they are a barometer. Instead of building too many roads now they are going to have too many projects and where is the design for the future in all this?? A big hurried stop gap because no one is using a good plan to bring us through this doing the least damage.. duh! Those of us who voted for change have got a bunch of of scared puppies grabbing at everything within reach thinking they will save themselves before real change is necessary. So we have lost the definitive idea of change beneath greed for the moment. As long as the world keeps going round it is cut throat business as usual. As the world gets smarter this selfish misuse of the world’s resources will be challenged more and more. What is progress if it destroys the balance we need to survive? Is it progress or adjusting to global changes we are after? People need to get real. Saving wild lands and the herds is needed cause we are cutting too many corners too sharp. mar


      • mar, there IS no plan, except”get as much energy NOW as we can.” who cares if all the wilderness and wild things and Americans are killed or destroyed in the process. Yes, those of us who voted for change have received a big slap in the face.
        Thank you Rob for the questions to ask, I will start saving all emails,faxes and letters sent and document any answers; I can tell you all right now that I have NEVER received a reply, not even a “yes we received your letter/email/fax” from the WH.
        The path we are on scares me, I have 6 grandchildren and I wonder what kind of world they will live in; will their knowledge of wild animals be from zoos and aquariums? What legacy are we leaving them?


  16. Question for you all who are anti-energy. Do you heat your homes? Do you drive cars? Do you blow dry your hair? If you answered yes you are a captive to fossil fuels. As an engineer who works with solar and wind, the simple truth is that they are supplementary alternatives and you cannot put up enough solar panels or wind farms to replace fossil fuels.

    Thanks for your consideration


    • Well, if one “expert” starts from the premise that alternative energy is strictly supplemental then I question your commitment to finding solutions to fossil fuel consumption at the “get-go” in the first place.

      And removing equines or any wildlife/ecosystem to accomodate human convenience and the status quo doesn’t neccessarily require their complete removal or destruction.

      So you are saying that because we want the equines and all wildlife and flora treated/managed resonsibly AND use energy we are hypocrites? I don’t think so, SIR.

      Failure of logic.


    • When we have need to we can live on propane and wood. Electric is a luxury. We used to use solar and were free. Self sustaining. This is fine for many rural homes and people who have planned well. It could be used to lower the costs of electricity if all schools and public buildings were retrofitted with solar. Here in Southern Colorado even mid winter we could turn all heat off for 3 to 6 hours a day if it was sunny. There is much to be done by individuals which can lead others to act. If you do not try it at home you are not finding out for yourself if it is workable to change your own carbon footprint. I do not blow dry my 20 inch long locks…. If you start somewhere then you can enter further from the fossil sources into real alternatives. Most people do not have a clue because there is no lead to follow. Many great exceptions abound but we need more leadership. We do not lead in anything but in Use of resources world wide and the abuse of them as a nation for frivolous things. If you can wind it up or it has solar cells on it, then a gadget is off grid. It is a first step and everyone should try it. Then take another step, etc.
      We have not been building in a responsible way to reduce the use of heating and cooling costs either. That is a huge mistake. We are poor planners. Americans have had no wake up calls. I think for some here the tie in with the wild herds is their first personal wake up call to how they live their daily lives. mar


  17. Denise, you said it. Why is it that the opposition tries to pigeon-hole us into an all or nothing hole? This shows that they have no idea what we think, haven’t bothered to find out just jump to uninformed conclusions. In the time we have had I do not understand why we are not further ahead in forms of alternative energy. Seems we are working one century behind.


    • BLM has been doing this to us. The ’71 Act Does allow for the creation of sanctuaries on other than designated public lands and these jerks could be putting horses onto range close by or even their own with private involvement and management. They keep saying ‘it can’t be done’ and that is the biggest of all lies. It may help us to be finding the fastest way to get some unused allotments in Nevada transfered to the use of wild herds as they are pushed off their resource laden lands. If Long Term Holding is illegal then we need alternative lands that will no longer pressure the horses with AMLs and AUMs and manipulated HMAs. The horses left in the wild now are not an overpopulation anywhere. Nothing is being done for water improvement and their lands are continually fragmented. Again, multiple has strayed and remained prejudice towards equine designation and existing needs. There are very immediate alternatives to the removals and the stockpiling and since we are here to find and implement them we should be looking to get them done, specifically. When we do not have the facts it is to cripple our ability to act. The Justice Department is not seeing what this means but in any court case both sides are required to know the sam things, a secret/withholding information should cause the forfeit of the case. mar


  18. All I’m trying to say is that if a US citizen uses energy or eats meat, it does not necessarily zero out either need, resource or concerns at the expense of one. Get off the parochial me train “Dave”. We advocate use of the land, but not this way or at the expense of any ecosystem. But then dear old Dave, I guess you’d have to believe that equines are a part of the ecosystem.


  19. How can the gov pay “undisclosed amounts”? I don’t think so – they can if no one pressures them I suppose. What is transparency exaclty? Which dictionary are they using today?


    • RE: Bison, Does anyone know who the helicpter contractors are for the bison? And did they have a competative bid process?


  20. The best thing to do is if you trust the sheriff of your county, The sherriff of the county has the power to stop the pipeline. The goverment has no power it’s the sheriff remember the people own the land not the state or the government. to get this under control is to make sure your sheriff knows what his or her job really is. Pick a copy of The county Sheriff America’s Last Hope. it’s about sheriff richard mack. the sheriff is the emmployee of the people and exists to serve and protect them in all matters


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