Horse News

Wild Horses get no Holiday from the Suffering Delivered by the BLM

“In the Opinion” of R.T. Fitch – author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

The BLM just can’t seem to get the definition of “Holiday” straight

I am going to need your help, here.  There seems to be some sort of mix-up over how the Bureau of Land Management defines the term “Holiday.”  Maybe it’s just me but observing the BLM, first hand, I sure have become one confused American tax payer.

During the Labor Day “Holiday” weekend of 2009 the BLM decided to abuse, harass and break apart the fully viable Pryor Mountain Wild Horse herd in a botched round-up that ended up in total chaos and failure.  The management of the BLM decided to close down most of the Wild Horse Preserve and much of the neighboring National Forest on the busiest outdoor recreational “Holiday” weekend of the year.  BLM employees enjoyed over time while the horses suffered the trauma of being chased down mountain sides in excess of ten miles with temperatures hovering in the 95+ range.  Why was this done over the “Holiday”?  Could it have been that the bulk of the news media was on vacation?  Or maybe it was because almost all of our elected officials were enjoying the long weekend?  Perhaps it might have been due to the fact that Wild Horse Advocates might have had other plans that tugged them in another direction and they could not be there to witness the atrocity?  Who knows for sure but one thing is for certain, a major reason for the “Holiday” round-up was explained to us, in no uncertain terms, by a local BLM official:  “Because we can!”

Not many months later the 2009 Christmas “Holiday” season rolls around and what does the BLM do?  They announce that they are going to strip the Calico Mountain Complex, in Nevada, of 80% of the Wild Horse population (no mention of the thousands of private cattle that graze there for virtually nothing).  The public screamed no, a law suit was filed and even the Federal Judge said it was a bad idea yet the BLM began to chase pregnant mares and foals down icy mountainsides and across the volcanic rock strewn desert on December 28th smack dab in the middle of the Christmas holiday.  Horses died, foals were killed yet they hunted them down during the holidays with no remorse because…?  No one would notice?  News media was on vacation?  Politicians were on leave?  Caring advocates wouldn’t come out in the freezing temps in the middle of the Christmas “Holiday”?  Another thing is certain; they killed horses during the “Holiday”

Now Easter comes into the picture; the BLM is under fire for not only the killing of horses during the helicopter terror of a round-up but mares are being shot and put down at an alarming rate at the private feed lot, well over a 100 so far.  So they limit viewing time to only two hours on Sunday as they continue their covert, dirty work but alas, photos and reports of the horses being infected with Pigeon Fever leak out and the “Holiday” of Easter now means that the facility is closed to the public on the only viewing day of the week.  The BLM gets a two week “Holiday” to figure out how to further cover up the deaths, lie about the infection and continue to plan for the “Equicide” of our native Wild Horses.

The distortion of the term “Holiday” is clear evidence of the BLM’s corrupt manipulation of rules, policies, laws, and procedures to fit their sordid ways and plans.  If I was tasked, as a writer, to develop a piece of fiction about an out of control federal agency that bent the rules to fit their needs while ignoring the cries of legislators and the public, I couldn’t come up with a group better for the part than our own Bureau of Land Management.

The secret is out.  The troops are rallying.  It’s no longer just a handful of “left-wing, vegetarian, tree hugging city folk”, nope, the anger and disdain has now cut across all social and economic boundaries while spilling out of our nation’s boarders and shocking those from other lands.  The numbers are increasing and the movement to stop the madness is gaining speed, the BLM has met their match and they are standing on the threshold of being out of the Wild Horse killing business.  Their day will come.

But in the meantime, while the BLM plays word games and subverts the law, horses will die, thousands will suffer and they will know no “Holiday” from the cruelty that the Obama administration doles out to those who cannot speak for themselves.

Let’s hope that one day, soon, the President takes a “Holiday” from his silence and declares a true “Holiday” from the round-ups so that our children will be able to take a future “Holiday” and watch the native wild horses of North America run free on the land that is rightfully and legally theirs.

A reminder to the BLM; the truth takes no “Holiday” and nor shall we.

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21 replies »

  1. Great article R.T.! I did raise this issue w/ a Richard Browb, BLM, who did reply to an email I sent to them about the Calico horses, I will let you know what I hear. The original email was to express my horro about what is happening w/these horses in particular and all our wild ones in general, the reply I received thanked me for my “interest” in the calico “gather” and advised me to go to BLM’s website to get updated information about the “gather” and current operations.! i again epressed my outrage, I’ll let you know what the reply is;


    • “Go to the BLM’s website.” It’s beginning to sound like a mantra! Internal memo to all BLM Employees: “Wake up. Chant ‘Go to the BLM’s website.’ 50 times, THEN get up and brush your teeth.”

      I’d like to know how many legisators have been directed to “Go to the BLM’s website.” Lots of calculated, high-sounding language and glowing testimonials that boil down to pure propaganda!


  2. Thank you R.T. As always your observations are right on and your rational is flawless. Yes, we know the truth and the truth will prevail!

    Listen up BLM, DOI, Salazar – you are at a point of no return, a cross roads. What you do now will define you internationally and will stick forever. I was listening to what you call anti gather advocates the other night on Howling Ridge saying that you are not all evil or bad people. Prove them right! I sure do not see it, but am open – only due to my respect for the people that were speaking of you.


  3. I spent my Labor Day vacation in North Carolina. Instead of riding, barbecuing and enjoying, I spent the week on the phone abnd writing emails about the BLM’s illegal roundup.

    These roundups are all illegal. According to the 1971 Wild Horse & Burro Act, the BLM was given authority to PROTECT our wild horses. Instead, they have taken this to mean that they can do as they please and eradicate them.

    This is all Obama’s fault for placing Ken Salazar in charge of the BLM. Mr. Salazar is a long time rancher and good old buddy of those same ranchers. He is even proud of that fact, as you can see on his website.

    I guess we know that Mr. Obama owed Mr. Salazar one heaping big favor and that’s how Mr. Obama sold us and the horses out.

    Shame on them all for these crimes and that includes appointing Salazar. Talk about putting the fox in the hen house.

    I’m just sick that our government has turned into a circus with a bunch of clowns running the show.


  4. R.T., this is one of your very best articles yet . WOW !!
    Jan, don’t hold your breath–you won’t get a reply.
    Now for my good news. With the help of some horse buddies including dear Valerie Stanley a mustang mare has been saved from the kill pen at Sugar Creek on Easter Sunday. NO holiday for us is right !! Lily (or May or May Lily or Lily May) will be arriving here at my place as soon as the Coggins results are back on Friday. Many thanks to Brenda with Another Chance Equine Rescue in Ohio for paying to get her out and the hauler until I could reimburse her. See ABF for updates. They say she is a sweetheart and came from Oregon and was in KY. How on earth she ended up at a kill auction I hope to find out. Some way I managed to get dinner on between phone calls and Emails and then I took my 2 granddaughters, 5 and 2, to see my other 2 mustangs and 3 horses. My mustangs were the friendliest. Arabs were too busy eating.Now I will be back up to 6 after losing Rose a year ago and this is one the killers won’t get. Now to stop the roundups and slaughter. We just have to.


      • Thanks true 15. Correction on the name. I found out May is another mustang mare that is at the same barn but was rescued 3 weeks ago. So we don’t know where Lily is from. It doesn’t matter really. Only thing that does is saving them .
        Thanks to Mar for all the roundup info. It sure is scary.


      • Barb, We do not have all down but I estimate there are 24 roundups from May Burros in AZ to the end of September. That will take 12,000 off the ranges by the end of September.

        It is scary. mar


    • Barb,oh I’m sure I’ll get a reply that will say”go to the BLM website, we update daily!”
      how did she end up at a kill auction, because her owner took her there, I inquired about a mustang mare for sale on dreamhorse, in KY, the woman replied that if she wasn’t sold in 3 weeks, she was going to the sale barn, we all know what that means, there were free mustangs on the site as well, I’m sure you know where they will end up, it’s terrible,


  5. Death and evil never take a holiday, they take advantage of them (just ask Satan).

    Compassion and committment are constantly impeeded by the “holiday” excuse from the perpetrators.

    Keep the pressure on passing the bills, but we must now demand edjudicated, real-time relief for humane observers…IMMEDIATELY!!!


  6. RT, Here are some working holidays for Cattoor and Cook; There will be a wild burro roundup over Mother’s Day, near Kingman, AZ. Nothing on Memorial Day, so far, but the schedule is very incomplete with canceled roundups! Two roundups will be on over the 4th of July; Owyhee, NV. July 1 to 18 where over 500 horses will be removed, and July 1 to 6, at Stinking Water, OR. where 60 horses will be removed. So Cattoors and Cook will have Holiday and weekend overtime pay.

    Other roundups planned for Wyoming are not yet on the schedule. July and August BLM will remove thousands of wild ones unless we can stop them. This is it, people. This summer is when the end of the wild herds is coming. Before Fall over 5,000 will be removed. Are you going to let this happen?? What will it take? If it is our time and money, I think we will give all we can and it has to be enough, we are all the wild ones have. Let’s get on the same page and work our butts off because they need us and we need them. Here comes the Freedom For All Wild Horse and Burro Summer… mar


  7. The ridiculous nature of the o-called “easter” holiday closure is that when it comes to animals, the powers in charge have to operate 24/7 (it is assumed, of course).

    We have to get access NOW and a review of scheduled round-ups pending bi-lateral census efforts which requires suspension of round-ups. Period.

    Good post mar.


    • Thanks, same back at you. We all have to work hard and keep up and not back away. Get organized with the Cloud Foundation if you wonder what to do besides the emails and calls which Must continue… they are our foundation. mar


  8. I find it very suspicious that these are the only horses in the country with pigeon fever right now. I think the BLM gave them tainted hay. It’s too cold for flies and this is a brand new facility. How do they continue to get away with murder and cruelty time after time?


    • I think it might be in the ground the holding facility was built over; if infected animals had grazed there at one time, all the bacteria would need is warm bodies and waste products to start invading horses with broken skin.
      Or (and I’d REALLY like to believe this…!) it came in on the boots, gloves, rope, pipe panels or transport vehicles used by Cattoor; given the enormous amount of humanity & compassion shown these animals during the roundup, I’m sure cleanliness of the equipment was given the same priority.


  9. Its in the dirt as Strangles is. It can live up to a year in dirt depending on the ground conditions and temperatures. The mild winter just didn’t freeze it hard enough to kill it. They picked it up at the facility they didn’t bring it in with them. We all know they are used to grazing 24/7 well just because they are on dirt now doesn’t stop that habit, they eat the small leavings into the dirt and get it. I’m no vet but I seem to have read more and know more then the fools they have hired for this operation, the lies and propaganda is past the point of ridicules its criminal at this point. We need a legal injunction to get through this, do we have any attorneys that can get this into a court asap and get us one?

    Great article as all of yours are. keep em coming


  10. FYI!!!!! the BLM didn’t take the Holiday off, 2 more older stallions have been killed,a 20 year old and one 25 years old,
    also are 2 reports from HSUS vets who visited in Feb and Mar, well before the newest disease outbreak, haven’t read their reports yet,


  11. Yep, great article, R.T. I still think the BLM is NUTS for rounding up even more horses before Judge Friedman renders his final verdict. I guess they’re hoping to kill as many as possible in case he does put a stop to the gathers.


  12. Suzanne, they are not NUTS. They are EVIL. You have it right about killing as many as possible though. I think Salazar, Abbey, Reid and others had this all planned out. If 12,000 are removed and the few returned mares given PZP it will be extinction for sure in a short time.


  13. The excuse of Easter was lame! The reason for the roundup was lame. As far as I can determine the reasons for everything, at least 99% (I’ll give them a little), BLM does is lame. The math is always lame. And, dont’ even me get started on their press releases – lame, LAME, and LAMER! Remember Bob Newhart show and the three brothers Larry, Larry and my other brother Larry?

    There is no “sense”, let alone any “common sense” or “horse sense”, no apparent educated sense or even street smarts to anything that BLM does or says.

    BLM B____, Lame, M_____. Fill in the blanks.


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