Horse News

Wyoming’s “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Gets a Dose of Red, White and Blue

News commentary by R.T. Fitch, author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Family man and Veteran Nick De Laat Challenges the Evil Princess of Horse Slaughter, Sue Wallis, for her ample Seat

Navy Veteran and Family Man Nick De Laat challenges "Slaughterhouse" Sue Wallis

HOUSTON (SFTHH) – There is a fresh wind blowing across the State of Wyoming; from over the mountains and across the prairie the breeze is carrying a whisper of change and the fragrance of new life and regeneration.  That change may be in the form of one Nick De Laat, Navy veteran, blue collar worker and a family man dedicated to making a change in a country and state where things have gone “bad wrong”.  Mr. De Laat is challenging bloodied Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis for her State House seat in Wyoming’s 52nd district and with his energy and pure conviction he just might make the infamous horse eater go away.

With only $380 in his pocket, honorable Navy veteran Nick De Laat, his wife and 3 year old son boarded a Greyhound bus in Grand Rapids, Michigan to head out west, to Wyoming, in an effort to be part of the unemployment solution instead of being a part of the problem.  Several short years later Candidate De Laat owns a nice home, has two cars paid for and two more children while he lives the American dream that you can progress and improve your life as long as you set your mind to uplifting yourself and those around you.

During a recent interview with “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” (SFTHH) reporter R.T. Fitch, Mr. De Laat mused, “I got out of the Navy at the wrong time, things were bad for the economy but the Navy proved to be even worse for a family man.  I wanted better and the only way for “better” to happen was to go where the work was and Wyoming was calling, so we moved west.”

Reminiscent of tales titled “Move West Young Man” Mr. De Laat has bettered himself and extends the offer to assist others from economically challenged areas to do the same. 

“I open up the doors of my home to assist friends and family from back east to come and find work.  It’s here and I will help any way I can to ensure that able bodied Americans earn a living if they are interested.”

Mr. De Laat’s care and compassion extends far beyond the people of his country and new found state;  Nick also reaches out to animals in need.

“Every dog that this family has cared for has been one that we adopted from the local pound.” Said De Laat. “I am shocked at my opponent’s stance on horse slaughter as the act of killing horses to eat goes against the grain of what I support.”

“I am not aligned with Rep. Wallis’s arguments on the issue of “unwanted” horses and would tend to believe that responsible breeding and shelters would be the proper way to manage any issue of horses in need.”  stated De Laat.

“It’s time that we get this country back on track and I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to run for office and, hopefully, to make a difference.” 

And the strength of the clean breeze freshens.

(To learn more about Nick De Laat’s effort to unseat “Slaughterhouse” Sue click HERE)


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26 replies »

  1. Mr. De Laat – I certainly hope you unseat “Slaughterhouse Sue”. I know there will be many special interests pushing and pulling if and when you win the seat.

    Obviously, your primary responsiblity will be the welfare of the people of Wyoming, but our concerns, not only in Wyoming, but also other states, will have an important impact on the welfare of horses throughout our nation.

    Your time spent in the Navy speaks to your love of country and strength of character. Also, military service promotes discipline and integrity. In my opinion, your choice to leave to be with your family is even more impressive.

    I searched the Internet for Wyoming Horse Rescues, and found several, but it would certainly be good if there were more. Rescue is a controversial issue, especially in Western “livestock” states where many consider horses just another commodity. With the support of caring individuals like yourself, hopefully the Wyoming network will expand.

    Whatever the outcome, all my best to you and your family.


  2. Mr. De Laat:

    Honesty, integrity and morality will sewrve you well.

    (1) I respect your service to this country (as I have and still am doing);

    (2) I eat meat and am not pushing a vegan agenda.

    (3) I don’t belong or donate monies to PeTA or HSUS (for other reasons).

    (4) I own land and animals in some note….but don’t tote with Farm Bureau, Wallis or USDA.

    (5) Good luck and get the voters out!


  3. Great article/interview RT and good news Mr de Laat, we need your kind of perspective, integrity and discipline. Good luck in your campaign, I agree with zumagirl I would move to Wyoming just to vote for you LOL. I will be sharing this link.


  4. Too bad he’s a libertarian. Can never figure out why libertarians, who are against government, run for government office. Good news that he’s anti-horse slaughter though.


    • My question is how horse slaughter squares with the Libertarian position on private property? I don’t believe anyone is ever completely “party line” on all aspects of every issue, and hopefully this is the case with Mr. De Laat’s statements on slaughter.

      This is a link to the Libertarian Party Platform:

      I’d say I agree with about 1/4 of their positions, might consider 1/4 (after careful research), and am TOTALLY opposed to the remaining 1/2. Still don’t want to be aligned with ANY party, but, to my thinking, alternative viewpoints are a good thing, and we are supposedly a “free country”.

      As I’ve said before, our founding fathers spoke of the inherent dangers of a two-party system. I believe their warnings have proven true over the years. The federal, state, and local governments have become entirely too big for their britches. Too many fingers in too many pies. Disfunctional and corrupt.

      Those totally against traditional government aren’t Libertarians, but “anarchists”. Most people equate “anarchy” with radical and revolutionary violence to overthrow governments and replace them with nothing, which is actually “nihilism”.

      Being an “anarchist” requires more of an individual than most folks would or could ever live up to, myself included. Complete committment to self-reliance, self-discipline, personal ethics, moral fortitude, selfless charity, and DIRECT participation in any and all community-based decision making, among other things. It’s “idealist” and, considering the human condition, not at all workable or practical.

      I choose to remain Independent and see who comes courting.


      • I’m registered Libertarian, specifically because I wanted to avoid any affiliations with ‘the other two’ but I still need to be able to vote. I vote WAAAYYY across Party lines; I vote my conscience. And the fact that Mr. De Laat feels comfortable and confident voting HIS mind? Isn’t that how representation is supposed to be?
        I don’t care how you vote or who you vote for – Just vote. I read some extraordinary opinions by commentors in here – erudite, well-informed, thoughtful, courageous. And our most common ground seems to be how fed up we are with Government Business as Usual. If things are going to change at all, the Public has to step up and show the Powers that we don’t wanna do Business as Usual anymore. We’re tired of being the Federal ATM for every thoughtless idiot who makes a mess and expects us to clean up after him. And we’re tired of having no voice. NO VOICE. No one knows about that better than Wild Equine Advocates, widely publicized as the Emotionally Clueless by a powerful official who knows better than we do about everything Wild Equine. And witness just how bad the last four months have been for the Wild Equines.
        If change is to occur, it has to come from the grassroots actions of the Public and not the orations of a leader who now has less power than he did when he was campaigning for the office. It has to be a REAL change.
        I wish you the best of luck, Mr. De Laat. You already have a pedigree far and away from the current Seat.


  5. We are not againsed government. I am for limited government, and more citizen influence. For the Constitution, for freedom. I believe the government is supposed to be here to protect our land from foriegn invaders, and protect the constitution. I am for freedom, an earned freedom (which requires responsibility). I am by no means againsed government, just too much government. I know that Libertarians have gotten that bad rap (mostly because of lack of research), and that is too bad. One reason I joined the party when I got home from the service, is because of the basic principals, and the “No Agenda” platform of the party. I don’t agree to everything the libertarians have to say (and if someone finds a party where everything is in aggreement, I think there is something wrong), but it is the party that I have found that truly represents individual and civil freedom, smaller government control, and constitutional values. Many canadites (not all) for the 2 big parties tell you that they believe in these things, than do the opposite when in office. They have no agenda, therefor the canadites can run on the platform that they believe is right. Like me. There is no-one wispering in my ear, telling me how I should do things. No-one giving me money. I am just a Mechanic under the Libertarian Party ticket, running on my platform and beliefs. My values, and ethics. What I believe is right and just.

    I hope this clears up a few things. Keep up the comments, I love how passionate you guys are about the subject. Thank you for your support.


    • Should have posted 1:25 here, but I’m so long-winded I didn’t even know you had put this up. Stick to your ideals, and “Illegitimae non carborundum est”(sp?) – “Don’t let the b*st*rds wear you down”!


    • And I am against too much corporate power, which really runs the show in our country. Wonder why the wild horses are disappearing? Look to the corporate/capitalist powers that be.


  6. All the best of luck to you!! This is refreshing to say the least – someone needs to point out the irrationality of every argument she presents. She won’t take e-mails or calls unless it is from like-minded people so there is no possibility to debunk and point out the flaws in the (lack of) logic of her arguments. How anyone can use humane (“characterized by kindness, compassion and sympathy”) and slaughter (to kill in a brutal or violent manner, or butcher) in the same sentence is beyond me. And, yes, that is what she does – calls it “humane slaughter”.


  7. Slaughterhouse Sue MUST GO!!!! I wish Mr. De Laat all the best. Is there somewhere that I can make a campaign donation?


  8. Wow, what a breath of fresh air today! To read that there is hope for the great state of WY to get out from under the ugly bloody face SSue has put on it, that is really a wonderful possibility. While I’m not from WY, I do love the land there. Like Mr. De Laat, I hail from MI (long ago) and there is something about that place that seems to put a love of the wild lands into a soul.

    Mr. De Laat, I sincerely hope you succeed in your run for this seat and can make a difference for your adopted state. Why? Because the state only stands to lose big tourism and economic investment dollars as the word continues to spread about the ugly, backward thinking, inhumane and cruel “values” Sue and her cohorts have worked to entrench within the state. With most in this world embracing humane animal interactions as an ethical and moral requirement of a civilized society, regions that buck that modern norm will only stand to lose wherever there are choices for investment.

    I’ve written several times to officials in WY conveying this reality and my sadness that WY only stands to lose face and much more if they continue to allow agendas like Sue’s to be acted upon. It is such a beautiful place with much to offer in terms of the wild and wondrous landscape, the history, the western culture. There is no reason that humane and ethical standards cannot be a part of that culture and work to enhance everything the state has going for it.

    My hope is that you’ll take the seat, bond with other like-minded representatives and officials and work to maximize all the good things in WY and rout out these old evil, inhumane and unethical notions so WY can move into the 21st century with grace and goodwill.

    Best to you, Nick De Laat! I will also share your information and hope it reaches WY residents who will support your campaign.


  9. I wish you success! I think the American people overall have spoken loud and clear about “horse slaughter” and they don’t want it! With the exception of Sue Wallis and her ilk – Most people are opposed! Much luck to your grass roots campaigning and future political career! 🙂


  10. Thank you, R.T. Fitch, for this uplifting news! Mr. De Laat, bless you for having compassion for animals.

    I hope Wyoming may one day soon open a wild horse sanctuary (or two or three!) unfettered by the criminal mismanagement of the BLM and that it will bring a robust tourist industry for all to enjoy the wild horses – symbols of the very principles you stand for – before they are completely exterminated by mismanagement.


  11. Someone needs to stop the senseless slaughter, This is getting Barbaric! I guess I was brought up better than most people, My parents raised me with Morals. It`s Morally wrong to kill these animals for no reason except for Politics


  12. First I would like to say, that I was researching the agenda on all this Slaughterhouse and Transportation issues, when I came across this web site. I was shocked to see that Cheyenne Wyoming and all it’s known for would even consider hosting a Slaughterhouse for Equine. As I was roaming and learning I came across this Breath of Fresh Air, Nick De Laat and read his Bio. Wow, do they actually make people like that anymore? I wonder and hope that you are for real. If you are all the people and God will be routing for you.

    On that note I would like to actually address the issue I was originally researching. I am a professional Horse Person of thirty years, I have earned my living by Training, and Re Training Equine, Riding Instructor, and a Farrier. So I don’t lack information or experience to comment on this issue. Most rural blue-collar workers are Christians and God Fearing……What went wrong? By that I mean, how did we create so many people that have no empathy, or sensitively for other’s pain and suffering? I’ve heard stated that “they are a lower form of life” are you kidding me. God made all these little lower form of life, even you!.. The Pro-Slaughter People, yes even you. Did you know that you are a lower form of life to God. Would you want God to respond to you and your suffering in the same way that you are choosing to respond and treat them with. isnt there something about “What you sow you reap”? also isn’t there something about ” what you do to the least of these you do to me”? I think I read something like that etc.

    The issue is not Humane Slaughter but the abusive and cruel way it is being done. Before this issue, I was leery of “Animal Activist” and “Animal Rights People” because I to make my living with animals, and I’m a very Practical/financial minded person. I had heard horror stories, but didn’t really get it until I did my own research. I cried for three days, as I made myself watch AAALLL the videos. My heart ached for those animals, and I thought “What kind of person can do this, and every day” You don’t have enough money for me to do this to anyone, animal or thing. I’m ashamed to be a Human Being when I watched this. I’m not saying this from a revengeful perspective, or from a hateful position, but I truly wish I could create for you (Pro-Slaughter People ) in a human form what you seem to be OK! with for these horses., Have you really watch these Videos because that would mean we would be ok! with breaking, serving one of your limbs. Hauling you for 36 hrs without any food, water, or medical attention. Crowd you in a trailer/room that if you fell down you could not get up, lack of room, and balance. You then would endure all that came with that, being stepped and kicked, etc. Not to mention we might wreck the vehicle because, we are over loading and the Rig doesn’t handle right. Now we have just begun, with the cruelty the real cruelty doesn’t begin until we get to the yard. If your lucky you will be unloaded in the NM area, so you can walk across the boarder, on your own broken leg (s). So are you still ok with this????

    Now lets get to the real abuse, If you can walk on your own,we have chains that will drag you across the ground and concrete to get you to “The Box” and lets do this the way the Mexican do. Let’s use a knife and sever spinal Cord by hitting you over and over with a Butcher Knife, (Bet that hurts abit)…..Now let’s also let you watch, and hear the screams of your friends, and family members die a horrible death before your come.

    Your turn, let’s hoist you up on one leg, while your still alive and conscious. Your just incapacitated that all. You can still think, feel and scream. As we hoist you, your are kicking and trying to move to save yourself, let’s cut your throat first, did you feel that pain? Then before you have time to really die, we start gutting you…..AND YOUR STILL OK WITH THIS FOR THE LOWER FORM OF LIFE YOU DEEM IRRELAVENT.

    May God bless you if you are, because your gonna need it as far as I’m concerned. Life has a way of coming back on us, “what we make happen for other’s will be made to happen for us” That God talking to you……So the next time you break a limb, get sick or find your at the end of someone else’s injustice or abuse, just remember what you are willing to impose on some other being. One of God’s creatures not yours.

    My prayer are that someone somewhere read this and changed their minds. Maybe someone of real influence and do something about this, take up the cause.

    MY GOD WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE WE IF WE LOOK AWAY AND ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! It proven that people start with abusing animals, then move on to becoming violent with other people, it’s just a stepping stone, to what we will eventual be. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

    I rest my case, and thank you for allowing me to verbalize what I have been feeling and thinking….



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