Horse News

Breaking News: Montana’s “Red” Ed Butcher Leaks Details of Post Political Career

by R.T. Fitch, author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Horse Blood, Communisum and Nucular Power; it all glows RED for Ed

"Open Mouth, Insert Foot" - The Legacy of Ed Butcher

HOUSTON, (SFTHH) – Montana state Rep. “Red” Ed Butcher was reported to “hang it up” earlier this week on Straight from the Horse’s Heart (SFTHH).  Butcher had filed for re-election but withdrew on Monday, the final day to file for a Montana office this year.

Within days of pulling his name from the ballot “Red” Ed has already shown his hand during an interview with a local Montana Newspaper, the Independent Record.  Cited for politically incorrect improprieties, while in office, and found guilty of verbal indescrtions Butcher remains true to form when describing his future, planned activities.

 “Basically, what it boils down is right now I’m up to my eyebrows trying to get nuclear energy into Montana,” Butcher said. “The wind thing is nothing but a damn farce and only functions with huge subsidies. The environmentalists have killed coal, and the businesses and the people are going to be destroyed after we lose the power contracts in 2012.”

Butcher also said he’s shepherding his horse slaughterhouse idea by trying to find a market, but is purposely keeping it low-key until construction starts because so much “animal-rights stuff” is directed at him.

“Things are moving along,” he said. “Hopefully they there will be one in the United States, preferably in Montana.”

While he’ll miss the Legislature, Butcher said: “Everybody’s replaceable. I’ve always appreciated the support I’ve had from the people. I know some people will be disappointed that I’m not running again. All good things have to come to an end.”

As earlier reported, we haven’t seen the last of “Red” Ed, yet

(Thanks to our Montana staff reporters for their diligence)

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10 replies »

  1. Geez dont hold you breath Ed your “supporters” and their disappointment will be minimal I am sure. Continue to live in yaya land and well done on actually showing your hand to us all, everything we suspected confirmed in just one very revealing statement. You make me sick!!! I am now more sure than ever that that contaminated meat has started working on that pea brain of yours.


  2. 3-20-09 – New West Article & Comments on Montana’s legislation to prohibit injunctions to block horse slaughter plant from being built in that state. I wonder if any other industries will be granted similar injunctions? This is for those who may not already know about it and need some background information:

    3-12-10 – This is an Update from New West on Harry Reid’s cozy relationship with mining interests. Is anyone surprised? I think not!


  3. What I want to know is how Red Ed is going to financially benefit from a horse slaughter plant? With all the bribery and back door deals going on in this country right now, what has he got to gain besides lining his own BIG FAT POCKETS!


  4. As I remember, nuclear plants got “huge subsidies” when they were first introduced. They’ll undoubtedly get equally huge tax breaks wherever they’re constructed. The “wind thing” is becoming more viable as new technologies come on board, especially vertical-shaft designs and more efficient generators. Solar has been slow because utilities want to eliminate both “off-grid” installations and those who “sell” power back to them. Both decrease their control and profits. Some utilities are exploring leasing solar equipment to protect their bottom lines.

    There may be lots of construction jobs building plants, but not many once they’re up and running. Many Dine (Navajo – NM/AZ) are against the proposed Desert Rock “clean coal” plant for that very reason. Plus, they don’t want more pollution on their lands. They and lots of other folks doubt there is any such thing as “clean coal” energy production. Also, the Dine don’t want Uranium mining to return to their reservation or any of the surrounding country because of deadly consequences in the 40’s & 50’s.

    We already have two coal-fired plants near Farmington, NM, that are in constant violation of EPA air and water standards. One has a cooling lake that’s toxic, and both contribute to the brown cloud that sits over our area.

    As predicted, Butcher (What’s in a name? Plenty!) has plans well beyond elected office, and I think he can do more damage once he’s no longer required to play by the rules.


    • No doubt, Linda. Butcher is one of those who thinks they’re too good to follow rules written by “lesser persons” than himself. Let us fervently hope he gets everything he deserves.


  5. Linda :As I remember, nuclear plants got “huge subsidies” when they were first introduced. They’ll undoubtedly get equally huge tax breaks wherever they’re constructed. The “wind thing” is becoming more viable as new technologies come on board, especially vertical-shaft designs and more efficient generators. Solar has been slow because utilities want to eliminate both “off-grid” installations and those who “sell” power back to them. Both decrease their control and profits. Some utilities are exploring leasing solar equipment to protect their bottom lines.
    There may be lots of construction jobs building plants, but not many once they’re up and running. Many Dine (Navajo – NM/AZ) are against the proposed Desert Rock “clean coal” plant for that very reason. Plus, they don’t want more pollution on their lands. They and lots of other folks doubt there is any such thing as “clean coal” energy production. Also, the Dine don’t want Uranium mining to return to their reservation or any of the surrounding country because of deadly consequences in the 40’s & 50’s.
    We already have two coal-fired plants near Farmington, NM, that are in constant violation of EPA air and water standards. One has a cooling lake that’s toxic, and both contribute to the brown cloud that sits over our area.
    As predicted, Butcher (What’s in a name? Plenty!) has plans well beyond elected office, and I think he can do more damage once he’s no longer required to play by the rules.

    That was the first thing that knocked me in the forehead….his stupid, ignorant statement about wind and solar getting subsidies AND NUCLEAR DOESN’T!!! DOESN’T HAVE MONOLPOLIES AND STILL MAKES THE PEOPLE PAY FOR DELAYS, CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND VIOLATION FEES!?!? I see vision of Mr. Butcher raising chickens with teeth and flying pigs…not to worry. He’ll probably get the Feds or state to give him subsidies for same with tax breaks because he feeds people. Good Lord!

    What a lieing troll or just plain stupid!

    Somebody mail this idiot a current calender….Mr. Butcher, this is the 21st Century, NOT the 19th! Let me guess, you also believe the world is flat…still and that evolutionists are heretics.

    What a selfish, arrogant piece of unrecyclable garbage.


  6. Mr.”Red” Ed needs to take a trip back East and visit “my” power company’s, (was Met Ed, now First Energy) infamous 3 Mile Island. On March 29, 1979 the core of Reactor 2 over-heated and there was almost a total melt down. The public wasn’t told how bad it was for several days. Unit 2 is still “dead”. Our long term memory is rather short in this country. Three Mile Island is on an island in the Susquehanna River, right outside of Harrisburg, PA. Thank heavens we live “up wind”. Lung cancer was estimated to be 2 to 10 times higher after the “radiation release” and plant and animal chromosome damage was done. A vet friend who worked for the state at the time told me of many cow abortions and abnormalities. And guess, what, my energy bills have increased and will go up another 30% next year when regulations go off. So much for cheap energy–no such thing!


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