Horse News

Government Contractor Paid Almost $700 K – 113 Wild Horses Dead and No Investigation of Calico Capture

written by Steven Long, Editor and Publisher of “Horseback Magazine

Obama Administration’s BLM turns it’s back on Dead Wild Mustangs and Wasted Tax Dollars

Terrorized and Frozen, the Horses of the Calico BLM Roundup - Photo by Kurt Golgart/Bureau of Land Management

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – A Nephi, Utah, government contractor was paid $697,359 for a Nevada roundup of wild horses in the Calico Mountains. The roundup was held against the advice of federal judge Paul Friedman of Washington D.C. who wrote that holding wild horses in large privately owned facilities is likely against federal law.

At least 113 horses have died thus far, including two foals that shed their hooves after a helicopter stampede over rocky ground in the dead of winter. A BLM vet has acknowledged that the roundup was the likely cause for the foals to lose their hooves in an excruciatingly painful end of their lives.

Information on fees paid by the federal Bureau of Land Management to Cattoor Livestock Roundup, Inc. was released late Friday to Horseback Magazine by Deputy Division Chief Dean Bolsted of the agency’s Wild Horse and Burro Program.

The large number of deaths in the roundup is unusual.

In 2008, 45 percent of the roundups resulted in at least one fatality, and on one in Nevada, 27 horses died. The total number of deaths through injury or for other reasons totaled 126 animals that year.

Alternatives to the helicopter stampedes approved by the agency include baiting and trapping, however, BLM directs the type of capture when a “gather” is scheduled.

According to Bolsted, government horse capture contractors are paid for the number of horses captured, feeding and watering for animals kept at the gather site overnight, and transport of animals from the capture site to designated short term holding facilities such as Fallon.

Private landowners in a capture area do not reimburse the government for removing wild horses from their property. The animals are often considered a nuisance to western ranchers and have been sometimes referred to as “the cockroaches of the west” by some.

The percentage of dead horses on BLM roundups in 2009 was slightly worse than the previous year at 46 percent resulting in at least one horse death. A mid-summer Wyoming gather proved fatal to 11 horses – tiny by comparison to this year’s Calico roundup.

As of late 2009, a total of 205 horses over a two year period died at the agency’s hands during roundups to thin the herds despite the vastness of the lands managed by BLM. The agency controls almost 260 million acres, much of it is vacant, and over a million cattle graze unmolested on the land, some of which was once reserved for wild horses. The numberof 205 dead horses does not reflect the number of foals lost due to miscarriages.

Asked by Horseback Magazine if BLM plans to launch an internal investigation, Bolsted said, “No internal investigation of deaths is planned.”

The roundups by BLM have drawn protests from coast to coast. The next is planned for Washington D.C. on March 25, when activists will set up shop across from the North Front of the White House in Lafayette Park.

The BLM response to the burgeoning scandal has been a proposal to set aside seven wild horse refuges, dubbed “Salazoos” by activists after Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, a former Colorado rancher.

Sen. Mary Landrieu and others have called for a Congressional investigation of the Bureau’s Wild Horse and Burro Program which administers the animals under the 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act, or “Wild Horse Annie Law,” named for the late Velma Johnston of Reno.

Horseback Magazine has repeatedly sought an interview with BLM director Bob Abbey, who has thus far turned a deaf ear to repeated requests.

The captured Calico horses are currently held at the BLM’s Fallon, Nevada, holding facility. Neither press nor public are allowed to observe the agency’s treatment of the animals, conduct a census, or to spend prolonged periods in their presence. The gates are opened to infrequent and tightly controlled viewing by small screened groups for one and one half hours. Only one reporter or photographer will be permitted from each media outlet during the next scheduled viewing.

Press and public were also not allowed unfettered access to observe the Cattoor roundups of horses in the wild. Horseback Magazine offered to have only experienced mounted journalists and wildlife experts in the field with company and BLM wranglers to observe the helicopter roundups.

Armed guards were on site to prevent observation of the “gather,” as was the case in late 2009 at Montana’s Pryor Mountain when the iconic wild horse, “Cloud” was captured. The horse was the star of three PBS specials by Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker Ginger Kathrens.

Kathrens will speak at the Washington D.C. rally.

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47 replies »

  1. March 10th: “A yearling filly died when she suffered a spinal neck fracture. She was standing UNATTENDED in a chute waiting to be moved forward for adoption preparation when she jumped forward injuring herself.” Left UNATTENDED! Who’s minding the store? Apparently the injury was the filly’s fault. Maybe she snapped her head around and committed suicide? More likely she ran into a pipe fence trying to escape! WHAT IS GOING ON AT FALLON? None of us has any way of knowing.

    So how does the $697,359 ($369/horse) square with the $1.7 million ($615/horse)?

    Are the contractors paid based on the BLM planned Gather Numbers, or on a per horse basis? What about BLM employees’ salaries for the 40 days at the trap sites? I suppose they’re on the clock anyway. Were any bonuses paid? What about fuel for BLM vehicles. Cost of hay & water for the horses at the trap site?

    Who paid for meals & other related expenses, or did everone bring their own sack lunch? Were there toilet facilities? Maybe everyone used the cover of a convenient bush. Do the trailers belong to the Catoors, the BLM, or some other subcontractor? What were those expenses? I’m sure there are other costs I haven’t thought of.

    In other words, what was the “TOTAL COST” of the “gather”? Surely the BLM kept records. I WANT TO SEE THE BALANCE SHEET (FOIA?). So many questions, such incomplete information!


    • Seems like they are treating the horses the same way they would treat a cow before slaughter.
      Not only their methods are outdated, but they blame it on the horse!


  2. One more question. What did the BLM pay for the use of that “private land”, or did the rancher throw it in for free?


    • I asked this same question to the BLM months ago and they told me they did not pay the rancher to use his land to round up wild horses. Which I find hard to believe, frankly.


  3. The Cattoors are paid by the head. So, if you are still wondering why the pilot was hovering on top of that foal struggling to keep up to get it to move faster, this is the answer. Doesn’t matter if the hooves were worn off or that the pilot was touching the foal (extreme harrassment) when it was practically in the trap area. The bottom line is the Cattoors wanted to go get to more horses to round up. Time is $$$. This is a conflict of interest. The safety of the horses will always be sacrificed when the contractors are paid by the head. It will also be a conflict of interest in figuring out how many horses can be rounded up on a range. The Cattoors will always push for more, rather than less. I believe that only not for-profit contractors should be used in round ups.

    I do believe that there are scant few wild horses left in the Calico Complex and unless the BLM can prove otherwise, I think this is the why they stopped 600 horses short of their stated goal. They are all gone!!


  4. “The animals are often considered a nuisance to western ranchers and have been sometimes referred to as “the cockroaches of the west” by some.”

    Well at least these MAGOTS see the increased status of the horses over their own pitiful greedy existence! Yes, maggots. What do maggots do – they feed off of death. That’s what Cattoors, BLM and welfare socialist corporate ranchers are doing. The damned cattle just ruin the land and water, and then the maggots blame the horses, which are actually keeping the range free from invasive exotic grasses that are killing the range. Now they want to send all our wild horses to slaughter for even more of thier own greedy interests. All while families are losing everything, jobs, homes, their own family pets, so the Hiltons and HP types of the world can graze their cattle for profit on top of socialism support from our backs. Then there is also energy and mining interestes – don’t even get me started!

    I went to the pound this week. Had not been doing my weekly visit for months now due to the dogs being crammed 2 to 3 to a cage during this depression – too sad. Thought maybe that had changed – not so. The result of corporate greed run amuke without any oversight or regulation on our behalf. These maggots should be so lucky to be called cockroaches themselves – a rung up on the ladder in my opinion.

    Now they have a reality TV show to try to repair public opinion of thier scummy ways and get on our good side. A cutsy CEO turned worker for a day. Another scam – don’t watch it! Dont’ buy into it!

    The American wild horse is vanishing just like our own freedoms and democracy, just like our vanishing spirit and our own history. I have heard, not verified, that BLM or someone is trying to get the new documentary banned. What next? Book burning? Then what after that? Soon the bankers and corporate CEOs and thier goons the BLM and the Cattoors, will be calling us working folks cockroaches. Maybe they already do. How could a human being do what they have done so blatantly and what the welfare ranchers and BLM continue doing if they had any respect for thier fellow human beings or any respect for our history and our democratic way of life that they are attempting to strip away from us?

    As the wild horse goes, so goes the rest of us.

    Too strong? Have I been reading too many Huffington Post blogs lately?


  5. I made a comment a few days ago about driving out to the facility without actually going TO the facility, just to hang around & let our presence be felt. Without intimidating or keeping people from their business.
    I wasn’t kidding.
    If you’re a Nevadan or close, I think we oughta do it.
    Unless there’s a 10,000 foot easement around the property, there has to be a way to get photos of these horses, even if it’s done with a long lens.
    This whole episode stinks badly – from the unseasonal roundup to the denial of access to GIVING these animals to a private contractor. Armed guards? Can you say ‘facist’?
    I know I’m an on-the-ground rookie, but anyone with even a minimal awareness can see – this is WRONG.


      • How about a caravan of livestock trailers and take over the facility, remove the horses and take them back to their freedom?


    • Is the road to Fallon maintained by the county or other government agency – paving, grading, oil-topping, culverts, restoration work, snow plowing, etc? If so, it’s kept up with taxpayer dollars, and the public has every right to access up to the point where public maintenance ends.

      Is a 10,000 foot easement SOP zoning in the area? That’s nearly 2 miles!!!

      Didn’t someone mention a bird or wildlife sanctuary in the area a while back? Every year in Gloucester, MA, rich folks try to keep the public from accessing a U.S. taxpayer-maintained lighthouse. Guards at the gate to the exclusive estates and everything. Tourists turn back, but those in the know demand to be allowed through, and they have to let them in. The “richos” did manage to get the Audobon(sp?) Bird Sanctuary closed as a “public nuisance”, so no more access to that.

      Them that has, gets.


      • Indian Lakes Road leads to the Stillwater Wildlife Management Area.
        Just for the sake of clarity, I was being sarcastic about the 10,000-foot easement. But as long as we’re not tresspassing, why wouldn’t we be able to shoot pictures from the road?


    • Sorry about the “zoning” comment. No zoning in NM counties. But I believe the road issue and access to sanctuarie should still be applicable.




  6. The contracts have to be scrutinized via FOIA (in a timely fashion) AND how they were awarded (sole-source, waivers for qualification of bidder, etc)

    One of the things Dr. Grandin said and pushed in the traditional meat industry was to deduct the loss of animals DOA and non-slaughter eligible directly to the shipper and/or auction/owner upon arrival at the SH. She insisted it would clean up the abuses inherent in transport, shady auction practices and irresponsible ownership; make the players have a vested, fuduciary interest.

    If the DOI/BLM was effectively managing contracts of ANY type, they would specifically annotate deductions for deaths and injuries (make the contractor pay for vet care with uninvolved, disinterested vet monitoring) not attributable to round-up and processing/holding. Simple to do if the asshats writing the RFP/Bid award know how to do it. It’s called accountability and don’t pay for what you happen to wind up with. Of course, that assumes the BLM wants all the mustangs and burros to live for another day (and that doesn’t mean shipping covertly to slaughter).

    The red herring that is “they are being held on private property” is BS. If the “private owner can’t prohibit federal or state officials access…they have to accommodate interested parties reasonably. Essentially, it is a lease agreement unless stipulated in the award of contract (BTW…for the perps protection).

    Complicated, tedious but certainly not impossible with a smart legal eagle that knows the gov contract system and the law.


  7. I am sad and shocked to read news about animals being tortured or killed by humans. It has alsways been that we used to be part of nature, now it seems most of us stand against our own environment, and its creatures. It is outrageous that money from our taxes that we pay as a law abinding citizens finances torture against animals. It amazes me to see people parading pride related to hunting, extending it even animals in national parks. It seems that we forgot who we really are. If we turn our back on animals and do nothing to stop the massacre, and accept that our tax money finance terror on animals, than we should not wonder when all animals will be exterminated and we will be the ones in line to be pushed to slaughter, as we also might be too many and no money to feed us.


      • Interesting idea since the law states that no wild horse may be harassed, injured, removed or killed. Also, they violated their contract by not giving the horses water when they were stuck overnight in the trap area and not able to be trucked to Fallon. Sue Cattoor admitted that she heard they can easily go 24 hours without water, so she just skipped it. Violation of their contract.


      • The Nevada Animal Abuse statutes may not protect animals in transport, but they DO protect animals held in “cages”. And an “animal” is any biological lifeform “not human”.

        What Sue Cattor “heard” violates the law.


  8. see here, we can do searches for Gov contracts and cartoor lists under their 1962? started company named ROUNDUP . BTW I do think this roundup company were killing mustangs in utah in the 60s and 70s. also the helicoptor part is listed seperatly. here is the search result for one Gov. listing.


  9. So, who can sue a contractor for mismanaging federal money ( if animals die in his care, or abused etc, it should be called mismanagment, I think)? The other question is what agency would regulate or supervise this contractors. First of all, to qualify for a federal contract, regardless of what part of the economy we talk about, a person or company should meet certain standards. According to which standards BLM decided which is the right contractor to handle these wild horses. Second, what regulatory agency is supervising BLM, and its contractors? As I notice, there is plenty of info on the internet regarding the spending but zero on the accountability. By the contrary, there is a booming industry with these federal contractors given power (and money) over wild life. Since when?…


  10. Laura Houston :see here, we can do searches for Gov contracts and cartoor lists under their 1962? started company named ROUNDUP . BTW I do think this roundup company were killing mustangs in utah in the 60s and 70s. also the helicoptor part is listed seperatly. here is the search result for one Gov. listing.

    I’m impressed…good research. I suspect contracts (AND THIS IS IMPORTANT) have been fast-tracked due to timing or (and this is a beauty)….specialized need with no qualified competitive bid process possible because no one else does it.

    Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the likes of Pickens said…”let me bid on the round-ups”?

    Think about it. If true horse professionals with patience and knowledge did the work of BLM with the approval of Congress, think how we could shut off the cash cow (pun intended) of budgets for DOI/BLM re: mustangs/burros. Afterall, Cattoor’s aren’t placing the animals OR finding homes. If we could do it all, we’d kill them competively….without those stinking helicopters.

    If there is an entity out there that could do this better than the BLM trolls, file a protest….we could do it.

    I hope you got it all Sue, Abbey, Salazar…we won’t give up.


  11. Forgot to add, with the sole source process, one could certainly gum up the “process” by filing a protest that the current contractor is failing to “perform” reasonably. This may hinder the process of further round-ups pending review.


  12. Another “forgot” thing….find out who the KO (contracting officer is) and the COR (contracting Officer Representative is; their name, location, etc. Learn to play by their rules and you’ll be amazed how you can throw a wrench into their cozy, little equicide at all costs lives.


  13. Jerry F. Cook :How about a caravan of livestock trailers and take over the facility, remove the horses and take them back to their freedom?

    Jerry – it’s a splendid idea, but you KNOW we might get in trouble for it.
    I think they still hang horse thieves, don’t they?


    • In all of this who owns what and the rest, who do the horses actually belong to??? Since they are in captivity do we, the taxpayers still own them or did we ever own them, dont know if that has ever been discussed. I have a short attention span and have trouble concentrating on things for too long. If they are already ours then would it be considered horse theft?


    • Lisa, They may want to string up the horse thieves, but who is the real thieves here if in fact we were putting OUR horses back where they belong? It couldn’t be the BLM and the contractors could it?


      • I couldn’t agree more, Jerry; I’d like to drive a semi right through the front gate, load ’em up and take ’em home. I KNOW who the real theives are, who are abusing animals under color of authority, who’s fabricating stats and reports to suit their own needs.
        The scenarios I run through my little head during the day? THAT’S some scary sh*t, son. Don’t know fer sure that I’m truly capable of that sort of ‘mischief’ but it’s kinda gratifying that the old girl could be Rambo if only in her own mind.


  14. Jerry that is a wonderful idea, the problem is we would be arrested by the Federal Government. If this was to be done, it would have to be on the sly. I think about it often, about becoming a vigilante and letting them go. I have come to the conclusion, that one Government agency will not go against another. I wrote a letter to the US District Judges and here is part of what I got back.
    We appreciate and understand your interest in the
    well-being of wild horses and burros on public lands. The Department of
    Justice represents the United States, its agencies (including the
    Department of the Interior), and its officials in legal matters and
    cannot offer legal advice to private citizens.

    In other words folks, we stick together. I want to know why, animal abuse is a law in this country and the BLM and friends get away with it, along with demesticated horses being transported and tortured….Above the Law ???? I have never been more furious over anything in my life.


  15. Well, Lin, there’s the law (for us lower mortals) then there’s The Law, which apparently can be rained down upon the heads of suspected Citizens but cannot be enforced against the Federal, State or Local government, it’s affiliates, contractors, neices, nephews, cousins or neighbors.
    For example: If you owned a single miserable acre of property in the middle of BuFu, Nevada, regardless of the fact that it was pretty worthless, you’d be expected to pay property taxes on that land in perpetuity. UNLESS you were one of the 92,000-plus people who owned a mining company, claim or patent. If you were pulling a GazillionJillion dollars of bauxite outta that li’l acre, you wouldn’t hafta pay NOTHING!! TO NOBODY!!
    Makes you wanna standup and Pledge Allegiance, don’t it?


  16. Why can’t everyone converge on their nearest BLM District office, ala “The Night of the Living Dead.”


  17. Lisa LeBlanc :

    Jerry F. Cook :How about a caravan of livestock trailers and take over the facility, remove the horses and take them back to their freedom?

    Jerry – it’s a splendid idea, but you KNOW we might get in trouble for it.I think they still hang horse thieves, don’t they?

    Depends…are you working for the governments, ranchers OR the horses and people of the US?????

    If your the former you get tons of time, excuse making and flat out lack of oversight with prosecution….if you’re the latter, get your jammies, dimes for phonecalls and sack lunches ready because they will throw your butt in the can.

    It’s called equal justice in this great land of ours.


  18. I just googled wild horse round up re this Catoor, NV place and the congrats received by the owners on how good they are with wild horses. No one at BLM finds anything wrong, by the contrary! Could not find the name of the COR, but will research more. This does not make front page news on major newspapers. I also found that a David Catoor pleaded guilty in May 1992 to conspiracy to capture, kill and sell wild horses to Great Western Meats, Tx. He paid a fine of $500 and was on probation for one year. Is this the same Catoor?


    • Yes, it is the same Cattoor. Only now he gets paid millions each year by the US taxpayer to capture and kill wild horses.


  19. Well, isn’t that something. Thank you. Will attempt to find those legislators simpathetic toward wild hoses to write to them. BLM found nothing wrong, but horses are dying in an unusual high rate. If a federal judge repeats what the laws are saying, that wild life should not be given in the care of a private company, than the next in line to be questioned should be BLM. The office of NV state attorney should expect us to question why a federal law is not enforced, by the contrary, is broken right in front of their eyes.


  20. I think our ansewer is what savewildhorses said, Cattoor is a proven horse killer, and he is still rounding up wild horses? I bet the BLM uses him and his buddies to transport them to Mexico and have been doing it for years. There is no protection for the Wild Horse, thanks to Conrad Burns and Ried.


  21. Linda :The Nevada Animal Abuse statutes may not protect animals in transport, but they DO protect animals held in “cages”. And an “animal” is any biological lifeform “not human”.
    What Sue Cattor “heard” violates the law.

    Not sure, however I think the ‘Department of Transportation’ is in charge when animals are in transport.


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