Horse News

Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis is Challenged for her Bloodied House Seat

News Commentary by R.T. Fitch, author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

“Slaughterhouse Sue” may soon have to answer to the Force of the Horse®

Navy Veteran Nick De Laat joins the bulk of the free world in wishing that "Slaughterhouse" Sue Wallis would go away

Have you ever heard the phrase “what goes around comes around” or “someday all that bad karma is coming back to haunt you”?  Well I am willing to bet that Wyoming’s bloody queen of horse slaughter, Sue Wallis, is beginning to believe in such statements as her state house seat is being challenged well in advance of the required pre-election announcement date.

Twenty nine year old Nick De Laat, a former Michigan resident and U.S. Navy aircraft mechanic, launched a bit Saturday for her coveted District 52 seat.  De Laat is the married father of three and gainfully employed with high hopes of setting his new state’s government back on the right track.

Candidates cannot officially declare their intent to run until the filing period begins in May for the November election, but those restrictions don’t appear to slow down De Laat;

“Our rights are literally getting trampled on,” De Laat said in a recent interview. “We need to be able to hand off a decent country to our children.”

“We keep borrowing money at high interest that we’re going to have to pay back,” De Laat said. “We need to get back in the black.”

Nick’s main concern appears to be one of fiscal responsibility and more focused on mainstream issues than the reckless ranting of Wallis over her despicable campaign to inhumanly kill and eat America’s horses.

Perhaps a U.S. Veteran with a level head might be just what the humane doctor has ordered for the fine state of Wyoming.  The removal of “Slaughterhouse” Sue from the state government’s feed trough might not only be good for “Slaughterhouse’s” waistline but a bonus to the pocket books of the good folks of Wyoming.

All eyes are on Wyoming with hopes that the public will clear their state’s once pristine name from the blood smeared embarrassment that is known world wide as “Slaughterhouse Sue” and elect a red-blooded American to represent their needs and wishes in their state government.

With any luck, the universe may finally come into alignment.

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32 replies »

  1. Go Get Em Nick and BE WHAT THE STATE NEED’s~Good and Fair descision making for THE PEOPLE and THE HORSES AND ANIMAL’S..Slaughter House Sue ~POOH ON YOU>>>>


  2. My mantra too, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves!!! I love this, makes me wish I lived in Wyoming so that I could put my mark on the ballot against her. Ditto what Jeannie said from me too!!!


  3. YES!!!!!! I think this will be a scenario repeated many times, Americans are fed up about many things,and are ready and willing to vote for change; we’re tired of all the government waste; this is the type of candidate WY needs, great news!!!!!


  4. This is hopeful news. Maybe this young man will be the replacement of that woman with no sense or respect for her elected post. Good luck, Nick, RT will be rooting for you the loudest. mar


  5. What amazes me, is that Suzy (R-WY) got elected.
    That also goes for her “soul mate” in horse slaughter and idiotic statements, Eddy Butcher (R-MT). Karma will come to him too.


  6. Oh, karma, it’s such a bit@h for some people 🙂 I sure hope some of our advocates will be reaching out directly to this candidate to be sure he realizes the all the soft spots on ol’ Slaughterhouse’s hide. I’m quite sure the good people and the majority of WY are not too happy with bloody Sue’s penchant for all that promo she does for nasty equine bloodletting and consumption, mixing it all up with her legislative job duties (she had links to her “non-profit” raffle on her govt web page). I know for a fact that other WY politicians, even in her own party, think she is over the edge and an extremist (yes, I’ve actually had contact with a few – and I recommend every advocate do the same…)


  7. Still think Sue Wallis was a fall guy for the big dogs – to shift focus off events behind the scenes being found out at all or too late. Let Slaughterhouse Sue shoot off her mouth to the ire of the public who will then give great attention to her retoric that WILL never amount to a hill of beans. This woman never had any politician’s respect. Sue winning the seat may have been a ‘favor’ between good ol’ boys or bought with promises of ‘this for that’.

    I don’t know. But my suspicion level is near red alert.


  8. According to an article titled, “Nick De Laat will challenge Rep. Wallis for House seat”, it says:

    He says he doesn’t have a problem with Wallis, a Republican rancher who lives near Recluse. In fact, De Laat said he would have voted the same way Wallis has on virtually every issue.

    Is this good or bad? Someone needs to ask him about the equine slaughter issue.


    • We are working on asking Nick to address the Horse Slaughter issue but “Slaughterhouse” has not been “voting” on such an issue in Wyoming. But she is everywhere else where she can wield a butcher knife.


  9. If anyone running against SS wants to get some traction, focus on the lack of rendering options for large animal owners. Then proceed to show all the time and money (where ever those greenbacks come from) SS spends on this issue and compare it to the serious issues facing all Americans and those in WY. I think it would be easy to show that the ferocity that SS spends on HCHS is out of whack…pun intended.

    Oh, then take a look at her personal business acumen. Based on her judgement, successes/failures and business abilities, I wouldn’t do business with her.

    RT, thanks for the huffington post link. It is well worth the trip AND comments allowed RT fans.


  10. It is laughable how she describes humane horse welfare and her website in the same sentence. I do live in Wyoming and would not vote for Slaughterhouse Sue for dog catcher. Slaughtering horses, for most animal lovers, is appauling, and under her disguise of her non-profit organization, she and her husband, that shares another name; are totally dispicable for anything to do with horse welfare. There will always be that type of individual that will slaughter their horse, dog, or whatever satifies their agenda, but there are thousands of us that will never, condone, justify, or tolerate slaughtering of our majestic friends, companions, and parts of our families. Only a TRUE horse person, not someone such as Sue Wallis that hides behind Wyoming government, that stands for torture, abuse, and an ultimate ride to hell. God help Sue Wallis, who is beyond pathetic and ignorant, that her words speak volumes, on the real criminal person she really is.


  11. Nick De Laat, Mr. R.T. Fitch, thanks so much. I appreciate your articles, and thanks so much for all you do for horses, and horse welfare. Your voice means allot to people like me, and to all the horses with no voice, thank-you.


  12. I just saw Rich’s post, matter of fact I just found out about this blog within the past hour after a call from R.T. Fitch. I had no idea that my bid for the seat has been looked at nationally. To clarify some things, here is the right e-mail address
    What Rich wrote for my website is correct.

    To clarrify some points in the comments above, Yes..I would have voted the way Mrs. Wallis has voted on most issues. Some of these being the Montana Style Firearms freedom act, and the carry of concealed weapons bill. Anything that has to do with retaining or gaining back any of our constitutional rights, I support.

    Now, to awnser the question that seems to be on everyone’s mind on the comment section. No, I do not believe in the shipping of horses to slaughter them for food for the poor in third world countries. There are many reasons I don’t, and not enough time to get into it. I have read the arguement about what happens if we dont, and now you have horses not taken care of, starving, and suffering. My awnser, shelters. If one person can’t care for the horse, instead of sending the horse out for slaughter, send it to a shelter where someone will take the animal and care for it.

    Rich Baily, yes…you are more than happy to give a call and meet with me, and I hope you do soon!

    To everyone else, I am thankful for your support, and if you would like to, contact me at anytime (If I am working, I’ll get back to you when I get home from the mines and done from shift within a couple days).

    Nicholas De Laat
    Canidite for Wyoming House Seat District 52


    • Just to remind you Mr. De Laat….slaughter proponents consider the equines a property rights issue. So to them, it is a constitutional issue. Find a rebuttal argument such as citizens are not allowed to dump chems, cars, batteries, appliances any which they choose just because the own them for starters. The constitution protects individual rights AND the majority AND that the government has a right to implement legislation that protects all of the above, sometimes at the loss to the majority or the individual.

      I wish you the best and whole-heartedly agree with the shelter approach with conditions of course for the equines.


      • Forgot to add, for your campaign (and this is important)…most of us here and advocating for responsible ownership, are not “animal rights”. Animal rights is an incinderary phrase used by the meat industry, horse haters, resource suckers and antiquated obstructionists to welfare progress.

        Don’t let them smear you with that handle. They will also say you’re in bed with PeTA, HSUS, yah-duh-yaduh. Don’t let them do it to ya’.


      • Very true…we are Advocates and NOT Activists…we promote Animal Welfare, not Animal Rights.

        Heck, at this stage of the game we Americans don’t have any “rights” anymore…tax paying Americans that is.

        R.T. Fitch Author – “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” The Force of the Horse®, LLC 1-800-974-FOTH


  13. Love that image of a man typing on the computer with a baby on his lap! Great way to get the ladies vote and wonderful to be a caring dad! Wish I could vote for you!
    Grandmom in PA


  14. R.T. Fitch :Very true…we are Advocates and NOT Activists…we promote Animal Welfare, not Animal Rights.
    Heck, at this stage of the game we Americans don’t have any “rights” anymore…tax paying Americans that is.
    R.T. Fitch Author – “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” The Force of the Horse®, LLC 1-800-974-FOTH

    R.T.: Many of us here and on other sites, working for the equines (hell, for a better life for everyone for that matter) have been around the paddock more than a few times and know what Wallis and her like-minded are going to smear De Laat with.

    Don’t be surprised if the good ol’ Farm Bureau rears its ugly “can’t legislate responsibility head” very soon because Wallis has annoited herself as the “property rights”, no food inspection for Mom and Pop road side sales saint.

    I’m a welfare advocate that realizes all life dies….but it doesn’t have to die this way. Be advised (or should that be warned?) Mr. De Laat…they will throw everything at you including the kitchen sink.


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