Equine Rescue

BLM Contractors Stick a Cattle Prod in the First Amendment

Op-Ed by R.T. Fitch

26 Horses Now Dead at Calico Round-up and Counting


Sue Cattoor speaking to her "hurt feelings" on camera 9/9/09 - Photo by R.T. Fitch

While the world watched another living soul being pulled from the Haitian rubble, a bomb go off in Iraq and a U.S. President hit the reset button; the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) wild horse contractors, the Cattoors, were quietly shoving a cattle prod into your First Amendment rights and attempting a backdoor effort to quell the voice of Wild Horse advocates around the world.

Be it a Blog, Non-Profit, Publication or private citizen, letters from the Cattoor’s attorneys were being delivered in an effort to stifle the truth about what really goes on in one of their “humane” wild horse round-ups. Reading the truth is even more than they can bear.

American citizens should be appalled at the fact that a Federal contractor cannot stand up to being transparent and would turn and bite the very hand that feeds them simply because the truth “hurt” Sue Cattoor’s feelings. You have the right to be enraged as it is your money that made these people multi-millionaires. It’s your money that bought the very helicopters that rain trauma and even death down upon our wild horses and it is your money that you never approved to be spent in this manner yet the very recipients have the audacity to trample on the right of free press and subvert our very Constitution.

Some of the assailed have folded, others will fight back but overall it has sent a ripple of disdain across the free world that is bound to come back and sit squarely on the heads of the Cattoor contractors and the rogue Federal agency, BLM, that hired them.

Perhaps the reason that this rankles me the most is that I had to, personally, put up with the shenanigans and idiosyncrasies of Sue Cattoor and company during the entire botched Pryor Mountain round-up. It’s one thing to be treated like a criminal by the BLM while on our federal land but add to that the continued inane mumbling and commentary of a contractor’s wife while watching the horror and emotionally depleting experience of a BLM round-up is more than most sane people could withstand.

But there we were, with Sue Cattoor buzzing rumors, misinformation and junk science in our ears as we attempted to document the event for what it was; a total, inhumane and unjustified act of animal cruelty.

On the last day of the round-up during the morning meeting, we were not allowed to ask any questions unless they were “operations” oriented. BLM field agent Jim Sparks would walk all over and discredit anyone who would ask a question regarding the horses’ welfare but not when it came to the babble, in my opinion, that fell from the lips of Sue Cattoor. That last day she launched off into a speech on how we handful of advocates had hurt her feelings on our blogs and websites by bringing up the past sins of her husband and that all wild horses should be cleared from the ranges and those that could not be adopted should be destroyed. No one commented, not even the BLM officials, as it was just too bizarre.

On that last day the BLM was to release the horses that they were not going to auction and the likes of Ginger Kathrens, Makendra Silverman, Ben Sussman, Carol Walker, Elyse Gardner, Pam and Tom Nicholes and Terry and myself set up on a bluff, overlooking the area where the horses would be released, and waited to celebrate a few moments of triumph that at least there were a few horses that would be returned to the wild. But do you think that Sue Cattoor could give us any peace? No.

This Federal contractor stood behind us and commented on every single word we said and rained on every good moment we were trying to experience. We were under “guard” by two BLM security individuals and when I begged one to intervene and stop the onslaught of verbal gunshots he turned walked away and when I approached “Chuck” the other agent he simply stared at me.

I asked if he was going to respond and render aid and after thinking about it for a while, he replied:

“I don’t want to trample on her right of free speech.”

Whose rights are being trampled on now?

Since when can a Federal contractor turn on the U.S. press and threaten suit simply because they print the truth? Where do they feel that they have the right to attempt to intimidate those who work with fact versus fiction? This transgression, alone, constitutes the need for a Congressional inquiry not withstanding the fact that 22 horses are dead, to date, during this contested and unnecessary Calico round-up. Those 22 horses would, more than likely, be alive today if not for the dysfunctional BLM and their “humane” contractors, the Cattoors.

The Cattoors and their legal team need a remedial course in the true definition of the First Amendment and we as citizens need to ensure that the likes of the Cattoors do not acquire any more of our hard earned tax dollars.

Enough is enough.

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104 replies »

  1. This is UNBELIEVABLE! With all our animal protection laws and huge animal welfare organizations, where is everyone? Why is it up to a few small groups and individuals to fight this battle alone? Something is very, very wrong with this country. Like Craig said, “If we allow the destruction of our wild horses, America is committing MORAL SUICIDE”. As far as I’m concerned, we as a nation will reap what we have sown. These animals have more courage, loyalty and integrity than most humans. What a damn shame. This is heartbreaking, as every horse which is abused and injured will NEVER be the same again. I know, I live with some of the victims of the BLM. Journey’s End Ranch Animal Sanctuary.


  2. thank you RT….we are all so sickened by this American Tragedy….but you, so eloquently hit the nail on the head, once again……you are the spokesperson, extraordinaire for our wild ones….i hope to God…there is an honest politician out there somewhere that will stand up and stop this madness…..


  3. All I can say is the truth hurts doesn’t it Sue? I would be ashamed and hurt too, to have the world know my husband was a felon. But that really is not our fault is it? Or even that we are sharing what already is public knowledge. Maybe you should be telling your husband it is HIM that hurt your feelings since he is the criminal you are married to. How arrogant and selfish to think that there is only one way of life. How narrow minded and ignorant to think that the only life that matters is your own. All of life is sacred and to be respected and protected, not just a few who pick and choose who lives and who dies. I feel sorry for people like you Sue Cattoir, because you are missing the true meaning of life. And it ain’t money.


    • Pat in wy, mr. cattoor was not charged a felony. yup. stealing someone else’s horses, rounding ’em up, shipping them to slaughter, selling them for a profit was, in this case, a misdemeanor. go flippin’ figure!


  4. Thanks RT for standing up so eloquently, as you always do. . .and thanks for all time for covering my back at the Pryors Round Up. It was a horrible time, but one that forges friendships that will surely last a lifetime. We will never give up fighting for the horses and their right to live free with their families in their legal homes. And we will not forget those wild horses that have paid the ultimate price.


  5. I believe using the word “felon” is not correct. However, what we don’t know (or maybe someone does) is if the original arrest/charges were/was a felony and it was plea dealed down to a misdemeanor. Well all know how vigorously prosecutors always chase animal abuse, welfare, neglect issues. Plus, wasn’t this more about criminal tresspass and destruction of Federal property? Who knows, who cares.

    I’m sure these people consider themselves the salt of the earth, just hard workin’ Joes….sure they are.


  6. Where is it written in ANY professional Vet-horse publication that it is good and humane to run any horse or colt at the DISTANCE,SPEED and FOOTING like the BLM runs the mustangs?

    BLM and contractors are breaking the humane laws and are criminal animal abusers.

    Sue Cattoor- Lets see YOUR VETS STATEMENT that YOU run your domestic foals even one mile!??


    • If you read the Nevada state law regarding animal cruelty, the BLM and Cattoors ARE breaking them as we type. What we need is to have someone, in Nevada, take them to court. My hands are tied being a Texan but we really, really need someone, or a group of folks, in Nevada to take them to task.


      • no kidding!! any person would be charged with a crime if they took their foal and ran it like the BLM runs mustangs!


      • Can’t you be ad litum (coordinate it with someone in NV…maybe a rescue that has mustangs from previous round-ups) or file an amicus brief (granted after file)? Can’t there be some civilian in Nevada willing to try?

        Don’t know why, since the Feds and State are involved with a violation of both State and Federal law anyone has to be a resident of NV….depends of where the court and filing is, I ghuess…..Laura?????


  7. Sue Cattoor… how many THOUSANDS of horses have been run to death because of you and your family?

    Sue Cattoor… how many hundreds of thousands of horses went to slaughter because of YOU and your family?

    Sue Cattoor…you have EARNED that SCARLET LETTER on your face and no ammount of ‘chit-chat’ will remove the HORSE-KILLER stamp off your face.


    • Sorry Laura…you are peeing onto the wind. Like I said, they think they are doing a noble service. But so did Hitler and his cronies.

      My last post about Laura was for Laura Allen.


  8. So enough of the emotional blabber, when do we get together and put our pocket books where our mouths are? How much do we need to retain a outstanding ACLU accredited law firm to start some law suits with bite to them and get some national TV time. It has to start somewhere. I Pledge $500.00 towards a fund organized by EWA and used for the above purpose. How much are you all wiling to anny up. Talking isn’t doing it people its time to fight fire with nukes. we can be upset or we can put our foot forward financially and do something about it., get out and bang on doors on weekends begging for money. Stand at grocery stores and get petitions signed. We can cry about it or we can do something akin to Wild horse Annie getting things done. They are attacking our beliefs and morels are you really going to stand for that.

    Jeff Hudson ( one pissed off horse owner and tax payer )


    • Jeff;

      I will match your pledge and up it another 100 bucks. Let’s get this show on the road.

      R.T. (another pissed off horse owner and tax payer)

      “Honk if I bought your helicopter”


    • Jeff Hudson,

      Please be more careful with your words. You have NO idea how much money, time and energy has been expended by every single individual posting comments on R.T.’s blog (or those posting comments on blogs run by such organization as The Cloud Foundation, IDA, EWA, etc). There are numerous accredited Mustang, Burro and Equine advocate organizations in the USA. Every single one is being supported financial as best as possible by us regular folks who care just as deeply as you do, and HAVE cared for a VERY LONG TIME. I could tell you how much I have spent, but I will keep my pride holstered.


    • I also think the only way to achieve any real, lasting change in the BLM is thru the courts. Obviously, the executive branch doesn’t have the time or desire to devote to this issue. I also will pledge $500 to get it started.

      I believe the weak point in the BLM’s operations lies in the Herd Mangement Area’s that have been zero’d out. The judge in Colorado said that was a no-no. Also, since these areas cover multiple states, your jurisdiction would be in Washington. All the plaintiffs would not have to be from a certain state either.

      From surfing all the websites and blogs, I’m positive the data/information/proof has already been gathered. It would be a matter if putting it together in a way that it would be presented in an orderly manner.

      Lawyers know law. Advocates know the facts. Maybe the group handling IDA’s lawsuit would be able to recommend a firm.


      • I forgot to mention…the point would be to get a federal judge to say the BLM had to put the horses back on the zero’d out areas. This would then force them to inventory the horses in holding to ensure they went back to their original lands.
        and so on…and so on. It would open the can of worms that is the BLM.


  9. EVERY action that the BLM and the DOI are allowed to take is criminal offense punishable by prison sentences and stripping of their rights to freedom. ALL OF IT! EVERY LAST ACTION from signing death warrant contracts with the Cooks and Cattoors to the time they pick up their paychecks. Every single person involved should be fired and charged with felony crimes against America. They are stealing taxpayers dollars, destroying land and murdering wildlife in broad daylight in plain sight of every American who pays taxes and with the full knowledge of our Federal Government. Our Commander in Chief is allowing free reign to an agency causing mass destruction of land and extinction of American icons. Our past and present Commander in Chief have been authorizing political waste and selling out our beloved country to foreign interests with no restraints. I blame the 8 wicked & greedy eight years of Bush administration for what is happening to our Mustangs, Burros, public lands, national parks and other wildlife treasures. Now our President who touted ‘transparency’ and ‘change’ does NOTHING to stop the insanity. We are fighting against (in Washington DC) ignorance, short sightedness, apathy, irresponsibility, greed, hate, false pride, prejudice, deceit, cold blooded murder, thieves, — all of which are dark demonic forces, raging mad bulls on steroids, freight trains going at full steam, rabid dogs gone completely insane. But by no stretch of the imagination are these political traits anything new in our local, state and Federal Governments.


    • Dear Morganjserv, Jeff’s point is that our outraged voices (blogs, comments, emails) do not result in any change. Albert Einstein has been quoted to have said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Don’t you feel some insanity, regardless of the hours and money and heart you’re putting into this? I think Jeff is right on: Pool our financial resources and hire one attorney on behalf of ALL THE EQUINE ADVOCATES to do the job necessary to STOP THE MADNESS!



  10. If anyone listened really close to Obama state of the nation address he said that we had to sacarifice something to be more energy efficiante and econimicaly sound. Basically we have to give up our wild horses so we can strip mine their land for uranium for nuclear power plants be cause apparently nuclear is cleaner but when compared what has to be done to get it it’s no different from coal burning power plants. But Obama has it in his head that nuclear is the way to go and in order to do all that we have to lose our wildlife including our horses. I hate to say it but i dont think anything we do can change his mind. This is why Obama will not stand up and stop these roundups as you can already see we have no control over our country anymore. Maybe we need to rise over our government as it has us by not obeying any of their own laws. It’s says somewhere can’t remember exactly where but it says we have the right to over throw our govenment if we feel our rights are ignored/taken away maybe just maybe thats what needs to be done to save our beloved American Icon this country was born on the back of a horse why take them away now.


    • Lori,

      We WILL be prosecuted to fullest extent of newly conceived & convenient governmental laws, if we regular American citizen stepped one foot into independent thought and exercised our Constitutional rights. That document is a pretty piece of useless paper under glass, collecting dust somewhere in an unused corner of the Federal Court building in DC.

      Your opinion on nuclear energy is right on target. Keep sharing your thoughts. Don’t let anyone persuade you differently. Keep warning others.


  11. Has the ACLU ever helped animals or people owning animals that were NOT facing abuse, property rights issues?

    Bob Barker threw alot of money at University of Virgina to bring up a BETTER class of attorneys. Anyone ask him? Ms. Pickens, you have some fairly impressive names in your quest for our wild horses…..Jerry Jones doesn’t know a good attorney?

    I will also add 500 bucks….if we get the right people to sue the skin off BLM, Nevada and the rest of the anti-horse trolls. But be advised, it will also entail suing USDA, USFS, et al….they all play a part in the “follow the perps” that result in abuse of all American horses.


  12. I belive the nuclear power is an excuse to get the uranium for more weapons as we are in 2 wars now and will be in many more considering they way things are going just wait till all the other countries figure out that we are in the process of mining then they will try to do to us what we did to Iraq if you remember Iraq said they need uranium for Nuclear power too. And our Poor mustangs have to suffer cause our president has an ego and needs to be able to say my gun is bigger than yours.


    • Lori,

      Your thinking is right on the mark. Uranium and other energy development is the nearly the key reason why our public land is being cleared of anything considered a ‘nuisance’. First Mustangs and Burros because they are such easy targets and SO many laws/regulations have been formulated on behalf of the DOI so they may circumvent the 1971 Act. Vague language spotted by deceitful people is used to promote their own agenda. The biggest key for Americans to finally realize is that American soil has been and continues to sold off lot by lot to foreign interests due to our out of control national debt. Our Federal Government and government agencies (such as the DOI, BLM) march to the tune of whoever controls the land. The UAE is funding The American Mining Association. The UAE views Mustangs and Burros as expendable vermin only suitable for dinner plates and by- products. Only well bred Arabians are considered worthy horseflesh in the Middle East. Who do you think owns/controls the majority share of the horse racing industry in America? The UAE wants to mine/drill/pipeline the life out of our American west. Uranium is not only for nuclear fuel and power plants. Uranium makes bombs. Who in the Middle East is hot to trot for Uranium right now? And who do they want to bomb off the face of the earth? The first starts “I” the second starts with “A”. Are our Federal Government suits connecting the dots?


  13. Thankyou i am glad you feel the same way and ashamed of our country that i am right in the first place i have wrote letters donated rescued horses 2 from slaughter one from abuse i would rescue more but do not have the land. I spend my last dollar in hay every month. I am flat broke yet refuse to part with my horses they are fat and healthy and spoiled one of my horses i know for sure if i gave him up he would be abused he just has the wild attitude and hates most humans can you guess why. he was totally wild and starved to death almost died on us not sure if he is mustang or paint he short like a mustang and is tame but wild heart all the way. I think i would die before i let him go. And something to keep in mind the roundup people like to call themselves cowboys they are nothing compared to what a cowboy is. I grew up with cowboys grown men staying all night in the barn with sick foals sweetest men i ever met. These people rounding up these poor animals run the cowboy name through the dirt and I hope for their own good they never run into me or my horse for both of us would drag them through the dirt like they have the cowboy name and the poor mustangs they round up. If they where REAL cowboys and had to roundup some horses they sure would not use helicopters and traps. They would go out a few at a time and catch them one at a time. But now that would be considered work and they would have to be men to do it and not cowards hiding behind fences. And then there is poor ol Sue i bet she is hurt cause she did not marry a man she married a coward and man that must really suck glad i got me a man and not a cowboy wannabe.


  14. The following statement is by Cattoor on his website. So all the horses imprisoned in holding should be put down if the wild horse advocates don’t “belly up” to the table and save them. Big education to go to their website and read. Pretty disgusting people rolling in our tax dollars.

    “If all of the special interest groups would back off and leave the government employees alone and let them do their job, they would have a lot more time to look after and monitor the wild horses and burros on the range. Then the wild horses that are on welfare in the sanctuaries – the ones no one wants – should be offered to these special interest groups and the public and if they do not want them then they should be put down. Once they are captured and go thru the adoption system and are not adopted and end up in the sanctuaries, they are no longer wild horses. The money used to maintain unwanted and unusable horses could be used to manage the wild horses and burros that do run free out on the range. Then we will always have lots of really healthy, happy wild horses and burros roaming free on the range. And isn’t that what we all want?” Cattoor


    • Good gravy, the man’s had too much BLM kool-aid to drink. But I find it interesting that he feels the need to post any statement at all on his web site. Too bad for him – we’re still not going away.



      Cattoor’s statement is so full of false accusation and bald face lies (no surprise there). It is hard to know where to begin.

      1. The advocate groups do adopt/purchase as many as possible that are OFFERED at the adoption events. Most Mustangs and Burros are directly transported to prison pens immediately after roundup with no chance for parole. No one will ever believe that the nearly 40,000 Mustangs/Burros supposedly in prison pens were carted around 3 TIMES to adoption events across the nation AND THEN transported to prison.

      2. The advocate groups have to fight being OUTBID by those people planted at the auctions purposely by the BLM to outbid the Mustang advocates and keep bands or herds from staying together.

      3. Mustang & Burro prison pens are being largely unchecked by proper agencies, unaccounted for by the DOI and full disclosure/transparency laws ignored on purpose so that Mustangs can be sold to kill buyer agents and then shipped to slaughter. Prison pens locations are not accessible to the general public. Prison pens are on private land or placed on public owned land that is suddenly ‘off limits’ to the American people.

      4. The DOI received a 50% increase last October in their fiscal year appropriations bill (over the FY 2009 bill) passed by Congress specifically to deal with the increase in Mustangs/Burros in prison pens. Funds for wild free roaming Mustangs and Burros remain steadily intact and available. No proof or evidence is being offered to show Mustangs or Burros in prison pens are actually being care for with feed, water or vet care. It is taxpayer money being used to fund the DOI & BLM. Their accounting records are supposed to be open for public viewing upon demand.

      5. Roundups are being conducted in WINTER (against specific language in the 1971 Act) when no adoption events are scheduled until the following spring or even fall.

      6. Despite the caught-on-video-tape lie by Don Glenn at the December 7th Advisory Board Meeting, roundups are being conducted under dark secrecy, are not being viewed by independent humane observer and are not open to the general public. Only specific, staged days are scheduled for viewing. Persons in attendance have their every word & movement monitored by manipulative BLM agents. How can advocates or the general public KNOW what Mustangs or Burros are available to adopt or bid on?

      7. More federal funds (via the taxpayer’s back) are spent on cattle welfare ranching than will EVER, EVER be spent on caring for American Mustangs and Burros.

      8. BLM Branded Mustangs show up all the time in feedlots bound for slaughter. The Mustangs comes mostly from kill buyers at BLM auctions. As many as possible are bought back from these deathtraps by advocates, rescues and lone individuals.

      9. Do I even need to mention The 3 Strikes Ranch and Jason Meduna? Wasn’t that a BLM sponsored felony in the making?

      As far as Sue Cattoor’s pitiful statement in front the camera goes: BUCK UP LADY! Use some of that ‘lack of compassion’ technique on yourself that you show the Mustangs and Burros. Now, Sue, don’t use my words as inflammatory or derogatory & run off crying to some sympathetic judge you have bought off for your own purposes. I am simply stating my OPINION on your very public & video taped comment.


  15. oh yeah like they took really good care of the horses before the roundups what about 3-strikes ranch and since when does it take money to manage wildlife i am pretty sure you don’t have to pay a cougar or a wolf to eat a wild horse pretty sure they do that for free and wouldn’t there be more wolves and cougars to do this if the BLM did not allow hunters on that land to kill the cougars and wolves. So what money is he talking about oh yeah the blood money that lines his pockets. And the way i see it wild horses are wild horses still in their hearts captured or free they are still wild till they are broke anyway. And like the government know what its doing the government is so screwed up they can’t even fallow their own rules. Maybe Cattoor should stay at his ranch take care of his own animals and leave ours alone.


  16. Ok, been reading through all the comments – R.T. you do stir us up! “GO” R.T.!

    Someone asked, I will ask again, who are Cattor attorney’s talking to and why?

    Hope you all taped Sue ranting? Or were you not allowed to do that? Either way – put it on YouTube, let the people see/know for themselves. Please tell us more about this event and what exactly she said. That is such an evil thing to do to people who are obviously hurting – to taunt them, to pour salt in their wounds, wounds that she inflicted – wait, this is reminding me of something – torture! So no surprise there – she tortures animals after all, wait again, animal torture turns into what? You all realize the branding method they are using is right out of Nazi Germany? What was she even doing up with you a the observation location if not to do evil? Shouldn’t she have been down running her humane operation?

    Ok, blame must go everywhere it belongs – to myself included. Said it before – we are the ones using the energy and uranium – look at our portfolios – see how many energy and arms related industries our retirement plans are tied to. We can make choices on these – there are stock portfolios that are “green” and “peaceful” and make money. There is a first step for everyone to visit and control.

    We should be demanding that Obama and Congress but solar on every roof in America – let the damned energy companies own them and we lease them – I don’t care right now if I even save one penny on my evergy bill – just stop this insanity!

    Both Bush and Obama ran on energy independence (as did McCain), on the energy “under our own feet”, all three ran on Nuclear power – how can anyone be surprised that this has occurred? Same for clean coal and natural gas. They have and are fulfilling their campaign promises. It’s the way they are doing it that is wrong minded and irresponsible to our wilderness. Otherwise turn off everything and don’t drive anywhere – again we are in control of this!

    Yes, our lawsuits must be bigger – not one roundup at a time. That takes a huge fundraising effort. If anyone can organize that and pull that off – do it! Or if you can get ACLU (I think our tax dollars are being taken against our liberties) do it! Theres more to it than just knocking on doors to collect money.

    Get Willie Nelson to do a Wild Horse Aide, part of CD and DVD sales going to lobby and legal funds to save wild horses. Get all those on the UOH list to participate – even the NFL guys, they can do a little backup dance to a Sheryl Crow song! I actually had a dream about this – huge screens showing horses in background – Richie Havens opened singing “Freedom” (really speaks to Calico on so many levels! Its featured on his site today), Joanie Mitchell singing “I’ve looked at Clouds from both sides now…”, Peter Coyote and Willie Nelson did opening remarks, Rolling Stones coming up – then woke up. Tried to force it on – with Rolling Stones joined by that contest winner British gal signing “Wild Horses”. I want Leon Russell!

    Over throw the government? Well Bush made sure that can’t happen. You do all realize that the terms “Homeland Security” and “Patriot Act” are word for word from the Nazis? I had hoped Obama was going to get rid of those, thought he alluded to that in his campaign. Has not, has not even mentioned it as far as I know – tells me what? One day the United Nations will invade us and save us.

    “Cowboys” are now government condoned horse thieves and our taxes are paying them. Shame on cowboys! If you are reading this and you are a “good” cowboy – better do something to save your name! Do something! Don’t blame us for pointing out the truth.

    Same for cattle people who keep saying don’t blame cattle people – “lots of us cattle people love the wild horses” – well, step up! Do something about it!

    Am I prejudice now and profiling Cowboys and Cattlemen – yes! The United Organization of the Horse (UOH) has profiled and prejudiced themselves and all their associates towards all wild horse advocates and lumped us with others we are not associated with. So Cowboys and Cattlemen take action against UOH and BLM, move your cattle off wild horse lands, use your trailers to return the horses home and I’ll not profile you. The UOH is misnamed – it is the pro Horse Slaughter organization and has now set its ugly blood lust sights on our American Wild Horse –unacceptable!

    Cattor is just filling their pockets as fast as they can, Bush escalated it, and BLM is promoting it to Obama and he obviously, so far, believes them. Isn’t there something wrong with Congress giving BLM a raise to feed horses and then BLM diverting that money to roundup more horses instead? Come on, really, how do they keep getting away with this?

    Nothing new under the sun going on here – we WILL get results eventually. “Eventually” is the problem; our horses do not have until “eventually” occurs.


  17. R.T. Fitch.. I want to kiss you on the mouth for speaking out for our wild ones and saying everything we want to say. Thank you for being a voice for the horses and for the people who love them.


  18. Ok i grew up around cowboys not one was paid by any tax dollars they all had their own land and only had their cows on their own land. They alway took in sick or lost animals and never had alot of money cause it always went right back to the animals. We never stole one horse but had many thrown on us cause other people could not care for them. I saw grown men cry when their old mares did in their arms and not from gunshot but of old age i have seen cowboys save horses that even a vet said was not worth it myself included. I have seen the look in a cowboys eyes when the government took his land because he could not get a loan to pay taxes. So see they are not all bad and yes i have done a ton for the wild horses not that it has done anygood cause the government is still at it. I could be Prejudist and say all the white people are just as bad as you say cowboys are cause yes i have been hurt by alot of white people and our government has alot of white people and so are to cattoors they are white too and no i am not black can you guess what i am? And yes i know what those poor wild horses are going though first hand and cry tears for them everyday but no white man cried tears for me.


  19. Also i would take every single one of those wild horses and burros and bring them home where they belong but guess what the Government stole my land and won’t give it back and along with the land they stole the mustang. So no i do not have anymore land to rescue anymore mustangs but then again who’s fault is that. It’s very sad that it has come down to this but i think we saw it coming if we really think about it. And the west was never won like so many think. The west was STOLEN.


    • “The west was STOLEN”

      You have got that right Lori. Confusion would be lifted if we research the facts and hard truths on the entire beginnings of America. I could get on a big soapbox right now. But, I won’t.


    • Lori;

      I am saddened to hear of your trials and tribulations but on the other hand it is enlightening to visualize your perspective on what a “true” cowboy really is.

      The issue, here, is not a matter of white, black, red or purple; it’s a matter of law abiding morals. Regardless of skin color, the human being will subvert and pervert another human and think nothing about damaging another species over the prospect of making a fast buck. Our problem is compounded as a government agency, one that we finance, is totally out of control and considers itself to be above the letter of the law and the opinion of the American public. (Easier to ask forgiveness than it is for permission) We have to wake up the public as to what the BLM is doing.

      Hang with us as the truth speaks volumes and sooner or later, the cream always floats to the surface.

      We will prevail.


  20. Just accidentally found this YouTube:

    HSUS works to balance wild horse population krqe New Mexico, November 18, 2009

    Appears HSUS thought PZP would be darted and no need for roundups.

    But why think BLM would do anything as it is supposed to be doing? Like reading the instructions about PZP – or they would be giving it at the correct time of year.

    I was born into and grew up in a “cowboy” family – that went out and rounded up wild horses (before helicopters and airplaines) and sent the horses over cliffs, to slaughter, to rodeo! Yes, they did love thier own horses. The BLM “cowboys” are not helping the good name of good cowboys – I am suggesting that good cowboys take a stand on this issue, form an organization – join in protests, etc. etc. Or walk off the BLM job! Just ride off into the sunset and leave Sue Cattor! It is after all the American way to protest horrid working conditions!

    Our tax dollars are paying these roundup cowboys, including I consider the helicopter people to be cowboys too, just riding a diferent mount, and our tax dollars have paid cowboys to roundup, get rid of, wild horses right along with Buffalo for over two decades. And, those same cowboys, in uniform, rounded up one of my greatgrandparents (maybe great-greatgrandparent) torn from her home, and walked her across the trail of tears too.


  21. To R.T. Fitch

    Thankyou for understanding. I really do think alot of you and what you are doing. It’s so crazy that things are so messed up like this. I hope i did not disrespect you at all by talking about race i was just trying to get my point across. I am lost at what more i can do to help i write, i rescue, i let everyone know what our government is doing we are buying land so we can rescue more. I am doing everything i can and it just seems like it’s never enough. Not sure if you knew this but JD Blackfoot cares about our wild horses too and did a whole CD on them it’s called Yellowhand shows the truth from the horse point of view. Wish the government saw it that way too. Thankyou so much for this site and everything you have done for our horses I bet yours are so happy.
    I cannot thankyou enough.


    • Lori, R.T., all, as I re-read what I wrote I realized how brash it was, I do apologize. I feel so hopless and more people must join us. I did not say what I meant to say, that was for more people to take a stand and speak up agaisnt this insanity.

      Lori and Morgan, yes, this country has a lot to be ashamed of (as do all societies -we are not all that special) and needs to start apologizing all the way around, take responsiblity, thats the only way to move on (that would make us special). What is going on now overall is such a travesty, insult to injury, to evey citizen, and most don’t even realize it. But as said “soapbox”, off target. Or is it? I think Ginger Kathresn said it best – this isnt’ really just about wild horses, its about what has become of our country, maybe its about what our country has always been, some good, some bad, some really bad.

      As I was listening to Richie Havens today on his site, I was remembering an interview that he gave about USA- about what his parents taught him, about the “goal”, perhaps unattainable to perfection, a work in constant progress. But the best “goal” in the world. Whenever I read the Constitution and Bill of Rights I realized what we are fighting for and reminded why its so needed and important against greedy powerlust forces, like say, the Cattor BLM team.


  22. No need to apologize i believe it is our government that needs to apologize for failing us and continuing to do more and more damage. I am sure you are just as mad as i am over all of this and once again did not mean any disrespect as far as the cowboy thing maybe i was lucky and all the ones i was around was kinda like R.T. Horses are awsome animals and can apparently really get us all fired up. We all love them and all want what’s best for them. Nature takes care of things not the BLM I wonder what would happen if everyone stopped paying their taxes and guarded thier homes so they could not be taken away not that i am suggesting it but i wonder if anything would change when they stop getting that money. Someone out here where i live don’t like my wild horse so I went out and bought a gun and let the word out that i did and now they don’t bother him anymore. Strange how it made them think twice. You would think that the BLM would have lost at least one nights sleep over “Freedom” hopefully he is still free so sad he had to almost kill himself to get free in the first place. Thankyou all for being such strong horse advocates if it were not for us all the horses would be gone and sold to slaughter. Don’t ya kinda wonder what will happen when all the wild “horsestock” is gone will they come after our pet horses to put on their dinner plates.


    • Next up on the dinner menu will be “Barney the Beagle” and then watch out for your cat.

      Small time politicians like Wyoming’s “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Montana’s “Red’ Ed Butcher are doing their best to drag the American populace down to a new “lower low”.


  23. I have created a profile as I dont want to get confused with the other Lori that is posting, and doing a great job of it too!! GoLori.

    I know it sounds like pie in the sky but I think that the only way that we are going to get Obama on the spot and to take notice is to put ourselves right under his nose, where the press are and where he is, in a peaceful way of course, but in a manner that cannot be ignored or swept under the rug. Is there any way we can arrange that? They will continue to ignore us unless we do something to make sure we are seen.


  24. I heard they were trying to pass a law to neuter and spay all your cats and dogs if we do that there won’t be any for the dinner plate. I wonder who is going to pay for it. And do we have to geld all our studs and have major surgery on all our mares too. Seem to me a plan to get rid of all the pets and make the people more vulnerable and they want our guns too! Well i got a gun and a dog that will protect me and a horse that will run em all down given the chance and i die before i let anyone of them go. I have had enough of this government stealing from us. This is supposed to be a free country did they forget that. I wonder if we can get all this out to CNN and get them to actually tell the truth.


    • I remember reading a short story called, “The Ghetto Dog,” and how the Nazis forced the people to bring all their pets out into the streets, and shot their pets.


  25. Here is a reply I received from Sue Cattoor after wriitng to her to protest the Cloud roundup:

    Thanks you for your letter. You are getting a lot of miss
    information but you have every right to your opinions. I know we did the
    right thing and we did a good job. The BLM also did the right thing and
    they did a good job. I only have one question for you. If you think wild
    horses are wildlife do you think it would be OK for the BLM to issue
    permits to capture or shoot a wild horse like the game and fish do to
    control the populations of other wildlife? Or do you just think they
    should be left alone to die of starvation or lack of water when the number
    build up to too many for the areas to support? I have seen starving wild
    horses and I have seen wild horses dieing from lack of water. It is not a
    pretty site. Sue Cattoor


    • a friend of mine wrote to her in protest of the cloud roundup, too, & the response she received was pretty similar, except there was this little gem in it: how would you feel if your husband was raping your daughter? you wouldn’t like that very much, would you? it’s the same with these wild horses & they need to be rounded up.

      yeah, a real peach that sue…articulate, clever, intelligent, & a great friend to our wild horses, eh?


      • OMG, she could be one of the characters from that movie “Deliverance”. These people, the contractors, the BLM sycophants, the BLM “expert” horse haters, the UOHer’s, the UHFer’s – I really feel like they are from some “other” class, less educated, less educable, less evolved, less endowed with humanity and perhaps without real souls. This is unbelievable what she wrote but just proves they are SICK, SICK, SICK and ignorant to boot!


    • This is the myth that the BLM and the Cattoors perpetuate…the wild horses are starving. My wife took hundreds of pictures of the ample forage in the Pryor Mts. Terry documented every single horse that came through the traps and only one mare looked thin. This is the lie, this is the excuse and the grammar displayed in Sue Cattoor’s letter pretty much explains why we are where we are. In MY opinion, people like this should not be making decisions that affect the future of our country.

      Every time she opens her mouth, she furthers our cause and makes our point.

      A very twisted part of me loves her to death and for that I am very sorry.


  26. Not sure how you could do it peacefully as he is the one that wants the horses out of his way. But putting him on the spot is a must can we call him out using the media tell America that he wants us to lose everything we are proud of for a war we have been fighting forever that he was supposed to end anyway. Call him out on the “change” he was supposed to make. And where is that birth certificate that says he is a US citizen oh yeah Obama ordered that cnn fire a journalist because he asked for the birth certificate. So see he can’t even prove he is capable of a simple request. And I do know Michelle Obama knows plenty about what is happening to our wild horses and she is silent too. So we must Scream!!!


  27. I have seen starving horses in human hands loads of times so what’s the difference, at least free the strong survive in some human hands none survive. She is just trying to cover for the sins she has done.


    • From manesandtails you can get to Paul Sorvinos site – HorseFellas, with “mug” shots of rescued horses. I wrote to him and suggested a Wild Horse section, where peoople could send “bail” money to sponsor a rescue of a horse being held in BLM prison.

      Learned somthing new – from one of thier undercover video reports – people who eat horse pay more for lean horse meat – so these illegal backwoods operations starve the horses for 6 months before slaughter.


  28. Do any of you notice as we step up our talk toward the BLM their gather updates get worse now there are 20 miscarriages 4 dead mares today they say the total death is 23 Now not sure how 22+4=23 but look who is doing the math. Now the BLM says the mares are in thin to very thin condition. Now granted ill give you the fact that mares get old and sick and thin and strongest survive. But if you look at all the pics they seem healthy and if it had to do the the range being thin of forage then why is it only the mares shouldn’t it be the bachler studs that would be thin if it was the range. Now 20 miscarriages and they mention it today what are they doing to those poor mares for that to happen. OK and these are horses used to desert therefore lack of water so this is winter shouldn’t they be better off water wise and didn’t it snow there not to long ago duh snow is water and they are horses they can put 2 and 2 togeter but BLM can’t shoot they can’t even add. I wonder how they count cattle.


    • I would think the older pregnant mares would naturally be thin this time of year since they are carrying a foal and probably have last year’s foal still at their side and sometime nursing.


    • 20 dead babies!!! Such a nice, round number – probably more, certainly more to come, and not even the decency to list them among the dead. Can you imagine the sight and the smell, and how the other horses must react to all this death in their midst? And when you read Elyse Gardiner’s latest blog, these “experienced” wranglers didn’t even notice a mare that hadn’t expelled her afterbirth. It had to be pointed out by an observer. How many more will die from lack of attention and veterinary care?

      I’d like to hear from Ginger Kathrens or someone else who has observed free-roaming horses in winter, especially regarding pregnant mares still nursing last year’s babies. I would expect them to be thin, but they’re hardy. If they do pass, it’s natural and on their home range, not in a filthy prison.

      I would think the horses would move slowly in the cold to conserve energy. They certainly wouldn’t gallop for miles in total panic, and spend days, weeks and months in fear, chaos, and finally depression, separated from the safety and comfort of their families.

      In the natural world, these horses have snow as a water source. From the now-famous photo of the four steaming horses (I’ve seen it captioned “Wild Horses in the Mist”!!!), they must come in and continue to be very dehydrated from running and sweating. They know where to find shelter. No proper shelter at Fallon, just “windbreaks” for the sick, injured and lame.

      I agree about the BLM’s “fuzzy math”. They’re separating deaths at Fallon from total deaths, but the figures still don’t seem to add up. I also noticed the first death, the mare that was “euthanized at the gather site”, is now listed as “1 non-gather related death”. How does that square up? I guess since they ran her into the ground before she made it to their “loving arms”, they don’t want to take any responsibility.

      I am also missing over 90 horses from the latest BLM figures, no matter how I run their stats. I’ve been trying to keep a running total of stallions, mares, and weanlings/foals, and a grand total. I send that information to the President and other officials each time the BLM updates their site, along with additional comments. Yes, I’m being “respectful”, but “facts is facts”, and I admit it’s getting harder to hold my temper.

      The updates no longer include “1 back to HMA”, although they do still describe his escape. Where is our Freedom? Are they loath to admit a single failure? Do they think he’ll be forgotten if they omit him from their reports? A little late for that!

      I’ve noticed updates again read “deaths” at Fallon, which they dropped for a while. Did they think that omission would make their cruelty more palatable? No mention of body scores on any of the mares – something else left by the wayside.

      Okay, I’m almost through. Question – has anyone been saving the update files from the beginning? I haven’t, but I’m starting today. It will be interesting to document all the BLM’s permutations, as they try to dance as fast as they can to keep ahead of the growing furor.


  29. If we aim something at Obama it must be a surprise attack, but it needs to be done in a manner that people cant point fingers at us as doing something illegal or unethical (like we are unethical !!!) It has to be something they dont see coming, and something that they are forced to confront IN FULL VIEW of everyone, not something that they can just wriggle their way out of. As I say Pie in the Sky, but maybe doable??? We have some wonderful people on our side who have ingenious minds.


  30. Ok so get all of us and NRA and demand a birth certificate again or if he wants to get out of that again then he can stop the roundups and start listening to the people. Its not illeagal and it’s fully in our rights to request it. As he is our President and supposed to be the voice of the people. Now i agree there are alot of cattleman against us but if they think about it and they get all the land the price of beef will bottom out and they lose their ranches so they will be out of the job too. Obama’s BC is what he is trying to hide the most get him where it hurts, is he really going to go to all of our houses to gun us down i don’t think so even if he did it wouldn’t work. Nothing can be thrown back on us as being illegal and it’s not unetical to request but it is unethical and illegal for him refuse us. He works for us we pay him don’t forget that.


  31. Dear Sue,
    I apologize for the thoughtless comments about you and your company for merely performing a duly appointed task which I’m sure wrenches you to the very depths of your heart, from duly appointed representatives of the Wild Equines.
    Can I get my money back now?


  32. She seems like a real peach of a gal, as my dad would say. (sarcasm). But it does take a special person to do what she and her felon husband do.


  33. That comment that the wild horses be removed from the ranges is very telling. This has nothing to do with what they consider “their right to free speech” and everything to do with silencing those who disagree. Is this woman really speaking her mind and weighing what she knows or just spouting off what she’s been told, believing every word? Why do so many people assume the wild horse lovers haven’t looked at actual scientific facts? Why do they feel just because we care about animals we don’t do our homework? Guess what: I VOTE-and I do my homework-and I won’t forget those who let this happen, no matter what ‘good’ they otherwise do. Because those are my tax dollars they are using too.

    It’s a sad thing about cowboys. Used to be they were the likes of Roy Rogers and company, honest, loyal and while less than perfect in real life they were still generally rather heroic in their work ethic. Now the whole macho, beat em up attitude seems all that is left: or at least the only part that the rest of the world sees. Cowboys in helicopters, rounding up the horses who a few decades ago would have been their partners on the range. Goodbye Smokey the cow pony…


  34. Christ died on the cross to give salvation and justice to all creation.
    Have Americans forgotten the lessons of Noah, the Covenant of the Rainbow, and that the lion will lie down in peace with the lamb?

    If Americans would open the Good Book they would realize that we are not permitted to slaughter, destroy, harrass or harm His creation. We all lived in peace and harmony until the serpent lied to Eve and that is when violence, bloodshed, evilness started the holocausts against all of earth. If we truly love the Lord, we prove our loyalty by protecting all of creation….widows, orphans, those in despair, the animals and the waters, air and soil of this beautiful planet.


  35. I think the idea of mass lawsuits against the BLM/DOI for animal cruelty needs to be exploited to the maxium. I would hope that there is a lawyer/lawyers out there that are willing to take on the task? I don’t have money, but I’ll be glad to paste my name on a suit against BLM and DOI. In fact wouldn’t it be great if the 10,000 petitioners that signed to stop this round up in the first place were on that suit?

    Lawsuits and especially those against government agencies for breaking the law seem to get more press than peaceful protests. Not saying we don’t need to keep those up, but I think a lawsuit against them would get a bigger bang for our buck. Do you think Obama or the media could/would ignore a class action suit with 10,000 plaintiffs on it? The government might, but the media wouldn’t.

    R.T. Ginger and Elyse, how did you manage to bite your tongues, unless you didn’t feel it was worth the effort? Had I been there I might have exercised MY freedom of speech and told Sue Cattoor go elsewhere with her remarks!

    You’re absolutely right Laura H. I appreciate your commentary in post #16! I couldn’t have said it better myself.


  36. PS I don’t think you guys are ashamed of our country, I think you are ashamed of our government and the bamboozling job they are doing on US!


    • I recognize the voice of the person who is doing the video taping. I hear Craig too. I applaud your heroic efforts. The pain the mare is in. My dear God. Then the idot BLM agent, some so-called expert, goes walking near her at arms length – forcing her to try to flee his presence. Then another BLM agent has the stupdity to tell the observer to ‘have some compassion’.

      Then you see a Mustang using instinct to lay next to the dying mare – giving her comfort. These Mustangs are family. They are not dinner food.

      The vet was out in the morning and LEFT the mare lay with a broken back? The vet will be back later – did I hear that other assinine BLM agent say this?

      Sue Cattoor. You had better run and hide from all the backlash you are going to receive from your pitiful video taped sob story of “hurt feeling”. This new YouTube video showing TRUTH is going to go worldwide.


      • I fear BLM will use this video to misinform – “see how bad off the horses are – we have to round up more and more to save them!” – and that is what people will believe.

        WE have to work harder and smarter than ever before!


      • Amazing – I can cry and type at the same time!

        You’re right on, Roxy. The BLM will spin this video so folks focus on the dying mare, and also the black one that looks pretty skinny.

        Never mind the ones in good condition in the background. Isn’t that palomino a beauty? Imagine her running free on her home range!


    • The video of these mares is so disturbing and disgusting.

      In the video’s “Comments” section and above, Morgan (bless your heart!) talks about the first poor mare heartlessly left in agony, constantly trying to stand, and finally laying dazed and quiet on the cold ground, until someone came and ended her life with a bullet.

      Another comment defends BLM captures, and “euthanasia by rifle”. Direct quote: “NO a vet can not give her a shot. do you think it can be done without roping her?” Don’t they have tranquilizer darts? Maybe they’re too cheap or inexperienced to use them. Sometimes I think they’re on such a power trip, they enjoy the suffering they cause.

      The comment to the woman taking the video: “By you standing here, the horses won’t come” is so ignorant. They clearly didn’t want to “come”. They were trying to protect their sister from that two-legged devil, and give her some peace in her last hours.

      At first, the other mares didn’t want to move. They stayed with their companion until they were chased away. Then they circled and looked back until their oppressor left, and immediately went back to her.

      Then there’s: “He’s trying to give her some hay.” He’s succeeding in scaring her so much she again struggles to stand. What was this “experienced horse wrangler” thinking?

      And “Could you have some compassion, please?” is beyond belief! Someone get that woman a dictionary! Obviously these people are so callus they refuse to acknowledge that what’s standing right in front of them is a consequence of their own actions. Or maybe they’re prepped to say those types of things for the cameras.

      When the black mare lay down beside the bay, I really lost it. I couldn’t help thinking of elephants. How they gather around a dying friend, and grieve their passing. People are so amazed and have such “compassion” for their behavior, but fail to recognize and respect the same “rites of passage” in horses.

      I think the second mare is the one in a still photo on Elyse Gardiner’s blog. The red protruding mass is un-expelled afterbirth. An observer had to point out her condition to another “experienced wrangler” before anyone went for help.

      This is all so terribly wrong! Enough … got to cry now.


  37. That was how the whole Calico thing started, with a lawsuit against the BLM!!! All it did was delay it a few weeks, cost a lot of money, have a judge tell them that he couldnt stop it but advised against them continuing with the roundup because of repercussions that may come later, and they all ignored him and went right on ahead!!!!!!


  38. RT I speak for myself but I really need to hear your voice of reason on the events televised on GMA this am, I am ready to burst a blood vessel and know that you will have the right answer.


  39. BLM is government agency and government passed a law that you have to have permission to sue the government from “guess who” the government. And I agree Lori, they will just take it out on us by erradicating all our herds right away.
    And killing most of the horses they roundup out of spite. And our pockets will be broke from the lawsuit and then our poor horses will suffer and we can rescue anymore mustangs if we are broke.


  40. I would be interested if there is a way to determine where the mares that aborted were run from, how many miles, and what was the date and weather condition at the time of their run? And what was their body condition at that time vs. their body condition upon abortion? I would expect they used a lot of calories during that run and during the freezing cold days ahead while they were sweated to the skin – How many lbs of fat a muscle would all of that burn off each week, each day after ward. And then to be feed food they are not accustomed too – this needs a whole investigation!

    I’m not an athlete myself, but I worked with many, and I know how they lose muscle and fat after a marathon – they say they can feel it dropping by the hour if they don’t eat, eat, eat! And they are all nice a warm – not standing out in the freezing cold in sweaty cloths with foreign food to eat and pregnant!

    Same for the photos in this abc spot – most looked pretty good to me, but the ones with a little rib showing – were these from the first feezing days and what was thier condition then? Doesn’t BLM know we have photos of the horses from November already? Shame on abc for not using those photos! For BLM to use this as an example of why they needed to do the roundup is ludicrous beyond words!

    My opinion – BLM and Cattoor caused these abortions!


  41. I read somewhere this site or cloud’s not sure but they are fed alfalfa. We grow Alfalfa here and i live in So IL we even have to be careful feeding this to our horses as it is very rich and causes horses to gain weight, colic, founder, causes improper growth of foals i imagine it can cause abortion too like fescue can. Why the are feeding such a rich grass to horses that eat sage and scant grass is beyond me unless they are trying to kill them. Alfalfa should only be fed if the person feeding is experianced in nutrition. Yeah alfalfa is good and sweet and horses love it but it can kill them too. A friend had a healthy mare and got into an alfalfa patch and foundered it was horrible, vet was called and everything but she died and that was alfalfa growing in the field not a pure bale of the stuff like the wild ones are getting.


  42. Ok i got to reading I live in So IL in the Shawnee National Forest very nice place we could probably sustain a small herd here not that i agree with salzar cause i don’t. There used to be wild horses here till they were all captured, run out or killed. We do have some predators but not many used to have bears and cougars out here some still say we do but throw in a couple of cougars for population control and we could have a small herd here but i would never say sterilize them. We already have to watch out for deer on the road constantly as we are full of deer. But i would not say no to bringing in a small viable herd out here your biggest problem here is all the horse lovers would fight to adobt an abandoned foal that they thought would not make the winter. but they would have to be hardy horses as we are full off trees and forest. At one time horses ran wild everywhere it was our lovely little government that said they could only live out west. But a gelded stud and sterilized mares no way i won’t go for that, that was i call a pet not a wild animal.


  43. Anyone keeping track of what these people are doing on their websites, remember DO NOT just save the webpage, actually PRINT it as a PDF file and hard copy, because if they change it then the information is lost when you reaccess it.

    I am still spitting nails dont think I will be able to think straight on this one for a day or two after that rediculous report on GMA this morning.


  44. I don’t know if this has been tried before, so I’m just putting the idea out for comment.

    So far, we’ve been pretty much preaching to the choir.

    The BLM has publicly said that contacting government officials and holding protests has had “no significant impact” on Calico, future captures, or BLM policies and practices.

    Non-violent protests have received some press, but not enough. Civil disobedience might get attention, but could also draw a lot of criticism. Remember the struggles of the Civil Rights movement.

    What about calling for “A National Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Humane Treatment of America’s Horses”? This type of call has worked for other worthy causes, why not endangered horses?

    We could cover all the bases under the same umbrella – Wild Horse issues, slaughter, abuse, neglect, and whatever anybody else can think of – and all on the same day.

    We can’t ramble too much, or lots of people will be overwhelmed. Just put out information with the most impact in a form the layperson can understand.

    The proposal would have to be drafted in such a way that any opposition would be seen as inhumane and counter to American (especially Christian) values.

    Something like this would take time to put together, and would probably be too late to stop Calico, but if we structure it right and use all our resources to publicize it, it just might bring more public attention to the scope of this tragedy.

    Please tell me what you think, and don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings. I had a 25-year career in graphic design and advertising, and you don’t survive that arena unless you develop a pretty thick skin.


  45. I would do that no problem but won’t government look at it like look at those stupid horse people. Not sure it’s the kind of attention we want to draw. Now we could take the horses we do have and for the people that can do it ride our in public showing that these animals are worth something and maybe we just might not buy gas for our cars. I know when gas prices skyrocketed people down here and in kentucky rode horses and it drew lots of attention and all positive for the horse and the people. If we would go hungry for our horses cause we love them so much why not switch from cars to horses for a little while till we get the attention we need maybe a day or two is all we would need. Or a full trail of the tears ride in the name of wild mustangs through the towns where the actual trail was. It definatley would draw attention, horses in towns and people will listen and we will get news media and get our word our for free.


    • Great idea, Lori. This is exactly the kind of brainstorming we need. It could be a co-ordinated, simultaneous event for the shorter rides. That would have the greatest impact.

      Perhaps some hardy folks with the right horses would be willing to sign on for the “Trail of Tears” trek. That would certainly be a major commitment. It’s 1,000 miles or more, depending on your route.

      I’ve been told many times to start with your biggest and best idea, then work back to what you can actually do. If we all put our heads together, I know we can come up with something great!


    • One more thought on a longer ride.

      It could be something inspired by the “Pony Express”. If I remember correctly, the ponies were off the range, so it would certainly spotlight one of the important role wild horses have played in our country’s history.

      It would give more people the opportunity to pass the “mail” in their own communities – maybe even across a county or state. I bet that would generate a lot of press. People like reading about their own folks. Plus it would show off what their horses can do. The more mustangs, the better!


  46. Or we could run the trail of tears backwards making huge statement. March our horses in washington D.C. Get Willie Nelson, Crow and Viggo in on it too i bet Viggo would love to ride “Hildago” all over washington. I just wish my horse was a little older and a little more trained so i could do it with them. Wille Nelson is all about justice and Crow and Viggo are all about horses. The Trail of Tears is a streatch i admit but you get it. Love to ride my Paint Pony all over washington with feathers all down his mane too.


  47. Lori it’s an idea I have been dreaming about but I had us on horse back marching on Washington, we have to get this together and soon. Where would we start. We can contact horse rescues and advocates threw the states we are going. We need to map this out and get the ball rolling. I watched the ABC news this morning about the wild, with my daughters, Katie started crying and asked me… is this the end of them and I said close to. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/wild-horses-rounded-west-9706248
    We have no impact on them because of money, the news tells the blm side and make it sound like they have no choice. They have a choice, give them back their land and set them free. Over 200 million acres they stole from our horses. We have to stop them.


  48. Pony express is great but gotta convince the government that we could do it and we would have to be hired by them to handle the mail. We almost lost out saturday mail here and still might the say it’s costing to much in gas for our towns to pay sometimes we get mail at 1-3pm sometime not till 8-9pm somtimes we don’t get any mail at all they just don’t show up. It won’t be long and saturday mail is gone for us which is fine with me can’t get anything done on saturday or sunday around here.


  49. There we go Lori and Mustang 33. This is exactly the kind of brainstorming I was hoping for!

    I put “mail” in quotes for a reason. People couldn’t carry actual stamped and cancelled mail. I believe that’s a felony. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear.

    They could carry packets containing copies of existing petitions (including signatories), lists of supporters (organizations and individuals), proposals, and other information on the wild horses and horse protection issues for delivery to local, state, and national leaders. This would mean mapping routes to include city and town halls, county seats, state houses, and, ultimately, the U.S. Capitol itself.

    I think it would be best to find supportive, high profile citizens – perhaps even celebrities – to accept complete, individual packets of “mail”. That would ensure each community would have its own copy.

    Deliveries would be at or as close to the various seats of government as possible –if not at the actual “seats of power”, perhaps at a nearby public park.

    Upon delivery to each location, the recipient or one of the riders could read out some kind of brief, respectful, well written, and to-the-point proclamation, basic list of grievances, or other statement in public. At each stop, the recipient would then present the packet to the highest government official willing to accept delivery.

    It would be challenging to do real soon – Winter and all. But if the legs were short, I think it could be done despite the weather.

    Another thing to consider is permission from law enforcement and/or parade permits.

    This undertaking would require tremendous coordination from the “grassroots” up. But, considering the number of folks who have already signed on in support of saving our American wild horses and burros, and other equine welfare issues, we just might be able to pull it off.

    This is precisely the kind of action guaranteed by the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights. Let’s have some more input!


    • R.T., what’s your take on trying to organize these types of rides? Obviously, turning ideas into action will only work if enough folks commit to become involved, and not just commit, but FOLLOW THROUGH. Do you think the potential results would justify the effort?


      • Linda:

        I would like to know too! A ride on Washington would be such an attention drawing, public event that will call for demand of the public’s will. This event would take someone high up to organize and get all the proper permissions for.

        Could you imagine? Thousands of us on horseback? AMAZING.


      • Hi, Morgan. I think this would work best as a combination of top down and grassroots up, meeting somewhere in the middle.

        It would be great to have a powerful national organization get involved. One that already has the clout, structure, public image, and contacts to help pull something like this off.

        I sure would like to see thousands on horseback, but don’t think it would be allowed. The “powers that be” would probably see it as thousands of horses followed closely by a herd of street sweepers.

        Maybe a representative group of horses and riders, followed by a parade of horses in trailers bearing signs and banners.

        I don’t know how they could object to that. After all, we taxpayers foot the bill for our nation’s capitol and all that goes with it, good and bad (more like bad and good these days).

        We could try and organize local rides and/or events for the same date. The vast majority of folks won’t be able to get to Washington, but simultaneous actions across the country would help reinforce the message.


  50. If you think this is new for the United States to give and take away land it is not, as everyone knows. In 1830, the US government passed the Indian Removal Act and thousands of Native Americans were marched from their land (which they never considered they owned, since the idea of owning land was not in the consciousness of Native Americans–how can you own the land the sky?), in the dead of winter to government holding facilities in Oklahoma. Thousands perished along this Trail of Tears. The Native Americans lost their land, their spiritual connection to the land, their heritage, (which took a law in the 1970s to give them the right to express their heritage again and not the white man’s), and their freedom and way of life.

    The US government is breaking the 1971 Treaty for the Wild Horses and Burros. The reason? Simple. We want the land. The protected lands are diminishing along with the number of wild horses. The round ups march them inhumanely to government facilities where their way of life is lost forever. They say it is in the horses’ best interests. But that is just the white man speaking with forked tongue once again while breaking yet another treaty. This is the Wild Horses’ Trail of Tears.


    • Savewildhorses:

      You are right. Corruption in American Government is not new. However, the American people have become more apathetic towards government or overwhelmed with self preservation since 1776.

      I have an ancestor who walked the Trail of Tears. She survived. Her Christian name was Anna. She was one angry Cherokee woman the rest of her life.


      • Morgan – yes, you hit on something. I never knew or heard stories about my ancesters reaction to her walk on the trail. But, its like our treatment of terrorists. I had a coworker just retired 20 years military who was in Irag both times. He would say often of the terroist treatment under Bush, and just the overall war, if they weren’t terrorists before – guess what? We just made them terrorists!”

        Well, maybe that was, and always has been, the plan all along, “can’t have peace, how would the poor weapons suppliers every make a living?”

        And I believe we are in an awakening – when does being overwhelmed with self preservation slap one in the face enough times to wake up to the reality?

        We must save the Wild Horses, they are our symbol of what “could be”, of real freedom.

        I’ve commented too much today – But you all inspire me so!

        Love both ideas – the “Pony Express ride for Wild Horses” and “Trail of Tears ride for Wild Horses” backwards to D.C.! Hope those get pulled off.


      • I would love if we could get Native American tribes involved in the fight to save the wild horses on a large scale. It might be the healing we all need, white man, native american and wild horses. We have never reconciled the founding of this country on the backs of the Native Americans.


    • Savewildhorses, I love your statement further down at 6:46. There is a lot of reconcilliaton needed and this would be a great start. Especially since so many Americans share ancestry.


  51. I just visited Cattoor web site – Sue is claiming one or few (upsetting, I can’t remember now just minutes later) of the deaths are due to the roundup procedure.

    Sure all those 20 + mares were just about to abort when the helicopter came along! And that horse broke its back standing in the pen I suppose! HUGH!

    I’m not surprised by her crock anymore and others will read that hyprocrasy for what it is. Printed the page so if it gets changed I will know it.


  52. Here is my response from who ? we don’t know I sent out alot, BLM. Utah governors, Nevada governors and US District Courts where I think this might of came from. Notice how they all stick together…..keep it rolling and I think we should plan a big one in Washington. Now 43 dead, and that’s just what they admit to.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: ENRD, WebContentMgr (ENRD)
    Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 7:50 am
    Subject: Wild Horses and Burros

    Thank you for your e-mail regarding the recent proposal of the
    Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, to gather wild
    horses and burros. We appreciate and understand your interest in the
    well-being of wild horses and burros on public lands. The Department of
    Justice represents the United States, its agencies (including the
    Department of the Interior), and its officials in legal matters and
    cannot offer legal advice to private citizens. Although we cannot
    comment on the specific issues raised in your letter, please be assured
    that the Department of Justice and the Department of the Interior are
    committed to the rule of law and to the full and fair implementation of
    the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.


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