Horse News

Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis becomes YouTube Sensation

The Embarrassment of Wyoming - Rep. "Slaughterhouse" Sue Wallis

Yes ladies and gentlemen, “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, the embarrassment of Wyoming is now a internet sensation with the new release of  “”The Ballad of Slaughterhouse Sue” video.

Just last week Rep. Sue Wallis publicly broke her own state’s gaming laws by soliciting for raffle tickets  for a Nevada contest across the internet and state lines.  Co-conspirator, David Duquette from Oregon, likewise, solicited tickets in Oregon and across the internet without acquiring a gaming license as required by his state’s law.  Let’s not even go into the violations of their pro-slaughter lobbying, alleged, 501c (3) organisations, that’s the federal government’s job but you can read about the entire sordid affair by clicking (HERE)

But now you just don’t have to read about her, you can rock and roll with the music video that tells the story of Sue Wallis as it really is.

Kick off your shoes and dance around the killing pen with the Queen of Poor Ethics and Bad Taste  – “Slaughterhouse Sue


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15 replies »

  1. It has really great elements, but the song is so happy, it almost doesnt fit. Great job on the editing and the singing though, didnt know you were an expert on that. Can you do another one to the Kanye west song: how can you be so heartless? That would be a good one, thats a popular song with young people also.
    Can you send me that picture of the limo? Thats awesome.
    Keep up the creativity!


  2. Seeing a video such as this really enforces our first amendment that allows this publishement. With that said whoever made this video knows nothing about horses, the horse industry, or the severitiy of the over 200,000 starving horses in this country today. And folks that problem is getting worse day by day. Since the closures of the horse processing facilities, the problem of horse owners who can no longer care for them,mostly because of job loss have no where to sell them, even for a modest $500 or $600. It has been documented in every county of the US that horse abandament and abuse has risen 300% since the horses processing plants closed. So you that think that letting a horse starve to death is more humane than killing the horse humanely and using its meat to feed someone are really sick. The real lie is this video.


    • Tom, your comments are curious. Closing the plants hasn’t ended slaughter and in fact, last year was the second highest slaughter count since 1995. Since more horses were slaughtered than when the plants were open in the past many years, how do you equate the plants closing to an increase in starvation/abuse/neglect? If you want to use that argument, there should have been a decrease in the amount of horses slaughtered.

      So our question to you is why aren’t all those horses you speak of going to slaughter? There is nothing stopping them. Same auctions and same kill buyers. The only difference is that they are butchered alive on foreign soil instead of a foreign plant on US soil.

      I think it’s wonderful that you shot down your own argument. It makes our job so much easier because you are agreeing that slaughter does not prevent starvation, abuse and neglect. That also answers the question why there is the same thing going on in Canada where they have 7 plants. It also explains why there are more and more articles on US cows starving and being abused. Neglect has nothing to do with the availability of slaughter and you summed it up nicely for us.


  3. No, Tom, the real lie is you and Slaughterhouse Sue. Your lies have been debunked so often, I’m not even going to bother refuting your claims about “unwanted horses” except to ask if you have never heard of getting a vet to euthanize a horse? Yeah, it costs money instead of making money, but it’s humane. Sending a horse on a truck designed for cattle to a slaughterhouse designed for cattle as well is beyond inhumane. It’s hell. But, if that’s the best your sorry butt can do, slaughter is still just as available as ever. What do you care whether your horse goes to Texas or Mexico, Illinois or Canada? Just sell him to the meat men at your local auction and they’ll take care of the rest.

    You know what you and Sue are? You’re parasites. You’re maggots feeding off the carcasses of horses that never did anything wrong except fall into the hands of heartless slugs like you.


    • Tom, your worn out lies fall on deaf ears. You guys are really going to have to put your heads together to come up with something a little more creditable.

      133,000 American horses were sent across our boarders to be slaughtered in Mexico and Canada, last year. That is MORE horses slaughtered than when the plants were open, so your excuse bears no weight. Slaughter is alive, well and stronger than ever.

      The problem, now, for you guys is that EU is planning to take away your slaughter market and now you will have fewer places to throw your culls after breeding indiscriminately. Let’s see, maybe managing the problem at the front end instead of the backend would work? Naw, that would take some good ole “Horse-sense”, planning, accountability and…uh, uh….math.




  5. You know, instead of demonizing people who hold a different opinion than we do, it’s often instructive to see where you may share some common ground.

    I have immense respect and admiration for folks who’ve worked tirelessly to expose the BLM’s nonsensical policies and programs, and to support a sensible and compassionate approach to managing our wild horse bands. (ie: minimal interference, as originally laid out by Congress in 1971) I could go on at length about that, but I’ll spare you. My point is, simply put, to say thank you.

    I also have a tremendous regard for families who continue to try to eke out an honest living without buying into the Monsanto or Cargill or ADM or Tyson misery mill models. Traditional ranch and farm families deserve our respect and at the very least, a sincere attempt to listen to their concerns and points of view.

    It’s easy to tell other folks what you think they shouldn’t do, and a lot harder to come up with viable alternatives yourself.

    I’d love to see a bill introduced that actually addressed the underlying CAUSES of thousands of so-called “excess animals”. Just wait til the petroleum starts to run dry… they won’t be excess then.

    I’m also very curious about the numbers I’ve seen for export of US horses for slaughter. Can anyone point me to the source of these figures? It’s difficult to understand how that would even be economical, let alone sensible from the standpoint of any true (ie: non-welfare) rancher.

    When we start to talk about trying to change the things that we all agree are undesirable, the chances get a lot better that something will actually change.

    My prediction: 503 will go nowhere, because there’s way too much polarization on the issue. Thus, we’ll be stuck with the status quo. How does that help even one horse?

    Now if you want to start talking about a popular uprising against the BLM, the Farm Bill travesty, the running of our domestic agriculture programs for the benefit of big agribusiness by a bunch of Monsanto shills, I’m all ears.

    And lastly, stuff like this YT vid just undermines the credibility of people who are working in good faith to change the boneheaded (at best) practices of the BLM and the less-humane laws regarding animal welfare in this country. Honestly… makes us look like a bunch of peurile grade schoolers. Which sure doesn’t make the moral high ground feel too solid under my hooves. Y’know?


  6. there is human pond slime running around america. she certainly personifies it. who could vorte for human pond slime like her.


  7. The upbeat, whimsical feel of the video is contrary to the feelings stirred by both Sue Wallis and the BLM thugs. I agree with Red that we and Congress need to address the real underlying issues. Breeding is certainly one source of unwanted animals. How agribusiness contributes to the horse slaughter issue just went right over my head – Im not rejecting the idea, but Id like to know what the link is because it isnt clear to me. Tom’s contention that we have a surplus of horses who arent being slaughtered therefore more animal abuse and neglect is a really tired argument. It may be that there is more focus than ever before from animal welfare and rescue groups on reporting and correcting situations of abuse/neglect. I certainly do not believe that starvation is an acceptable outcome, however slaughterhouses should be off the table for consideration. Euthanasia is a common and humane means of putting down animals who are suffering or unwanted. Its not the best solution but its better than the extreme and vicious cruelty of horse slaughterhouses and continuing transport to slaughter.


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