Horse News

EU Bans Drug Tainted Horse Meat

By Suzanne Bush

Equine Love - by Terry Fitch

"We are NOT food" - by Terry Fitch

Beginning next year European Union (EU) countries will begin rigorous enforcement of food-safety regulations concerning horsemeat for human consumption. The regulations, aimed at ensuring food safety through traceability from farm to fork, ban meat tainted by drugs commonly given to horses, including antibiotics, wormers and bute.

While horsemeat is not sold in the US, it is exported from Canada and Mexico to the EU and to Japan, where it is considered a delicacy.  Many of the horses that are processed in Canadian and Mexican slaughter houses—abattoirs—come from the US, where currently there are no plants that process horsemeat.

EU Passport System

EU countries use a passport system for slaughter animals that documents the animal’s pharmacological history.  All countries that export food animals to the EU are required to have systems in place that mirror those in the EU.

Shelly Sawhook, President of the American Horse Defense Fund and a board member of the Equine Welfare Alliance, says that the regulations have been on the books for some time, but will be enforced beginning next year.  “In the EU, any animal going for slaughter, they have a passport,” she says. “Every time the vet checks the animal, gives it an antibiotic or anything else, it’s marked in their passport.  That way they can be assured that the animal doesn’t have anything that can harm people. That has been on the books for years.”

Medicines equines are routinely treated with have withdrawal periods – the time it takes residue clear their systems — some of which are known and some of which have not been studied.  EU residue-control requirements are non-negotiable and rigorously enforced.

Some Always Unsafe

But certain medications are considered unsafe under all circumstances, and horses treated with them will be banned from the EU food chain.  Among them are certain commonly used classes of antibiotics, called chloramphenicols and nitroimidazoles,  and growth hormones.

Dr. John Simms, a trustee of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA), and the equine specialist on the state’s Animal Health and Diagnostic Commission (AHDC) says that the EU regulations are similar to American regulations for animals produced for food, although in some cases they are more exclusive.

“I think that they’re going to deal with people that can supply them with a product that is safe.  I think the EU is going to be very particular about that.  There are a lot of things we use here that the EU doesn’t tolerate,” he says, explaining that it doesn’t mean there’s less safety here.   The EU, for instance, bans the use of growth-promoting hormones in animals destined for the food chain.  In addition, EU mandates labeling of genetically modified organisms, such as corn.

Simms says the problem with many of the drugs given to horses is that nobody—including the manufacturers—really knows what is safe, or how long residue will remain.  “Each one has a withdrawal time,” which varies.  “Some are labeled but most of them say not intended for use in horses that are going for consumption.  Period.  Because they don’t know what that answer is.”

He says that when horsemeat was exported from American abattoirs to the EU, food safety was paramount. “When horsemeat came from the US it was treated the same as other meat products.  They go through a very excellent process for food safety here, including doing kidney swabs (on carcasses) and looking for injection sites,” that are more apparent when the animal’s hide has been removed.  These processes would detect the presence of substances in the meat that could be harmful to consumers.

One possibility is that horses could be held in feedlots until the drugs clear from their systems, which will add to the cost of the final product and raise other issues, such as the standard of humane care.  The Canadian abattoirs are reluctant to discuss how these regulations may impact sales to the EU.  The Unwanted Horse Coalition had no comment, as they said they had not studied the regulatory changes.

Economic Woes Affect Horses, Too

Meanwhile, people who, due to tough economic times are unable to care for their horses, and unwilling to ask veterinarians to put the horses down have, according to news reports, been abandoning them.  One report, an April, 2009 New York Times article, cited horses found wandering in forests and starving in bare fields, and said that police in states across the country were then reporting increasing incidents of abandoned horses.

Organizations like the Equine Welfare Alliance dispute those claims. They contend that anecdotes of abuse arising from economic hardship are extrapolated to conclusions for which data just do not exist.

The Unwanted Horse Coalition, on the other hand, recently released findings from a study based on 27,000 respondents.  That study, the first attempt to quantify the unwanted horse problem, indicated that respondents believe equine abuse is on the rise, partly as a result of economic problems.

According to the study, “the problem of unwanted horses is not only perceived to be increasing significantly, its detrimental effects are being noticed and felt across the country.”  The study also found that an overwhelming percentage of respondents believes that abuse and neglect of horses is increasing.

Sawhook dismisses reports of increased abandonment.  “Every year there’s a minor amount of horses that are abandoned.  That has not increased in this country since the slaughter houses were closed.” She says the reports are propaganda, perpetrated by individuals and groups pushing their own agendas.

Individuals associated with the Equine Welfare Alliance and opposed to horse slaughter have compiled extensive files of correspondence from every state about incidents of equine abandonment.  They say that they can find no evidence that these incidents have been increasing as dramatically as media reports indicate.  Rather, they claim that the reports fuel efforts to reopen plants that would process horsemeat.

In their 2007 study titled “Deleting the Fiction: Abandoned Horses,” Terry Torrence, John Holland and Valerie James-Patton followed up on media reports of abandoned horses.  They contacted the relevant authorities in each case, to find out whether, in fact, media reports were accurate.  Their lengthy report contains reprints of all correspondence between the researchers and the authorities.  The researchers could find no corroboration by Park Service employees, local police, elected officials, veterinarians, etc., and concluded that somehow anecdotes became fact through repetition and amplification in the media.

For example, the researchers cited a 2007 Associated Press report that claimed Kentucky was overrun with abandoned horses.  The AP story detailed sightings of large herds of abandoned horses roaming around reclaimed strip mines. They contacted the governor of Kentucky, U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield, of Kentucky’s First District, the Kentucky Animal Care and Control Association, and the Kentucky State Police, and none could verify any of the information contained in the AP story.

US Slaughter Houses to Reopen?

Until 2007, there US abattoirs processed horses, exporting their meat to Europe and Japan.  Many of the horses were purchased at auctions like the one in New Holland.  All US plants were closed due to strong public sentiment against horse slaughter, but that did not stop the processing of horsemeat.  Estimates vary about how many horses from the US are sent to abattoirs in Canada and Mexico every year, but there are probably at least 75,000.

Using reports of the rising number of abandoned horses as a rationale, Montana, Missouri, North and South Dakota are considering reopening plants that would process horsemeat.

The issue of US abattoirs and EU regulations are now converging, but it’s unclear what the impact will be on equines.  Sawhook believes that the impact will be minimal. Instead, she believes that horses’ destinies are already written by the characters of their owners.  “I see it as more of a neutral thing.  People who are cruel enough to abuse or starve a horse were always cruel enough to abuse and starve a horse, and they always will be.  The more humane folks are going to find an option.  They’ll find a buyer, they’ll find a rescue.”  Abusers, she believes, are bad actors independent of economic forces.

Nonetheless, Sawhook says that it will be difficult to actually reopen a slaughter house where horsemeat will be processed.  “The US Congress has spoken very clearly.  The USDA cannot provide inspectors for the horsemeat plants.”  Without inspections, and the regulatory framework the EU requires, the meat cannot be sold in Europe.

Equine Welfare Debate

The dispute about whose data are correct only makes the debate about how to ensure the well-being of horses more contentious.  Just as recent discourse in the US surrounding health care reform has showcased more anger than facts, equine welfare discussions have historically been hampered by the lack of quantifiable research and an abundance of emotion.  For now, it’s unclear how the EU regulations will affect the number of horses sent to Canadian and Mexican abattoirs.  If they cannot establish a source and ownership history for each horse, it’s difficult to see how the abattoirs can comply with EU requirements for residue-control plans.

The routine treatment of horses with dewormers, antibiotics and other substances would seem to exclude most of the US horse population from export to the EU.  There is not a traditional industry of breeding horses for their meat, so there is no way to ensure the EU’s goal of traceability from farm to fork.  All of this would seem to imply that the current model of importing horses from the US for slaughter would no longer be economically viable.

And then there is the possibility of reopening plants in the US.  It would require an act of Congress to change current rules about funding USDA inspectors.  Given the intense emotions surrounding this issue, horse slaughter in this country will be off the table for the foreseeable future.

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11 replies »

  1. The AVMA is going to try to implement a chip system that keeps track of all medications given to a horse throughout its life, and they are going to try to convince horse owners that their horse needs the chip in order to find it when it gets lost or stolen. This is how they will get around this latest little hurdle. But it might slow them down for a little while if we are lucky.


    • I am, by no means, against microchipping as the process turned disasters into success stories in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Louisiana.

      Somehow, in Louisiana, all the Vets were under the impression that microchipping horses was a state law. When we moved to LA from Texas we were required to microchip all of our guys, I actually thought it was rather progressive for a state that seems to always be on top of the bad lists and on the bottom of the good lists, they were thinking ahead.

      We did not realize the full, positive impact of microchipping until we began pulling horses out of the debris of hurricane Katrina. LSU Vet School and Habitat for Horses teamed up and over 200 hundred horses were rescued but the good news does not end, there. ALL of the horses were returned to their rightful owners due to their identifies and contact information being listed in the embedded microchips, we were ecstatic and the same scenario played out after the Rita disaster, Terry placed all the horses back with their owners. (Come to find out, microchipping was not an LA law only a perceived mandate. But overall, the misconception paid great dividends.)

      In normal practice this would, also, be great for keeping track of a horse’s medical records but, as Simone has stated, if there is a way for anti-horse people to twist and pervert a good practice, they will do it. But I do not think we should fear the practice of microchipping as it has the potential to do more good than harm.


    • Actually Simone its the AAEP which Tom Lenz who once paid a visit to Mexican slaughter plants with planned timing to broadcast a clean and humane treatment at plants.

      Tom Lenz has partnered with other associates that are pro slaughter to create this RFID chip.
      This program is simliar to the SouthWestern Cattle Raisers Association to prevent stolen horses from going to slaughter and to find stolen horses. Which these people were getting paid $3.00 per horse slaughtered at Texas plants.

      Its a big cover up to make profits off the chips, slaughter and the Overbreeders Association. A win win for all pro slaughter officals and again the Oaths that the AAEP and the AVMA took to protect horses are failed again.

      This is also a coverup to make people think that the EU rules being spread around will halt slaughter which if false.

      What makes people think the EU will stick to there rules as Animal Angels have documented in the transport of live horses from Spain to Italy the rules are being ignored and not enforced. The same will happen here but with false documentation and no enforcement.

      You can never trust an Organization that breaks and ignore its Oaths.

      Also new news I have obtain a visit and info from BLM officals the leasing contact with Cavel is over and no slaughtering is going on with sheep and lamb. New owner ship has be obtained. I know who but cannot release the info just yet..


      • Tommy, one of my big concerns is that the 180 day rule will simply be pencil whipped, anyway! We are not dealing with ethical folks, here.

        I surely don’t think this will end slaughter, but it is another tool to use to focus people’s attention on this predatory business.


  2. During times of great human economic hardships in America, there is a sharp increase of spousal abuse, child abuse, elder abuse, theft, violent crimes, gang related crime, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide, homelessness, poverty, hunger, sickness & disease. Shelter, food pantries, advocates, social programs and county human resource departments can barely keep up with all the need & beg our federal government to send adequate aid.

    Yet, with all this true & accurately reported human suffering going on, focus is 100% misplaced. I say DISBAND(!) agencies like The Unwanted Horse Coalition wasting time and federal taxpayers dollars to spew out weak arguments in support of equine slaughter in the U.S. They need to be banned from handing out nonsensical so-called fact finding of unwanted and abandoned horses. To the coalition: Close up your mouths and open your eyes for once. Visit all the human societies and horse rescue operations nation wide. See them spilling over with animals of all types taken after the owner’s surrender.

    Equine slaughter IS NOT an issue of good & loving owners stupidly setting a domestic horse free. It’s about purposeful, money grubbing, self indulging, soul-less breeders dumping thousands of horses into a sick system with profit being the name of the game. It’s about federal agencies running amuck with their tongues waging after dollar signs, clearing land of their newly labeled ‘invasive’ species so the land can be blindly raped of energy and minerals.

    George Bernard Shaw:
    We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

    George Santayana:
    Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    My thought are repeatedly taken back to the near destruction of the Native American peoples, the Buffalo, the wolves, the cougars, the bobcats, and all the furred wild creatures trapped to extinction.


  3. This is good news. I wrote to the EU more than a yr ago on this very issue, cc’d to others in power here in Canada, local MP’s and our PM. (my letters were probably not the only ones as I am sure others saw the same things).

    It is well documented in govt reports about the lack of proper food inspection regulations. I will not go into detail about the other inspectors (horse welfare) that are not there either when they should be.
    (the site also highlights the “EU bans drugs” news and items well worth reading)

    I agree with the person in the comment before me “Equine slaughter IS NOT an issue of good & loving owners stupidly setting a domestic horse free”.
    Our governments profit hugely and at the same time other “sores” erupt: Horse farms that supply the slaughter plants are springing up everywhere, farms that ignore proper breeding practices and the welfare of the horses in their care. (No inspectors there either and we only find out about it when we read the sad stories in the News).

    When I wrote the letters I was hoping that if we cannot stop the slaughter due to govt interests invested, surely we can begin to stop it on the issue of “tainted meat” due to wormers and other drugs given to our horses.

    Horses in the kill lines still have shoes on and bridle paths cut into their manes, obviously riding horses that would have been given vet and other medications. (Labels clearly state: “not to be given to horses intended for food”).

    We know about the “beef uproar” between the US, Canada, EU and WOF. I read some of the older reports. Horsemeat was included even then.
    The tainted meat findings can be the catalyst and let’s keep fighting to ensure that “Cloud” and others like him, along with their herds, will not be sacrificed upon the alter of North American greed.


      • Your welcome. The CDHC (Canadian Defend the Horse Coalition) is a good resource and have excellent people working there.
        I just receieved email from them that something is being worked on that includes the US issues.

        The latest news on the capture of the Cloud Herd is heartbreaking. We must not give up tho and can still make calls and work with those in power, to help the horses.
        for more info go to:


      • Ecenith,

        Is it possible that you are reading old news releases on Cloud and the Pryor Mt. range herds? Since the Labor Day roundup and the subsequent adoption event, there has been news to rejoice over. 19 of the Mustangs were adopted/purchased by the Cloud Foundation & supporters. The horses are roaming 3,000 acres of private land in the shadow of the Pryor Moutains. Cloud and other Mustangs that were released are starting to heal from roundup injuries. We have been told that most of other 38 Pryor Mustangs captured have been adopted to very good homes. I know this not the ideal situation. Leaving these Spanish Mustangs alone in the wild was best.

        Right now I am following the roundups being conducted in Wyoming, Nevada and North Dakota. There are people from the public watching over the roundups as much as they are allowed by the authorities, to make sure the Mustangs (and 1 mule) are treated humanely. It does appear that the tremendous public & professional pressure on the Federal agencies has made an impact. We will have to wait for advocates to report back what they saw & took photos of. However, we won’t stop until the ROAM ACT is passed into law, the 1971 Act is restored, the Burns Amendment is dead and buried putting bill #S727 into law permenently.

        I am really glad you are reporting what is being done in Canada for equine advocacy. Merci’ boucoup! I have always been a big fan of the Canadian Mounties! And a big Maple Leafs fan.


  4. thank you Morgan, and I have since caught up on most of the recent news..great info here and will pass this on to the CDHC and others.
    I am so glad people are watching the current roundups.
    thank you also for the “Canuck” comments. 🙂


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