Search results for ‘AB329

Equine Advocacy Proves It Has Clout

(In my most Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/Director of HfH Advisory Council Collective Honesty Wins Big for the Horses and Burros I had intended to give you a few Sunday jollies by sharing some of the ludicrous and spiteful hate mail that has come my way […]

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Wild Horses in Nevada Catch a Break

Update: SFTHH has just received a phone call that the Nevada Legislators did not pass the controversial bill AB329 which would have stripped wild horses and burros of their “wildlife” classification and left them without access to water in the one of the country’s most arid states.

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Nevada Welfare Ranchers Cannot Compute the Wild Horse Debate

Don’t stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

A horse walks into a bar.

The bartender comes over and says, “Why the long face?”

Who knows, maybe the equine was a mustang that had just heard about AB329, the malodorous pile of legislation that should be drawing flies and instead is attracting bipartisan support from Nevada elected officials who should know better. An element of the legislation, which has already passed a vote in the Assembly by a wide margin, changes the definition of “wildlife” to included “any wild animal, wild bird, reptile amphibian, mollusk or crustacean naturally found in a wild state whether indigenous to Nevada or not and whether raised in captivity or not. The term does not include any horse or burro.”

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Nevada “Welfare Rancher’s” Anti-Wild Horse and Burro Propaganda Exposed

It all started last winter with a self appointed committee the “The Feral Horse Committee of the Nevada Wildlife Commission” which consists of only a handful of “welfare ranchers” who want the wild horses & burros off their leased lands in Nevada. A handful of us were there and when we asked how can you guys feel so darn threatened by the handful of horses, how come you don’t feel so threatened by the deer, or elk or bunnies for that matter? Mike Stremler’s answer was:

“Well you wear nice clothes, how would you like it if my wife came and stole all your clothes out of your closet.”

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Facebook Protest Mounts Against Nevada’s Attempt to Kill Off Native Wild Horses

We are asking all available wild horse advocates to attend this hearing. DON’T LET OUR LEGISLATORS DO THIS TO THE HORSES. AB 329 will be heard on Friday May 13 . The Senate committee on Natural Resources meets in room 2144 in the legislative building. NOTE: The normal meeting time for this committee is 3:30. However, this meeting is to begin upon adjournment of a different committee meeting, but no later than 3:30. We suggest we arrive at the legislative building no later than 2:00. You need time to park and get to the hearing room. The address and parking instructions are at the bottom of this message.

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