Tag: Tyson Larson

Nebraska Shamed by Horse Eating Senators

Yesterday we ran the article on the insanity that is the Nebraska Senate and it’s perverted pursuit of bringing bloody horse slaughter to their state. When you consider the source I can understand why baby faced and immature Sen. Tyson Larson thinks killing and eating horses is a cool thing to do, hell, he has hung out with “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Davie “Doink” Duquette and in so doing he has caught the disease; it’s highly contagious you know…where I come from it’s called “butt ugly stupid”. By rubbing elbows, and God knows what else, this little newbie legislator has contracted the cancer of dumb and dumber so he has been coached on ignoring the facts, speaking falsehoods and worshiping special interests as that is where the good ole money comes from.

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Nebraska Takes Lead in State Anti-Animal Welfare Legislation

Chicago (EWA) – Each year, as state legislatures start their new sessions, there is a rash of new state bills. Invariably, many of these are ill advised, unconstitutional, or even irrational.

Early indications are that this year will prove to be record setting. Not only does much of the proposed animal related legislation violate federal law but it is a clear message from extremists in the Agricultural community of a total disregard for animal welfare and a deep vitriol for organizations that promote it.

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