Horse News

Wyoming Editor Gives “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Both Barrells

Originally published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle on Sunday, May 2, 2010.  Posted in June 16, 2010

Horse Meat from Here? Just Say No

Wyoming's Rogue Representative "Slaughterhouse" Sue Wallis

So Dale Steenbergen at the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce has no comment on a proposed horse slaughter facility here.

Well, here’s one suggestion:

Not only no, but hell no!

That should be the message coming from Mr. Steenbergen, the Cheyenne City Council, the Laramie County Commission, Cheyenne LEADS, this area’s legislative delegation, the governor (who signed this ill-conceived legislation) and anyone else who cares about progress and prosperity in this community.

There are so many things wrong with this proposal from state Rep. Sue Wallis, R-Recluse, that it is hard to keep track of them. But let’s focus on the most important one: Cheyenne’s image.

How could Mr. Steenbergen and other community officials here not speak out — very loudly — against a proposal that will draw national disdain?

Does Cheyenne want to be known to potential employers and possible technology-minded residents (remember, the world’s largest supercomputer soon will be opening here) as a progressive community or as one that imports horses and puts some 7,000 of them to death every year?

Do community leaders hope to attract tourists or chase them away? Are they willing to face a potential national boycott from such groups as the Humane Society simply to allow a rogue state representative and her investors to try to peddle horse meat from Wyoming?

Does the Chamber of Commerce want people to enter town along a newly renovated West Lincolnway only to look across the railroad tracks and see holding pens for horses awaiting their turn in a slaughterhouse, mobile or not?

No, this is not what Cheyenne in 2010 should be about — not to mention such issues as the odors of holding and slaughtering of horses and the environmental implications of such a facility — and its leaders need to consistently speak up until this project is laid to rest for good.

It is true that the issue of what to do with horses as they reach the end of their lives is problematic. And parts of Ms. Wallis’ proposal make sense.

She would bring in the horses, triage them and then move out those that can be adopted or rescued. Unfortunately, the rest would be killed in some yet-to-be-explained “humane way.” Then the meat would be sold — though to whom and for what use remains unclear, given that there presently is no market for it.

But the city of Cheyenne must not be the location for this experiment. If Ms. Wallis wants it so badly, let her propose it for her hometown of Recluse in northeastern Wyoming, about 80 miles east of Sheridan, and see the reaction she gets there.

We are tired of Ms. Wallis trying out her far-out ideas (such as ending inspections on home-based foods) on the people of this state. But we are even more unhappy that she wants to add horse slaughter in Cheyenne to the mix. Local leaders like Mr. Steenbergen need to tell her to go away — in no uncertain terms.

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12 replies »

  1. Yup he put it to ol Sue. I doubt that she will get it but hopefully this will make the populace at large wake up to the fact that there are routes to take while vacationing that can bypass Wyoming altogether. Gotta avoid the stench of that slaughterhouse.


    • Sorry I go to WY every year to see family. We may be anti slaughter–believe it or not not everyone in WY is pro slaughter.

      Besides to go see Cloud you have to venture into WY/Montana. You can always choose to go and spend as little as possible on knicks knacks and what not.

      The only other way into Yellowstone that I know is through Idaho. But then you have to go through Utah etc.

      Sure is a shame that instead of paying tax–you pay an equal amount to someone like the Pryor Mountain Mustang Center (which is located in WY). They’d get the money, you get the tax break plus feeling better about where your tax dollars are going. And Sue wouldn’t get her grimy paws on anything.


  2. I’m starting to think that the “big” entities supporting the current (or expansion for that matter) equine slaughter system are using good ole’ sloppy Sue as a distraction and cover for the bigger things they are trying to do or at a minimum, buy time as they know they are facing the end of this kind of business here, in Canada AND Europe. .

    Yeah, she and Doink are 19th Century fractured fairy tale characters, but I think the “real enemies” of equines (and humans) love these knuckleheads.


    • Well, even the “big” interests have to follow the law, and no matter what country the facility is in, the EU rules about traceability will still apply. And no American horse can meet those rules. Of course, this is something none of the pro-slaughter camp EVER discusses.


  3. There is no humane way to euthanize a horse for food PERIOD. To attempt to do so crosses a slippery slope where horses will be bred and treated inhumanely in the process. The only way to end this debate is to control the breeders and stop over-breeding horses.
    Too simple a concept for politicians with fiscal interests to grasp.


  4. Hopefully with CFD approaching, more people will rally against this disgusting woman and her ugly ideas! Glad the WTE has come out against her horrific ideas.


  5. Sue Wallis appears to be pure evil. Her comments seem obscene, and her determination to slaughter horses is beyond contempt.
    What is wrong with this woman? Is she in some kind of collusion with the slaughter industry or is she trying to rid the nation of horses to please ranchers, who seem to want to encroach on the land that legally should be inhabited by our wild horses. Our beloved and beautiful horses seem to be getting destroyed from all sides, everybody has an evil agenda, with BLM running them to death or making them sick by cramming them in pens, and this hideous woman wants to slaughter them, It is clear that supposed leaders in this country can no longer be trusted. How did this woman get elected? I’m ashamed that she is a Republican. Hopefully someone with compassion, integrity and decency will be elected soon. PLEASE SAVE OUR HORSES FROM THIS HIDEOUS WOMAN AND FROM SALAZAR AND BLM.


  6. I was at Cal Expo on Sat and talked to a cowboy/rancher. He was pro slaughter. I asked him how could he send his most trusted friend to an end like this. His reply was the standard but what about cows. I told him we don’t ride Bessie. Bessie didn’t help break ground from New York to CA. Bessie hasn’t helped harvest foods and grain. But what about the cow who has faithfully given milk for years?? You don’t have the same bond.

    I told him about the captive bolt and it was designed for cattle not horses. And that untrained employees are administering the bolt. I gave this man the most current example I could. A couple months back there was a deer that got into someone’s backyard/carport area. The police in their profound wisdom decided that this deer needed to be put down on the spot. HS was on their way–some 30 mins out. The police for all their training had to shoot the deer 7 times before they killed her. And she suffered for 90 secs bleeding out.

    He asked me about rogue horses. I told him there is nothing wrong with humane euthansia. He asked me about what to do for horses that have reached the end of their useful ranch lives. I told him about Barb who lives in Montana who buys canners and now how ranchers calling her to take their horses. These horses are sound are bomb proof. They would make an excellent first horse for a beginner rider/timid one. They just can’t stand 10 hrs a day of uphill and down. I suggested he get online and start researching out places to rehome his horse.

    It was kinda funny because there was this dressage dvd on. I told him that those horses (ranchers) may never be dressage capable but that they would make great choice for a timid rider.

    I may not have made a difference on Sat. I can only hope that I gave him something to think about in a positive way. Maybe at some point he will reconsider his position. And that would mean my life made the difference in another horse’s life. And just how cool would that be???


  7. And THAT is how you make a difference in the world. One thoughtful exchange at a time. You have my heartfelt thanks and admiration, Margaret.


  8. To go along with the rest of the legislation she writes or sponsors is the Wyoming Food Freedom Act. It is nothing more than her way of getting around the federal law restricting the sale of horse meat for human consumption. My wife and I rescue mustangs which the woman has had in her sights for years. Now she is working on a semi based mobile slaughter house. I really doubt that she is worried about restricted cookie sales at school.

    Time we get her out of office people — our horses depend on it.


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