Horse News

DC March for Mustangs – The Nation is Speaking but is Anyone Listening

by R.T. Fitch – author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Obama still turns Deaf Ear to Wild Horse Deaths

Wild Horse Advocates before mounted Police - Photo by Terry Fitch

It sort of turns the average citizen on their ear when they write, call, fax, email and even go directly to Washington D.C. only to be greeted by a wall of total silence.  For years Americans have been demanding that the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) cease their senseless stripping of native wild horses from public lands yet they have continued to do so.  In fact, this year the pace has accelerated to the point that there is true doubt over how many wild horses still exist in their native habitat.

This past week, dozens of law abiding citizens left their homes, family and jobs to participate in a rally in Washington D.C. called “March for Mustangs’, an effort to highlight the the need to stop the deadly helicopter round-ups conducted by the BLM.  Participants not only walked the halls of the Congress and Senate but they joined in a rally before the White House and marched to the Department of Interior building.

Everyone attending was a celebrity for taking the time and spending their own funds to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  There is an Op-Ed/Commentary stirring within this story but oftentimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  So we share with you a pictorial collage of the people who are battling the federal government in an effort to save our wild horses from extinction (Please see below)

This Video is Dedicated to all of the Advocates who give of Themselves for the sake of the Wild Horses

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30 replies »

  1. Thank you so much for all of these photos, R.T. , and to all you were there. IF Obama doesn’t respond to this it will show a total lack of compassion IMO. Sure health care and other issues are important but what will America be if it loses its wild horses and burros. I have wondered if because they are a symbol of our freedon that is the real reason they are being wiped out? Is this some kind of attempt to break our spirits as well? Look what was done to the Native Americas and their horses .Is history repeating itself?


  2. I was thinking when I heard this on Fri if it was possible that this was the Park’s police way of supporting us? They can’t come out and say so–if they want to keep their jobs. Maybe it was there silent way of support.

    Either way it seems silly that a PLANNED PROTEST, that was organized and had all there ducks in a row (paper work etc), was met with such hostility. What is the BLM afraid of? That the wild horse advocates MIGHT JUST be right? That there methods are insane, there numbers are without any science–drawn from the air, and that Kennie Salazar is REALLY FOR THE CATTLE???

    I grew up in the Wash area many years ago. I love going home. In the past–security doesn’t treat tourists like that–at least not in my experience. So what–there were 100 people protesting WITHOUT threat of violence–as in PEACEFULLY–and they were met with armed guards, a motor officer, and then mounted police who acted all supreme???

    What happened to our right to gather? to march peacefully, to holler chants (that is what you do at rally’s). That isn’t being a danger, that isn’t some terrist movement. All the wonderful people that were able to be in attendence at the 4 differnet sites–were calling on the Adminstration to do something–rather than just look blankly at us–like we were pond scum.

    One thing’s for damn sure–Obama had better start talking–because when he comes up for re-election I won’t vote for him.

    Obama your silence is deafening.



    • You took the words right out of my mouth, Margaret. WHAT is going on? I mean, after all this, not ONE word from the White House? How can it possibly be an “oversight”? It can’t. This total silence has a purpose, bet on it.

      I voted for Obama too, but I won’t next time unless he does something very dramatic very quickly.


  3. I just watched the video. I was just wondering–how about trying to impeach Obama? He talks about transparency and Open Adminstration but so far all we’ve heard is deafening silence.



  4. What a beautiful slide show. Thank you for giving our mustangs the voice they deserve. I will tell all of those members of my party soliciting campaign donations that the $ I had reserved for them will go to the cause of the mustangs, until they start responding to their constituency, rather than a handful of good ol’ boys.

    You guys rock!


    THANK YOU R. T. and Terry
    And Thank You to everyone who made the trip to DC
    to speak for our wild horses and burros.


  6. Thank you so much RT for EVERYTHING!!! I just saw the greatest sign “YES WE CAN SAVE THE WILD HORSES” great sign. YES WE CAN!!! We need bumperstickers eh?


  7. What a tribute to the DC week! I was laughing and crying simultaneously during the video–thank you and Terry for this great piece. I feel like I came home with a bunch a great new “old friends.” My husband pointed out the men on the roof of the white house n the video watching us as we made our way west to the BLM building–I definitely think that we had a voice in DC this week. I came home exhilarated and pumped to keep up the momentum. There are a lot of people up for re-election this year–let them not forget.


    • I forgot to add one more quote from the guards at the BLM building. One in our group was taking video (she was staying in her place off the steps,) and a guard commented to her that “you shouldn’t take video of the building; you could get shot for that.” Needless to say, that was quite startling to hear a threat like that. Some of these people need to go back to kindergarten and learn how to play nicely with others.


      • You should report this to the FBI and the Dept of Justice. That is an OUTRAGE! Since when are public buildings off limits for photography or video? Are they requiring every tourist to DC to avoid photographing the buildings in our capitol? I really think you should report this and it should go the the national news media too — they certainly would be on the side of any media person who was being prevented BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT from filming a peaceful rally in a public place that had been fully permitted.


      • I am in the process of putting that clip up on youtube. I will post a link when it is up.


      • This is so outrageous!

        If threats like these ever happen again at any peaceful, permitted rally, GET A NAME AND BADGE NUMBER! Law enforcement is required to provide that information, and you should have grounds for harassment.
        Also, get statements from witnesses.

        Should anyone wish to pursue it, the video/audio should be adequate proof if the guard is recognizable. More so if witnesses are willing to sign affidavits.


  8. The March 8, 2010, New Yorker magazine includes a profile of Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago written by Evan Osnos. I recommend the piece for insight into President Obama (and his right-hand man and pragmatist-in-chief David Axelrod). The article draws a parallel between the “voracious pragmatism” of Obama and the “Get it done” philosophy of Mayor Daley; a philosophy that Michael Bloomberg of New York describes as “Beg for forgiveness, not for permission.” Millennium Park–a controversial redevelopment project in Chicago’s city center–was finally completed “four years late,” “hundreds of millions” over budget, despite the city’s “howls,” and then, as Osnos puts it, “people moved on.”

    President Obama set ambitious goals for domestic energy development. Despite the “howls” from states, local communities, environmentalists and equine advocates (freedom fighters), the Administration presses ahead with its plans. I think they believe that people will “move on” once the wind farms, solar fields and gas lines are in place. I think they got this one wrong.


  9. Everyone at the rallys you are my heros! You have so obviously made an impact. I got a real sense from the pictures of the confidence of truth – and truth will ultimalty win out. You all rock!

    Why not consider spinning the mounted patrol as there for the advocates benefit? When you read some of the opposition when RT lets them through or just go to You Tube or PBS Cloud blog – they are downright threatening and name calling towards us. The mounted patrol did not say “why” they were there lets play it up to our advantage and thank them for coming out?

    Loved the sign “Salazar resign!” If only…


    • My take is that the mounted police were almost paying homage to the protesters. I don’t believe they were there to threaten you all.


  10. Not only must the round ups be stopped but every single Mustang jailed must be given amnesty and returned to it’s home. A single Federal Judge or Presidential order can do it. OR we need to buy every one of our horses back and turn them loose.


  11. Thank you Terry and RT for putting this together, it’s great 🙂 The mounted, if they wanted to be there with us or not, their horses were, for their wild cousins and that made my day.


  12. Frank Mancuso :Not only must the round ups be stopped but every single Mustang jailed must be given amnesty and returned to it’s home. A single Federal Judge or Presidential order can do it. OR we need to buy every one of our horses back and turn them loose.

    You hit the nail dead on the head! Executive Order from Obama to suspend all round-ups until (1) a legitimate, verifiable (involving welfare groups) census is taken; and, (2) the NEW PLAN from BLM is agreed to by Congress through a committee process with speakers and a vote by Congress. Remember, Salazar works at the pleasure of and FOR Obama…not Congress. It should always be the people they work for, but the reality is Salazar works for his boss, Obama.

    As to the “buy every mustang/burro” back concept…it feeds into the DOI/BLM removal mindset. However, if it buys those animals time until they are eventually returned to their homes, I agree.

    The US Park Police for a permited protest was the best compliment Salazar could have paid us, outside of actually having the testicles to receive the letter on the steps. A coward…but aren’t all horse beaters?


  13. Kathleen :You should report this to the FBI and the Dept of Justice. That is an OUTRAGE! Since when are public buildings off limits for photography or video? Are they requiring every tourist to DC to avoid photographing the buildings in our capitol? I really think you should report this and it should go the the national news media too — they certainly would be on the side of any media person who was being prevented BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT from filming a peaceful rally in a public place that had been fully permitted.

    Where did I put that pesky Bill of Rights the government seems to find so inconvenient?

    This is just the kind of fresh meat that appeals to the media. Since the government isn’t listening, the media (the “fourth estate”, dedicated to keeping government honest) is the best option. It should be put to them exactly that way – the government isn’t listening, and you’re our last hope. Most media people love fighting for the underdog, or, in this case, the “underhorse”.

    I think we should try to get permission to circulate Blade’s story to the media. It’s so well written, personal, and complete. It really got to me. I read it every time I get disheartened, and remember the wild ones I’m fighting for.


  14. RT, this is such an inspiring story and video. Again, I want to thank everyone involved. Should have put this up first, but all the injustice makes me so darn angry!


  15. That woman is talking out of her youknowwhat. You can photograph the building. She should be reported for threatening a “tourist.”


  16. A troubling niggling thought comes to mind, for about 20 years now I have had this prophecy bu Nostradamus (Sp. and may not be his exact words) but it goes to the effect that the next Anti-Christ will come from the East and he will be someone who at first appears to be an ally/friend. I am not one to get into Philosophy but it is just something that has always been at the back of my mind. Seeing what is going on today seems to be following along these lines and worries me 😦


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